Interim Results
Ocean Wilsons Holdings Ld
25 September 2001
Chairman's Interim Statement
for Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited
Accounts and Dividends
The unaudited accounts for the six months ended 30th June, 2001 show an
operating profit for the period of £4,954,000 (2000 - £3,545,000) The operating
business continued to perform well with underlying operating profit after
excluding non-recurring items at £4.3 million in line with 2000 (£4.2 million).
The share of operating profit from joint ventures increased by £1.0 million to
£1.5 million (2000 - £467,000).
Towage revenue was up in $Reais terms and operating margins showed an
improvement over the comparative period in 2000. Additional income was generated
from towage support for salvage and margins at our towage joint ventures also
showed an improvement.
Profitability at the Ship Agency continued to benefit from the devaluation of
the $Real as most of the divisions revenues is in US dollars while costs are
predominantly $Reais denominated.
Tecon Rio Grande continued to perform well with revenue increasing in both
$Reais and sterling terms. Operating margins were marginally lower due to
increased depreciation following completion of the expanded terminal. Business
at Tecon Salvador continues to develop although more slowly than expected. Our
joint venture bonded warehouse Eadi Santo Andre made good progress with both
revenues and profit increasing in sterling terms.
In the six months to 30 June 2001 the $Real devalued 18% against the US dollar
(from 1.95 to 2.30) and 11% against sterling (from 2.91 to 3.25). The Group's
Brazilian subsidiaries have significant borrowings in US dollars and $Real
denominated loans that are monetarily corrected by the movement in the US dollar
/ $Real exchange rate. The Group assumes this risk as there is no long-term
financing denominated in $Reais available to us for capital expenditure. Current
interest rates on $Reais commercial borrowings in Brazil are 25% per annum. Due
to the prohibitive cost of hedging the $Real the Group does not hedge its net
exposure. The devaluation of the $Real against the US dollar has generated a
large $Real denominated loss on the Group's US dollar and US dollar linked loans
of £8,826,000 (2000 - £487,000). The cashflow effect of these losses in $Reais
is only realised when repayments are made over the life of the loans, up to 12
years. The average maturity is 9 years. The priority for management is to raise
our $Real tariffs in order to service the increased $Reais debt repayments.
The loss before taxation was £2.4 million (2000 - £4.4 million profit).
Excluding exchange losses on foreign currency borrowings and non recurring items
included in the operating profit, the profit before tax was unchanged at £5.8
million (2000 - £5.6 million).
The loss per share based on ordinary activities after taxation and minority
interests of 2.97p (2000 - Earnings per share 5.98p) reflected the negative
impact of the exchange losses on foreign currency borrowings on the Group's
results. The board has resolved that an interim dividend of 1.00p per share be
paid on 2nd of November, 2001 to shareholders on the register at close of
business on 12th October 2001.
Cash flow
Net cash inflow from operating activities during the period remained strong at
£7.0 million (2000 - £4.8 million).
Group Net Assets
At 30th June 2001 Group net assets amounted to 155.94p per share (31st December,
2000 - 164.73p) of which 78.05p (31st December 2000 - 86.08P) was attributable
to assets located in Brazil and 77.89p (31st December 2000 - 78.65p) in other,
primarily financial assets outside Brazil. At 19 September 2001 the total of the
investment portfolio and cash balances held outside Brazil was approximately
£25.8 million (73.0p per share).
Share repurchases
During the period the Group repurchased and cancelled a further 2.08 million
shares at an average price of 81.3p per share. Consequently as at 25th September
the number of shares in issue is 35,363,040.
After 37 years of service to the company and having reached the age of 60, Mr
Claudio Marote is retiring as Managing Director of the Group. We are delighted
that he has agreed to remain on the board so the company will continue to
benefit from his intimate knowledge of the Brazilian towage market. We are
pleased to announce that Mr Cezar Baiao, currently Finance Director has been
appointed a Director of the Holding company and will assume responsibility of
Managing Director from 31 October of this year. Mr Keith Middleton the Group
Finance Director will assume responsibility for the finance function in the
Brazilian subsidiaries.
Future Prospects.
The operating result for July and August are in line with the same period in
2000. Our insurance underwriting subsidiary operating at Lloyds is likely to
suffer some losses as a result of the terrorist attack on the World Trade
Centre. Our liability is limited to approximately £1.0 million.
The board will review the level of the final dividend payment to be announced in
April 2002 in the light of trading conditions and the performance of the $Real
which has fallen a further 19% against sterling to 3.98. If this exchange rate
is maintained at the year end this will adversely impact the Groups results.
J F Gouvea Vieira
Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited
Preliminary Announcement
At a board meeting held today the following announcement of the unaudited
results of the Company and its subsidiary companies for the six months ended
30th June 2001 was approved by the directors.
Audited Unaudited Unaudited
Year to 31st Six Months Six months
December, 2000 to 30th June to 30th June
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
81,382 Turnover and share of 41,885 40,947
joint ventures
(7,007) less share of joint (4,348) (3,492)
venture turnover
74,375 GROUP TURNOVER 37,537 37,455
(60,117) Operating costs (29,451) (31,189)
(5,684) Depreciation (3,132) (2,721)
8,574 GROUP OPERATING PROFIT 4,954 3,545
1,232 Share of operating 1,506 467
profit in joint ventures
(160) Share of operating loss (142) (222)
in associates
189 Income from fixed asset 40 86
1,953 Realised (147) 95
(deficits)/surpluses on
sales of investments
- Profit on disposals of 32 12
fixed assets
3,390 Other interest 2,057 2,462
receivable and similar
(2,915) Interest payable and (1,892) (1,484)
similar charges
(4,114) Net exchange loss on (8,826) (487)
foreign currency
8,149 (LOSS)/PROFIT ON ORDINARY (2,418) 4,474
(2,603) Taxation on profit on ordinary
activities 853 (1,791)
5,546 (LOSS)/PROFIT ON ORDINARY (1,565) 2,683
(585) Minority interests 485 (333)
4,961 (LOSS)/PROFIT FOR THE (1,080) 2,350
(2,205) Paid and Payable (354) (375)
2,756 RETAINED BY GROUP (1,434) 1,975
12.93 (LOSS)/EARNINGS PER (2.97) 5.98p
As at 31 As at 30 June As at 30 June
December 2000 2001 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
71,525 Fixed Assets 68,362 71,962
17,017 Investments 23,719 20,531
1,233 Stocks 1,058 1,005
19,627 Debtors 17,033 20,696
36,370 Cash at Bank 27,063 32,178
57,230 45,154 53,879
(24,843) Creditors (amounts falling
due within one year) (21,900) (23,596)
32,387 NET CURRENT ASSETS 23,254 30,283
120,929 TOTAL ASSETS LESS 115,335 122,776
(50,467) Creditors (amounts (53,859) (46,950)
falling due after
one year)
(4,238) Provisions for (2,460) (5,709)
liabilities and
(4,545) Minority interests (3,873) (4,127)
61,679 NET ASSETS 55,143 65,990
7,489 Called up share 7,073 7,820
29,199 Profit and loss 25,318 29,776
20,642 Capital reserves 18,749 21,731
4,349 Revaluation reserve 4,003 6,663
61,679 55,143 65,990
164.73p NET ASSETS PER 155.94p 168.82p
Year to 31 Six months to 30 Six months to
December 2000 June 2001 30 June 2000
£'000 Note £'000 £'000
13,798 NET CASH INFLOW 7,000 4,813
961 Dividends from 1,139 427
joint ventures
1,312 Returns on 226 1,092
investments &
servicing of
(2,771) Taxation (632) (1,569)
(10,979) Capital expenditure (14,820) (11,885)
and financial
(5,203) Acquisitions and (1,205) (1,831)
(2,340) Equity dividends (1,830) (1,965)
(5,222) CASH OUTFLOW BEFORE (10,122) (10,918)
(1,176) Management of 7,800 4,540
liquid resources
4,961 Financing 2,374 6,414
1.494 US$ to £1 1.412 1.518
2.914 R$ to £1 3.248 2.748
Notes to Interim Accounts
1 In respect of the six monthly results which are based on unaudited reports for
management purposes:
(a) the figures are not the company's statutory accounts;
(b) the auditors of the company have not made any report thereon under section
90(2) of the Bermuda Companies Act.
(c) The interim report has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies
set out in the latest annual accounts
2 Taxation
UK withholding tax 0
Overseas taxation (853)
The interim dividend of 1.00p per share will be paid on the 2nd November, 2001,
to shareholders on the register at close of business on 12th October, 2001.
Additional copies of this announcement can be obtained from the company's
registered office Clarendon House, Church Street, Hamilton, Bermuda or from the
Company's UK transfer agent, Capita IRG, Balfour House, 390-398 High Road,
Ilford, Essex IG1 1NQ.