Holding in Company

Oxford Instruments PLC 21 August 2000 The Manager Company Announcements Office Primary Markets Division The International Stock Exchange P.O. Box 119 London EC2N 1HP 21 August 2000 Dear Sir The Company has received notification today in accordance with Companies Act 1985, (as amended) that Phillips & Drew Life Limited has a notifiable interest in 2,873,251 Ordinary Shares of 5p each which, represents 6.00% of the issued share capital of Oxford Instruments plc. However, please note that the notice from Phillips & Drew was dated 9th August, but due to a postal strike in the Oxfordshire area over the last 10 days we have only received it this morning. The shares to which this notification relates are registered as follows: Registered Holder Number of Shares Phildrew Nominees Limited a/c LF09 160,432 Phildrew Nominees Limited a/c LF20 2,712,819 TOTAL 2,873,251 Phillips & Drew Life Limited is a subsidiary of UBS Asset Management Holding (No.2) Limited which is also treated as having an interest in the above shares. Phillips & Drew are authorised to make this aggregate disclosure on behalf of UBS Asset Management Holding (No.2) Limited the registered address of which is: Triton Court 14 Finsbury Square London EC2A 1PD Della Gorham (Mrs) Assistant Company Secretary
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