Interim Results

Independent Resources PLC 30 May 2007 Independent Resources plc Interim Results for the period to 31st March 2007 Highlights O Continued progress with permitting applications at Rivara O Positive early results from Fiume Bruna O New prospect mapped at Ksar Hadada O Interim loss before taxation: £296,984 (2006: £259,876) O Liquid resources at 31st March 2007: £3.29 million Chairman's statement In reporting the progress made by Independent Resources Group in the six months to March 31, 2007, I would like to begin by recalling the severe gas supply problems that have in recent winters afflicted the Italian energy sector. Shareholders are already well aware that with its planned underground storage facility (UGS) at Rivara in the Po Valley, Independent Resources has positioned itself to become a key player in Italy's gas storage market. The painful winter disruptions to gas supplies experienced by Italian consumers have served to underscore how crucial this role is set to become. During the period, the Company continued to make steady advances towards the planned development of Rivara, and also moved forward with its separate coal bed methane work at Fiume Bruna near the town of Grosseto on the north-western coast. We can also report good progress in Tunisia, where we are managing the early stages of an exploration reappraisal for our licence partners at Ksar Hadada - close to entry points on the Trans-Mediterranean and Greenstream gas pipelines. The work undertaken by your Board during the period was set in the twin context of both the urgent demand for new gas storage facilities and supplies in Italy, and the equal need to comply with Italy's stringent environmental and planning regulations. The Company has spent a great deal of time and effort ensuring that it acts to deliver its key Italian projects in a timely fashion. At the same time, we are also paying full attention to the complexities of Italy's regulatory and political systems, at all levels of government. Italy's Ministry for Economic Development has identified the lack of sufficient gas storage as one of the primary reasons for the dramatic supply problems of recent winters. The system found itself under duress as a result of its inability to respond to what are now becoming predictable surges in winter demand. Past emergency measures put into effect by the Government to maintain the generation of electric power have included the combustion of highly-polluting heavy fuel-oil. Yet even then, the country consumed more than 20% of its vital strategic gas reserves - reserves that are intended to cope with a catastrophic system failure rather than a cold winter. The requirement for additional storage capacity is clear enough in that context alone. The most recent gas survey from the International Energy Association, Security in a Globalizing Market to 2015, also separately makes a very compelling case for the rigidities that characterise Italy's gas market to continue over the medium term at least. The country's traditionally high energy prices reflect a scarcity of meaningful price competition, an incompletely-liberalized market structure, and persistent infrastructural bottlenecks all along the gas supply chain. Over 80% of Italy's gas travels several thousand kilometers to reach markets that are now heavily dependent on gas for heating and power. A healthily-balanced gas supply system, such as that in the United States, provides gas storage capacity equivalent to around 20% of consumption. Yet Italy's dominant gas storage operator Stogit, a division of ENI, reported in early April that while demand for Italian storage capacity had risen to 14.2 billion cubic metres (bcm), the amount actually available was only around 8.4 bcm. Even with the planned development of IRG's Rivara project, which is expected to provide working gas capacity of up to 3.2 bcm, the Italian system will remain a long way from the ideal target of 20% coverage. The prospect of prolonged and acute infrastructural stress is becoming increasingly real. Against this backdrop, we are continuing to steer the Rivara UGS through the complex 'VIA' permitting process, striving to ensure that the project meets the requirements of all of the stakeholders involved, at local, regional and national level. The VIA is similar in many ways to the UK's planning process and is designed to create public exposure as a means of ensuring that planned projects are compliant with environmental and regulatory requirements and viable within those parameters. It is a process that is inevitably time consuming, but one that is taken very seriously by the Directors as part of a procedure that we believe is not only necessary, but good and just. As a result, there has been some slippage in our planned timing. We remain confident, however, that our progress towards gaining the permits remains on course. As the press reported in February, Government representatives have indicated publicly that a decision would be made this year. We will be providing an update on progress later in the year. We remain equally confident that Rivara is set to become a vital and reliable centrepiece for Italy's security of supply. Not only does it sit at the central point in the Italian gas system, it is also located at what is likely to become the hub of the Southern European 'gas motorway'. The world-class turnkey contractors we expect to engage to develop the project have indicated they will probably need five years to develop a commercial operation from the end of the permitting phase. While the Board would expect to reduce that time, we accept it as a responsible estimate at this stage. Throughout the half year, the Company also continued - as is still the case - to receive approaches from major integrated and non-integrated gas majors keen to become key participants in Rivara. We will continue to review such offers and are not excluding the possibility of an early-stage strategic partnership. The Company recognises that a strategic partner would enhance its own resources, freeing it to allocate them more evenly across all of its projects. It is also pleasing to report encouraging progress at the site of our other current Italian project, the coal bed methane (CBM) prospect at Fiume Bruna near the town of Grosseto. Following a successful stratigraphic drilling, coring and sampling programme during 2006, the analysis of the samples obtained is nearly complete. On the basis of the data collected and interpreted to date, we are confident that the project may prove commercially attractive. The indications are that in-place CBM resources are in the range of 107 to 215 billion cubic feet. This is in line with our expectations at the time of bringing Independent Resources to AIM. Just as at Rivara, moreover, we have received approaches both from potential trade partners and financial institutions interested in financing the development of Fiume Bruna, and we continue to consider the options being offered to us. Also in line with our policy at Rivara, we are taking a careful approach to local environmental and planning requirements, and have already filed an environmental impact assessment under the appropriate environmental review process. At this stage, this is a significantly lighter requirement than at Rivara since the application covers only the first seismic and the next set of wells. Even so, we remain fully aware of the need to meet the required procedures at each step of the way, and we are hoping to win this important initial approval very soon. With that in mind, we are now planning for the acquisition of new seismic data and the drilling of the next well on the permit, so that we can move ahead without delay as soon as the Exploration Permit is signed. Our intention is to put the new well on a long-term flow test before drilling any follow-on wells. At Ksar Hadada, our 7,000 square kilometer exploration project in Tunisia, we continue working on the re-mapping and re-interpretation of the hydrocarbon potential on behalf of our licence partners. It is again pleasing to announce that this has so far resulted in the identification of an additional major prospect, bringing to four the number now delineated. We are hopeful that, with work still underway, others may be added to this tally. We are particularly encouraged by the fact that all of the prospects identified to date have producing analogues both in Tunisia and in nearby areas of Libya. We have also over the past few months carried out a successful seismic and well data swap with Storm Ventures, the operator of the licence area to the south of Ksar Hadada, and believe this has greatly enhanced our ability to map some of our major prospects. As with our Italian projects, we remain aware of the potential value of partnerships, and are currently in discussions on a potential farm-in to our interest. If it proceeds, a multi-well drilling campaign would be expected to form part of the associated work programme and could commence toward the end of this year. In summary, despite the slippages created by our necessary involvement in the Italian permitting process at Rivara, the Board believes the advances achieved across our range of projects during the half-year represent important progress towards the realisation of our commercial potential. We shall during the course of the second half continue to raise our profile within the London investment community as a company operating in the right sector in the right place at the right time. We also look forward with confidence to presenting shareholders with further positive news during the months ahead. Grayson Nash Executive Chairman For further information contact: Independent Resources plc Grayson Nash, Executive Chairman 00 39 02 3655 960 Steve Staley, Managing Director 01332 865 253 07771 838 753 First City Financial Public Relations Allan Piper 07736 064 982 Deloitte Corporate Finance Jonathan Hinton 020 7936 3000 David Smith 020 7936 3000 Independent Resources PLC Consolidated income statement Six months ended 31 March 2007 1 October 2006 16 June 2005 to to 31 March 2007 31 March 2006 £ £ Continuing operations Revenue 32,126 - Cost of sales - - Gross profit 32,126 - Administrative expenses (411,492) (345,180) Operating loss (379,366) (345,180) Net financial income 82,382 85,304 Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (296,984) (259,876) Taxation - - Loss for the period (296,984) (259,876) Earnings per share From continuing operations Basic (0.01) (0.02) Diluted (0.01) (0.02) Consolidated statement of changes in equity Loss for the period (296,984) (259,876) New shares issued and to be issued 7,783,895 - Transaction costs (1,088,309) - Share based payments 61,734 - Exchange difference on investment (799) - Total change in equity (236,049) 6,435,710 Independent Resources PLC Consolidated balance sheet As at 31 March 2007 31 March 30 Sept 30 June 31 March 2007 2006 2006 2006 £ £ £ £ Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 124,431 99,003 104,263 64,647 Goodwill 2,044,146 2,044,146 2,044,146 519,756 Other intangible 1,933,132 1,003,226 633,888 486,131 assets 4,101,709 3,146,375 2,782,297 1,070,534 Current assets Trade and other receivables 334,343 127,731 110,184 81,763 Cash and cash equivalents 3,292,341 4,632,907 5,067,130 5,422,194 3,626,684 4,760,638 5,177,314 5,503,957 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (212,478) (143,257) (103,998) (138,781) Current taxation liabilities (1,541) (13,333) (15,823) - (214,019) (156,590) (119,821) (138,781) Net current assets 3,412,665 4,604,048 5,057,493 5,365,176 Net assets 7,514,374 7,750,423 7,839,790 6,435,710 Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent Share capital 334,333 334,333 334,333 334,333 Share premium account 5,843,828 5,843,828 5,843,828 5,843,828 Shares to be issued 2,041,815 2,041,815 2,041,815 517,425 Share option reserve 170,023 108,289 75,802 - Foreign currency translation reserve 37 836 - (1,297) Losses (875,662) (578,678) (454,691) (259,876) Total equity 7,514,374 7,750,423 7,839,790 6,435,710 Independent Resources PLC Consolidated cash flow statement Six months ended 31 March 2007 1 October 2006 16 June 2005 to to 31 March 2007 31 March 2006 £ £ Cash flows from operating activities Loss before taxation (296,984) (259,876) Adjustments for: Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 11,975 2,666 Financial income (82,382) (85,304) (367,391) (342,514) Increase in trade and other receivables (206,612) (66,329) Increase in trade and other payables 57,429 127,253 Share based payment 61,734 - Exchange rate difference on investments (799) - Net cash used in operating activities (455,639) (281,590) Cash flows from investing activities Interest received 82,382 85,304 Purchase of intangible assets (929,906) (486,131) Purchases of property, plant and equipment (37,403) (66,554) Acquisition of subsidiary - (6,996) Net cash used in investing activities (884,927) (474,377) Cash flows from financing activities Issue of share capital - 7,266,470 Share issue costs - (1,088,309) Net cash from financing activities - 6,178,161 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (1,340,566) 5,422,194 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period 4,632,907 - Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period 3,292,341 5,422,194 Independent Resources PLC Notes to the interim financial information Six months ended 31 March 2007 1. Accounting policies General information The interim financial information is for Independent Resources plc ('the company') and subsidiary undertakings. The company is registered in England and Wales and incorporated under the Companies Act 1985. The principal accounting policies are summarised below: a Basis of preparation The interim financial information, for the period from 1 October 2006 to 31 March 2007, has been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and International Accounting Standards, adopted for use by the European Union, and on the going concern basis. They are in accordance with the accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts for the period ended 30 June 2006. The company has changed its accounting period to 30 September 2007. The Interim report is unaudited and does not constitute statutory financial statements. The financial information for the period ended 30 September 2006 does not constitute statutory accounts, as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985, but is based on the latest statutory accounts. Those accounts, upon which the auditors issued an unqualified opinion, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Interim Report for the six months ended 31 March 2007 was approved by the Directors on 29 May 2007. The comparative period presented is that of 16 June 2005 to 31 March 2006 as previously reported. The directors are of the opinion that due to the nature of the group's activities and the events during that period these are the most appropriate comparatives for the current period. Copies of the Interim Report are available from the Company's website 2. Revenue and segmental information The group's revenue during the period represents the charging for work carried out on its Tunisian development project to its development partner. The group's operations continue to be located in England, Italy and Tunisia. The following is an analysis of the carrying amount of segment assets, and additions to property, plant and equipment, analysed by the geographical area in which assets are located. Carrying amount of segment assets 31 March 30 Sept. 30 June 31 March 2007 2006 2006 2006 £ £ £ £ United Kingdom 24,154 7,071 8,004 8,934 Italy 100,277 91,932 96,259 55,713 Tunisia - - - - 124,431 99,003 104,263 64,647 Independent Resources PLC Notes to the interim financial information (continued) Six months ended 31 March 2007 2. Revenue and segmental information (continued) Additions to property, plant and equipment in the period 1 October 16 June 2005 2006 to to 31 March 31 March 2006 2007 £ £ United Kingdom 20,666 11,176 Italy 16,737 55,378 Tunisia - - 37,403 66,554 The following is an analysis of the revenue and loss on ordinary activities before taxation based upon the area in which the operations are carried out. Revenue 1 October 16 June 2005 2006 to to 31 March 31 March 2006 2007 £ £ United Kingdom - - Italy - - Tunisia 32,126 - 32,126 - Loss on ordinary activities before taxation 1 October 16 June 2005 2006 to to 31 March 31 March 2006 2007 £ £ United Kingdom (115,131) (165,000) Italy (197,584) (94,876) Tunisia 15,731 - (296,984) (259,876) 3. Taxation There is no current tax charge for the period. The accounts do not include a deferred tax asset in respect of carry forward of unused tax losses as the directors are unable to assess that there will be probable future taxable profits available against which the unused tax losses can be utilised. Independent Resources PLC Notes to the interim financial information (continued) Six months ended 31 March 2007 4. Earnings per share The calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share at 31 March 2007 was based on the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of £296,984 and a weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period ending 31 March 2007 of 33,433,333, as shown below. 31 March 31 March 2006 2007 £ £ Net loss for the period (296,984) (259,876) Basic and diluted weighted average ordinary shares in issue during the period 33,433,333 15,409,203 In accordance with IAS 33 and as the group has reported a loss for the period, the share options are not dilutive. Registered office Independent Resources plc The Hollow, Penn Lane, Melbourne, Derbyshire DE73 8EP Telephone: +44 (0)1332 865253 Fax: +44 (0)1332 865111 Email: Commercial office Via Nirone 8, 20123 Milan, Italy Telephone: +39 (02) 3655 5960 Fax: +39 (02) 9998 8778 Email: Technical office Viale Liegi 10, Int. 4, 00198 Rome, Italy Telephone: +39 (06) 4549 0720 Fax: +39 (06) 4549 0721 Email: This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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