Octopus AIM VCT plc
19 December 2012
Enhanced Buyback Facility - Extension of Closing Date
Octopus AIM VCT plc announces that, in accordance with the terms of the Enhanced Buyback Facility, as contained within the circular issued by the Company on 23 October 2012 ("Circular"), the closing date for applications to participate in the Enhanced Buyback Facility has been extended from noon on 28 December 2012 to noon on 31 January 2013 in order to give shareholders more time to respond. Allotments are now expected to take place in mid February 2013. Octopus will be informing shareholders separately.
Applications amounting to 4,610,204 shares, of the 23,710,079 shares available, have so far been received in respect of the Enhanced Buyback Facility.
Due to the Retail Distribution Review taking effect from 31 December 2012, the Company will not be able to pay commission to any financial intermediaries who have provided advice to their client after 30 December 2012.
For further information on completing and returning an application form after 30 December 2012, shareholders are recommended to contact Octopus on 0800 294 6828.
For further information please contact:
Patricia Standaloft
Company Secretary
0207 710 6471