Final Results

PATERSON ZOCHONIS PLC 7 September 1999 PATERSON ZOCHONIS plc PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT Operating and financial review Global review Good progress was made during the year in most units, however the serious economic and trading conditions experienced in Eastern Europe and China, as previously announced, have impacted the group's results. During the year, significant losses were incurred in these units, but actions have already been taken to improve their performance. Europe The UK business had a good year with improved turnover and profitability. A new shower product, Imperial Leather Foamburst, was successfully launched at the beginning of the financial year and a new skin moisturising washing range, Imperial Leather Aquasource, was introduced this spring. In Eastern Europe the currency and credit difficulties, particularly in Russia and Ukraine, severely affected our business from the autumn of 1998. Turnover reduced immediately, although there are currently signs of some improvement. Action has been taken to reduce costs in all areas of the business. The new factory in Greece, badly damaged by fire in 1997, has now been repaired and turnover and profitability have been maintained at similar levels to last year. Asia Generally our units in the Far East had a good year, in particular in Indonesia and Thailand where growth in turnover and profitability was significant. Their improved results were however largely negated by the problems encountered in China. The increasingly competitive nature of the Chinese market resulted in lower selling prices and reduced margins forcing that company to re-assess the focus and structure of its business. The company is now concentrated much more on its range of soap products, severely curtailing other activities and bringing more distribution under its own control. These broad measures have enabled the losses incurred in the year to be reduced quickly with the aim of growing the business into profitability in the near future. As a result of the revised strategy, an exceptional provision of £6.3m has been made to cover losses on under-utilised plant and machinery and necessary stock and debtor write-offs. Africa Kenya and Ghana maintained trading profits at a similar level to the previous year, however, profitability of the associate in Nigeria was affected by the reduction in consumer demand as a result of the depressed economy caused mainly by the weak price of oil. With the impact now of higher oil prices and the actions taken by the new civilian government, there is some indication of a slow pick up in activity. Post balance sheet event Since the year end, the group's interest in the associated company in Nigeria has increased to over 50%. The results and net assets will be consolidated as a subsidiary from 1st June 1999. Details of the listed associated company and its subsidiaries are set out in note 2. Investment During the year, current asset investments have been reduced to fund the completion of the capital investment programme and to reduce borrowings. As a result, investment income has risen in the year, with profits being taken on the disposal of equity investments. Outlook The major investment programme of the last few years was largely completed by the year-end. The priorities of the group for the immediate future are to consolidate existing businesses and to concentrate on profitability and cash generation, to enable the group to resume its long term strategy of growth in its principal developing markets. The very first priority has been to tackle the problem areas of China and Poland, both of which have growth potential for the group going forward. Rapid action on cost cutting and consolidation in these areas has resulted in improved performance in the current year. Any modest recovery in the overall economic conditions in Nigeria, Indonesia, China and Eastern Europe will further improve profitability. Group cash flow is now positive and the board is recommending a dividend increase of 5.4%. PATERSON ZOCHONIS plc Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the Year to 31st May 1999 1999 1999 1999 1998 Before Exceptional Exceptional item item Total Total (note 1) (Restated) £000 £000 £000 £000 Turnover 357,297 - 357,297 355,946 Cost of sales (227,710) (5,177) (232,887) (225,298) Gross profit 129,587 (5,177) 124,410 130,648 Selling & distribution (71,703) (1,115) (72,818) (73,319) expenses Administrative expenses (40,836) - (40,836) (37,159) Group operating profit 17,048 (6,292) 10,756 20,170 Share of operating profit of 4,832 - 4,832 6,392 associated companies 21,880 (6,292) 15,588 26,562 Investment income - group 14,445 - 14,445 12,559 companies Interest payable: Group companies (5,831) - (5,831) (5,466) Associated companies (1,129) - (1,129) (945) (6,960) - (6,960) (6,411) Profit on ordinary activities 29,365 (6,292) 23,073 32,710 before taxation Taxation on profit on ordinary (7,443) - (7,443) (10,572) activities Profit on ordinary activities £21,922 £(6,292) 15,630 22,138 after taxation Equity minority interests 3,106 1,006 Profit for the financial year 18,736 23,144 Preference dividends (770) (770) Profit attributable to 17,966 22,374 ordinary capital Ordinary dividends (9,252) (8,777) Profit for the financial year £8,714 £13,597 retained Earnings per ordinary share after 37.87p 47.16p exceptional item Earnings per ordinary share before 46.62p 47.16p exceptional item The results for both years arise from continuing operations. PATERSON ZOCHONIS plc Balance Sheets as at 31st May 1999 The group Parent company 1999 1998 1999 1998 £000 £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 299 - - - Tangible assets 149,378 125,596 - - Investments: Subsidiary companies - - 76,403 75,036 Associated companies 34,565 26,864 7,187 7,036 Other investments - 61 - 61 184,242 152,521 83,590 82,133 Current assets Stocks 61,081 55,625 - - Debtors 62,403 62,673 59,955 51,589 Investments 69,665 107,082 36,427 59,922 Cash at bank and in hand 7,804 6,166 - - 200,953 231,546 96,382 111,511 Creditors - amounts falling (120,107) (143,061) (44,990) (62,589) due within one year Net current assets 80,846 88,485 51,392 48,922 Total assets less current 265,088 241,006 134,982 131,055 liabilities Creditors - amounts falling (14,546) (14,427) - - due after one year Provisions for liabilities and (1,830) (4,412) - (1,875) charges Net assets £248,712 £222,167 £134,982 £129,180 Capital and reserves Equity ordinary share capital 4,744 4,744 4,744 4,744 Non-equity preference share 7,898 7,898 7,898 7,898 capital Total called up share capital 12,642 12,642 12,642 12,642 Reserves attributable to equity interests: Revaluation reserve 46,656 26,772 - - Profit and loss account 185,740 177,106 122,340 116,538 Total shareholders' funds 245,038 216,520 134,982 129,180 Equity minority interests 3,674 5,647 - - £248,712 £222,167 £134,982 £129,180 PATERSON ZOCHONIS plc Group Cash Flow Statement 1999 1998 (Restated) £000 £000 Cash flow from operating activities 6,366 23,834 Dividends received from associated companies - 1,873 Returns on investments and servicing of finance 7,864 6,840 Taxation (6,701) (9,574) Capital expenditure and financial investment (25,019) (27,602) Acquisitions and disposals (1) (2,054) Equity dividends paid (8,777) (8,327) Cash outflow before use of liquid resources and financing (26,268) (15,010) Management of liquid resources 37,738 (547) Financing (11,637) 17,218 (Decrease) / increase in cash in the period £(167) £1,661 1999 1998 £000 £000 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds (Decrease) / increase in cash in the period (167) 1,661 Cash outflow / (inflow) from financing 11,637 (17,218) Cash (inflow ) / outflow from management of (37,738) 547 liquid resources Change in net funds resulting from cash flows (26,268) (15,010) Currency retranslation 701 1,153 Movement in net funds in the period (25,567) (13,857) Opening net funds 54,493 68,350 Closing net funds £28,926 £54,493 PATERSON ZOCHONIS plc Group Cash Flow Statement continued Analysis of net funds At 31st May Cash Exchange At 31st May 1998 flow Difference 1999 £000 £000 £000 £000 Cash in hand and at 6,166 1,564 74 7,804 bank Overdrafts (15,245) (1,731) 473 (16,503) (167) Loans due within one (38,548) 11,624 (159) (27,083) year Loans due after one (4,962) 13 (8) (4,957) year 11,637 Deposits 40,960 2,505 321 43,786 Other current asset 66,122 (40,243) - 25,879 investments (37,738) £54,493 £(26,268) £701 £28,926 Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses 1999 1998 (Restated) £000 £000 Profit for the financial year Group companies 16,056 19,275 Associated companies 2,680 3,869 18,736 23,144 Currency retranslation Group companies 590 (19,094) Associated companies (2,400) (205) (1,810) (19,299) Surplus on revaluation Group companies 13,118 1,794 Associated companies 8,496 - 21,614 1,794 Total recognised gains and losses for the year £38,540 £5,639 PATERSON ZOCHONIS plc NOTES 1. Exceptional item As discussed in the operating and financial review, an exceptional provision was made during the year in respect of the group's operations in China: £000 Write down of fixed assets 3,436 Provision for obsolete stock 1,741 Provision for bad debts 1,115 Effect on profit before taxation 6,292 Taxation - Minority share 2,138 Effect on retained profit £4,154 2. Listed associated company The group share of the profits and net assets of the listed associated company and its subsidiaries in Nigeria is based on the audited accounts for the year ended 31st May 1999 translated to sterling at the rates of exchange stated: 1999 1998 Group Group Total share Total share of 48.41% of 48.22% £000 £000 £000 £000 Turnover 95,330 46,062 103,143 48,829 Profit before taxation 7,664 3,703 11,506 5,447 Taxation (2,117) (1,023) (3,334) (1,578) Profit after taxation £5,547 £2,680 £8,172 £3,869 Fixed assets 44,845 21,711 26,091 12,582 Current assets 71,971 34,844 75,260 36,293 Creditors (due within one (39,843) (19,290) (40,638) (19,597) year) Creditors (due after one year) (688) (333) (1,967) (949) Provisions for liabilities and charges (7,793) (3,773) (5,822) (2,808) Net assets £68,492 £33,159 £52,924 £25,521 Share capital: 1,116,969,367 ordinary shares of 50k each (1998 - 1,116,969,367 shares) 3,631 1,758 3,979 1,919 Reserves 64,861 31,401 48,945 23,602 68,492 33,159 52,924 25,521 Proposed dividend 2,905 1,406 2,785 1,343 Group interest £34,565 £26,864 £1=N153.8056 (1998 - £1=N140.3700) PATERSON ZOCHONIS plc 3. AGM and dividend The board is recommending a final dividend of 13.65p per share which, together with the interim dividend of 5.85p gives a total distribution of 19.5p, an increase of 5.4% over the total of 18.5p last year. The date of the annual general meeting has been fixed for Monday November 1st 1999 and dividend warrants in respect of the proposed final dividend, subject to shareholders' approval, will be posted on that day to members on the register at 5.00 pm on 1st October 1999. 4. Presentation of accounts Under the requirements of Financial Reporting Standard 9 'Associates and Joint Ventures', interest payable by associates is now shown separately from the share of operating profit in those companies in the profit and loss account. Resultant changes have also been made to the statement of total recognised gains and losses and the cash flow statement. Comparative figures have been restated accordingly. 5. Basis of accounts The 1999 results are an abridged version of the statutory accounts for the year ended 31st May 1999 which have been approved by the board of directors and which will carry an unqualified audit report. The 1998 results are an abridged restated version of the statutory accounts for the year ended 31st May 1998 which carry an unqualified audit report and which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. Neither accounts contain a statement in respect of s.237(2) of the Companies Act 1985. Enquiries 7th September 1999 Paterson Zochonis plc 0161 491 8000 Graham Calder (Between 9.00 am and 5.15 pm) Finance Director


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