Quarterly Update
Petra Diamonds Ld
01 August 2005
1st August 2005
Petra Diamonds Limited
30 JUNE 2005
Petra Diamonds Limited ('Petra' or 'the Company'), the AIM-quoted and ASX-listed
diamond mining group, announces its quarterly activities report as required by
the ASX for the three month period ended 30 June 2005.
As this is a quarterly report and, to assist with full disclosure, this report
includes the operational performance of the Helam, Star and Messina/Dancarl
mines for the full three month period, notwithstanding that Petra's effective
date of control of the mines was 1 June 2005. The consolidated financial report
reflects the cash flow for Petra Diamonds Limited for the three and twelve month
periods to 30 June 2005 and the consolidated Crown Diamonds NL cash flow for the
one month period commencing on 1 June 2005.
• Merger with Crown Diamonds NL completed
• Placing undertaken for a total of £17.1 million at a placing price of
85p per share to primarily UK institutional investors
• Enlarged Petra reports positive Net Operating Cash Flow for the quarter
The merger with Crown Diamonds NL was completed effective from the 31 May 2005
with the issue of 37,962,256 Petra shares for 303,695,868 Crown Diamonds NL
shares pursuant to an order of the Supreme Court of Western Australia.
Concurrent with the merger, a total of 20,084,352 shares were placed with
institutional investors at 85 pence raising £17,071,699 (before costs).
The cash flow movement for the quarter is set out in the attached Appendix 5B.
Alto Cuilo, Angola
• BHP Billiton elects to fund all exploration at Alto Cuilo
• 59% of the 73 holes drilled to date intersect kimberlite - a very
encouraging success rate
• Review of geological and geophysical data with BHP Billiton identifies
additional targets
• Drilling identifies further kimberlite deposits
• 115m tonne deposit now confirmed as diamondiferous
• Higher kimberlite diamond valuation than previously expected
BHP Billiton Joint Venture
BHP Billiton has now elected to sole fund all kimberlite and alluvial
exploration and related costs on behalf of Petra Diamonds Alto Cuilo Limited
('PDAC', the Petra/BHP Billiton JV vehicle) for the entire Alto Cuilo
From 1 January 2005 (the date at which BHP Billiton elected to fund kimberlite
exploration within the ML Complex) to the end of June 2005, BHP Billiton has
advanced funding of approximately US$3.6m to PDAC in respect of exploration at
Alto Cuilo. BHP Billiton will start earning a direct interest in PDAC when it
has advanced funding of US$7.5m, which is expected to be the case later this
Drilling in excess of 8,895m on 73 holes has been undertaken to date, with 43 of
these holes intersecting kimberlite - a success rate of 59%. Drilling results
indicate the presence of kimberlites with preserved crater zones that have
undergone very little erosion, thus underscoring the potential for large size
discoveries. Some holes have intersected kimberlite to vertical depths of 280m,
where drilling was stopped due to limitation of drilling capacity but the
kimberlite continued.
Re-classification of the geophysical and drilling data by Petra and BHP Billiton
has confirmed that 11 of the aeromagnetic anomalies tested are related to
kimberlite pipes, with other targets prioritised for drilling.
The current drilling programme will continue on the anomalies in the ML Complex
that have not yet been drilled with the expectation of significantly increasing
the number of kimberlite discoveries.
Sample analysis
The results from the sample of over 1,000kg of kimberlitic material sent for
micro diamond analysis at Lakefield Research Centre in Canada have now been
received. These samples were taken from three of the eleven kimberlite
groupings, including the 115m tonne deposit (announced by the Company on 7/12/
04) and the kimberlite from which the 40 tonne bulk sample was previously taken
and which yielded a grade of 47 carats per hundred tones ('cpht') (as announced
by the Company on 8/9/04).
The results indicate that the macro and micro diamond populations do not fit
'typical' micro diamond grade estimate curves, in that recoveries are skewed
toward the macro population. All three kimberlites were certified as being
diamondiferous in nature and a full suite of kimberlite indicator minerals was
recovered for each kimberlite intersection for mineral chemistry assessments.
The presence of high chrome sub-calcic G10s and high sodium eclogitic garnets
indicates that lithologies typically associated with peridotitic and eclogitic
diamond sources have been sampled by these kimberlite pipes.
The 65 tonnes per hour ('tph') diamond recovery plant (MB100 and DMS) continues
to be used mainly for the treatment of alluvial samples. A total of 4,987
diamonds totaling 1,255 carats at an average stone size of 0.25 carats have been
recovered to date. A pitting and trenching programme on the river flats and
hillsides has started in order to further evaluate the potential for
economically viable alluvial deposits within the ML Complex.
BHP Billiton has completed a valuation of the diamonds recovered from the
kimberlite and alluvial sampling. Based on a preliminary result obtained from
310 carats, the diamonds recovered from the kimberlite samples averaged US$295
per carat. This is in excess of Petra's previous estimates of US$200 per carat.
Aeromagnetic programme
A Midas low-level helicopter aeromagnetic survey is underway. It is expected
that, due to the sophistication of this system compared to the 1998 fixed wing
survey executed by Petra and the use of twin sensors at closer line spacing,
additional magnetic anomalies are likely to be detected. The aeromagnetic survey
aims to assist in the discovery of further kimberlite deposits as well as to
accurately define the magnetic signatures of the kimberlites discovered to date
and of the untested anomalies identified in the 1998 high-level aeromagnetic
Kono Project, Sierra Leone
• A 200kg sample taken by Petra returned a gem quality 0.22 carat diamond,
supporting the previously indicated average grade of 94 cpht from Mano River
Resources's sampling
• Manufacture of 75 tph production plant to be completed by September
2005, to be commissioned on site during Q1 2006
• Diamond production from treatment of bulk samples expected Q1 2006
• Petra plans to accelerate expenditure and development of the project so
as to bring production on line as early as possible
Exploration developments
Petra personnel visited the Kono site in April 2005 to plan for the
establishment of the 75 tph production plant as well as to undertake further
geological work on the dykes. Dykes were opened up to depths of 10m and samples
The strike length of the Kono kimberlite dykes exceeds the total strike length
of Petra's South African kimberlite dyke operations and Petra believes the Kono
project has the potential to yield high grades of approximately 100 cpht.
Site establishment
The necessary equipment to establish initial facilities on site will be shipped
from South Africa and is on track to be commissioned on site by Q4 2005. Petra's
site establishment team will transfer to Sierra Leone in August and the site
facilities should be fully established by November.
Exploration/Production plans
Petra is currently manufacturing the 75 tph production plant (DMS and crushing
circuit) at its facility in South Africa. Petra plans to ship the plant in
October and it should be commissioned on site in Q1 2006.
South African Operations
• All mines achieve record US$ diamond prices
• Strong carat sales and revenue for the 6 months to June 2005
• Operations on track to achieve production and revenue targets
Star Mine, Theunissen District, Free State Province
A total of 8,256 ROM fissure tons was delivered to the plant and returned 5,723
carats at a grade of 69 cpht for the quarter. In the June 2004 quarter the ROM
delivered to the plant was 9,698 tons, from which 4,314 carats were recovered to
yield a grade of 45 cpht.
During the quarter, 5,641 carats were sold for an average price of $US240 per
carat. June 2005 sales of 2,126 carats averaged selling prices of $US287 per
carat. In calendar year 2004, the average price achieved was $US182 per carat.
A 15th level at both Wynandsfontein and Burns has been established and both are
in good ground conditions. At Burns the raise to the west has holed and stoping
has commenced whilst the raise to the east should hole during the first month of
the next quarter. At Wynandsfontein the zero cross-cut has intersected fissure
and raising in both directions has begun. Stope production of fissure should
commence during the next quarter. The establishment of these two levels has
greatly enhanced our ability to achieve our production targets.
The Burns 13E return ventilation airway holing to the 10 level has been
established through the bad ground conditions. This holing suffered temporary
collapse due to wet and poor ground during the quarter. It has however been
reopened, dried and robustly supported and should not suffer any further
Additional ventilation is being planned in the form of raisebore holings so as
to further secure the ventilation of the mine. The raiseboring operation should
commence during the next quarter. The ventilation holing from 10 to 9 level
suffered continual collapse and has been abandoned.
On 14 level the horizontal distance remaining between Burns east drive and
Wynandsfontein west drive is 645 metres (distance between the two shafts is
1,400m). This represents approximately another 18 months before these two
tunnels meet and we can abandon the high maintenance 10 level drive in the
Helam Mine, Swartruggens District, North West Province
A total of 29,662 ROM fissure tons was delivered to the plant and returned
26,907 carats at a grade of 90 cpht. An additional 797 tons of tailings was
treated, delivering 104 carats giving a total of 27,011 carats for the quarter.
During the quarter, 27,148 carats were sold for an average price of $US88 per
carat. June 2005 sales of 10,162 carats averaged selling prices of $US92.90 per
carat. In 2004, the average price achieved since July 2004 was $US74 per carat.
The mechanisation programme is progressing well, with the John main shaft now
equipped to the 18th level. The pilot raise from 20 to 19 level has been
completed and slyping has commenced. The pilot raise from 21 to 20 level is now
70% completed. All other aspects of this capital program are on schedule.
The re-establishment of Second Lease as a separate mining entity is also
progressing well and on schedule. It is expected to see the first production
from this program during the last quarter of this year.
At the Edward shaft the mechanisation process is progressing well, with all
previously planned ore passes having been completed and commissioned. In
addition to the originally planned programme, two ore passes have been
established between 13 and 14 level on the main shaft. This increases our
hoisting flexibility and ability to produce increased tonnes. Modifications to
the single-drum sub-shaft are being investigated so as to fill up the capacity
created by establishment of the abovementioned ore passes.
The plant upgrades are complete and no further changes are envisaged in the near
Messina and Dancarl Mines, Warrenton District, Northern Cape Province
Mining at Sedibeng Joint Venture has progressed well with the delivery of 31,081
ROM fissure tonnes from the combined operation, which were treated through the
Messina plant, delivering 5,685 carats at a ROM grade of 18 cpht. Messina's
share of the delivered carats was 4,235.
The decreased production and grade at Sedibeng has been due to a number of
unforseen circumstances:
1. the redevelopment of 20 level necessitated the drawdown of large amounts of
waste in the stop to re-establish ventilation
2. the re-establishment of 14 level on Dancarl also necessitated the drawdown of
large amounts of waste-bearing material so as to re-establish ventilation,
3. 14 level north on Dancarl only produced stringers for the first 30m of
These problems have now all been overcome and production is returning to the
projected levels.
In the June 2004 quarter the ROM delivered was 26,114 tons, from which 6,018
carats were recovered at a grade of 23 cpht.
During the quarter, 6,324 carats were sold from the combined operation for an
average price of $US271 per carat. June 2005 sales of 1,994 carats averaged
selling prices of US$330 per carat. In calendar year 2004, the average price
achieved was $US259 per carat.
At the Messina section, 23 level has been established and stope production has
commenced. Sinking of the shaft to 24 level has commenced and should be complete
by year-end. On 20 level, development into the Dancarl section has progressed
well with seven cross-cuts now on fissure. Now that ventilation has been
re-established, production from this stope can commence.
At the Dancarl section, progress has been good with the main and sub-shafts
having been cleared to 15 level. Fissure raising to 14 level has begun and
production should commence during the third quarter. The Dancarl tailings plant
is now running at a comfortable 10,000tpm and yields a grade of approximately
6cpht. A new 928G Caterpillar FEL has been purchased and is now operation in
feeding this tailings plant. The throughput of this plant will now be gradually
Plans are being put in place to upgrade the Messina plant so as to take the
total combined increased production from both Messina and Dancarl.
The combined diamond production for the fourth quarter to 30 June 2005 and the
six months to the 31 December 2004 is as follows:-
Three month period Tonnes Total Diamonds Carats per
to Total Tonnes Treated Recovered 100 tonnes
Hoisted (carats)
31 Mar 05 - mined* 92,709 67,127 39,004 58
31 Mar 05 - - 10,517 1,054 -
30 June 05 - mined* 96,778 68,999 38,315 55
30 June - tailings - 797 157 -
Total 2005 189,487 147,440 78,530
30 Dec 04 87,014 60,812 33,221 55
30 Sep 04 86,887 62,032 31,922 51
Total 2004 173,901 122,844 65,143
*This includes all the production at the Messina/Dancarl Mines.
The information in this quarterly report that relates to Mineral Resources or
Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Jim Davidson who is a Member of
the Geological Society of South Africa (Registered Natural Scientist), a
'Recognised Overseas Professional Organisation' ('ROPO'), included in a list
promulgated by the ASX from time to time. Jim Davidson is a full-time employee
of the Company and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of
mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which
he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004
Edition of the 'Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral
Resources and Ore Reserves'. Jim Davidson consents to the inclusion in the
report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which
it appears.
Queries may be directed to Johan Dippenaar, the Company's Chief Executive
Officer, or David Abery, the Company's Finance Director, during business hours.
Petra Diamonds, South Africa Parkgreen Communications, London
Johan Dippenaar /David Abery Justine Howarth / Annabel Leather
Tel +27 11 467 6710 Tel +44 20 7493 3713
John Baillie, Perth Field PR, Adelaide
Tel +61 8 9381 8888 Kevin Skinner
Tel +61 8 8234 9555
Mobile +61 414 822 631
Rule 5.3
Appendix 5B
Mining exploration entity quarterly report*
Introduced 1/7/96. Origin: Appendix 8. Amended 1/7/97, 1/7/98,30/9/2001.
Name of entity
Petra Diamonds Limited
ACN or ARBN Quarter ended ('current
114474574 30 June 2005
Consolidated statement of cash flows*
Current Year to
Cash flows related to operating activities quarter date
£'000 £'000
12 Months
1.1 Receipts from product sales and related 846 846
1.2 Payments for
a) exploration and evaluation 63 (3,061)
b) development - -
c) production (155) (155)
d) administration (614) (2,612)
1.3 Dividends received - -
1.4 Interest and other items of a similar nature 36 43
1.5 Interest and other costs of finance paid (104) (198)
1.6 Income taxes paid - -
1.7 Other (provide details if material) - -
Net Operating Cash Flows 72 (5,137)
Cash flows related to investing activities
1.8 Payment for
a) prospects - -
b) equity investments - -
c) other fixed assets (268) (1,333)
1.9 Proceeds from sale of: (a) prospects - -
(b) equity investments - -
(c) other fixed assets 168 168
1.10 Loans to other entities (12) (12)
1.11 Loans repaid by other entities - -
1.12 Other - -
Net investing cash flows (112) (1,177)
1.13 Total operating and investing cash flows (40) (6,314)
(carried forward)
* This consolidated financial report reflects the cash flow for Petra Diamonds
Limited for the 3 and 12 month periods to 30 June 2005 and the consolidated
Crown Diamonds NL cash flow for the 1 month period commencing on 1 June 2005.
1.13 Total operating and investing cash flows (40) (6,314)
(brought forward)
Cash flows related to financing activities
1.14 Subscription for shares and notes - net of 15,164 18,108
1.14 Proceeds from capital raisings - -
1.15 Proceeds from sale of forfeited shares - -
1.16 Proceeds from long term borrowings 179 179
1.17 Repayment of borrowing (414) (414)
1.18 Dividends paid - -
1.19 Other (provide details if material - see - -
Net financing cash flows 14,929 17,873
Net increase (decrease) in cash held 14,889 11,559
1.20 Cash at beginning of quarter/year to date 492 3,822
1.21 Exchange rate adjustments to item 1.20 - -
1.22 Cash at end of quarter 15,381 15,381
Payments to directors of the entity and associates of the directors.
Payments to related entities of the entity and associates of the related
Current quarter
1.23 Aggregate amount of payments to the parties 131
included in item 1.2
1.24 Aggregate amount of loans to the parties included Nil
in item 1.17
1.25 Explanation necessary for an understanding of the transactions
Included in payments for administration is £62,000 for expenses paid
during the quarter by Crown Diamonds NL for the proposed merger with
Petra Diamonds Limited via a Scheme of Arrangement.
Non-cash financing and investing activities
2.1 Details of financing and investing transactions which have had a
material effect on consolidated assets and liabilities but did not
involve cash flows
During the quarter 85,000 Crown Diamonds NL November 2005 Convertible
Notes ($A15,300) were converted to 12,883 ordinary Petra Diamonds
Limited shares.
2.2 Details of outlays made by other entities to establish or increase
their share in projects in which the reporting entity has an interest
Financing facilities available
Add notes as necessary for an understanding of the position.
Amount available Amount used
£'000 £'000
3.1 Loan facilities 900 395
3.2 Credit standby arrangements Nil Nil
Estimated cash outflows for next quarter
4.1 Exploration and evaluation 380
4.2 Development Nil
Total 380
Reconciliation of cash
Reconciliation of cash at the end of the Current quarter Previous quarter
quarter (as shown in the consolidated £'000 £'000
statement of cash flows) to the related
items in the accounts is as follows.
5.1 Cash on hand and at bank 3,776 492
5.2 Deposits at call 12,000 -
5.3 Bank overdraft (395) -
5.4 Other (provide details) - -
Total: cash at end of quarter (item 15,381 492
Changes in interests in mining tenements
Tenement Nature of interest Interest Interest
reference (note (2)) at at end of
beginning quarter
6.1 Interests in mining N/A N/A
reduced or lapsed
6.2 Interests in mining N/A N/A
tenements acquired
or increased
Issued and quoted securities at end of current quarter
Description includes rate of interest and any redemption or conversion rights
together with prices and dates.
Total number Number Issue price Amount paid up per
quoted per security security (see note
(see note 3) 3) (pence)
7.1 Preference +
7.3 +Ordinary
securities 130,949,455 130,949,455 - -
7.4 Changes during
(a) Increases 37,962,565 37,962,565 61.2 pence Scheme of
through issues 20,084,352 20,084,352 85.0 pence Arrangement
and conversions 12,883 12,883 50.6 pence Placement
for which quoted Conversion of Con
(b) Decreases Note
through returns
of capital,
7.5 +Convertible debt 16,078,191 16,078,191 $A0.18
11% pa Nov 2005
7.6 Changes during
(a) Increases Nil
through issues
(b) Decreases 85,000
7.7 Options
(description and
conversion factor 6,397,625 Nil See below
- see details
7.8 Issued during 2,250,000 Nil 85 pence
7.9 Exercised during Nil Nil Nil
7.10 Expired during Nil N/A
200,000 Options exercisable in 50,000 tranches at 30p, 35p, 40p and 45p by
22 July 2005
276,375 Employee Incentive Options expiring various dates, exercisable at
$A1.12 each
86,250 Employee Incentive Options expiring various dates, exercisable at
$A1.36 each
400,000 Director incentive Options expiring 11 April 2007 with exercise
price of 30p, 35p, 40p and 45p for each 100,000 tranche.
1,500,000 Director incentive Options expiring 5 September 2013 with exercise
price of 44p.
750,000 Director incentive Options expiring 28 June 2014 with exercise
price of 54.5p.
2,250,000 Director incentive Options expiring 16 June 2015 with exercise
price of 85p.
385,000 Employee incentive Options expiring 5 September 2013 with exercise
price of 44p
500,000 Employee incentive Options expiring 28 June 2014 with exercise
price of 54.5p
50,000 Employee incentive Options expiring 13 September 2014 with exercise
price of 56.75p
Warrants over ordinary shares
Exercise Expiry
1,500,000 30p 31 December 2007
1,000,000 100p 31 December 2007
1,666,666 55.85p 14 August 2006
Petra and Societe Diamantaire Finkelstein Ch & CO NV have granted
each other a mutual put and call option for Finkelstein to
subscribe for $US1.75 million of Ordinary shares. The options are
exercisable once the market value of Petra exceeds 75 p for 15
consecutive days. The subscription price will be equal to a 5%
discount to that market price. The option is renewable at the
Company's choice on an annual basis.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange