Murray International Trust PLC
(the "Company")
4 June 2013
The Company announces that it has reached agreement with the Royal Bank of Scotland plc (the "Bank") under which a new aggregate £120 million sterling loan ("the Loan") has been made available to the Company and the existing JPY ¥10.7bn loans with the Bank have been confirmed.
The purpose of the Loan is to refinance the existing JPY ¥8.2bn loan with Barclays Bank plc, to increase the overall facilities available to the Company in light of the Company's increase in size and to confirm the financing of the existing JPY ¥10.7bn facilities with the Bank.
The Loan is being made available by way of two £60 million facilities repayable in 4 and 5 years' time which will incur interest at all-in rates of 2.21% and 2.575% respectively.
The existing JPY ¥8.4bn facility repayable on 13 May 2015 and the existing JPY ¥2.3bn facility repayable on 16 February 2014 are fixed at all-in interest rates of 3.17% and 2.03%, respectively.
For further information please contact:
Charles Mearns
Aberdeen Asset Management PLC
Company Secretary
Tel. 0131 528 4132