Final Results
4 October 1999
Modern accommodation for the Provision of Primary Health Care Services
Preliminary Results for the year ended
30 June 1999
Year to Year to
30 June 1999 30 June 1998
Net Asset value per share 117.4p 107.0p
Portfolio purchased and committed £45.7m £36.2m
Annual rent roll £2.9m £1.7m
Profit before exceptional costs £1.065m £1.064m
Profit before taxation £0.961m £1.064m
Profit after taxation £1.051m £0.84m
Earnings per share 6.6p 5.3p
Final dividend per share 3.4p 3.1p
Total dividend per share 6.Op 5.6p
Total return per share 16.4p 10.6p
'We believe the Group is now the largest specialist investor in primary care
property in the UK and that our portfolio is unrivalled in terms of quality,
length of lease and geographical diversity. Our pipeline of future transactions
under consideration is higher than ever before and we are optimistic that we
will be able to move our portfolio through to a level where securitisation or
other non-recourse funding will be open to the Group, which would then enable us
to continue our growth without necessarily increasing our recourse borrowings.'
Harry Hyman, Managing Director
Primary Health Properties PLC
Harry Hyman Tel: 01483 306912
Managing Director Mobile: 0973 344768
Bell Pottinger Financial
Bob Gregory Tel: 0171 353 9208
Chairman's Statement
I am delighted to report another successful year during which the portfolio has
increased in size to £45.7m (including commitments). Shareholders will be
pleased to know that the total return per share was 16.4p (1998: 10.6p).
The Group profit after taxation for the year ended 30 June 1999 totalled
£1,054,000 (1998: £841,000) after exceptional items of £104,000 (1998: nil),
relating to the costs of moving from AIM to the official list of the London
Stock Exchange. The profit of £1,065,000 before exceptional charges and taxation
was adversely effected by the purchase of 53 Charlotte Street, where, until the
rent review later this year, the carrying cost exceeds the rent passing.
The Board has recommended a final dividend of 3.4p which, when added to the
interim, makes a total of 6.0p (1998: 5.6p).
Lambert Smith Hampton has carried out a valuation of the Group's investment
properties, which has resulted in a revaluation surplus of £1.5million. The net
asset value per ordinary share has risen to 117.4p, an increase of 10.4p per
share (9.7%).
This year saw the continued tightening of yields in the property sector and
while this has had a beneficial impact on valuations it is making it harder to
secure new properties at attractive yields relative to long term gilt yields.
During the current year, the Group's investment portfolio of both delivered and
contracted properties expanded to £45.7 million, £6.7 million of which is to be
delivered after the year end.
At last year's Annual General Meeting, the Company was given power to repurchase
its shares. During the year the Company repurchased a total of 300,000 ordinary
shares at an average cost of 97.3p per share. The Company had 15,700,000 shares
outstanding at the year end.
We believe the Group is now the largest specialist investor in primary care
property in the UK and that our portfolio is unrivalled in terms of quality,
length of lease and geographical diversity. Our pipeline of future transactions
under consideration is higher than ever before and we are optimistic that we
will be able to move our portfolio through to a level where securitisation or
other non-recourse funding will be open to the Group, which would then enable us
to continue our growth without necessarily increasing our recourse borrowings.
We are negotiating an increased banking facility which will increase our
available banking resources by a further £10m to £40m and enable our portfolio
to expand.
During the year approximately 30% of the Group's rent roll falls due for review.
We anticipate that these reviews will result in a significant increase in total
rental income.
G Elliot
Chairman 4 October 1999
Managing Director's Review
The year to 30 June 1999 saw the continued development of our portfolio. This is
reflected in the growth in the Group's turnover, which rose from £1,357,000 to
£2,391,000 and an increase in the year end rent roll from £1,740,000 to
During the year we continued to expand our portfolio, both in total terms and
on a delivered basis, such that at 30 June 1999 our portfolio totalled £39.0
million including £1.1 million of property in the course of development,
£0.9million of development loans and £2.5million property classified as a
finance lease.
As reported in the Chairman's statement, the portfolio has been revalued as at
30 June 1999 and the uplift of £1.5million has been incorporated into the
balance sheet, giving a closing property valuation of £35.6m. The increase in
net asset value amounts to 10.4p per share.
At the year end, the Group also had outstanding commitments to purchase a
further £6.7 million of property and had made funding advances of £901,000. This
brought the portfolio, including commitments, to a total of £45.7 million at the
end of June. As at 30 June 1999 our portfolio had a rent roll of some £2.9
million (1999: £1.7 million) producing a yield on cost of approximately 8.8%
(the yield excluding Charlotte Street being approximately 9.2%).
We continue to believe that the strength and security of our recurring income
stream is extremely attractive because approximately 86% of our rent roll
derives from leases with more than 15 years unexpired.
The year ended 30 June 2000 will see some £0.9 million of current rent being
reviewed, which could have a significant impact on the Company's rent roll,
particularly with regard to the properties at Charlotte Street London Wl and
Rushton Street, London N1, both of which fall due for review in October 1999.
Portfolio Purchases during the Year
During the year, we have completed on a number of purchases, which are set out
in tabular form below.
53 Charlotte Street, London W1 £2.6 million Camden & Islington
NHS Trust
Withernsea Community Hospital,
East Yorkshire £2.5 million Hull and Holderness
NHS Trust
Woolston Phase 2, Hampshire £1.4 million Doctors
Bourne, Lincolnshire £1.6 million Doctors and Pharmacy
Bicester, Oxfordshire £1.8 million Doctors
New Milton, Hampshire £2.2 million Doctors, Pharmacy
and Newsagent
Toddington, Bedfordshire £0.9 million Doctors
Walsall Wood, West Midlands £1.5 million Doctors and Pharmacy
Auchtermuchty, Fife £0.7 million Doctors
TOTAL £15.2 million
Since the year end we have continued to take delivery of projects including in
July a doctor's surgery, convenience store and pharmacy located in Douglas
Road, Aylesbury, with a total acquisition cost of £1.9 million and we have
entered into a new commitment at Ringwood.
During the year, we have continued to draw down on the banking facilities
available to the Group. Bank Borrowings at the year end totalled £15.5 million.
In addition to the existing £3 million three year SWAP, a five year SWAP of £10m
took effect from 1 July 1999. Accordingly, some £13 million of our existing bank
facilities are effectively on a fixed rate basis, in addition to the £4 million
of 7.75% convertible loan stock. Thus at the year end £17million of the Group's
£19.5 million borrowings wore on a fixed rate basis.
Your board continues to keep the treasury exposure of the Group under review.
Although short term interest rates are rising, the outlook for medium to long
term rates continues to be positive in the light of a continued shortage of
appropriate lending opportunities in the capital markets for government gilts
and the continued absence of inflation in the UK market place.
Future Prospects
The launch of Primary Care Groups on 1 April 1999, which replaced funding
holding across the country, has led to a short term hiatus in the approval of
new projects for development. Doctors are carefully considering the likely shape
of the NHS before committing to long term lease obligations. However, the
creation of Primary Care Trusts, the first of which will come on stream from 1
April 2000 is, it is believed, likely to see an increase in demand for
properties on a rented basis. At the same time there has been an increase in the
size of doctors surgeries and primary care centres being requested by Health
Authorities, GPs and PCGs. It is possible that the Group may become involved in
a number of purchase and lease back opportunities with these entities, which
would offer us the opportunity to increase our portfolio at a faster rate.
Consolidated Profit & Loss Account
for the year ended 30 June 1999
30 June 30 June
1999 1998
£'000 £'000
Turnover 2,391 1,357
Administrative expenses:
- non-exceptional items (626) (514)
- exceptional item (l04) -
(730) (514)
Operating profit 1,661 843
Interest receivable 245 329
Interest payable (945) (107)
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 961 1,064
Corporation tax 93 (223)
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 1,054 841
Interim dividend of 2.6p (1998 : 2.5p) (4l6) (400)
Final dividend proposed of 3.4p (1998 : 3.1p) (534) (496)
Profit/(loss) retained for the period 104 (55)
Net (loss)/profit after tax for
the period retained by:
The Company (12) (39)
Subsidiary undertakings
(after declaring
dividends of £2,512,000) 116 (16)
104 (55)
Earnings per share-basic 6.6p 5.3p
- diluted 6.5p 5.3p
Dividends per share 6.0p 5.6p
Increase in net asset value
per share 10.4p 5.0p
Total return per share 16.4p 10.6p
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
for the year ended 30 June 1999
30 June 30 June
1999 1998
£'000 £'000
Profit for the financial year 1,054 841
Unrealised surplus on revaluation
of properties 1,505 849
Total gains and losses
relating to the year 2,559 1,690
All activities are continuing
Consolidated Balance Sheet at 30 June 1999
At At
30 June 30 June
1999 1999
£'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 35,640 22,364
Investments:development loans 901 897
36,541 23,281
Current Assets
Debtors 483 1,120
Net investment in finance leases : amounts
falling due in more
than one year 2,510 -
Cash at bank 201 589
3,194 1,709
Creditors amounts falling due within one year
Creditors (1,801) (1,873)
Net current assets
/(liabilities) 1,393 (164)
Total assets less
current liabilities 37,934 23,117
Creditors amounts falling due in more than one year
Convertible loan stock 2016 (4,000) (4,000)
Term loan (15,500) (2,000)
(19,500) (6,000)
18,434 17,117
Capital & Reserves
Called up share capital 7,850 6,000
Share premium account 5,810 7,570
Capital reserve 1,618 -
Revaluation reserve 2,960 1,455
Profit and loss account 196 92
Shareholders' funds : Equity 18,434 17,117
Net asset value per share 117.4 107.0p
Approved by the Board of Directors on 4 October 1999.
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 30 June 1999
30 June 30 June
1999 1998
£'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating
activities 2,467 941
Returns on investments and servicing
of finance
Interest received 53 74
Interest paid (919) (107)
(866) (33)
UK corporation tax paid
including ACT (211) (96)
Capital expenditure and financial
Payments to acquire tangible fixed
assets (7,410) (8,228)
Development loans advanced (6,664) (897)
(14,074) (9,125)
Equity dividends paid (912) (720)
Management of liquid resources
Net sales of certificates
of deposit - 4,305
Not cash outflow before
financing (13,596) (4,728)
Repurchase of shares (292)
Term bank loan 2005 13,500 2,000
Convertible loan stock 2016 - 4,000
Repayment of loan - (1,100)
13,208 4,900
(Decrease)/increase in cash (388) 172
Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from operating
1999 1998
£'000 £'000
Operating profit 1,661 843
Decrease/(increase) in operating debtors
and prepayments 549 (487)
increase in operating 257 585
creditors and accruals
Net cash inflow from 2,467 941
operating activities
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
30 June 30 June
1999 1999
£1000 £1000
(Decrease)/increase in cash in
the period (388) 172
Cash inflow from change in
liquid resources - (4,305)
Cash inflow from loans (13,500) (6,000)
Loans acquired with subsidiary - (1,100)
Repayment of loans - 1,100
Movement in net debt (13,888) (10,133)
in the period
Net (debt)/funds at 1 July (5,411) 1,722
Net debt at 30 June (19,299) (5,411)
The financial information has been prepared on the basis of the
accounting policies set out in the Group's 1998 statutory accounts.
The freehold properties are included at valuation as at 30 June
The calculation of basic earnings per share is calculated on
earnings of £1,054,000 and the weighted average number of ordinary
shares in issue of 15,965,000.
The recommended final dividend of 3.4p per share is to be paid on 21
December 1999 to shareholders whose names appear on the Registrar at
close of business on 15 October 1999.
The financial information herein does not constitute statutory accounts as
defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information
for the preceeding year is based on the statutory accounts for the period
ended 30 June 1998. Those accounts, upon which the auditors have been
issued an unqualified opinion, have been delivered to the Registrar of
A copy of the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 30 June 1999
will be finalised shortly and sent to shareholders thereafter.