Pacific Horizon Investment Trust PLC (PHI)
Legal Entity Identifier: VLGEI9B8R0REWKB0LN95
Publication of a Supplementary Prospectus
Pacific Horizon Investment Trust PLC (the "Company") has today published a supplementary prospectus approved by the Financial Conduct Authority (the "Supplementary Prospectus"). The publication of the Supplementary Prospectus is a regulatory requirement under the Prospectus Regulation Rules following the publication of the Company's audited annual financial report and accounts and its half yearly report.
The Supplementary Prospectus is supplemental to, and should be read in conjunction with, the prospectus published by the Company on 11 December 2020 (the "Prospectus") in respect of the Issue of New Shares pursuant to the Company's Share Issuance Programme.
A copy of the Supplementary Prospectus will shortly be available for inspection at the National Storage Mechanism which is located at
The Supplementary Prospectus is also available in electronic form on the Company's website at
Baillie Gifford & Co Limited
Company Secretaries
5 October 2021
For further information please contract:
Karen Havranek
Baillie Gifford & Co
Tel: 0131 275 3171
Regulated Information Classification: Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under applicable laws and regulations.