Primary Health Properties PLC ("PHP" or the "Company")
PHP announces that it has been bought to the Company's attention that during the period 11 December, 2007 to 11 December, 2008, Alun Jones, a Non-Executive Director of the Company, had through the Company's dividend reinvestment plan acquired a total of 390 ordinary shares of 50 pence each ("Ordinary Shares") in the Company, comprising 111 Ordinary Shares acquired at 316.5 pence, 133 Ordinary Shares at 300 pence and 146 Ordinary Shares at 279 pence per Ordinary Share, respectively. Due to an administrative oversight, these share purchases had previously not been notified to the market. As a consequence of these share purchases, Alun Jones now holds 5,138 Ordinary Shares in total, representing approximately 0.015% of the issued share capital of the Company.