AGM Statement

Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC 11 April 2001 The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc ('Royal Bank Group') (a) Resolutions at Annual General Meeting - Wednesday 11 April 2001 In addition to the ordinary business considered at the Meeting, shareholders granted to the Directors a general authority to purchase up to 10 per cent of the Company's issued share capital. The Directors have no specific plans to exercise their authority in the immediate future and will only make purchases where, in the light of prevailing market conditions, they consider that such purchases will be in the best interests of shareholders. A resolution to ratify the sale of approximately 50 per cent of NatWest Life to CGNU plc was passed on a poll, there being 1,343,814,949 votes in favour of the resolution and 2,789,319 against the resolution. (b) Announcement of Interim Results The Group's interim results for the current financial year will be announced on 7 August 2001, and not 2 August 2001, as previously intimated. This will not affect the proposed payment date of the interim dividend. 11 April 2001 End
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