Final Results

Premier Management Holdings PLC 31 July 2006 For release at 07:00 on 31 July 2006 PREMIER MANAGEMENT HOLDINGS PLC (the 'Company') Statement of audited results for the year ended 31 January 2006 Key points • Turnover £92,000 for year (2005: £553,000). • Significantly reduced pre-tax loss of £28,000 (2005: £1,656,000). • Positive start to the current financial year • Company has resolved to issue new convertible loan-note of up to £1million, £150k already received. • Withdrawal from discussions with Yacht Fuel Services but Company expects other opportunities to arise to restore shareholder value in the medium term Chairman Barry Gold said today, 'Our overhead base is now very low and we expect to do some good business in the current transfer window. The Company's financial future has been considerably improved and we remain positive over the prospects for the remaining business. Although we have now withdrawn from discussions with Yacht Fuel Services Ltd I am confident other opportunities will arise and will provide an update by announcement or when we report our interim results later this year.' Further enquiries: Barry Gold (Premier Management) - 07768 948 928 Richard Evans (Brewin Dolphin Securities) - 0845 270 8602 Chairman's statement I am pleased to report a significantly reduced loss before tax for the year of £28,000 (2005: £1,656,000) on turnover of £92,000 (2005: £,553,000). These numbers reflect the slimmed down but financially stable business that we have achieved after two years of hard and testing work. With the winding up of Sports Player Management Ltd ('SPM') in April, the Company no longer owns any operating subsidiaries and has taken advantage of the exemptions available under the Companies Act 1985 not to present consolidated accounts this year. It is not anticipated that the Company will suffer any further loss or liability in respect of the winding up of SPM. The current year has started well and through effective cash management we have been able to reduce our trading debts further. Our overhead base is now very low and we expect to do some good business in the current transfer window We remain positive over the prospects for the remaining business. The Company has resolved to issue a new convertible loan-note of up to £1million, of which we have to date drawn-down £150,000. We propose to draw down the balance when a suitable transaction is identified. As I have previously stated we have been seeking opportunities to restore shareholder value in the medium term by examining acquisitions that would upscale the size of our business. To this end we entered discussions about the possible reverse of Yacht Fuel Services Ltd into the Company last May. Despite protracted discussions we have been unable to progress the negotiations to an outcome that we considered represented a satisfactory outcome for the Company's shareholders. Accordingly, we have now withdrawn from these discussions and requested that the London Stock Exchange restore the Company's trading facility; which had been subject to a precautionary suspension on 3 May 2006. The market for opportunities for a company of our size has been rendered very competitive recently due to the large number of AIM-quoted investment companies that have been under threat since March of having the trading facility cancelled unless they made a suitable acquisition by the end of September 2006. Those that have not secured such a transaction will be removed shortly both from AIM and effectively the acquisition market which will improve the Company's ability to attract a suitable deal. I am confident therefore that other opportunities will arise and will provide an update by announcement or when we report our interim results later this year.. Finally, I am once again very grateful to Gerry Desler our Finance Director who has worked long hours for this Company, many of them unpaid and to our Company's advisors, who have always been supportive helpful and often very patient. Barry Gold 31 July 2006 Profit and loss account for the year ended 31 January 2006 2006 2005 £000 £000 Turnover 92 553 Cost of sales (27) (285) Gross profit before exceptional impairment 65 268 Exceptional impairment of investment in footballers - (221) Gross profit 65 47 Exceptional administrative expenses - (664) Other administrative expenses (92) (629) Operating loss (27) (1,246) Exceptional amount written off investment in own shares and investment in subsidiary undertaking - (408) Other interest receivable and similar income - 1 Interest payable (1) (3) Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (28) (1,656) Taxation - - Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (28) (1,656) Dividends - - Retained loss carried forward for the financial year (28) (1,656) Loss per share Pence Pence Basic and diluted loss per ordinary share 0.04 2.80 The profit and loss has been prepared on the basis that all operations are continuing operations. Balance sheet as at 31 January 2006 2006 2005 £000 £000 Fixed Assets Tangible assets - 1 - 1 Current assets Debtors 249 322 Cash at bank and in hand 15 160 264 482 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (423) (511) Net current liabilities (159) (29) Total assets less current liabilities (159) (28) Creditors: amounts falling due over more than one year (1,732) (1,835) Total assets less liabilities (1,891) (1,863) Capital and reserves Called up share capital 657 657 Share premium account 2,855 2,855 Profit and loss account (5442) (5,414) Own shares held (4) (4) Capital redemption reserve 43 43 Equity shareholders' deficit (1,891) (1,863) Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 31 January 2006 Year Year ended ended 31 January 31 January 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 Net cash movement from operating activities (18) (78) Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received - 1 Interest paid (1) (3) Net cash outflow for returns on investments and servicing of finance (1) (2) Taxation - - Acquisitions and disposals Payments to acquire subsidiary undertakings - (42) Net cash outflow before management of liquid resources and financing (19) (122) Financing Issue of share capital - 789 Capital element of hire purchase contracts - (2) Payment for deferred consideration/debenture (106) (620) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing (106) 167 Decrease in cash in the year (125) (45) Notes: 1. The accounts have been prepared on the assumption that the Company is a going concern. The accounts of the Company for the year ended 31 January 2006 show a loss after taxation of £28,000 and net current liabilities of £159,000. The company's debenture loan was taken over in August 2005 by Barry Gold, the company's non executive chairman. The directors believe that measures have been taken following the year end to address the excess of current liabilities and in their opinion the accounts have been properly prepared on the assumption that the company is a going concern. 2. The financial statements present information about the company as an individual undertaking and not about its group. Prior years' accounts were presented as consolidated accounts as the subsidiary undertakings were active and under the control of the company. However, during the year all the subsidiaries became dormant and in the case of a certain subsidiary undertaking, the company no longer has control over its operations. Hence the company has taken advantage of the exemptions provided by Section 229 Companies Act 1985 not to prepare group accounts on the basis that either subsidiary undertakings are not material for the purposes of the company's financial statements giving a true and fair view, or the company's control over a subsidiary undertaking is subject to severe long-term restrictions. Comparative figures for 2005 which formerly showed consolidated amounts in respect of the group have been adjusted in order to present them for the company as an individual undertaking only. 3. The preliminary financial statement has been prepared on the basis of the Group's normal accounting policies but does not constitute statutory accounts. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 January 2005 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, the auditors report on which was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. It is anticipated that the Group's Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 January 2006 will be published and posted to shareholders on 31 July 2006. Copies will be made available at the Company's office at 140B High Street, Ongar, Essex CM5 9JH. ENDS This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange BRBUAR
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