Extraordinary General Meeting 2009

An Extraordinary General Meeting in Orkla ASA was held on Thursday, 10 December 2009, in Oslo. All proposals on the agenda were adopted, cf. the notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting that was sent to the Oslo Stock Exchange on 30 October 2009. The General Meeting adopted the following amendments to the Articles of Association: The Article 16, second paragraph, of the Articles of Association to be read as follows: "The Board of Directors may decide that documents concerning matters to be considered at the general meeting are not to be sent to shareholders when the documents are made available on the company's website. This also applies to documents which by law shall be enclosed in or attached to the notice of a general meeting. A shareholder may nonetheless request that documents concerning matters to be considered at the general meeting be sent to him or her." Under the new section 5-11 b of the Public Limited Liability Companies Act, the minimum period of notice for a general meeting in an enterprise listed on a regulated market has been increased from two weeks to 21 days. According to this the general meeting proposed to amend the Articles of Association section 15, first paragraph, first sentence to: "Ordinary or Extraordinary General Meetings shall be convened on not less than 21 days' notice at a time and venue decided jointly by the Chairman of the Corporate Assembly and the Board of Directors." Shareholders who wish to be sent documents attached to the notice of a general meeting, and/or the Annual Report, by post may order them on www.orkla.com/investor. Alternatively, they may contact Orkla ASA, P.O. Box 423 Skøyen, 0213 Oslo, Norway, reference "Annual Report". Orkla ASA Oslo, 10 December 2009 Contacts Orkla Investor Relations: Rune Helland, Tel.: +47 977 13250 Siv Merethe S. Brekke, Tel.: +47 930 56093 This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


Orkla ASA (0FIN)
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