Preliminary results

PayPoint plc Preliminary results Year ended 25 March 2007 +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Year ended | Year ended | | | | 25 March | 31 March | | | | 2007 | 2006 | Increase | |------------------------------+------------+------------+----------| | | £m | £m | % | |------------------------------+------------+------------+----------| | Revenue | 157 | 120 | 31 | |------------------------------+------------+------------+----------| | Net revenue[1],[3] | 58 | 46 | 25 | |------------------------------+------------+------------+----------| | Operating profit | 25 | 19 | 31 | |------------------------------+------------+------------+----------| | Profit before tax | 27 | 20 | 31 | |------------------------------+------------+------------+----------| | | | | | |------------------------------+------------+------------+----------| | Basic earnings per share | 27.7p | 25.0p | 11 | |------------------------------+------------+------------+----------| | Proposed final dividend per | | | | | share | 9.1p | 7.5p | 21 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ HIGHLIGHTS * Strong growth in both revenues and operating profit ahead 31% driven by 29% increase in transactions * Operating margin[2],[3], increased by 2 percentage points to 44% * Earnings per share of 27.7p, up 11% notwithstanding an increase in the effective tax rate from 17% to 30% as prior year losses are fully utilized * Total dividends for year 13.7p per share, up 30% * Terminal network expanded by 15% to 17,537 * Bill and general payments transaction growth enhanced by exclusive BBC TV Licensing contract * Entry into rapidly growing internet payment service market through acquisitions of Metacharge and SECPay * International expansion through acquisition of Pay Store SRL in Romania since the year end * Brand continuing to gain traction with prompted consumer awareness[4] over 70% David Newlands, Chairman of PayPoint, said "PayPoint continues to deliver strong increases in both revenues and profits, and has opportunities for further growth through market share gains and new initiatives. The Metacharge and SECPay acquisitions during the year are a positive step in generating transactions in new sectors and increasing the range of consumer payments processed by PayPoint. Since the year end we have also announced the acquisition of Pay Store SRL, the leading independent Romanian mobile top-up provider as the first step of our international strategy. Overall we look ahead with confidence for continuing growth supported by an encouraging performance at the start of the new financial year." The financial statements have been drawn up to the year ended 25 March 2007 (the last Sunday in the month). The year ending 30 March 2008 will contain 53 weeks. BUSINESS REVIEW The business review has been prepared solely to provide additional information to shareholders as a body to assess PayPoint's strategies and their potential to succeed, and it should not be relied upon for any other purpose. It contains forward looking statements that have been made by the directors in good faith based on the information available at the time of approval of the annual report and such statements should be treated with caution due to the inherent uncertainties, including both economic and business risk factors, underlying any such forward looking information. Operational overview We have continued to grow in all sectors and particularly in bill and general payments with the introduction of the exclusive BBC TV licensing contract. This growth has been achieved through the success of our strategy to: * broaden our customer service proposition and increase the range of payments through our network; and * grow and optimize our network coverage. During the financial year, PayPoint processed 414 million transactions (2006: 322 million), an increase of 29%, with a value of £5.2 billion (2006: £3.8 billion) up 38%. Commissions paid to agents of £77 million were up 21%, reflecting lower than average increase in mobile top-ups which carry higher than average agent commission. The average transaction value has increased to £13 (2006: £12) mainly as a result of the TV licence contract, rises in domestic gas and electricity prices, increased volumes in the housing rent and council tax sector and payments via the internet. There has been strong growth in transaction volumes across all sectors: +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | | 2007 | 2006 | Increase | | Transactions by sector | million | million | % | |----------------------------+---------+---------+----------| | Bill and general payments* | 267 | 205 | 30 | |----------------------------+---------+---------+----------| | Mobile top-ups | 130 | 108 | 21 | |----------------------------+---------+---------+----------| | ATMs | 13 | 9 | 44 | |----------------------------+---------+---------+----------| | Internet payments | 4 | - | - | |----------------------------+---------+---------+----------| | Total | 414 | 322 | 29 | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ *Including debit/credit transactions Bill and general payments PayPoint has performed well in this sector with growth stimulated by increased agent numbers, client payment options and brand awareness. Migration of market share away from the Post Office, following its branch closure programme, and the launch of the BBC TV licence payments exclusively in PayPoint agents have contributed to growth in transactions. The major new contract with TV Licensing will continue to add to transaction volumes next year being its first full year of operation. In prepaid energy, substantial energy consumer price increases have continued to have a beneficial effect on PayPoint's transaction volumes, offset by an increase in average transaction values. Gas and electricity price reductions have been announced which, in the absence of a reduction in transaction values, will have an adverse effect on volumes in the current year. This adverse impact will be partly mitigated by network growth and increasing market share. In transport, we have extended our geographical coverage by signing new contracts with, amongst others, regional Go Ahead companies, Ipswich Buses, Reading Transport, Northampton Buzz and Stagecoach Northampton, in addition to our existing contracts with Arriva, National Express, Lothian, First and Greater Manchester Travelcards. Whilst current volumes in transport ticketing are relatively modest, there is considerable potential for long-term growth if transport authorities take steps to move ticket purchasing off buses. We are also discussing contracts with other operators and transport executives. PayPoint has also achieved strong growth in the rest of the sector (energy bill payments, communications including TV Licensing, water, local authorities, and others). Mobile top-ups PayPoint's share of the UK mobile top-up market is c.30% (2006: c.27%) as a result of extending the retail network and improved outlet branding. Growth in Epos transactions is higher than for mobile top-ups on PayPoint's terminals, partly as a result of the migration of transactions from terminals to two multiple retailers' till systems on which Epos transactions are performed and partly on the higher growth in Epos sites than terminal sites. The re-branding programme has contributed to an improvement in prompted consumer awareness[4] of 34ppts to 70% from 36% last year. Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) New machines have continued to be rolled out, albeit at a slower rate of 34 per month (2006: 41 per month). The quality of the installed estate has been maintained and average transaction volumes and revenues are higher than last year, with sites averaging over 630 transactions per month (2006: 600 per month), split between cash withdrawals and balance enquiries with the latter representing slightly more than half of the transactions. Installed ATMs have grown to 1,860 at the year end (2006: 1,451). Network growth Demand remains strong for new PayPoint terminal outlets and the retail network has grown to 17,537 sites at 25 March 2007, a net increase of over 2,200 or 15% on 2006. 2,488 sites (2006: 2,300) with our terminals also have Epos connections, to allow mobile top-up transactions over the retailers' own till systems and there are a further 3,855 Epos only sites (2006: 2,780). +---------------------------------------------------+ | Analysis of sites | 2007 | 2006 | Increase | | | | | % | |----------------------+--------+--------+----------| | PP terminal only | 15,049 | 12,996 | 16 | |----------------------+--------+--------+----------| | PP terminal and Epos | 2,488 | 2,300 | 8 | |----------------------+--------+--------+----------| | PP terminal sites | 17,537 | 15,296 | 15 | |----------------------+--------+--------+----------| | ATM sites | 1,860 | 1,451 | 28. | |----------------------+--------+--------+----------| | Internet merchants | 4,249 | - | - | +---------------------------------------------------+ Financial overview Revenue for the financial year was 31% up at £157 million (2006: £120 million), driven by a 29% increase in transaction volumes and the increase in revenue from the sale of mobile top-ups in Ireland[5]. Cost of sales was £111 million (2006: £83 million), an increase of 33%. Cost of sales comprises commission paid to agents, the cost of mobile top-ups in Ireland, depreciation and other items including telecommunications costs. Agents' commission increased to £77 million (2006: £64 million), up 21%, lower than volume growth as a result of lower than average growth of mobile top-ups which carry higher than average agent commissions. The cost of mobile top-ups in Ireland has risen to £21 million (2006: £10m). Depreciation and amortisation have increased to £3.8 million (2006: £2.3 million) as a result of the new terminal and ATM deployment and the refurbishment of the operations base at Welwyn Garden City. Net revenue[6] of £58 million (2006: £46 million) was up 25%, driven primarily by volume growth. Operating margins[7] were 44% (2006: 42%), ahead of last year despite the step change in operating costs resulting from the expansion of the operations base. Gross profit improved to £46 million (2006: £37 million), 26% ahead of last year, with a gross margin of 29% (2006: 30%). The rate of increase in mobile top-ups, where PayPoint acts as principal, which is greater than the rate of increase from other sources, tends to depress gross margin, mitigated by lower rates of increase in other costs. Gross margin, excluding the cost of mobile top-ups where PayPoint is the principal from both revenue and cost of sales, improved to 34% (2006: 33%). Operating costs (administrative expenses) have risen to £21 million (2006: £17 million), an increase of 21%. The inclusion of Metacharge and SECPay since acquisition has accounted for a 5% increase and the remainder results from the increase in leased space at our operations base, merger and acquisition activity, promotional activity and the expansion of the senior management team. Operating profit was £25 million (2006: £19 million). The operating margin[8] improved to 44% (2006: 42%). Profit before tax was £27 million (2006: £20 million). The tax charge of £8 million (2006: £3 million) represents an increase in the effective rate to 30% (2006: 17%), mainly as a result of the use last year of the previously unrecognized tax losses from prior years. Operating cash flow was £28 million (2006: £14 million), reflecting strong conversion of profit to cash and a beneficial timing impact of drawing up the year end to 25 March 2007. Net capital expenditure of £6 million (2006: £7 million) reflected spend on new terminals, ATMs and infrastructure assets and the refurbishment of the operations base. Net interest received was £1 million (2006: £1 million). Equity dividends paid were £8 million (2006: £6 million). Cash and cash equivalents were £24 million (including client cash of £7 million), down £5 million from £29 million (including client cash of £6 million) at 31 March 2006 following the net cash outflow of £20 million for the acquisitions of Metacharge and SECPay during the financial year. Economic profit PayPoint has made an economic profit (operating profit less tax and capital charge) of £16 million (2006: £13 million). Operating profits were £25million (2006: £19 million), up 31%, tax was £8 million (2006: £3 million), sharply increased as a result of the low tax charge last year when the remaining tax losses from prior years were used, and the capital charge of £1 million (2006: £0.5 million), increased as a result of the investment in Metacharge and SECPay, the refurbishment of the operations base and the capital invested in new terminal sites and ATMs. Dividend We propose to pay, on 22 June 2007, a final dividend of 9.1p per share to shareholders on the register on 25 May 2007, subject to approval of the shareholders at the annual general meeting. An interim dividend of 4.6p per share was paid on 21 December 2006. PayPoint Internet Payment Services Metacharge was acquired on 1 November 2006 for £8 million and SECPay for £12 million on 26 February 2007 to form PayPoint Internet Payment Services (PPIPS). Both companies are internet payment service providers (PSP) which contract with small and medium size enterprises to provide a secure payment service for internet shoppers. PPIPS earns revenue from transaction fees or monthly management fees. Both companies are Payment Card Industry (PCI) accredited for both Visa and MasterCard. PayPoint's network of agents will be offered as a cash payment solution for online purchases, in addition to the debit and credit card payments currently offered by these companies, and the PSP solution is being offered to some of PayPoint's existing clients. PayPoint is combining the two businesses creating synergies and economies of scale. The first phase of this integration will deliver a single billing platform, a single extranet and both businesses will share SECPay's hosted hardware platforms. The second phase will permit Metacharge products to be delivered to SECPay's merchant base and vice versa, opening SECPay's electronic interfaces with its wider acquiring bank base to Metacharge. This will enable the introduction of merchants by PPIPS to banks. Pay Store SRL Pay Store SRL was acquired on 15 May 2007 for ¤16 million from the RTC group with potential for a further ¤1 million payable or recoverable, on the performance of the business in the first year after acquisition. Pay Store is a mobile top-up provider, the largest independent provider in Romania, selling both electronic top-ups and scratch cards, with over 6,000 retail agents, 4,000 of which have electronic terminals provided by Pay Store. Some 97% of Romanians pay bills in cash and are poorly served by a wide variety of payment methods. There is no single branded payment service. We plan to roll out a branded bill payment service using the Pay Store infrastructure, PayPoint terminals, and processing from Welwyn Garden City. Pay Store is well placed to benefit from the migration from scratch cards to electronic top-ups, and to capture a significant share of the bill payment market as privatized utilities look to rationalize current inefficient and costly cash collection channels. Liquidity The group has cash of £24 million and an unsecured loan facility of £35 million with a remaining term of 4 years. Cash and borrowing capacity are adequate to meet the foreseeable needs of the group. Financing and treasury policy The policy requires a prudent approach to the investment of surplus funds, external financing, settlement, foreign exchange risk and internal control structures. The policy prohibits the use of financial derivatives and sets limits for gearing and dividend cover. Charitable donations During the year the group made charitable donations of £33,300. including the sponsorship of MacMillan Cancer Relief of £25,000. All other payments were to charities serving the communities in which the group operates. Employees We would like to take this opportunity to thank PayPoint's employees for their commitment, energy and enthusiasm in achieving the targets that underpin the delivery of these results. Outlook There is further potential to expand the business in the UK. Whilst previous growth in energy prepayment attributed to energy price rises will not be sustained as energy prices fall, bill payment including the full year impact of the BBC TV licensing contract offers substantial opportunities for increase both in market share of existing business and through new initiatives. The planned installation of a further 2,000 terminal sites will also bring more market share in mobile top-up volumes and other transactions. We will continue to roll out ATMs, taking care to match the existing high quality outlets comprising our estate and this is expected to build total ATM transaction volumes. Our acquisitions, Metacharge, SECPay and more recently Pay Store, although small, are sound platforms for expansion in markets which are increasing rapidly. We are confident of continuing growth and trading in the current year has started well. David Newlands Dominic Taylor Chairman Chief Executive 17 May 2007 Enquiries: PayPoint plc 01707 600300 Dominic Taylor, Chief Executive George Earle, Finance Director Finsbury 020 7251 3801 Rollo Head Don Hunter A presentation for analysts is being held at 11.30am today at Finsbury, Tenter House, Moorfields, London EC2. This announcement is available on the PayPoint plc website: http// [1] Net revenue is revenue less commissions paid to retail agents, the cost of mobile top-ups where PayPoint is the principal and external processing costs. [2] Operating margin is operating profit expressed as a percentage of net revenue. [3] Net revenue and operating margins[2] are measures which the directors believe assist with a better understanding of the underlying performance of the group. The reconciliation of net revenue to statutory amounts can be found in note 2. [4] BMRB Omnibus survey April 2007. [5] In Ireland, PayPoint is principal in the sale of mobile top-ups and accordingly the face value of the top-up is included in sales and the corresponding costs in cost of sales. [6] Net revenue is revenue less commissions paid to retail agents and the cost of mobile top-ups where PayPoint is the principal. [7] Operating margins are calculated as operating profit as a percentage of net revenue[6]. [8] Operating margins are calculated as operating profit as a percentage of net revenue[9] [9]Net revenue is revenue less commissions paid to retail agents and the cost of mobile top-ups where PayPoint is the principal. The full report with tables can be downloaded from the following link: ---END OF MESSAGE---


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