Interim Results
Ocean Wilsons Holdings Ld
27 September 2000
Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited
Preliminary Announcement
At a board, meeting held today the following announcement of the unaudited
results of the Company and its subsidiary companies for the six months ended
30th June 2000 was approved by the directors
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
Audited Unaudited Unaudited
Year to 31 Six months to Six months to
December 30 June 30 June
1999 2000 1999
£000 Notes £'000 £'000
73,395 Turnover and share of joint ventures 39,964 35,745
(5,800) less: share of joint ventures turnover (3,492) (2,649)
67,595 Group turnover existing operations 36,472 33,096
- Acquisitions 983 -
67,595 Group turnover 37,455 33,096
(53,936) Operating costs (30,850) (26,508)
(4,398) Depreciation (2,721) (2,197)
Operating profit/(loss)
9,261 Existing operations 3,884 4,391
- Acquisitions (339) -
9,261 Group operating profit 3,545 4,391
1,443 Share of operating profit in joint ventures 467 498
(246) Share of operating loss in associates (222) (164)
422 Income from fixed asset investments 86 186
3,691 Realised surpluses on sales of investments 95 90
48 Profit/(loss) on disposals of fixed assets 12 (7)
(5,612) Net exchange loss on foreign currency
borrowings (487) (5,978)
4,795 Interest receivable and similar income 2,462 2,626
(3,351) Interest payable and similar charges (1,484) (1,842)
10,451 Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
before taxation 4,474 (200)
(3,031) Taxation on profit on ordinary
activities 2 (1,791) (157)
7,420 Profit/(loss)on ordinary activities
after taxation 2,683 (357)
(986) Minority Interests (333) (268)
6,434 Profit/(loss) for the period 2,350 (625)
952 Prior year realised surpluses(deficits)
on sales of investments 608 (11)
7,386 Profit attributable to shareholders 2,958 (636)
(2,358) Dividends paid and payable (375) (393)
5,028 Retained by group companies 2,583 (1,029)
Earnings per share
16.37p Basic and diluted 5.98p -1.59p
6.00p Dividends per share - gross 1.00p 1.00p
Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited
Preliminary Announcement
Consolidated Cashflow Statement
Audited Unaudited Unaudited
Year to 31 Six months to Six months to
December 30 June 30 June
1999 2000 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000
12,379 Net cash inflow from operating activities 4,813 6,761
1,052 Dividends from joint ventures 427 479
1,900 Returns on investments & servicing of finance 1,092 970
(5,025) Taxation (1,569) (1,053)
(17,178) Capital expenditure and financial
investment (11,885) (9,064)
(2,152) Acquisitions and Disposals (1,831) (137)
(2,260) Equity dividends paid (1,965) (1,867)
(11,284) Cash outflow before management
of liquid resources (10,918) (3,911)
and financing
(1,796) Management of liquid resources 4,540 3,998
12,778 Financing 6,414 168
(302) Increase/(decrease) in cash in period 36 255
Exchange rates used
1.612 US$ to £1 1.518 1.580
2.891 R$ to £1 2.748 2.795
Notes to Interim Accounts
1 In respect of the six monthly results which are based on unaudited
reports for Management purposes:
(a) the figures are not the company's statutory accounts;
(b) the auditors of the company have not made any report thereon
under section 90(2) of the Bermuda Companies Act.
(c) The interim report has been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies set out in the latest annual accounts
2 Taxation
UK withholding tax 7
Overseas taxation 1,784
The interim dividend of 1.00p per share will be paid on the 7th
November, 2000, to shareholders on the register at close of business on
13th October, 2000.
Additional copies of this announcement can be obtained from the
company's registered office Clarendon House, Church Street, Hamilton,
Bermuda or from the Company's UK transfer agent, Independent Registrars
Limited, Balfour House, 390-398 High Road, Ilford, Essex IG1 INQ.
Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited
Preliminary Announcement
Consolidated Cashflow Statement
Audited Unaudited Unaudited
31 December 30 June 30 June
1999 2000 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000
59,354 Fixed Assets 71,962 49,751
17,813 Investments 20,531 16,683
Current Assets
884 Stocks 1,005 697
18,524 Debtors 20,696 16,540
36,765 Cash at Bank 32,178 31,025
56,173 53,879 48,262
(21,510) Creditors (amounts falling due within
one year) (23,596) (21,584)
34,663 Net current assets 30,283 26,678
111,830 Total assets less current liabilities 122,776 93,112
(42,240) Creditors (amounts falling due after
one year) (46,950) (29,026)
(5,006) Provisions for liabilities and charges (5,709) (3,901)
(3,607) Minority interests (4,127) (4,073)
60,977 Net assets 65,990 56,112
Capital and reserves
7,859 Called up share capital 7,820 7,859
26,737 Profit and loss account 29,776 21,446
20,495 Capital reserves 21,731 21,179
5,886 Revaluation reserve 6,663 5,628
60,977 Equity shareholder funds 65,990 56,112
Chairman's Interim Statement
for Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited
Accounts and Dividends. The unaudited accounts for the six months ended
30th June, 2000 show a profit for the period before taxation of
£4,474,000 (1999 - loss £200,000) and profit after taxation of £2,683,000
(1999- loss £357,000). The principal reason for the improved result is a
reduction in exchange losses on foreign currency borrowings held by our
Brazilian subsidiaries. Significant exchange losses were incurred in the
first half of 1999 as the $Real devalued 46% against the US dollar (from
1.21 to 1.77). The effect on the result for the period is significantly
less as in the six months to 30 June 2000 the $Real devalued 1% against
the US dollar (from 1.79 to 1. 81). Earnings per share based on
ordinary activities after taxation and minority interests of 5.98p, (1999
- 1.59p negative) were 7.57p up on the same period in 1999. The board has
resolved that an interim dividend of 1.00p per share be paid on the 7th
of November, 2000 to shareholders on the register at close of business on
13th October 2000.
Group Net Assets. At 30th June, 2000 group net assets
amounted to 168.82p per share (31st December, 1999 - 155.18p) of
which 92.14p (31st December 1999 - 84.8p) was attributable to assets
located in Brazil and 76.68p (31st December 1999 - 70.38p) in other,
primarily financial assets outside Brazil. At 31 August 2000 the total
of the investment portfolio was £16.7 million.
Brazil. The economic situation in Brazil was relatively unchanged during
the first eight months of the year. The $Real remained stable against the
US dollar, helped by the strong inflow of direct investments and
inflation remains under control at approximately 7% for the year to date.
There has been little movement on the promised fiscal reform and the
Brazilian economy remains susceptible to external shocks.
Towage. Revenues and operating margins were up on the corresponding
period in 1999 benefiting from higher port movements compared to the
first half of 1999 and a gradual recovery in towage tariffs reflecting
more stable market conditions. Ocean towage and towage support for
salvage added to the divisions performance.
Shipyard. Results from the shipyard remained weak with little prospect
for further third party work.
Shipping Agency Division. Revenue was up compared to the same period last
year, although profitability declined as we lost business due to the
acquisition of three of our major clients by other companies, New
business was obtained to offset the lost revenue but at a lower margin.
Port Operations and logistics. The expansion of Tecon Rio Grande is now
complete with the second berth operating since March of this year.
Revenue continued to grow but operating profit was adversely affected by
an increased depreciation charge. In March of this year the Group began
operations of the Salvador container and heavy cargo terminal previously
acquired at public auction in December 1999. During the period
substantial restructuring of the operation occurred as forecast in the
business plan. Since we assumed control of the area the terminal has
moved 17,733 TEUs. The terminals results for the period are shown in
acquisitions in the profit and loss account. Our associate company
Brasco, created to provide logistics services to the Brazilian offshore
oil and gas industry began operating its first base in Fortaleza in the
north of Brazil. The company has won a further two contracts to operate
bases in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The excellent result achieved by our stevedoring business in 1999 was not
repeated in the first half of this year.
Dragaport. The two dredgers purchased by our associate company Dragaport
continued to be modernised during the period. In July of this year the
first dredge, Boa Vista commenced work for the Rio Grande port authority
in the south of Brazil.
Future Prospects. Traditionally the second semester produces a better
performance for the Group. Results for July and August are in line with
the same period in 1999.