Ad hoc: Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG: Record ...
Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG / Misc. matters / Record dividend
gladdens Pfeiffer Vacuum shareholders. Stock buyback
begins. Top management offers up positive outlook for full 2008
fiscal year.
Ad hoc announcement according to §15 WpHG processed and transmitted
by Hugin ASA. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of
this announcement.
Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG / Misc. matters / Record dividend
gladdens Pfeiffer Vacuum shareholders. Stock buyback
begins. Top management offers up positive outlook for full 2008
fiscal year.
Ad hoc announcement according to §15 WpHG processed and transmitted
by Hugin ASA. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of
this announcement.
Asslar, Germany, May 28, 2008
This year's Annual Shareholders Meeting of Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology
AG, one of the leading manufacturers of high-quality vacuum pumps,
measurement equipment and complete vacuum systems, was held on May
28, 2008, at the Stadthalle in Wetzlar.
At 61.21 percent, the attendance level at the Annual Shareholders
Meeting was encouragingly high. Supervisory Board Chairman Dr.
Michael Oltmanns was able to welcome over 400 shareholders, as well
as representatives from shareholder associations and banks. Chief
Executive Officer Manfred Bender and Management Board member Dr.
Matthias Wiemer reviewed the record-setting 2007 fiscal year and
offered up an outlook for the year 2008, which has gotten off to a
successful start. Sales of between ¤ 202 and ¤ 207 million were cited
as the target for the full fiscal year, with an EBIT margin of
between 25 and 27 percent.
There was lively discussion on the appropriation of retained earnings
that was proposed by the Management and Supervisory Boards, calling
for a dividend distribution of ¤ 3.15 per share. This represents a
distribution rate of around 75 percent and a dividend yield of 5.7
percent. The proposal carried by a vast majority of the votes cast,
in total 71.64 percent. This obviated the counter-motion from the
U.S.-based Artisan Group calling for a higher dividend distribution.
At the Annual Shareholders Meeting, the Chief Executive Officer
commented on the status of negotiations relating to potential
acquisitions, which had been discussed in detail at a meeting with
the Supervisory Board that morning: Pfeiffer Vacuum is currently
conducting talks with two interested companies. The one company would
complement Pfeiffer Vacuum in a specific high-growth market segment.
These talks were halted at short notice by the seller.
The second company would broaden Pfeiffer Vacuum's existing product
portfolio and improve its position from a regional standpoint. In
this case, it will still be necessary to perform due diligence, in
particular of a legal nature. Consequently, the Supervisory and
Management Boards have not yet reached a final decision.
Chief Executive Officer Manfred Bender: "My colleague Dr. Wiemer and
I will continue to drive the company's growth. In addition to growth
from within, we are also intensively looking at good acquisition
candidates. First and foremost in this connection, it is always our
endeavor to treat the assets of the company in a responsible manner.
So we will not be making any acquisition decisions under time
pressure. Instead, we decided together with the Supervisory Board to
immediately begin the buyback of treasury shares."
The actions of the Management and Supervisory Boards were ratified by
more than 99 percent of the votes cast.
The authorization of a further stock buyback program and the
reelection of Ernst & Young as the company's independent auditor
passed with sweeping majorities, too.
Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG
Investor Relations
Gudrun Geissler
Tel. +49 (0) 6441 802 314
Fax +49 (0) 6441 802 365
--- End of Message ---
Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG
Berliner Strasse 43 Asslar
WKN: 691660; ISIN: DE0006916604; Index: TecDAX, CDAX, HDAX, MIDCAP,
Prime All Share, TECH All Share;
Listed: Geregelter Markt in Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse, Prime
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