Interim Results

Northern 2 VCT PLC 11 October 2002 11 OCTOBER 2002 NORTHERN 2 VCT PLC UNAUDITED INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 JULY 2002 Northern 2 VCT PLC is a Venture Capital Trust (VCT) managed by Northern Venture Managers. The trust was launched in 1999 through a public share issue which raised £22 million; a further £22 million was raised in a second public issue in 2001. The trust invests mainly in unquoted venture capital situations and aims to provide high long-term returns to shareholders through a combination of dividend yield and capital growth. Financial highlights (comparative figures as at 31 July 2001 in brackets): • Net assets £40,169,000 (£41,785,000) • Net asset value per share 89.1p (92.5p) • Investment income £995,000 (£903,000) • Net revenue before tax £747,000 (£695,000) • Revenue return per share 1.2p (1.3p) • Interim dividend per share 1.0p (1.0p) For further information, please contact: Alastair Conn, Managing Director Northern Venture Managers Limited 0191 244 6000 Website: Lucy Copeman/Marlene Scott Polhill Communications 020 7655 0540 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT The Chairman of Northern 2 VCT PLC, Dr Matt Ridley, included the following points in his statement to shareholders: Once again I have to report on a period in which the UK economy and the financial markets have suffered from widespread uncertainty and pessimism. There have been further sharp falls in stock market indices, but the impact on our company's financial position has been lessened by the fact that our exposure to quoted equities is low. The portfolio of unlisted venture capital investments has made reasonable progress in the circumstances and we are well placed to benefit from any improvement in economic conditions. Net asset value The net asset value per share at 31 July 2002 was 89.1p per share, down by 3.7% over the past 12 months and 1.5% over the six months since 31 January 2002. The following table shows the movements in the company's net asset value and share price compared with the FTSE All-Share and Small Cap indices: Movement to 31 July 2002 over: Last 6 months Last 12 months Northern 2 VCT net asset value -1.5% -3.7% Northern 2 VCT share price No change -11.8% FTSE All-Share index -17.8% -23.0% FTSE Small Cap index (excluding investment trusts) -17.9% -23.8% Listed fixed-interest investments represented just over half of the company's net assets at 31 July 2002, and the effect of this can be seen in the relatively modest fall in net asset value over the investment portfolio as a whole. Most of our unlisted venture capital holdings, being still fairly recent, remain valued at their original cost, though as always the valuation of each investment has been carefully reviewed to ensure that all relevant factors have been properly reflected. In some cases, where progress is behind expectations, this has led to valuations being prudently reduced. Investments Four new venture capital investments were completed during the half year at a cost of £1.3 million. This represents a similar level of activity to the corresponding period in 2001. As in 2001, we have seen an upturn in new investment levels in the second half of the year and since the end of July a further three investments totalling £2.6 million have been completed. Although the prevailing conditions have not been ideal, our managers have seen a steady flow of new opportunities and entry prices have generally remained realistic. Progress towards meeting the Inland Revenue's requirements for maintaining approved Venture Capital Trust status is reviewed regularly with the company's advisers. The venture capital portfolio at 31 July 2002 comprises 39 holdings with an aggregate value of £15.1 million. Opportunities for profitable exits from investments have been hard to find in the current market, although our investment in Ai Qualitek was sold to a North American corporation in July for £366,000, realising a gain of £131,000. This was more than offset by the loss of £448,000 realised on the sale of XtraServe to a trade purchaser for a nominal consideration after a period of poor trading. The overall realised loss on investment disposals in the half year was £313,000. Eight of our investments are listed on the London Stock Exchange or the Alternative Investment Market and most have continued to be affected by the depressed markets. Alizyme and BioFocus, our longest-standing listed investments, have continued to report good commercial progress and our managers believe that a patient approach to these and other holdings will be rewarded in due course. In the unlisted portfolio, we have maintained our relatively low exposure to the IT and telecoms sectors and with the benefit of hindsight have no reason to regret this. We are encouraged by the quality of the new investment flow over the past 12 months, mainly but not entirely in 'old economy' businesses which have continued to do well despite the economic slowdown. The fixed-interest securities and bank deposits managed by Chiswell Associates have held their value well and have continued to generate useful income. Our managers are progressively drawing funds down from this portfolio as new venture capital investments are acquired. Revenue and dividend The revenue return per share in the half year was 1.2p, compared with 1.3p in the corresponding period last year, reflecting the increase in the proportion of the company's assets held in venture capital investments which do not always generate income yield from the outset. An interim dividend of 1.0p per share, unchanged from last year, will be paid on 11 December 2002 to shareholders on the register on 8 November 2002. The level of the final dividend will as usual depend on the results for the full year. Share buy-backs A year ago we completed the process of obtaining Court consent to a reduction in the company's share premium account, creating a new distributable reserve in our balance sheet which can be used to cancel shares purchased by the company in the market. During the half year to 31 July 2002 the company bought back 56,000 shares at a price of 70p, thus marginally enhancing the net asset value per share attributable to the continuing shareholders. Prospects My interim report in 2001 was written shortly after the terrible events of 11 September, whose aftermath inevitably contributed to the atmosphere of economic and stock market gloom which has prevailed over the past 18 months. Many financial experts still believe that conditions will get worse before they get better, and in the circumstances it is clearly appropriate to maintain a broadly defensive strategy. Keeping in mind the deadlines for complying with the VCT qualifying conditions, we intend to continue making new venture capital investments as good opportunities arise. In doing so we will maintain our focus on fundamental issues such as profitability and cash generation, as well as looking for good investment value and the prospect of an exit route in the longer term. Despite the difficult times we live in, our company is in good shape and we are in a strong position to benefit once the economic and market outlook improves. The unaudited interim financial statements for the six months ended 31 July 2002 are set out below. STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN (INCORPORATING THE REVENUE ACCOUNT) (unaudited) for the six months ended 31 July 2002 Six months ended 31 July 2002 Six months ended 31 July 2001 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Gains/(losses) on investments: Realised on disposal - (313) (313) - (330) (330) Unrealised revaluation movements - (114) (114) - (1,430) (1,430) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ - (427) (427) - (1,760) (1,760) Income 995 - 995 903 - 903 Investment management fee (150) (450) (600) (113) (340) (453) Other expenses (98) - (98) (95) - (95) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Return on ordinary activities before tax 747 (877) (130) 695 (2,100) (1,405) Tax on ordinary activities (188) 117 (71) (190) 94 (96) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Return on ordinary activities after tax 559 (760) (201) 505 (2,006) (1,501) Interim dividend (451) - (451) (452) - (452) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Transfer to/(from) reserves 108 (760) (652) 53 (2,006) (1,953) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Return per share 1.2p (1.7)p (0.5)p 1.3p (5.3)p (4.0)p Interim dividend per share 1.0p - 1.0p 1.0p - 1.0p Year ended 31 January 2002 Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 Gains/(losses) on investments: Realised on disposal - (310) (310) Unrealised revaluation movements - (2,001) (2,001) ------ ------ ------ - (2,311) (2,311) Income 1,944 - 1,944 Investment management fee (236) (707) (943) Other expenses (184) - (184) ------ ------ ------ Return on ordinary activities before tax 1,524 (3,018) (1,494) Tax on ordinary activities (413) 197 (216) ------ ------ ------ Return on ordinary activities after tax 1,111 (2,821) (1,710) Dividend (1,130) - (1,130) ------ ------ ------ Transfer to/(from) reserves (19) (2,821) (2,840) ------ ------ ------ Return per share 3.1p (7.8)p (4.7)p Dividend per share 2.5p - 2.5p BALANCE SHEET (unaudited) as at 31 July 2002 31 July 31 July 31 January 2002 2001 2002 £000 £000 £000 Fixed asset investments: Venture capital investments Unlisted 13,482 8,357 12,213 Listed 1,579 1,890 1,615 ------- ------- ------- 15,061 10,247 13,828 Listed fixed-interest 20,225 21,692 19,658 investments ------- ------- ------- Total fixed asset 35,286 31,939 33,486 investments Net current assets 4,883 9,846 7,375 ------- ------- ------- Net assets 40,169 41,785 40,861 ------- ------- ------- Capital and reserves Called-up equity share 2,255 2,259 2,258 capital Share premium 33,761 41,785 33,761 Capital redemption reserve 4 - 1 Special reserve 7,948 - 7,988 Capital reserve: Realised (1,821) (930) (1,175) Unrealised (2,180) (1,495) (2,066) Revenue reserve 202 166 94 ------- ------- ------- Total equity shareholders' 40,169 41,785 40,861 funds ------- ------- ------- Net asset value per share 89.1p 92.5p 90.5p CASH FLOW STATEMENT (unaudited) for the six months ended 31 July 2002 Six months ended Six months ended Year ended 31 July 2002 31 July 2001 31 January 2002 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Reconciliation of net revenue before taxation to net cash flow from operating activities Net revenue from ordinary activities before tax 747 695 1,524 (Increase)/decrease in debtors 6 (310) (238) Increase/(decrease) in creditors 35 156 (216) Management fees charged to capital (450) (340) (707) Other expenses charged to reserves - - (18) ------ ------ ------ Net cash inflow from operating activities 338 201 345 ------ ------ ------ Cash flow statement Net cash inflow from operating activities 338 201 345 Taxation: Corporation tax paid - (124) (216) Financial investment: Purchase of investments (7,734) (13,794) (21,428) Sale/repayment of investments 5,493 1,786 7,187 ------ ------ ------ Net cash outflow from financial investment (2,241) (12,008) (14,241) Equity dividends paid (678) (339) (792) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from management of liquid resources 1,500 - (1,500) ------ ------ ------ Net cash outflow before financing (1,081) (12,270) (16,404) Financing: Issue of ordinary shares - 21,519 22,042 Share issue expenses - (1,102) (1,102) Purchase of ordinary shares for cancellation (40) - (18) ------ ------ ------ Net cash inflow from financing (40) 20,417 20,922 ------ ------ ------ Increase/(decrease) in cash at bank (1,121) 8,147 4,518 ------ ------ ------ Analysis of cash at bank and short-term investments 1 February 2002 Cash flows 31 July 2002 £000 £000 £000 Cash at bank 5,862 (1,121) 4,741 Short-term investments 1,500 (1,500) - ------ ------ ------ 7,362 (2,621) 4,741 ------ ------ ------ INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO SUMMARY as at 31 July 2002 Valuation % of net assets £000 by valuation Fifteen largest venture capital investments: T J Brent 1,508 3.7 DMN Installations 1,000 2.5 Stainton Metal Company 1,000 2.5 T&D Packaging 800 2.0 Keith Prowse 790 2.0 John Fredericks Plastics 713 1.8 TFB Group 700 1.7 Tolwood 673 1.7 WM Engineering 640 1.6 Belcot Tool & Die 600 1.5 DxS 517 1.3 Alaric Systems 481 1.2 West's Engineering Design 480 1.2 Chorus Application Software 455 1.1 Fitzhardinge* 446 1.1 ------- ------ 10,803 26.9 Other venture capital investments 4,258 10.6 ------- ------ Total venture capital investments 15,061 37.5 Listed fixed-interest investments 20,225 50.3 ------- ------ Total fixed asset investments 35,286 87.8 Net current assets 4,883 12.2 ------- ------ Net assets 40,169 100.0 ------- ------ *Traded on Alternative Investment Market The above summary of results for the six months ended 31 July 2002 does not constitute statutory financial statements within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and has not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The figures for the year ended 31 January 2002 have been extracted from the financial statements for that year, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies; the independent auditors' report on those financial statements under Section 235 of the Companies Act 1985 was unqualified. The proposed interim dividend for the year ending 31 January 2003 will be paid on 11 December 2002 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 8 November 2002. A copy of the interim report is expected to be posted to shareholders on 25 October 2002 and will be available to the public at the registered office of the company at Northumberland House, Princess Square, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ER. ENDS This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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