
Premier Management Holdings PLC 5 April 2002 Premier Management Holdings PLC ('Premier') Acquisition of Sports Player Management Limited ('SPM') • SPM is a leading football management agency that represents 99 players, of whom 23 are with Premiership clubs. • The maximum total consideration for the Acquisition is £3.4 million. £1.3 million is to be satisfied by the issue of 4,433,333 Ordinary Shares at 30p per share together with £750,000 in cash on Completion and a further £250,000 in cash over the next two years. Further payments of up to £1.1 million will become payable if specified future profit levels are achieved. • SPM results for the year ended 28 February 2002 showed turnover of £994,000 with pre-tax profit of £716,000. • Premier's results for the nine months ended 31 January 2002 showed turnover of £1.37 million, operating profit of £419,000 and pre-tax profit of £236,000. • On a proforma basis, earnings per share for the Enlarged Group after excluding amortisation of goodwill, is 2.95p compared with the corresponding figure for Premier alone of 0.99p. Barry Gold, Joint Managing Director of Premier, commented: 'We are very excited by the acquisition of SPM. Today Premier moves up into the top division. We have worked hard to put the infrastructure in place to support our ambition to become a comprehensive, integrated sports management agency and with this acquisition Premier is confident that it has found a business that has greatly enhanced the Group's scale and broadened the range of players represented. We are very confident of the future.' Introduction I am pleased to announce that Premier has today agreed conditionally to acquire the entire issued share capital of SPM. SPM is a leading football management agency that represents 99 players, of whom 23 are with Premiership clubs. The maximum total consideration for the Acquisition is £3.4 million, which is to be satisfied by the issue of 4,333,333 Ordinary Shares at an issue price of 30p per share and £1.0 million in cash (payable as to £750,000 on Completion, £150,000 six months after Completion and two further payments each of £50,000 on the first and second anniversary of Completion). Further payments of up to £0.5 million in cash and £0.6 million in Ordinary Shares will become payable if specified future profit levels are achieved. Further details of the Acquisition Agreement are set out in Part 2 of the Admission Document. In view of the size of the Acquisition in relation to Premier it requires the approval of Shareholders and an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company is being convened for this purpose on 29 April 2002. Shareholders will also be asked, amongst other things, to grant the appropriate authority required to permit the Company to issue the Consideration Shares. If these resolutions are approved by Shareholders it is expected that completion of the Acquisition, admission of the Initial Consideration Shares and readmission of the Existing Ordinary Shares will take place on 30 April 2002. In addition a limited authority will be sought to disapply Shareholder's pre-emption rights to subscribe for new shares for cash. The Board continues to review a number of potential acquisition and development opportunities. The Directors believe that it is essential to be able to move rapidly to secure the best possible terms for the Company. The Directors are also mindful of the need to minimise costs in growing the Group. Accordingly, the authority being sought will be used to facilitate acquisitions or raise further capital from the market and broaden the Company's shareholder base where market conditions are favourable without having to incur the expense of producing circulars or convening extraordinary general meetings of Shareholders. This authority will expire at the next annual general meeting of the Company and will be limited to 10 million Ordinary Shares representing approximately 41 per cent of the Ordinary Share capital following completion of the Acquisition, which will be allotted at no more than a 10 per cent discount to the market price of the shares. For further information: Premier Management Holdings PLC Stuart Lucas 020 7456 0490 Brewin Dolphin Securities Limited Richard Evans 0161 214 5553 Sarah Kent 0161 214 5554 Background to and reasons for the Acquisition Premier, the first exclusively football agency to be quoted on AIM, has been carefully constructing an infrastructure designed to support its ambitions to become a fully comprehensive, integrated sports management agency. In pursuit of this strategy, the Company has expanded its own business since joining AIM by broadening the range of services it provides to the personalities it manages and the clubs it represents. A diverse, multi-skilled team has been created which can either provide or source the broad range of services required by its clients. At the same time, the Company's international operations have been significantly expanded, primarily by the establishment of offices abroad and recruiting locally. Small businesses have been acquired where they are incremental to the Group's strategy and the Head Office at 50 Liverpool Street has been equipped to a high standard with modern office and communications facilities to match the high calibre staff and with capacity for further growth. Within this expansion strategy, the Company's core business has been carefully nurtured. As a result it has grown steadily in both the number of players and clubs represented and in terms of turnover and profitability. Premier is confident that in SPM it has found a business that will make a step-change in the Group's scale, broaden the range of players represented and enhance future prospects. The Acquisition will substantially enhance Premier's earnings. Set out in Part 5 of the Admission Document is proforma financial information of the Enlarged Group. The proforma financial information is for illustrative purposes only and because of its nature may not give a true reflection of the Enlarged Group's financial position or results. On a proforma basis earnings per share for the Enlarged Group after excluding amortisation of goodwill is 2.95p compared with the corresponding figure for Premier alone of 0.99p. Information on SPM History Mark Curtis, the principal shareholder in SPM, negotiated his first player transfer in 1993 and continued to manage players on a part-time basis for the next six years. By the 1996/7 season he was representing 15 players and decided to concentrate full-time on his football agency. SPM was incorporated in February 1999 and commenced trading shortly afterwards. Mark Curtis is a FIFA licensed players' agent. Activities SPM's principal activity is the management of football players. It also provides consultancy services for football clubs and their managers. 99 players are represented of whom 23 are registered with Premier League clubs. Financial record A summary of the aggregated trading results of SPM for the three financial years ended 28 February 2002, as extracted from the Accountants' Report in Part 4 of the Admission Document, is set out below: Year ended 29 Year ended 28 Year ended 28 February 2000 February 2001 February 2002 £ £ £ Turnover 124 420 994 Operating profit 34 250 712 Interest receivable and similar income - 1 4 Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 34 251 716 Taxation (7) (52) (196) Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 27 199 520 Dividends (50) (66) (102) Retained (loss)/profit for the financial period (23) 133 418 Net (liabilities)/assets (23) 110 538 Due to the unavailability of certain accounting records in support of recorded expenditure for a limited period in the year ended 28 February 2000, the audit report was qualified in respect of that period. Principal terms of the Acquisition The consideration for the Acquisition is as follows: 1. on Completion, £750,000 in cash, a further £250,000 deferred consideration in cash and 4,333,333 Ordinary Shares at an issue price of 30p per share; 2. if the pre-tax profits of SPM for the year ending 30 April 2003 are at least £800,000, an additional £250,000 in cash and such number of Ordinary Shares as shall have a market value of £300,000; and 3. if the pre-tax profits of SPM for the year ending 30 April 2004 are at least £900,000, an additional £250,000 in cash and such number of Ordinary Shares as shall have a market value of £300,000 The Vendors have undertaken to retain the Initial Consideration Shares and any Deferred Consideration Shares until 30 April 2004. The Vendors have also undertaken not to dispose of more than 50% of the Initial Consideration Shares and any Deferred Consideration Shares in each of the 12 month periods ending 30 April 2005 and 30 April 2006 and in each case only after giving prior written notice to Brewin Dolphin, (subject to certain exceptions as set out in Part 2 of the Admission Document). Strategy of the Enlarged Group The Enlarged Group will have one of the largest portfolios of professional football players amongst player representation agencies in the UK. It will represent 300 players from all five continents; 86 (29 per cent) of which have represented their country at levels from youth to full international. Of this player portfolio, 79 (26 per cent) are playing in the FA Premier League or overseas equivalent leagues, 101 (34 per cent) are at clubs in the Nationwide League Division 1 and 120 (40 per cent) play in other divisions and leagues. The Directors view the prospects for player representation with optimism as it has been the strategy of the Board to enhance the long-term prospects of the Group by focusing on signing young talented players who will hopefully have successful careers. 97 (32 per cent) of the players represented are under 21 and 122 (41 per cent) are aged between 21 and 25. The Group's infrastructure has been designed to accommodate further acquisitions and to give players the confidence to recommend Premier to their colleagues. In pursuit of this strategy the Group is seeking further acquisitions similar to those of the agency business of Mickey Walsh and Andrew Mills as well as of larger companies, such as SPM. The Board will also consider acquisitions in related fields such as player representation in other sports, events management and media rights. At the same time there is substantial organic growth in the current management portfolio which is being added to at the rate of approximately ten players per month. In addition to player representation, the Group will also consider further investments in the future transfer value of footballers. Ideally such investments would be in respect of young players, either on the occasion of a transfer of the player's registration or when he is in contract. To minimise risk a spread of investment size, nationalities and playing positions will continue to be sought. Management structure Following completion of the Acquisition, it is intended that the businesses of Premier and SPM will continue to be run under the day to day control of Billy Jennings and Mark Curtis respectively, drawing on the infrastructure developed in Premier. Mark Curtis will enter into a contract of employment, conditional on Completion of the Acquisition at an initial salary of £50,000 which can be terminated on 12 months notice by either side, such notice expiring at any time after the third anniversary of Completion. Current trading and prospects Included in Part 3 of the Admission Document are Premier's results for the nine months ended 31 January 2002, which show turnover of £1.37 million, operating profit of £419,000 and pre-tax profits of £236,000. Against the background of building an infrastructure capable of supporting an enlarged group, these results were pleasing and the growth of business from the East European market, via the office in Budapest, is exciting. Within an enlarged football business the age profile of Premier's player portfolio offers prospects for profit growth. During the period the Group raised £4.3 million, net of expenses, by means of a convertible Euro denominated bond. The net proceeds of the bond issue are being invested in new agency businesses, such as the acquisition of SPM, and in direct investment in the future transfer value of football players. During the period almost £2 million was invested directly in British and overseas players. While there may be earlier realisations, it is anticipated that the majority of such realisations will be achieved after the year ending 30 April 2003. The final quarter has begun well with satisfactory trading in February. Premier's player representation team has been strengthened by the appointment of Neil Featherby. Mr Featherby has brought with him England and Leeds United full back Danny Mills, Leicester City's Trevor Benjamin and six exciting youngsters who the board hopes will mature into successful players in the future. Because of the nature of the Premier business, with its emphasis on Premier League, first division and international transactions, the Directors do not believe that the business will be adversely affected whatever the outcome of the negotiations between the Nationwide League and ITV Digital. Extraordinary General Meeting Set out at the end of the Admission Document is a notice convening the EGM to be held at the offices of Nabarro Nathanson, Lacon House, Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8RW at 11.00 am on 29 April 2002 at which resolutions will be proposed to: 1. approve the Acquisition; 2. authorise the Directors, specifically and unconditionally, to allot the Consideration Shares and any relevant securities pursuant to section 80 of the Act up to an aggregate nominal amount of £250,000; 3. disapply the provisions of section 89 of the Act to empower the Directors to allot unissued shares for cash otherwise than in accordance with section 89 of the Act pursuant to the authority referred to in the paragraph above; provided that such power is limited to (i) allotments which are pro rata to existing Shareholders' holdings of Ordinary Shares and (ii) save in connection with the above an aggregate nominal amount of £100,000 provided that no Ordinary Shares shall be allotted for cash at a discount of more than 10 per cent of the average of the middle market quotations for an Ordinary Share as derived from the AIM appendix to the Daily Official List of the London Stock Exchange for the ten business days immediately preceding the day on which the Ordinary Shares are allotted. Recommendation Your Board, which has been so advised by Brewin Dolphin, consider that the terms of the Acquisition are in the best interests of the Company and the shareholders of the Company as a whole. In providing advice to the Board, Brewin Dolphin has taken into account the Directors' commercial assessment of the Acquisition. The Directors unanimously recommend shareholders of the Company to vote in favour of the Resolutions as they have undertaken to do in respect of their own beneficial holdings which amount in aggregate to 10,130,000 Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 50.4 per cent. of the Existing Ordinary Share capital of the Company. EXPECTED TIMETABLE OF PRINCIPAL EVENTS Latest time and date for receipt of Forms of Proxy for the EGM 11.00am on 27 April 2002 Extraordinary General Meeting 11.00am on 29 April 2002 Completion of the Acquisition 30 April 2002 Admission of Consideration Shares to trading on AIM 30 April 2002 Re-admission of Existing Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM 30 April 2002 KEY STATISTICS Number of Initial Consideration Shares being issued by the Company 4,333,333 Number of Ordinary Shares in issue following Admission 24,433,333 Percentage of enlarged Ordinary Share Capital being issued 17.7% DEFINITIONS The following words and expressions shall have the following meanings in this document unless the context otherwise requires: 'Acquisition' the proposed acquisition of the entire issued share capital of SPM by Premier pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement 'Acquisition Agreement' the conditional agreement dated 4 April 2002 between (1) the Vendors and (2) the Company for the sale and purchase of the entire issued share capital of SPM ' Act ' the Companies Act 1985 (as amended) 'Admission' the readmission of the Existing Ordinary Shares and admission of the Initial Consideration Shares to trading on AIM 'Admission Document' the document dated 5 April 2002 'AIM' the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange 'Articles' the articles of association of the Company 'Board' or 'Directors' directors of the Company as at the date of the Admission Document whose names are set out on page 5 of that document 'Bonds' the guaranteed floating rate convertible bonds due 2004, issued by Premier Management (Jersey) Limited, a subsidiary of the Company 'Brewin Dolphin' Brewin Dolphin Securities Ltd 'Company' or 'Premier' Premier Management Holdings plc 'Completion' completion of the Acquisition, which is due to take place on 30 April 2002 'Consideration Shares' either the Deferred Consideration Shares or the Initial Consideration Shares or all of these together as the context requires 'CREST' the computerised settlement system to facilitate the holding and transfer of title in shares in uncertificated form, operated by CRESTCo Limited 'Deferred Consideration Shares' the Ordinary Shares (if any) to be issued to the Vendors pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement 'EGM' the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held on 29 April 2002 'Enlarged Group' the Group as enlarged by the Acquisition 'Existing Ordinary Shares' 20,100,000 Ordinary Shares in issue at the date of this document 'Form of Proxy' the form of proxy to be used by holders of Existing Ordinary Shares in connection with the EGM 'Group' or 'Premier Group' Premier and its existing subsidiaries 'Initial Consideration Shares' the 4,333,333 Ordinary Shares to be issued at an issue price of 30p per share pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement 'London Stock Exchange' London Stock Exchange plc 'Official List' the Official List of the UK Listing Authority 'Ordinary Shares' Ordinary shares of 1p each in the capital of the Company 'Regulations' the Public Offers of Securities Regulations 1995 (as amended) 'Resolutions' the resolutions set out in the notice of EGM set out at the end of this document 'Shareholders' or 'Members' holders of Existing Ordinary Shares 'SPM' Sports Player Management Limited 'Vendors' the current shareholders of SPM, being Mark Curtis and Frances McCormack ENDS This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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