Half-yearly report

7 MAY 2010 NORTHERN VENTURE TRUST PLC UNAUDITED HALF-YEARLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 MARCH 2010 Northern Venture Trust PLC is a Venture Capital Trust (VCT) managed by NVM Private Equity Limited.  The trust was one of the first VCTs launched on the London Stock Exchange in 1995.  It invests mainly in unquoted venture capital holdings and aims to provide high long-term tax-free returns to shareholders through a combination of dividend yield and capital growth. Financial highlights: (with comparative figures as at 31 March 2009) ORDINARY SHARES 2010 2009 - Net assets £46.8m £30.1m - Net asset value per share 78.9p 76.2p - Return per share:   Revenue 0.7p 0.8p   Capital 1.0p (0.2)p   Total 1.7p 0.6p - Interim dividend per share declared   in respect of the period:   Revenue 1.0p 1.0p   Capital 2.0p 2.0p   Total 3.0p 3.0p - Cumulative return to shareholders   since launch:   Net asset value per share 78.9p 76.2p   Dividends paid per share 89.0p 78.5p*   Net asset value plus dividends   paid per share 167.9p 154.7p - Share price at end of period 65.75p 42.5p *Excluding interim dividend not yet paid Note:  On 29 October 2009 19,009,157 new ordinary shares of 25p were issued at a deemed value of 80.3p per share in connection with the conversion of the whole of the issued C share capital of the company into ordinary shares. For further information, please contact: NVM Private Equity Limited Alastair Conn/Christopher Mellor 0191 244 6000 Website:  www.nvm.co.uk < http://www.nvm.co.uk/> NORTHERN VENTURE TRUST PLC HALF-YEARLY MANAGEMENT REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS The six month period to 31 March 2010 has seen a continuation of difficult conditions in the UK economy and financial markets.  Against this background our company has made further progress. Results and dividend The net asset value (NAV) per ordinary share at 31 March 2010, after deducting the interim dividend of 3.0p per share paid on 19 March 2010, was 78.9p, compared with 80.3p at 30 September 2009.  The return per share for the period before dividends as shown in the income statement was 1.7p (corresponding period 0.6p).  As noted previously, the income flow from both our venture capital portfolio and our fixed-income investments has reduced as a result of the dramatic fall in market interest rates over the past two years.  The company has established one of the strongest and most consistent distribution records in the VCT sector, with dividends totalling over £33 million paid to ordinary shareholders since the company was launched, and it remains your board's objective to maintain an annual dividend of not less than 6.0p per share. Investments The flow of new investment proposals has improved after a relatively quiet 2009, and three new investments totalling £3.6 million were completed during the half year: ·                Lanner Group (£832,000) - developer of business process simulation software, Redditch ·                Kerridge Commercial Systems (£1,740,000) - developer of software for the distribution sector, Hungerford ·                RCC Lifesciences (£995,000) - acquisition vehicle for lifesciences businesses, Manchester We remain willing to invest further funds in existing portfolio companies to support growth and reduce bank borrowings, and a total of £2.3 million was invested in five companies during the period. Opportunities to exit from investments have been more difficult to secure than was the case last year.  In November 2009 the occupational health business Abermed was sold to International SOS for cash proceeds of £1,081,000, a gain of £481,000 over the original cost of £600,000.  The valuation of several holdings has been increased to reflect strong trading performance, notably from Weldex (International) Offshore and IG Doors. I reported in my previous statement on the highly rewarding exit in September 2009 from the biotechnology company DxS.  Your directors were delighted to hear that this success has subsequently received wider recognition in the form of the BVCA/Real Deals Deal of the Year Award 2010, for which the NVM Private Equity team and in particular Tim Levett are to be congratulated. Shareholder issues The C shares issued in the 2005/06 tax year were converted into new ordinary shares on 29 October 2009 in accordance with the formula set out in the articles of association.  A total of 19,009,157 new ordinary shares were issued, so that C shareholders received 0.9313893 new ordinary shares for each C share previously held. At the annual general meeting on 13 January 2010, shareholders considered the five-yearly resolution for the continuation of the company.  I am pleased to report that the resolution was passed overwhelmingly, with less than 0.5% of the proxy votes cast against continuation. The mid-market price of the ordinary shares increased from 56.25p at 30 September 2009 to 65.75p at 31 March 2010, continuing the recovery from the low point reached in late 2008.  There has been a certain amount of secondary market trading in the shares, and your directors utilised the authority granted by shareholders to buy back 250,000 shares in the market during the period at an average price of 66.9p.  Based on our target annual dividend of 6.0p, the shares at 65.75p are yielding 9.1% free of tax.  Your directors and managers will continue to draw the merits of purchasing shares in the market to the attention of potential investors. VCT qualifying status The company continues to comply with the conditions laid down by HM Revenue & Customs for maintaining approved status as a VCT.  The position is carefully monitored by the board with assistance from our managers and from our independent VCT taxation advisers at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Risk management The board carries out a regular review of the risk environment in which the company operates.  There has been no significant change to the key risks discussed on page 12 of the annual report for the year ended 30 September 2009, including those resulting from the size and relative illiquidity of the unquoted and AIM-quoted investments held by the company. Outlook Our company has a strong balance sheet, with a realistically valued venture capital portfolio, and as a result of successful investment realisations we have a substantial reserve of liquid assets available for future investment.  We will continue to proceed cautiously, in the knowledge that any recovery in the UK economy is likely to be gradual and fragile.  The incoming Government will have to address many serious financial issues, and the inevitable cuts in public expenditure will have an impact on many small businesses, including some of those in our portfolio.  However we have been encouraged by the way in which most of our companies have reacted to the new environment and our managers will continue to work closely with them and selectively add to their number. On behalf of the Board John Hustler Chairman 7 May 2010 The unaudited half-yearly financial statements for the six months ended 31 March 2010 are set out below. INCOME STATEMENT (unaudited) for the six months ended 31 March 2010   Ordinary shares     -------------------------------------------------         Revenue  Capital  Total       £000  £000  £000 Gain on disposal of investments       -  428  428 Movements in fair value   of investments       -  458  458         ----------  ----------  ----------         -  886  886 Income       720  -  720 Investment management       (124) (372) (496) fee Recoverable VAT       -  -  - Other expenses       (169) -  (169)         ----------  ----------  ---------- Return on ordinary activities   before tax       427  514  941 Tax on return on       (16) 16  - ordinary activities         ----------  ----------  ---------- Return on ordinary activities   after tax       411  530  941         ----------  ----------  ---------- Return per share       0.7p 1.0p 1.7p INCOME STATEMENT (unaudited) for the six months ended 31 March 2009   Ordinary shares C shares   ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------   Revenue  Capital  Total  Revenue  Capital  Total £000  £000  £000  £000  £000  £000 Gain/(loss) on disposal   of -  (57) (57) -  21  21 investments Movements in fair value   of -  142  142  -  (1,753) (1,753) investments   ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------   -  85  85  -  (1,732) (1,732) Income 569  -  569  317  -  317 Investment (78) (233) (311) (44) (131) (175) management fee Recoverable -  -  -  8  23  31 VAT Other (93) -  (93) (86) -  (86) expenses   ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- Return on ordinary activities   before 398  (148) 250  195  (1,840) (1,645) tax Tax on (69) 59  (10) (55) 30  (25) return on ordinary activities   ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- Return on ordinary activities   after tax 329  (89) 240  140  (1,810) (1,670)   ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- Return per 0.8p (0.2)p 0.6p 0.7p (8.8)p (8.1)p share   Company     -------------------------------------------------         Revenue  Capital  Total       £000  £000  £000 Gain/(loss) on disposal of investments       -  (36) (36) Movements in fair value   of investments       -  (1,611) (1,611)         ----------  ----------  ----------         -  (1,647) (1,647) Income       886  -  886 Investment management       (122) (364) (486) fee Recoverable VAT       8  23  31 Other expenses       (179) -  (179)         ----------  ----------  ---------- Return on ordinary activities   before tax       593  (1,988) (1,395) Tax on return on       (124) 89  (35) ordinary activities         ----------  ----------  ---------- Return on ordinary activities   after tax       469  (1,899) (1,430)         ----------  ----------  ---------- INCOME STATEMENT (unaudited) for the year ended 30 September 2009   Ordinary shares C shares   ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------   Revenue  Capital  Total  Revenue  Capital  Total £000  £000  £000  £000  £000  £000 Gain/(loss) on disposal   of -  6,776  6,776  -  (170) (170) investments Movements in fair value   of -  (2,744) (2,744) -  (829) (829) investments   ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------   -  4,032  4,032  -  (999) (999) Income 2,021  -  2,021  715  -  715 Investment (155) (466) (621) (83) (248) (331) management fee Recoverable -  -  -  8  23  31 VAT Other (211) -  (211) (196) -  (196) expenses   ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- Return on ordinary activities   before 1,655  3,566  5,221  444  (1,224) (780) tax Tax on (335) 131  (204) (120) 63  (57) return on ordinary activities   ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- Return on ordinary activities   after tax 1,320  3,697  5,017  324  (1,161) (837)   ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- Return per 3.3p 9.4p 12.7p 1.6p (5.7)p (4.1)p share   Company     -------------------------------------------------         Revenue  Capital  Total       £000  £000  £000 Gain/(loss) on disposal of investments       -  6,606  6,606 Movements in fair value   of investments       -  (3,573) (3,573)         ----------  ----------  ----------         -  3,033  3,033 Income       2,736  -  2,736 Investment management       (238) (714) (952) fee Recoverable VAT       8  23  31 Other expenses       (407) -  (407)         ----------  ----------  ---------- Return on ordinary activities   before tax       2,099  2,342  4,441 Tax on return on       (455) 194  (261) ordinary activities         ----------  ----------  ---------- Return on ordinary activities   after tax       1,644  2,536  4,180         ----------  ----------  ---------- RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS (unaudited) for the six months ended 31 March 2010   Ordinary shares  C shares  Company   £000  £000  £000 Equity shareholders' funds at   1 October 2009 32,603  15,272  47,875 Conversion of C shares 15,273  (15,273) - Return on ordinary activities after tax 940  1  941 Dividends recognised in the period (1,784) -  (1,784) Net proceeds of share issues (35) -  (35) Shares purchased for cancellation (168) -  (168)   ----------  ----------  ---------- Equity shareholders' funds at   31 March 2010 46,829  -  46,829   ----------  ----------  ---------- RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS (unaudited) for the six months ended 31 March 2009   Ordinary shares  C shares  Company   £000  £000  £000 Equity shareholders' funds at   1 October 2008 31,118  17,461  48,579 Return on ordinary activities after tax 240  (1,670) (1,430) Dividends recognised in the period (1,753) (618) (2,371) Net proceeds of share issues 507  -  507 Shares purchased for cancellation (31) -  (31)   ----------  ----------  ---------- Equity shareholders' funds at   31 March 2009 30,081  15,173  45,254   ----------  ----------  ---------- RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS (unaudited) for the year ended 30 September 2009   Ordinary shares  C shares  Company   £000  £000  £000 Equity shareholders' funds at   1 October 2008 31,118  17,461  48,579 Return on ordinary activities after tax 5,017  (837) 4,180 Dividends recognised in the period (4,758) (1,233) (5,991) Net proceeds of share issues 1,258  -  1,258 Shares purchased for cancellation (32) (119) (151)   ----------  ----------  ---------- Equity shareholders' funds at   30 September 2009 32,603  15,272  47,875   ----------  ----------  ---------- BALANCE SHEET (unaudited) as at 31 March 2010       Ordinary shares £000 Fixed asset investments: Venture capital investments   Unquoted     25,872   Quoted     2,560       ---------- Total venture capital investments     28,432 Listed fixed-interest investments     6,869       ---------- Total fixed asset investments     35,301       ---------- Current assets:   Debtors     1,751   Cash and deposits     10,138       ----------       11,889 Creditors (amounts falling due within one year)     (361)       ---------- Net current assets     11,528       ---------- Net assets     46,829       ---------- Capital and reserves: Called-up equity share capital     14,835 Share premium     12,222 Capital redemption reserve     12,825 Capital reserve     7,701 Revaluation reserve     (1,751) Revenue reserve     997       ---------- Total equity shareholders' funds     46,829       ---------- Net asset value per share     78.9p BALANCE SHEET (unaudited) as at 31 March 2009   Ordinary shares  C shares  Company £000  £000  £000 Fixed asset investments: Venture capital investments   Unquoted 18,957  6,172  25,129   Quoted 991  1,070  2,061   ----------  ----------  ---------- Total venture capital investments 19,948  7,242  27,190 Listed fixed-interest investments -  6,337  6,337   ----------  ----------  ---------- Total fixed asset investments 19,948  13,579  33,527   ----------  ----------  ---------- Current assets:   Debtors 952  684  1,636   Cash and deposits 9,682  1,104  10,786   ----------  ----------  ----------   10,634  1,788  12,422 Creditors (amounts falling due within (501) (194) (695) one year)   ----------  ----------  ---------- Net current assets 10,133  1,594  11,727   ----------  ----------  ---------- Net assets 30,081  15,173  45,254   ----------  ----------  ---------- Capital and reserves: Called-up equity share capital 9,875  15,459  25,334 Share premium 9,747  2,030  11,777 Capital redemption reserve 2,015  41  2,056 Capital reserve 5,939  768  6,707 Revaluation reserve 1,401  (3,439) (2,038) Revenue reserve 1,104  314  1,418   ----------  ----------  ---------- Total equity shareholders' funds 30,081  15,173  45,254   ----------  ----------  ---------- Net asset value per share 76.2p 73.6p BALANCE SHEET (unaudited) as at 30 September 2009   Ordinary shares  C shares  Company £000  £000  £000 Fixed asset investments: Venture capital investments   Unquoted 13,573  6,667  20,240   Quoted 1,341  1,525  2,866   ----------  ----------  ---------- Total venture capital investments 14,914  8,192  23,106 Listed fixed-interest investments 2,932  5,882  8,814   ----------  ----------  ---------- Total fixed asset investments 17,846  14,074  31,920   ----------  ----------  ---------- Current assets:   Debtors 1,781  904  2,685   Cash and deposits 13,266  407  13,673   ----------  ----------  ----------   15,047  1,311  16,358 Creditors (amounts falling due within (290) (113) (403) one year)   ----------  ----------  ---------- Net current assets 14,757  1,198  15,955   ----------  ----------  ---------- Net assets 32,603  15,272  47,875   ----------  ----------  ---------- Capital and reserves: Called-up equity share capital 10,145  15,307  25,452 Share premium 10,227  2,030  12,257 Capital redemption reserve 2,015  193  2,208 Capital reserve 10,404  (432) 9,972 Revaluation reserve (1,282) (1,913) (3,195) Revenue reserve 1,094  87  1,181   ----------  ----------  ---------- Total equity shareholders' funds 32,603  15,272  47,875   ----------  ----------  ---------- Net asset value per share 80.3p 74.8p CASH FLOW STATEMENT (unaudited) for the six months ended 31 March 2010       Ordinary shares       £000 Net cash inflow from operating activities     947 Taxation: Corporation tax paid     - Financial investment: +-----------+ Purchase of investments    | (6,906)| | | Sale/repayment of investments    | 4,411 | +-----------+ Net cash outflow from   financial investment     (2,495) Equity dividends paid     (1,784)       ---------- Net cash outflow before financing     (3,332) Financing: +-----------+ Issue of shares    | - | | | Share issue expenses    | (35)| | | Purchase of shares for cancellation    | (168)| +-----------+ Net cash outflow from financing     (203)       ---------- Decrease in cash and deposits     (3,535)       ---------- Reconciliation of return before tax to net cash flow from operating activities Return on ordinary activities before tax     941 Gain on disposal of investments     (428) Movements in fair value of investments     (458) Decrease in debtors     934 Decrease) in creditors     (42)       ---------- Net cash inflow from operating activities     947       ---------- Analysis of movement in net funds   1 October    31 March 2009  Cash flows  2010   £000  £000  £000 Cash and deposits 13,673  (3,535) 10,138   ----------  ----------  ---------- CASH FLOW STATEMENT (unaudited) for the six months ended 31 March 2009   Ordinary shares  C shares  Company   £000  £000  £000 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 201  (403) (202) operating activities Taxation: Corporation tax paid -  -  - Financial investment: +----------------------------------------+ Purchase of investments | (309) (690) (999)| | | Sale/repayment of investments | 1,969  1,715  3,684 | +----------------------------------------+ Net cash inflow from   financial investment 1,660  1,025  2,685 Equity dividends paid (1,753) (618) (2,371)   ----------  ----------  ---------- Net cash inflow before financing 108  4  112 Financing: +----------------------------------------+ Issue of shares | 539  -  539 | | | Share issue expenses | (32) -  (32)| | | Purchase of shares for cancellation | (31) -  (31)| +----------------------------------------+ Net cash inflow from financing 476  -  476   ----------  ----------  ---------- Increase in cash and deposits 584  4  588   ----------  ----------  ---------- Reconciliation of return before tax to net cash flow from operating activities Return on ordinary activities before 250  (1,645) (1,395) tax (Gain)/loss on disposal of investments 57  (21) 36 Movements in fair value of investments (142) 1,753  1,611 Increase in debtors (165) (518) (683) Increase in creditors 201  28  229   ----------  ----------  ---------- Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 201  (403) (202) operating activities   ----------  ----------  ---------- Analysis of movement in net funds   1 October    31 March 2008  Cash flows  2009   £000  £000  £000 Cash and deposits 10,198  588  10,786   ----------  ----------  ---------- CASH FLOW STATEMENT (unaudited) for the year ended 30 September 2009   Ordinary shares  C shares  Company   £000  £000  £000 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 1,559  (491) 1,068 operating activities Taxation: Corporation tax paid (188) (113) (301) Financial investment: +-----------------------------------------+ Purchase of investments | (3,617) (1,469) (5,086)| | | Sale/repayment of investments | 9,946  2,732  12,678 | +-----------------------------------------+ Net cash inflow from   financial investment 6,329  1,263  7,592 Equity dividends paid (4,758) (1,233) (5,991)   ----------  ----------  ---------- Net cash inflow/(outflow) before 2,942  (574) 2,368 financing Financing: +-----------------------------------------+ Issue of shares | 1,320  -  1,320 | | | Share issue expenses | (62) -  (62)| | | Purchase of shares for cancellation | (32) (119) (151)| +-----------------------------------------+ Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 1,226  (119) 1,107 financing   ----------  ----------  ---------- Increase/(decrease) in cash and 4,168  (693) 3,475 deposits   ----------  ----------  ---------- Reconciliation of return before tax to net cash flow from operating activities Return on ordinary activities before 5,221  (780) 4,441 tax (Gain)/loss on disposal of (6,776) 170  (6,606) investments Movements in fair value of 2,744  829  3,573 investments (Increase)/decrease in debtors 386  (738) (352) Increase/(decrease) in creditors (16) 28  12   ----------  ----------  ---------- Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 1,559  (491) 1,068 operating activities   ----------  ----------  ---------- Analysis of movement in net funds   1 October    30 September 2008  Cash flows  2009   £000  £000  £000 Cash and deposits 10,198  3,475  13,673   ----------  ----------  ---------- INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO SUMMARY as at 31 March 2010 ORDINARY SHARES   Cost Valuation % of net assets £000 £000 by valuation Weldex (International) Offshore 205 5,408 11.6 CloserStill Holdings 1,750 1,904 4.1 Kerridge Commercial Systems 1,740 1,740 3.7 Promanex Group Holdings 1,595 1,595 3.4 Paladin Group 1,452 1,401 3.0 Arleigh International 809 1,214 2.6 Envirotec 813 1,194 2.5 Axial Systems Holdings 1,004 1,023 2.2 KPJ Software Services 995 995 2.1 Phusion Healthcare 995 995 2.1 RCC Lifesciences 995 995 2.1 Wear Inns 979 979 2.1 Advanced Computer Software* 381 873 1.9 CGI Group Holdings 3,449 862 1.8 Lanner Group 832 832 1.8   ---------- ---------- ---------- Fifteen largest venture capital 17,994 22,010 47.0 investments Other venture capital investments 12,029 6,422 13.7   ---------- ---------- ---------- Total venture capital investments 30,023 28,432 60.7 Listed fixed-interest investments 7,029 6,869 14.7   ---------- ---------- ---------- Total fixed asset investments 37,052 35,301 75.4   ---------- Net current assets   11,528 24.6     ---------- ---------- Net assets   46,829 100.0     ---------- ---------- *Quoted on AIM The above summary of results for the six months ended 31 March 2010 does not constitute statutory financial statements within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006, has not been audited or reviewed by the company's independent auditors and has not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The figures for the year ended 30 September 2009 have been extracted from the financial statements for that year, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies;  the independent auditors' report on those financial statements was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.  The half-yearly financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2009. Each of the directors confirms that to the best of his or her knowledge the half-yearly financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Statement "Half-yearly financial reports" issued by the UK Accounting Standards Board and the half-yearly financial report includes a fair review of the information required by (a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements, and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year, and (b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the entity during that period, and any changes in the related party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so. The directors of the company at the date of this announcement were Mr J R Hustler (Chairman), Mr N J Beer, Mr E M P Denny, Mr R S Peters, Miss P S Scott and Mr H P Younger. The calculation of the revenue and capital return per ordinary share is based on the return on ordinary activities after tax for the period and on 56,584,163 (2009 39,199,567) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. A copy of the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 31 March 2010 is expected to be posted to shareholders by 28 May 2010 and will be available to the public at the registered office of the company at Northumberland House, Princess Square, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ER and on the NVM Private Equity Limited website, www.nvm.co.uk. [HUG#1413217]
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