Final Results
Premier Management Holdings PLC
25 October 2005
Statement of audited results for the year ended 31 January 2005
Key points
• Turnover £732,000 for year (2004: £1,242,000 for 9 months).
• Pre-exceptional, pre-amortisation operating loss of £423,000 (2004:
£157,000 profit for 9 months).
• Financial stability established with the acquisition of the Company's
debenture by the Company's Chairman and removal of threat of immediate
• Bill Jennings to resign as Managing Director with immediate effect as
Company restructured to operate on a reduced basis.
• The Board now seeking new business opportunities to restore shareholder
value at a future date.
Chairman Barry Gold said today,
'The Group experienced difficult and protracted negotiations with its major
creditor since around the year end but these problems have been solved and the
Company is now on a stable financial footing. We are now engaged on an ongoing
basis in seeking opportunities to bring a new profitable business into the
Group, whether by acquisition, joint venture or by some other form of strategic
alliance, with a view to restoring some shareholder value at a future date. I
would like to extend my thanks to Bill Jennings for his assistance through this
difficult period and to wish him every success in his other business activities.
I would also like to extend my thanks to Gerry Desler, the Company's Finance
Director, to Glyn Taylor of Nabarro Nathanson, the Company's legal adviser, to
Brewin Dolphin, the Company's broker and to Gerald Edelman, the Company's
auditors for their advice, support and loyalty over many, many months.'
Further enquiries:
Barry Gold (Premier Management) - 01227 366 992
Richard Evans (Brewin Dolphin Securities) - 0161 214 5553
Chairman's statement
In the year ended 31 January 2005 turnover was £732,000 (2004: £1,242,000 for 9
months) and operating loss, before exceptional items and amortisation, was
£423,000 (2004: £157,000 profit for 9 months). These numbers reflect the
difficult market conditions experienced through the year, particularly during
the second half. The Group experienced difficult and protracted negotiations
with its major creditor since around the year end but these problems have been
solved and the Company is now on a stable financial footing.
The negotiations with the debenture holders created much uncertainty on the
Company's future prospects. This lead to a gradual loss of staff until only the
Directors and some key consultants remained. On 29 April 2005 the debenture
holder served a demand for immediate payment of all amounts outstanding. As the
Company was unable to discharge the demand a request was made on 29 April 2005
to the London Stock Exchange to suspend trading in the Company's shares pending
clarification of its financial position.
Over the following three months further protracted negotiations were carried out
and final cost cutting measures were implemented. The lease on the Company's
premises was surrendered and none of the Directors or consultants were being
paid. Finally, early in August, I acquired the debenture, withdrew the
repayment demand and advanced further monies to settle pressing debts and fund
residual activities. With the uncertainty over the Company's financial position
lifted, work was able to be started on the Company's annual report and accounts,
which had been temporarily suspended.
The Company's activities have now been wound down to a reduced status. I
continue to carry out some work in football representation business but due to
the significantly reduced workload, Bill Jennings, our Managing Director, has
resigned with immediate effect but will remain associated with the Company on a
consultancy basis as and when required. We are now engaged on an ongoing basis
in seeking opportunities to bring a new profitable business into the Group,
whether by acquisition, joint venture or by some other form of strategic
alliance, with a view to restoring some shareholder value at a future date.
I would like to extend my thanks to Bill Jennings for his assistance through
this difficult period and to wish him every success in his other business
activities. I would also like to extend my thanks to Gerry Desler, the
Company's Finance Director, to Glyn Taylor of Nabarro Nathanson, the Company's
legal adviser, to Brewin Dolphin, the Company's broker and to Gerald Edelman,
the Company's auditors for their advice, support and loyalty over many, many
Barry Gold
25 October 2005
Consolidated profit and loss account
for the year ended 31 January 2005
Year 9 months
ended to
31 Jan 31 Jan
2005 2004
£000 £000
Turnover 732 1,242
Cost of sales (285) (458)
Gross profit before exceptional impairment 447 784
Exceptional impairment of investment in footballers (221) (882)
Gross profit/(loss) 226 (98)
Exceptional amount written off investment in own shares (206) -
Exceptional administrative expenses (561) (2,642)
Amortisation of intangible assets (10) (132)
Other administrative expenses (870) (627)
Operating loss (1,215) (3,499)
Other interest receivable and similar income 1 -
Interest payable (40) (127)
Amortisation of finance costs - (248)
Exceptional write-back of loan - 2,896
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (1,460) (978)
Taxation (212) -
Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (1,672) (978)
Dividends - -
Retained loss carried forward for the financial year (1,672) (978)
Loss per share Pence Pence
Basic and diluted loss per ordinary share (2.82) (3.63)
The profit and loss has been prepared on the basis that all operations are
continuing operations.
Statement of total recognised gains and losses
for the year ended 31 January 2005
Year 9 months
ended To
31 Jan 31 Jan
2005 2004
£000 £000
Loss for the period (1,672) (978)
Prior period adjustment - 174
Total recognised gains and losses since last financial (1,672) (804)
Consolidated balance sheets
as at 31 January 2005
As at As at
31 January 31 January
2005 2004
£000 £000
Fixed Assets
Intangible assets - 220
Tangible assets 1 82
Investments - -
1 302
Current assets
Debtors 322 1,069
Current asset investments - 221
Cash at bank and in hand 161 151
483 1,441
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (808) (1,239)
Net current (liabilities)/assets (325) 202
Total assets less current liabilities (324) 504
Creditors: amounts falling due over one year (1,835) (1,986)
Total assets less liabilities (2,159) (1,482)
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 657 269
Share premium account 2,855 2,497
Profit and loss account (5,710) (4,038)
Own shares held (4) (210)
Capital redemption reserve 43 -
Equity shareholders' deficit (2,159) (1,482)
Consolidated cash flow statement
for the period ended 31 January 2005
12 months 9 months
ended ended
31 January 31 January
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
Net cash movement from operating activities (120) 134
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received 1 -
Interest paid (4) (127)
(3) (127)
Taxation paid - -
Capital expenditure
Receipts on disposal of tangible assets - 20
Payments to acquire tangible assets - (4)
- 16
Acquisitions and disposals
Payments to acquire subsidiary undertakings (42) -
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before management of liquid (165) 23
resources and financing
Management of liquid resources
Short term deposits -
Issue of share capital 789
Capital element of hire purchase contracts (6) (15)
Payment for deferred consideration/debenture (620) (109)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing 163 (124)
Decrease in cash in the year (2) (101)
The preliminary financial statement has been prepared on the basis of the
Group's normal accounting policies but does not constitute statutory accounts.
The comparative figures for the period ended 31 January 2004 have been extracted
from statutory accounts for the year then ended. These statutory accounts have
been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, the auditors report on which was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the
Companies Act 1985. It is anticipated that the Group's Annual Report and
Accounts for the year ended 31 January 2005 will be published and posted to
shareholders on 25 October 2005. Copies will be made available at the Company's
office at 11 Central House, Ongar, Essex CM5 9AA.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange