Final Results

Northern Venture Trust PLC 7 November 2001 NORTHERN VENTURE TRUST PLC PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2001 Northern Venture Trust PLC is a Venture Capital Trust (VCT) managed by Northern Venture Managers. The trust was one of the first VCTs launched on the London Stock Exchange and has to date raised a total of £44 million from private investors. It invests mainly in unquoted venture capital situations and aims to provide high long-term returns to shareholders through a combination of dividend yield and capital growth. Financial summary (comparative figures as at 30 September 2000 in italics): * Net assets £37,490,000 £54,044,000 * Net asset value per share 91.0p 131.8p * Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before tax: Revenue £1,105,000 £1,137,000 Capital £(3,090,000) £4,440,000 * Earnings/(loss) per share Revenue 2.1p 2.7p Capital (7.0)p 12.0p * Dividends per share 3.5p 8.0p * Cumulative dividends per share since launch 25.0p 21.5p For further information, please contact: Alastair Conn, Managing Director Northern Venture Managers 0191 244 6000 Lucy Copeman/Louise Johnstone Polhill Communications 020 7655 0540 NORTHERN VENTURE TRUST PLC CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT The Chairman of Northern Venture Trust PLC, Professor Sir Frederick Holliday, included the following points in his statement to shareholders: I reported at the interim stage that our company was going through a challenging period, with setbacks in the stock markets accompanied by growing concern about the economic outlook. The impact of those conditions on the venture capital sector generally has been well publicised and, in common with other VCTs, we now find ourselves reporting a fall in net asset value at a time when we had expected to build further on the progress of the previous period. The stock market environment has worsened during the second half of our financial year, particularly in September following the dreadful events in the USA. Although our portfolio of venture capital investments contains a broad mix of industry sectors, the three largest investments held at the end of the preceding year (IndigoVision Group, Alizyme and BioFocus), all of which are quoted on the London Stock Exchange or AIM, are rated as 'technology stocks' and have experienced sweeping reductions in their share prices. The fact that each of these companies has continued to make good progress towards achieving its commercial objectives has been obscured by the general downswing in the markets. As a result, these three investments together have reduced in value by some £9.4 million over the year, representing most of the fall in our company's net assets in the period. Net asset value The headline net asset value (NAV) at 30 September 2001 was 91.0p per share, after providing for dividends totalling 3.5p for the year. This represents a fall of 31% over the corresponding figure of 131.8p at 30 September 2000, although still ahead of the position two years ago. The table below compares the movements in our net asset value and share price with the reductions in relevant stock market indices. Movement to 30 September 2001 over: One year Two years Northern Venture Trust PLC net asset value -31.0% +1.0% Northern Venture Trust PLC share price -33.3% +10.3% FT-SE All-Share index -22.7% -17.2% FT-SE Small Cap (excluding investment companies) index -36.4% -19.3% FT-SE TechMARK index -52.9% -31.5% Whilst our recent results must be described as disappointing, it should be noted that over the past two years we have been able to maintain our net asset value and share price and at the same time declare dividends totalling 11.5p per share, whilst stock market indices have shown significant falls. Profit and dividends During the year ended 30 September 2000 the company revoked its status as an 'investment company' as defined in the Companies Act 1985, in order to facilitate the distribution of realised capital gains by way of dividend to shareholders. This led to changes in the presentation of our financial statements, including the replacement of the investment company statement of total return with a trading company profit and loss account. This year we have changed the profit and loss account format slightly, showing revenue and capital items in separate columns, whilst remaining within Companies Act presentation requirements; we believe that the result is more informative for shareholders than a single column profit and loss account. Revenue earnings per share were 2.1p, down from 2.7p in the preceding year. Investment income was slightly lower than previously as a result of the general fall in interest rates. We have declared revenue dividends totalling 2.0p (last year 2.3p). The profit and loss account again includes realised gains and losses on investments although, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, such gains and losses are calculated by reference to the last published valuation of the investment rather than its original cost. We declared a capital dividend of 1.5p at the interim stage, but regrettably market conditions in the second half of the year have not been such as to allow the realisation of further distributable gains. The capital element of last year's dividend amounted to 5.7p. Taking the revenue and capital accounts together, your directors are therefore recommending a final dividend of 1.0p per share, making a total of 3.5p for the year against last year's 8.0p. The final dividend will, subject to Inland Revenue approval, be paid on 21 December 2001 to shareholders on the register on 16 November 2001. Including the proposed final dividend, subscribers in the original share issue in 1995 will have received cash dividends (including repayable tax credits) of 25.025p per share. An investor claiming initial income tax relief at 20% and capital gains tax deferral at 40% will therefore have received well over half his net investment back by way of dividend, whilst retaining shares with an underlying net asset value of over 90p per share. Investment portfolio The Manager's Review in the annual report gives details of developments in the investment portfolio during the year. Additions to venture capital investments during the year amounted to over £7.4 million and sale proceeds, principally resulting from the disposal of shares in IndigoVision Group, were £5.8 million. At 30 September 2001 the venture capital portfolio comprised 59 holdings with an aggregate value of £28.0 million. A large part of our surplus funds have remained in Government stocks and other high-grade fixed-interest securities, with a view to protecting capital value and maximising income yield, but as I reported six months ago we have changed the remit of our fixed-interest managers slightly so as to include a proportion of listed equity investments in the portfolio. VCT qualifying status Your board has continued, with the assistance of Northern Venture Managers and KPMG, to monitor the company's compliance with the qualifying investment requirements laid down in the VCT legislation. The Inland Revenue have confirmed, subject to completion in due course of their normal detailed verification work, that the company has continued to maintain the required level of qualifying investments in the period up to 30 September 2001. Shareholder issues During the year a total of 735,385 new shares were placed with investors at 110p per share in order to meet market demand and provide additional funds for investment. We have now passed the fifth anniversary of the original share issue in November 1995 and, as expected, the number of shares coming on to the market has shown an increase. The company bought back a total of 549,921 shares for cancellation during the year at an average cost of 94.6p. Board of directors Shareholders will be aware that Ian Ritchie retired from the board in May in order to take up an active role with a venture capital fund focussing on technology investment. Ian was one of the founding directors of our company and has played a considerable role in its development, for which we are most grateful. Ross Peters, an experienced businessman and venture capitalist, joined the board in September and we are already benefitting from his contribution. Future prospects The prevailing mood in the stock markets and in the UK economy is one of caution. Consumer confidence in the UK has held up well and forecasts continue to suggest modest economic growth over the next 12 months, helped by the recent downward trend in interest rates. However manufacturing and technology businesses continue to face considerable difficulties. We are therefore taking a highly selective approach in making new investments, and our managers are, as always, monitoring our existing holdings very closely. Despite the wide fluctuations in market values over the past two years, our investment portfolio remains well positioned with a wide range of industry sectors and financing stages. We are confident that with improving market conditions it will produce a good long-term return for shareholders. The financial statements will show the results set out below: PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Year ended 30 September Year ended 30 September 2001 2000 (re-stated) Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Profits on realisation of - 980 980 - 4,675 4,675 investments Revaluation (gains)/losses - (3,202) (3,202) - 280 280 previously recognised ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Profits on realisation of investments recognised in the year - (2,222) (2,222) - 4,955 4,955 Income 1,643 - 1,643 1,716 - 1,716 Investment management fee (289) (868) (1,157) (343) (515) (858) Other expenses (249) - (249) (236) - (236) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before tax 1,105 (3,090) (1,985) 1,137 4,440 5,577 Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary activities (252) 227 (25) (128) 103 (25) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after tax 853 (2,863) (2,010) 1,009 4,543 5,552 Dividends (819) (611) (1,430) (943) (2,301) (3,244) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Retained profit/(loss) for 34 (3,474) (3,440) 66 2,242 2,308 the year ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Earnings/(loss) per share 2.1p (7.0)p (4.9)p 2.7p 12.0p 14.7p Dividends per share 2.0p 1.5p 3.5p 2.3p 5.7p 8.0p STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES Year ended 30 September Year ended 30 September 2001 2000 (re-stated) Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after tax 853 (2,863) (2,010) 1,009 4,543 5,552 Unrealised gains/(losses)on revaluation of investments - (13,373) (13,373) - 13,961 13,961 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Total recognised gains and losses for the year 853 (16,236) (15,383) 1,009 18,504 19,513 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ BALANCE SHEET 30 September 30 September 2001 2000 £000 £000 Fixed asset investments: Venture capital investments - listed 4,501 18,818 - unlisted 23,535 22,502 Other listed investments 6,268 7,808 ------- ------- Total fixed asset investments 34,304 49,128 ------- ------- Current assets: Debtors 430 1,376 Cash at bank 3,299 6,486 ------- ------- 3,729 7,862 Creditors (amounts falling due within one year) (543) (2,946) ------- ------- Net current assets 3,186 4,916 ------- ------- Net assets 37,490 54,044 ------- ------- Capital and reserves Called-up equity share capital 10,300 10,254 Share premium 14,263 13,668 Capital redemption reserve 139 1 Revaluation reserve (2,375) 14,200 Profit and loss account 15,163 15,921 ------- ------- Total equity shareholders' funds 37,490 54,044 ------- ------- Net asset value per share 91.0p 131.8p CASH FLOW STATEMENT Year ended Year ended 30 September 30 September 2001 2000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Operating activities: Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before (1,985) 5,577 tax 732 (541) (Increase)/decrease in debtors (163) 25 Increase/(decrease) in creditors 2,222 (4,955) (Profit)/loss on disposal of investments ------- ------- Net cash inflow from operating activities 806 106 Taxation: Corporation tax recovered/(paid) 408 (75) Financial investment: Purchase of investments (15,107) (15,366) Sale/repayment of investments 14,336 15,750 ------- ------- Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financial investment (771) 384 Equity dividends paid (3,889) (895) Financing: Issue of ordinary shares 809 4,254 Share issue expenses (30) (118) Purchase of ordinary shares for cancellation (520) (5) ------- ------- Net cash inflow from financing 259 4,131 ------- ------- Increase/(decrease) in cash at bank (3,187) 3,651 ------- ------- Analysis of cash balance: At 1 October 2000 6,486 2,835 Net cash inflow/(outflow) for the year (3,187) 3,651 ------- ------- At 30 September 2001 3,299 6,486 ------- ------- INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO SUMMARY AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2001 Valuation % of net assets £000 by valuation CGI International 2,098 5.6 Alizyme* 1,223 3.2 Remsdaq 1,191 3.1 Weldex (International) Offshore 1,175 3.1 IndigoVision Group* 1,116 3.0 BioFocus** 1,015 2.7 TFB Group 1,000 2.7 Tolwood 1,000 2.7 Alaric Systems 1,000 2.7 T J Brent 1,000 2.7 ------- ------ Ten largest venture capital investments 11,818 31.5 Other venture capital investments 16,218 43.3 ------- ------ Total venture capital investments 28,036 74.8 Other investments 6,268 16.7 ------- ------ Total fixed asset investments 34,304 91.5 Net current assets 3,186 8.5 ------- ------ Net assets 37,490 100.0 ------- ------ * Listed on London Stock Exchange **Listed on Alternative Investment Market The above summary of results for the year ended 30 September 2001 does not constitute statutory financial statements within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and has not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. Statutory financial statements will be filed with the Registrar of Companies in due course; the auditors' report on those financial statements under Section 235 of the Companies Act 1985 is unqualified and does not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The proposed final dividend for the year ended 30 September 2001 will, if approved by shareholders, be paid on 21 December 2001 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 16 November 2001. A copy of the full annual report and financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2001 is expected to be posted to shareholders on 14 November 2001 and will be available to the public at the registered office of the company at Northumberland House, Princess Square, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ER. ENDS
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