Interim Results
Ocean Wilsons Holdings Ld
22 September 2004
Chairman's Interim Statement
for Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited
Accounts and results
Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited has produced another strong financial and
operational performance in the first half of 2004. Group sales for the period
were up 29% at US$ 86.2 million (2003: US$ 66.8 million) driven by the
continuing boom in Brazilian exports and the expansion of our logistics and
transport business. Group operating profit at US$14.6 million (2003: US$ 15.5
million) is in line with our expectations.
Results at our towage businesses remain strong with volumes in line with prior
period. As previously indicated operating margins in the period were adversely
impacted by changes to the Brazilian federal tax legislation and some
inflationary cost pressures.
The Ship Agency division produced a solid first half performance with turnover
up 25% in US Dollar terms.
Tecon Rio Grande continued to operate above optimal capacity. Total movements in
the period were 280,015 TEUs (twenty foot equivalent units), 9% higher than the
comparative period in 2003. Revenue increased 21% in US Dollar terms although
capacity constraints adversely affected margins. Expansion of the terminal at
an estimated cost of US$25 million is forecast to commence in early 2005.
Results at Tecon Salvador reflected the advances made in this business during
We continue to expand our logistics and transport business. The first half of
the year has delivered strong growth in turnover although margins remain
disappointing. Shareholders should note that this is effectively a new business
and it may take sometime to generate an adequate return on turnover.
The disposal of non-core properties provided an additional profit of US$ 1.9
million (2003 : US$ 0.2 million).
As anticipated profit before taxation fell US$23.5 million to US$ 12.7 million
(2003: - US$36.2 million) primarily due to the movement in exchange losses on
foreign currency borrowings of US$7.0 million (2003: - US$18.2 million gain), a
movement of US$25.2 million. Earnings per share based on ordinary activities
after taxation and minority interests were 20.82cents (2003: - 67.50cents).
Exchange rates
In the six months to 30 June 2004, the $Real depreciated 7% against the US
dollar (from R$ 2.89 to R$ 3.10). The average rate of exchange in the period
used to translate the Group's Brazilian results into US Dollars appreciated 8%
against the US Dollar from R$ 3.22 to R$ 2.96.
Exchange gains/losses on foreign currency borrowings
The Group's Brazilian subsidiaries continue to have significant US dollar loans
and $Real denominated loans that are monetarily corrected by the movement in the
US dollar/ $Real exchange rate. The depreciation of the $Real against the US
dollar has generated a US$7.0 million $Real denominated loss on the Group's US
dollar and US dollar linked loans (2003: - US$18.2 million gain). Under UK GAAP
the Group is required to recognise this result in the profit and loss account in
the period it occurs.
The cash flow effect of these exchange movements will only be realised over the
life of the loans when repayments are made. Whilst the value of the loans remain
unchanged in US Dollars, repayments need to be made out of local currency. The
Board, in internally evaluating the Group's performance, spreads the exchange
gain / loss on borrowings over the remaining life of the loans. On the basis of
spreading the exchange gains / losses, the portion of current exchange losses
and past exchange gains and losses attributable to the period would be a loss of
US$ 4.2 million (2003: - US$3.0 million loss) as compared to the reported
exchange loss of US$7.0 million (2003: - US$ 18.2 million gain).
The board has resolved that an interim dividend of 2.00cents per share (2003:
1.61cents per share) be paid on 29 October, 2004 to shareholders on the register
at close of business on 8 October 2004. Shareholders will continue to receive
dividends in sterling determined by reference to the exchange rate applicable to
the US Dollar on the dividend record date, except for those shareholders that
elect to receive dividends in US dollars. As previously stated future dividend
payments will be determined by the Board taking into consideration all aspects
of the Group's business, but primarily profitability and free cash flow.
Cash flow and capital expenditure
The Group continues to be highly cash generative and during the six months to 30
June 2004 net cash inflow from operating activities increased to US$16.0 million
(2003 : US$ 12.3 million). Capital expenditure in the period amounted to US$ 6.5
million (2003: US$ 5.0 million), the major element being expenditure on tug
construction. At 30 June 2004 Group net debt was US$45.8 million (31 December
2003: - US$ 40.2 million).
Investment Portfolio
During the period there was significant portfolio activity with purchases
totalling US$11.6 million and sales of US$5.4 million. At 31 August 2004 the
investment portfolio (including cash under management of US$5.0 million) held
outside Brazil was approximately US$54.5 million, including a gain of 3.2% since
year end.
Group Net Assets
At 30 June 2004, the Group's net assets amounted to US$ 118.6 million (31
December 2003: - US$ 114.6 million). This is the equivalent of $3.35 per share
(31 December 2003: - $3.24). Net assets located in Brazil account for $1.86 (31
December 2003: - $1.93) and net assets outside Brazil $1.49 (31 December 2003: -
$1.31 cents).
Future Prospects
Our Brazilian business has performed well and the operational forecast for the
year remains positive. Ocean Wilsons results are traditionally weighted towards
the second half of the year and with the relative stability of the $Real the
Group is well positioned to benefit from the growing Brazilian export sector.
J F Gouvea Vieira
21 September 2004
Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited
Preliminary Announcement
At the board meeting held today the following announcement of the unaudited
results of the Company and its subsidiary companies for the six months ended 30
June 2004 was approved by the directors.
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
six months six months year to
to 30 June to 30 June 31 December 2003
2004 2003
US$'000 US$'000 US$'000
Turnover and share of joint ventures' turnover 96,395 73,640 160,952
Less share of joint ventures' turnover (10,243) (6,889) (16,442)
Group Turnover 86,152 66,751 144,510
Operating costs (66,212) (47,870) (109,301)
Depreciation (5,297) (3,381) (7,505)
Group operating profit 14,643 15,500 27,704
Share of operating profit in joint ventures 2,646 2,033 4,973
Share of operating loss in associates (301) (642) (1,052)
Income from fixed asset investments 314 127 307
Realised surpluses on sales of investments 372 1,045 633
Profit on disposals of assets 1,921 192 188
Profit on disposal of interest in associate - - 595
Interest receivable and similar income 3,564 2,573 6,650
Interest payable (3,541) (2,858) (5,948)
Net exchange (loss)/gain on foreign currency (6,958) 18,248 17,795
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 12,660 36,218 51,845
Taxation on profit on ordinary activities (4,664) (10,149) (19,132)
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 7,996 26,069 32,713
Minority interests (635) (2,199) (3,048)
Profit for the period 7,361 23,870 29,665
Paid and Payable (707) (570) (6,247)
Retained profit for the period 6,654 23,300 23,418
Earnings per share Basic and diluted 20.82c 67.50c 83.89c
Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited
Preliminary Announcement
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
as at as at as at
30 June 2004 30 June 2003 31 December
US$'000 US$'000 US$'000
Fixed Assets 104,706 107,298 113,072
Investments 52,990 34,953 45,171
Current Assets
Stocks 3,715 2,950 3,166
Debtors 43,559 37,401 45,152
Investment held for resale 2,722 2,940 2,919
Cash at Bank 52,728 55,820 60,302
102,724 99,111 111,539
Creditors (amounts falling due within one year) (49,266) (44,001) (56,323)
Net current assets 53,458 55,110 55,216
Total assets less current liabilities 211,154 197,361 213,459
Creditors (amounts falling due after one year) (84,165) (87,404) (88,391)
Provisions for liabilities and charges (8,362) (4,000) (10,480)
Net assets 118,627 105,957 114,588
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 11,390 11,390 11,390
Profit and loss account 71,034 65,551 66,239
Capital reserves 21,049 19,897 22,665
Revaluation reserve 8,131 2,988 7,411
Equity shareholders' funds 111,604 99,826 107,705
Minority interests 7,023 6,131 6,883
Total capital employed 118,627 105,957 114,588
Net assets per share 335c 300c 324c
Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited
Preliminary Announcement
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 30 June 2004
Unaudited six Unaudited six Audited
months to 30 months to 30
June 2004 June 2003 year to
31 December
US$'000 US$'000 US$'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 3 16,020 12,325 36,421
Dividends from joint ventures 1,436 2,702 4,582
Returns on investments & servicing of finance 726 (113) 267
Taxation (5,851) (5,295) (11,191)
Capital expenditure and financial investment (8,899) (6,205) (19,171)
Acquisitions and disposals - 484 1,090
Equity dividends paid (5,658) (2,846) (3,470)
Cash (outflow)/inflow before management of (2,226) 1,052 8,528
liquid resources and financing
Management of liquid resources 4,175 1,507 (27)
Financing (2,183) (4,474) (10,326)
Decrease in cash in period (234) (1,915) (1,825)
Exchange rates used
Brazilian $Real to US Dollar 2.96 3.22 3.07
Sterling to US Dollar 0.55 0.62 0.61
Period End
Brazilian $Real to US Dollar 3.10 2.87 2.89
Sterling to US Dollar 0.55 0.61 0.56
Notes to the Interim Accounts
1 In respect of the six monthly results, which are based on
unaudited reports for management purposes.
(a) The figures are not the Company's statutory accounts.
(b) The auditors of the Company have not made any report thereon under section
90(2) of the Bermuda Companies Act.
(c) The accounts have been prepared using accounting policies consistent with
those set out in the most recent audited financial statements ended
31 December 2003.
2 Taxation
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
six months to six months to year to
30 June 30 June
31 December
2004 2003
US$'000 US$'000 US$'000
UK tax - - -
Overseas tax 4,,664 10,149 19,132
4,664 10,149 19,132
3 Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from
operating activities
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
six months six months to year to
30 June
to 30 June 31 December
2004 2003
US$'000 US$'000 US$'000
Operating profit 14,643 15,500 27,704
Depreciation 5,297 3,381 7,505
Amortisation 24 26 53
(Increase)/decrease in stocks (765) (879) (1,166)
(Increase)/decrease in debtors (4,438) (6,212) (8,745)
Increase/(decrease) in creditors 1,528 121 10,423
Increase/(decrease) in provisions (269) 388 647
Net cash inflow from operating activities 16,020 12,325 36,421
4 The interim dividends of 2.00c per share will be paid on the 29
October 2004, to shareholders on the register at close of business on
8 October 2003.
Additional copies of this announcement can be obtained from the Company's
registered office, Clarendon House, Church Street, Hamilton, Bermuda or from the
Company's UK transfer agent, Capita Registrars, The Registry, 34 Beckenham Road,
Kent BR3 4TU.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange