Interim Results
13 August 1999
Financial Highlights
First Half First Half
1999 1998 Decrease
£000's £000's %
Turnover 13,124 13,252 (1.0)
Profit before tax 926 1,053 (12.1)
Earnings per share 5.86p 6.69p (12.4)
Interim Dividend per share 3.30p 3.30p -
First half sales are down by 1% on last year's. Profit before tax and
earnings per share fell by 12%. However, the results for the first
six months of 1998 included £393,000, the costs of management
restructuring in the UK and the USA. This year's first half
includes increased investment of some £160,000 in consumer
advertising. Margins have also been affected both by the clearance
of slow moving stocks and start-up costs for new products.
The Board has decided to declare an unchanged interim dividend of 3.30p
per share payable on 1st October 1999 to shareholders on the
register on 17th September 1999.
Trading Performance
Over the last twelve months a good start has been made in restoring the
Company to healthy growth.
A year ago we faced a serious deterioration of our sales and market
position in the USA. Today our position has been restored, surplus
stock, which was blocking sales, has been cleared. US dollar sales
in the first half were 6% up on the same period last year. The
outlook for the rest of the year is favourable.
We needed to revivify our product offer. 'The Seasons Collection', our
new range, has met with a decisive welcome in major markets. We
are continuing its active development.
Production was faced with some problems, but our strengthened production
team is rapidly overcoming them and raising output and efficiency.
Management is fundamental to our recovery. Kami Farhadi, Chief
Executive, has shown that he has the vision to refocus our policies
and has created an enthusiastic and effective team.
Year 2000 Compliance
The Company has assessed the likely impact and extent of the Year 2000
problem to the business. The principal software applications used
by the Company are in the process of being replaced, with the first
applications having been implemented on 1st March 1999. The new
software has been certified as Year 2000 compliant by the authors.
However, the principal reasons for replacing the software are the
improvement of business effectiveness and efficiencies. Year 2000
compliance is seen as an additional benefit, the cost of which is
not separately identifiable.
Action plans have been developed to address Year 2000 compliance issues
in areas of the business, other than computer systems. These plans
include ascertaining suppliers' compliance to ensure continuity of
supply. The additional revenue costs of implementing these plans
are not material.
The Company is in negotiations to acquire a 4.8 acre freehold site close
to our Stoke factory. This should almost immediately enable us to
manufacture glazed items planned for next year's product programme
of 'The Seasons Collection'. It will also provide space for us to
reorganise our production without interfering with the smooth
operation of the Stoke factory.
The start to the second half has been difficult. However, we have
improved production and have launched an excellent new collection
on which we will continue to build. We are confident that our
continued investment in the Portmeirion brand will bear fruit.
Euan Cooper-Willis
13th August 1999
Notes Six Months Six Months Year to
to 30.6.99 to 30.6.98 31.12.98
£000's £000's £000's
Turnover - continuing
operations 6 13,124 13,252 26,013
Raw materials and
operating costs (12,451) (12,576) (24,877)
------- ------- -------
Operating profit -
continuing operations 673 676 1,136
Share of profit
of associated
undertakings 64 121 191
Interest receivable and
similar income 190 258 496
Amounts written off
investments - - (816)
Interest payable and
similar charges (1) (2) (3)
------- ------- -------
Profit on ordinary
activities before
taxation 926 1,053 1,004
Taxation on profit
on ordinary activities (317) (358) (656)
------- ------- -------
Profit for the period 609 695 348
Dividends (343) (343) (1,377)
------- ------- -------
Retained profit/(loss)
for the period 266 352 (1,029)
======= ======= =======
Earnings per share 4 5.86p 6.69p 3.35p
======= ======= =======
Diluted earnings per 4
share 5.86p 6.69p 3.35p
======= ======= =======
Dividend per share 5 3.30p 3.30p 13.25p
======= ======= =======
See Notes
As at As at As at
30.6.99 30.6.98 31.12.98
£000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 9,253 9,175 9,391
Investments 1,160 2,006 1,080
------ ------ ------
10,413 11,181 10,471
Current assets
Stocks 5,505 6,191 5,304
Debtors 5,725 5,395 4,452
Cash at bank and
in hand 7,197 7,119 8,202
------ ------ ------
18,427 18,705 17,958
Creditors: amounts
falling due
within (4,985) (4,961) (4,974)
one year
------ ------ ------
Net current assets 13,442 13,744 12,984
------ ------ ------
Net assets 23,855 24,925 23,455
====== ====== ======
Capital and
Called up share
capital 519 519 519
Share premium
account 4,536 4,536 4,536
Profit and loss
account 18,800 19,870 18,400
------ ------ ------
shareholders' 23,855 24,925 23,455
====== ====== ======
Notes Six Months Six Months Year to
to 30.6.99 to 30.6.98 31.12.98
£000's £000's £000's
Cash flow from
operating 8 407 388 3,448
Returns on
investments and
servicing of 9 192 254 494
Taxation (103) (381) (1,384)
Capital expenditure
and financial
investment 9 (467) (275) (1,145)
Equity dividends
paid (1,034) (1,033) (1,377)
------- ------- -------
before use of
liquid resources
and financing (1,005) (1,047) 36
Management of liquid
resources 372 4,092 4,128
------- ------- -------
in cash in the
period (633) 3,045 4,164
======= ======= =======
Reconciliation of
net cash flow to
movement in net
in cash in the
period (633) 3,045 4,164
Cash inflow from
decrease in
liquid resources (372) (4,092) (4,128)
Net funds at 1st
January 8,202 8,166 8,166
------ ------ ------
Net funds at
period end 7 7,197 7,119 8,202
====== ====== ======
See Notes
Six Months Six Months Year to
to 30.6.99 to 30.6.98 31.12.98
£000's £000's £000's
Profit for the
period 609 695 348
Currency translation
differences 134 (11) (100)
------- ------- -------
Total recognised
gains and losses
for the period 743 684 248
======= ======= =======
Six Months Six Months Year to
to 30.6.99 to 30.6.98 31.12.98
£000's £000's £000's
Profit for the
period 609 695 348
Dividends (343) (343) (1,377)
Currency translation
differences 134 (11) (100)
------- ------- -------
Net addition to
shareholders' funds 400 341 (1,129)
shareholders' 23,455 24,584 24,584
------- ------- -------
shareholders' 23,855 24,925 23,455
======= ======= =======
1. The consolidated profit and loss accounts for the six
months ended 30 June 1999 and 30 June 1998 and balance
sheets at those dates have neither been reviewed nor
2. The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31
December 1998 are not the Group's statutory accounts for
that year. Those accounts have been reported on by the
Group's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of
Companies. The report of the auditors was unqualified and
did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of
the Companies Act 1985. The comparatives in the analysis
of turnover by destination have been amended to be
consistent with the current period classification.
3. This Interim Statement has been prepared in accordance with
the accounting policies set out in the Group's 1998 Report
and Accounts.
4. The earnings per share are calculated on earnings of
£609,000 (1998 - £695,000) and the weighted average number
of Ordinary shares of 10,389,230 (1998 - 10,389,230) in issue
during the period. The options in existence during the six
months ended 30 June 1999 and 1998 do not have a dilutive effect
as defined by FRS 14 and therefore the diluted earnings per
share under FRS 14 are the same as the basic earnings per
5. A dividend of 3.3p (1998 - 3.3p) per Ordinary share will be
paid on 1 October 1999 to shareholders on the register on 17
September 1999.
6. Turnover by destination
Restated Restated
Six Months Six Months Year
to 30.6.99 to 30.6.98 to 31.12.98
£000's £000's £000's
United Kingdom 4,687 5,268 10,528
North America 5,897 5,582 11,258
European Union 1,265 1,238 2,043
Far East 675 200 481
Rest of the World 600 964 1,703
------- ------- -------
13,124 13,252 26,013
======= ======= =======
7. Analysis of net funds
As at As at As at
30.6.99 30.6.98 31.12.98
£000's £000's £000's
Cash at bank and in hand 7,197 6,711 7,830
Short term money market
deposits - 408 372
------- ------- -------
Total 7,197 7,119 8,202
======= ======= =======
The balances as at 30 June 1998 have been restated to separately
disclose liquid resources previously included within cash to more
properly accord with the requirements of FRS1 (Revised 1996) 'Cash
Flow Statements'.
8. Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flows
Six Months Six Months Year
to 30.6.99 to 30.6.98 to 31.12.98
£000's £000's £000's
Operating profit 673 676 1,136
Depreciation 580 532 1,097
Exchange gain/(loss) 93 16 (62)
Loss on sale of tangible
fixed assets 25 7 96
(Increase)/decrease in
stocks (201) 156 1,043
(Increase)/decrease in
debtors (1,276) (829) 91
Increase/(decrease) in
creditors 513 (170) 47
------- ------- -------
Net cash inflow from
operating activities 407 388 3,448
======= ======= =======
All of the above relate to continuing operations.
9. Analysis of cash flows for headings netted in the cash flow
Six Months Six Months Year
to 30.6.99 to 30.6.98 to 31.12.98
£000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's
Returns on investments
and servicing of
Interest received 193 256 497
Interest paid (1) (2) (3)
------ ------ ------
Net cash inflow for
returns on investments
and servicing of
finance 192 254 494
====== ====== ======
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Purchase of tangible
fixed assets (585) (317) (1,221)
Sale of tangible fixed
assets 118 42 76
------ ------ ------
Net cash outflow for
capital expenditure
and financial
investments (467) (275) (1,145)
====== ====== ======
Copies of this statement are being posted to Shareholders and are
available from the Company's Registered Office, London Road,
Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs ST4 7QQ.