Final Results

Independent Resources PLC 23 November 2007 Independent Resources plc Final Results for the fifteen month period ended 30 September 2007 Highlights • Partnership discussions at Rivara • Positive results from Fiume Bruna • New prospects mapped at Ksar Hadada, partnership discussions • Loss before taxation: £656,359 (2006: £454,691 for 12 months) • Liquid resources as at 30 September 2007: £2.56 million Chairman's statement In reporting the progress made by Independent Resources plc ('Independent Resources', the 'Company' or the 'Group') in the 15 month period ended 30 September 2007, I would like to begin by relaying some very powerful comments made recently by Fulvio Conti, CEO of Enel S.p.A., the Italian power and gas company. In a presentation made to Italy's Chamber of Deputies on 25 September 2007, he reminded them of Italy's extreme and growing dependence on imported natural gas to meet its energy needs. He pointed out, in particular, that in January 2006 all sources of gas supplies (import transportation, national production and gas from storage) were at their technical limits despite government interventions to limit consumption. He also highlighted the difficult and time-consuming authorisation process for all energy assets which would allow Italy to enjoy a less precarious situation. In addition, he reminded the Members of Parliament that Italy's annual demand for gas is expected to grow by another 15 billion cubic meters over the nine year period following the crisis of almost two years ago, which laid bare just how vulnerable Italy's energy infrastructure has become. Our shareholders are already well aware that against this backdrop and with its planned underground storage facility ('UGS') at Rivara in the Po Valley, Independent Resources has positioned itself to become a key player in Italy's gas storage market. We must recognise, however, that the project is not moving as quickly as we would like, despite continued positive momentum with environmental clearances. We are having to spend time carefully communicating to a concerned local population both the benign aspects and the material benefits of the planned facility and although we can rely on the national and regional governments to remind everybody what is at stake, we are seeking above all to carry the local community with us. In the coming months we believe that we will be in a position to provide the guarantees that the local population justly demands, fully addressing issues of fundamental public interest. As we announced in June, one key aspect of our approach has been the engagement of Italy's Banca Intesa San Paolo to advise us on negotiations with leading players involved in the gas supply and distribution industry who are actively seeking a stake in the Rivara project. Our appointment of advisers followed approaches from major integrated and non-integrated gas majors, who are keen to become users and/or operators of a large, high-performance storage asset located at the central point of Italy's gas supply system. Many gas operators in Italy are unable to execute a long-term business plan without predictable access to significant, low-cost and reliable storage. We are currently reviewing these approaches with our advisers and we have indicated to interested parties that if the conditions are right, we would welcome the opportunity to form an early-stage strategic partnership. Our strategy leads us to favour major integrated gas companies with existing storage assets but these companies also tend to commit more slowly than more aggressive gas consumers and traders. We cannot predict at this stage what will be the outcome of the process, but will of course keep shareholders informed. Certainly a strategic partner would enable the Company to allocate its own resources more evenly across all of its projects. We remain confident that Rivara is set to become a vital and reliable centrepiece for Italy's security of supply. Not only does it sit at the central point in the Italian gas system but it is also located at what we believe will become the hub of the Southern European 'gas motorway'. It is noteworthy that our potential strategic partners have agreed with our preliminary estimates of the potential of developing a commercial operation at Rivara. The world-class turnkey contractors that the Company would expect to engage to develop the project have indicated it could come on stream five years from the end of the permitting phase. Whilst the Board would aim to reduce that time, we accept that it is still a responsible estimate at this stage. Further information on Rivara is provided in the Review of Operations below. During the period, the Company also moved forward with its separate coal-bed methane work at Fiume Bruna near the town of Grosseto on Italy's North-Western coast. We can also report good progress in Tunisia, where we are managing the early stages of an exploration reappraisal for our licence partners at Ksar Hadada, close to entry points on the Trans-Mediterranean and Greenstream gas pipelines. Fiume Bruna, Italy The past year has seen the successful completion by the Company of the first coal-bed methane ('CBM') well on its Fiume Bruna permit in central Italy. We have learnt a lot from this well and the information obtained is being put to good use now in the planning of the next wells on the permit. Importantly, the data has also been used to validate our model of the CBM resource. In January 2007 the Company submitted its application for the necessary approvals to carry out this next phase of work. Since then we have been interacting with the local, provincial and regional administrations to transform an objectively positive opinion in favour of the project into permitting reality. Beyond the highly attractive volumes of methane that could be produced from Fiume Bruna, its longer term potential to act as storage site for carbon dioxide (CO2) remains of strong interest. This 'green' element of the project, a means of reducing emissions of CO2 and enhancing methane production, has attracted much positive interest within the local region. Ksar Hadada, Tunisia The Company maintains a 40% interest in the 7,012 km2 Ksar Hadada exploration permit, onshore Tunisia. The large volumes of seismic and well data provided by the Tunisian state oil company to the Company and its partners have now been used to remap this huge area (equivalent to about 32 North Sea blocks). The Company has identified an additional prospect to add to the Sidi Toui and Oryx prospects and is encouraged by the potential that is appearing in the Acacus Sandstone play which, we understand, is currently proving prolific just over the border in Libya. I believe the Company and its partners are now strongly positioned to make highly informed decisions on the next steps for this block. We believe that it is now a good time to hold highly prospective acreage in a stable country, as many oil companies find themselves cash rich but with few opportunities to pursue. The Company and its partners have signalled a willingness to invite additional partners to demonstrate the potential of this block. Our objective is to intelligently and prudently exploit the very extensive opportunities on this block, all of which remain untested. We will be keeping the market abreast of developments in this area. Grayson Nash Executive Chairman 19 November 2007 Independent Resources plc Review of operations Fifteen month period ended 30 September 2007 During its second full year since incorporation, Independent Resources has continued to make considerable progress on each of its three assets, steadily advancing their development in order to create a highly focused, distinctive and ultimately profitable energy enterprise. Rivara, Italy Shareholders are already aware that our key asset is the proposed Rivara UGS facility near Bologna in Italy. This is a massive fractured limestone formation with geological characteristics that are unusual and potentially of key importance to Italy's energy planners in several key ways at a time when the country is facing a growing shortfall in gas deliverability. Crucially, its fracture characteristics and natural water drive mean it provides the capability to inject and withdraw natural gas rapidly to match seasonal demand patterns and take advantage of the associated trading opportunities. It is also located in a strategically important position, lying close to Italy's balancing point on the natural gas 'highway' that supplies Europe from North Africa. Taken together, its size, location and unusual geological characteristics mean Rivara has the potential to become one of Italy's largest and most valuable gas storage facilities. Innovative work undertaken by the Company to maximise the environmental benefits of Rivara also mean it is set to become one of Italy's most eco-friendly gas storage projects. Independent Resources submitted its full planning application and accompanying environmental impact assessment ('EIA') for the Rivara development in September 2006, following more than a year of detailed preparation and consultation with the local, regional and national authorities. The EIA is similar in many ways to the UK's planning process and is designed to create public exposure as a means of ensuring that planned projects are compliant with environmental and regulatory requirements and viable within those parameters. Although this process is inevitably time-consuming, we have explained in previous statements that the Company takes it very seriously, believing it to be part of a procedure that is not only necessary, but also that represents a good and just approach to the concerns of the local communities. Pursuant to subsequent requests by the Ministry of Environment for substantially more and detailed additional information to be integrated into the Company's EIA, Independent Resources filed these with the Ministry of Environment in June 2007. Progress has since been delayed because Italy's Ministry of Environment decided to re-organise the structure and method of its Environmental Impact Study proceedings and effectively terminated the Ministry's VIA Commission on 24 July 2007. The Commission is just now being re-established. Following the Commission's termination, the Company received notification from the Ministry of Environment in early August 2007 that it was not yet possible to reach a decision on the Rivara EIA pending the provision of further information. The Company is therefore preparing to submit not only the requested information, but will also go beyond the scope of the request and deliver a holistic review of all its submissions to date. As we have mentioned before, the process is time-consuming but a vital part of the life of any meaningful energy asset development in Italy. The Company will also implement a process that it is intended will enhance Rivara's profitability by generating electricity from the stored natural gas without actually burning the gas, before it is distributed for use by consumers. This highly efficient and environmentally friendly technology will use the flow pressure from gas withdrawals to drive turbines that will generate electricity for use onsite and for transmission to the Italian grid. In addition, over the last twelve months the Company's engineers have identified ways to recover heat from its compression units and transform this into additional electrical energy. The Company has been working diligently on increasing energy efficiency and developing state-of-the-art environmental impact mitigation. Continuing our earlier work, further technical studies completed during the year have added significantly to our understanding of the reservoir's geological and production characteristics. The emphasis has been on enabling the Company to describe its safety and efficiency characteristics. In particular, the Company's engineers have been running reservoir simulations to analyse production profiles and the site's ability to respond to peak demand periods. One early and interesting outcome of this approach has been the identification of likely cost savings alongside reductions in our anticipated environmental impact. We look forward to the next phase of the project, which will likely be planned and executed by a leading petroleum services firm as soon as the permitting phase has been cleared. Fiume Bruna, Italy Following our successful drilling of the first CBM well in Italy we have, over the last year, completed the analysis of the coals retrieved from the well and of their gas content. The preliminary conclusions from this extensive body of knowledge are encouraging and have considerably increased our understanding of the CBM resource in our 100% held Fiume Bruna licence area. These conclusions have been derived following a collaborative effort involving Norwest Questa Engineering ('NQE') which found that the stratigraphic well penetrated coals that are gas saturated and contain a well developed cleat system in the bright bands. Gas saturation and cleating are conducive to CBM production. NQE is a leading US consultancy group with specialist CBM expertise. These results provide us not only with the confidence to move to the next phase of the project but also information vital to its planning. This next phase involves the acquisition and processing of new seismic data and the drilling of a new well which will be put on long-term production test. Detailed planning for this work has continued with NQE throughout 2007 and is expected to be put into effect next year. In January 2007 the Company lodged an application, including environmental impact assessment ('EIA'), for approval of this next phase. The approval covers not only the drilling of the next well and the acquisition of new seismic data but also up to seven additional wells in a predefined area. As part of the process the Company is currently providing responses to questions posed by the relevant authorities. Approval is expected within four months, upon receipt of which we will be ready to implement the work. Rigs and service companies who are available to carry out the work have been short-listed and negotiations are progressing with them; a seismic acquisition and processing contractor has been engaged. A number of project presentations have been made locally and regionally which have led to a wider public and governmental understanding of our project and to a good level of support. More generally, there has been a heightening of interest in European CBM within the industry and the investment community. For Fiume Bruna this has translated into a number of unsolicited farm-in and financing approaches that underline the attractiveness of this project. Some of these approaches have been rejected whilst others continue to be considered by the board. Ksar Hadada, Tunisia Independent Resources holds a 40% interest in the prospective Ksar Hadada permit, onshore Tunisia. We believe Ksar Hadada provides high-reward, low-cost targets with attractive production sharing terms in a stable and benign political environment. Since the receipt last year of a large volume of new seismic and well data from the Tunisian national oil company, ETAP, the Company has been busy reprocessing, integrating and interpreting that data. This has been done by Independent Resources on behalf of all of the parties to the licence. It has been a major undertaking but the remapping of the 7,000 km block has yielded valuable new insights into the area which have significantly enhanced its prospectivity. The existing Sidi Toui and Oryx prospects have been better defined and validated and a new prospect, South Salah, added to the inventory. As well as the above, the Acacus Sandstone is now developing into an attractive play in Ksar Hadada. In the last few months oil flow rates greater than 12,000 barrels of oil per day have been achieved from the Acacus in exploration wells drilled across the border in Libya. In the light of these findings, we feel that our decision to delay drilling until after the remapping is completed was the right one. Independent Resources and its partners in Ksar Hadada have received a number of approaches from companies keen to farm-in to the acreage which have so far resulted in an initial offer from one such party that would substantially fund a three-well programme. Over the past year, oil and gas activity in Tunisia has accelerated; almost all open onshore acreage has been licensed and a number of rigs suitable for our needs have been brought into the country. It is the intention of Independent Resources and our partners to pursue a partial farm-out over the next months. If consummated, such a deal is likely to lead to drilling soon thereafter. Business growth In addition to its three existing assets, Independent Resources has also been actively pursuing additional opportunities that are consistent with its strategy of growth through well-planned expansion into areas and project types that have a logical fit with our strengths and existing portfolio. Throughout the year we have seen considerable progress on several of these and hope to be in a position to make announcements in the near future. Building on the foundations laid in our first year of operations, the last year has seen good progress across all three projects, despite delays in some areas. We are now poised for a busy and exciting year ahead. Dr Stephen Staley Managing Director 19 November 2007 Independent Resources plc Consolidated income statement 15 month period ended 30 September 2007 15 months ended Year ended 30 September 2007 30 June 2006 Continuing operations £ £ Revenue 2,220 - Cost of sales - - Gross profit 2,220 - Administrative expenses (882,746) (592,775) Operating loss (880,526) (592,775) Net financial income 224,167 138,084 Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (656,359) (454,691) Taxation - - Loss for the period (656,359) (454,691) Earnings per share From continuing operations Basic (0.02) (0.02) Diluted (0.02) (0.02) Independent Resources plc Consolidated balance sheet As at 30 September 2007 30 September 2007 30 June 2006 £ £ Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 122,497 104,263 Goodwill 2,044,146 2,044,146 Other intangible assets 2,444,320 633,888 4,610,963 2,782,297 Current assets Trade and other receivables 338,590 110,184 Cash and cash equivalents 2,557,212 5,067,130 2,895,802 5,177,314 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (142,959) (103,998) Current taxation liabilities (22,752) (15,823) (165,711) (119,821) Net current assets 2,730,091 5,057,493 Net assets 7,341,054 7,839,790 Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent Share capital 334,333 334,333 Share premium account 5,843,828 5,843,828 Shares to be issued 2,041,815 2,041,815 Share option reserve 238,237 75,802 Foreign currency translation reserve (6,109) (1,297) Losses (1,111,050) (454,691) Total equity 7,341,054 7,839,790 Independent Resources plc Consolidated cash flow statement Fifteen month period ended 30 September 2007 15 months ended Year ended 30 September 2007 30 June 2006 Cash flows from operating activities £ £ Loss before taxation (656,359) (454,691) Adjustments for: Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 24,981 3,172 Financial income (224,324) (138,088) Financial costs 157 4 (855,545) (589,603) Increase in trade and other receivables (228,406) (94,749) Increase in trade and other payables 45,890 108,292 Share based payment 162,435 75,802 Exchange rate difference on investments (7,631) (1,297) Cash used in operations (883,257) (501,555) Interest paid (157) (4) Net cash used in operating activities (883,414) (501,559) Cash flows from investing activities Interest received 224,324 138,088 Purchase of intangible assets (1,808,398) (633,888) Purchases of property, plant and equipment (42,430) (106,676) Acquisition of subsidiary - (6,996) Net cash used in investing activities (1,626,504) (609,472) Cash flows from financing activities Issue of share capital - 7,266,970 Share issue costs - (1,088,809) Net cash from financing activities - 6,178,161 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (2,509,918) 5,067,130 Cash and cash equivalents at 1 July 2006 5,067,130 - Cash and cash equivalents at 30 September 2007 2,557,212 5,067,130 Independent Resources plc Fifteen month period ended 30 September 2007 Notes: 1. The Directors submit their Report and Accounts for the period from 1 July 2006 to 30 September 2007. The comparative period is from 16 June 2005 (incorporation) to 30 June 2006. 2. Basis of Presentation The financial information set out in this announcement, which does not constitute the statutory accounts of the Group, is extracted from the Group's statutory accounts for the period ended 30 September 2007, which were approved by the Board on 20 November 2007. The auditors have reported on those accounts and their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The full statutory accounts will be included in the Group's annual report, which will be mailed to shareholders on 29 November 2007. Additional copies will be available at the Group's offices: The Hollow, Penn Lane, Melbourne, Derbyshire DE73 8EP after that date. The accounts have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards adopted by the European Union. The accounts will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies after the Company's Annual General Meeting, which is scheduled for 21 December 2007. 3. Revenue and Segmental information The Group's operations are located in England, Italy and Tunisia. The Group has generated £2,220 of revenue during the period in its Tunisian operations. The following is an analysis of the carrying amount of segment assets, and additions to property, plant and equipment, analysed by the geographical area in which the assets are located. United Italy Tunisia Total Kingdom 2007 Carrying amount of segment assets 18,847 103,650 - 122,497 Additions to property, plant & equipment in the period 20,666 21,764 - 42,430 Depreciation charges 9,823 15,158 - 24,981 Carrying amount of liabilities 103,688 32,836 29,187 165,711 Results for the period (337,602) (316,444) (2,313) (656,359) 2006 Carrying amount of segment assets 8,004 96,259 - 104,263 Additions to property, plant & equipment in the period 11,176 96,259 - 107,435 Depreciation charges 3,172 - - 3,172 Carrying amount of liabilities 102,833 16,988 - 119,821 Results for the period (326,147) (128,544) - (454,691) 4. Earnings per share The calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share at 30 September 2007 was based on the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of £656,359 and a weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period ending 30 September 2007 of 33,433,333 as shown below. In accordance with IAS 33 and as the group has reported a loss for the period, the share options are not dilutive. 2007 2006 £ £ Net loss for the period (656,359) (454,691) Basic and diluted weighted average ordinary shares 33,433,333 19,144,521 in issue during the period 5. Statement of changes in equity Profit Share Share Shares Share Exchange Total and loss capital premium to be option difference reserve issued reserve on investment £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Group 1 July 2006 (454,691) 334,333 5,843,828 2,041,815 75,802 (1,297) 7,839,790 Loss for the 15 (656,359) - - - - - (656,359) month period Share based payments - - - - 162,435 - 162,435 Exchange difference on Investment - - - - - (4,812) (4,812) 30 September 2007 (1,111,050) 334,333 5,843,828 2,041,815 238,237 (6,109) 7,341,054 30 September 2007 (1,111,050) 334,333 5,843,828 2,041,815 238,237 (6,109) 7,341,054 This announcement can be viewed in full on the Company's web-site Stephen Staley, Managing Director, Independent Resources plc: +44 1332 865 253 Grayson Nash, Executive Chairman, Independent Resources plc: +39 339 635 8634 Jonathan Wright, Seymour Pierce +44 207 107 8000 David Smith, Deloitte Corporate Finance +44 207 936 3000 Allan Piper, First City Financial Public Relations +44 207242 2666 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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