Final Results - Part 2
Quintain Estates & Development PLC
04 June 2003
4 June 2003
Quintain Estates and Development PLC
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31 March 2003
Notes 2003 2002
£000 £000
______ _______ _______
Turnover 62,660 55,339
Less - share of joint ventures turnover 12a (5,055) (4,909)
_______ _______
Group turnover 2 57,605 50,430
Acquisitions 12c 7,383 -
Continuing 50,222 50,430
Cost of sales 2 (21,030) (9,051)
_______ _______
Gross profit 2 36,575 41,379
Administrative expenses 4/5 (10,377) (8,548)
_______ _______
Group operating profit 3a 26,198 32,831
Acquisitions 12c 1,158 -
Continuing 25,040 32,831
Share of operating profit in joint ventures 12a 4,421 4,280
Share of operating profit (loss) in associates 278 (44)
Profit on sale of investment properties 3a 841 927
_______ _______
Profit on ordinary activities before interest and tax 31,738 37,994
Net interest payable 6 (17,770) (21,052)
_______ _______
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 13,968 16,942
Tax on profit on ordinary activities 7 (1,647) (2,033)
_______ _______
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 12,321 14,909
Equity minority interests (288) (230)
_______ _______
Profit for the financial year 12,033 14,679
Dividends 8 (10,183) (9,637)
_______ _______
Retained profit for the financial year 20 1,850 5,042
====== ======
Earnings per share 9
- basic 9.4p 11.5p
====== ======
- diluted 9.3p 11.3p
====== ======
Dividends per share 8
- interim 2.75p 2.75p
- final 5.25p 4.75p
_______ _______
- total 8.00p 7.50p
====== ======
Details of the restatement of the comparative figures are contained in note 1(n)
of the notes to the accounts.
Quintain Estates and Development PLC
Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
for the year ended 31 March 2003
Notes 2003 2002
£000 £000
______ _______ _______
Profit for the financial year:
Group 9,210 11,779
Joint ventures 12a 2,823 2,900
_______ _______
12,033 14,679
Unrealised surplus on revaluation of
investment properties 20 48,218 36,550
Share of unrealised surplus (deficit) on revaluation of
investment properties held in:
Joint ventures 20 884 (51)
Associates 20 45 160
Tax on realisation of revaluation surplus - (1,843)
Currency translation movements 20 190 (179)
_______ _______
Total recognised gains and losses relating to the 61,370 49,316
financial year
Prior year adjustment as set out below (542) -
_______ _______
Total recognised gains and losses since the last annual 60,828 49,316
====== ======
Consolidated Note of Historical Cost Profits and Losses
for the year ended 31 March 2003
Notes 2003 2002
£000 £000
_______ _______ _______
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 13,968 16,942
Realisation of property revaluation gains of previous 20 2,325 13,397
_______ _______
Historical cost profit on ordinary activities before 16,293 30,339
====== ======
Historical cost profit for the year retained after
taxation, minority interests and dividends 4,175 16,596
====== ======
Quintain Estates and Development PLC
Reconciliation of Movements in Equity Shareholders' Funds
for the year ended 31 March 2003
Notes 2003 2002
£000 £000
______ _______ _______
Profit for the financial year 12,033 14,679
Dividends 8 (10,183) (9,637)
_______ _______
1,850 5,042
Other recognised gains and losses relating to the 49,337 34,637
Negative goodwill 20 1,555 -
Issue of shares less costs 2,377 2,057
Purchase of own shares 20 (6,166) (2,347)
_______ _______
Net addition to equity shareholders' funds 48,953 39,389
Opening shareholders' funds 394,363 354,974
_______ _______
Closing shareholders' funds 443,316 394,363
====== ======
Opening shareholders' funds
As previously reported 394,905 355,207
Prior year adjustment: UITF 34 1n (542) (233)
_______ _______
As restated 394,363 354,974
====== ======
Quintain Estates and Development PLC
Balance Sheets
as at 31 March 2003
Notes Group Company
2003 2002 2003 2002
£000 £000 £000 £000
______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Fixed assets
Investment properties 10 722,545 608,185 - -
Other fixed assets 11 430 450 430 450
Investment in joint ventures share of 61,589 61,849 - -
gross assets
share of gross
liabilities (31,055) (33,310) - -
_______ _______ _______ _______
12a 30,534 28,539 - -
Investment in associates 12b 4,512 1,149 1,191 345
Other fixed asset investments 12c 188 292 304,198 293,356
_______ _______ _______ _______
758,209 638,615 305,819 294,151
Current assets
Trading properties 1,750 7,656 - -
Debtors 13 48,729 20,124 12,137 6,180
Short term investments 14 14 18 - -
Cash at bank and in hand 17a 22,119 37,647 15,471 7,451
_______ _______ _______ _______
72,612 65,445 27,608 13,631
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 15 (63,149) (107,896) (84,127) (94,377)
______ _______ _______ _______
Net current assets (liabilities) 9,463 (42,451) (56,519) (80,746)
Total assets less current liabilities 767,672 596,164 249,300 213,405
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one 16 (314,346) (192,500) (37,907) (6,484)
Provisions for liabilities and charges 18 (8,659) (6,850) - -
Equity minority interests (1,351) (2,451) - -
_______ _______ _______ _______
Net assets 443,316 394,363 211,393 206,921
====== ====== ====== ======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 19 31,825 32,098 31,825 32,098
Share premium account 20 42,623 39,950 42,623 39,950
Revaluation reserve 20 202,148 155,448 - -
Other capital reserves 20 112,330 110,095 108,025 107,345
Profit and loss account 20 54,390 56,772 28,920 27,528
_______ _______ _______ _______
Equity shareholders' funds 443,316 394,363 211,393 206,921
====== ====== ====== ======
Net asset value per share basic 9 348p 307p
====== ======
diluted 9 342p 302p
====== ======
Approved by the Board of Directors N G Ellis Director
and signed on its behalf
3 June 2003 A R Wyatt Director
Quintain Estates and Development PLC
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31 March 2003
Notes 2003 2002
£000 £000
______ _______ _______
Net cash inflow from operating activities 25a 39,514 20,403
====== ======
Dividends from joint ventures and associates 1,381 -
====== ======
Return on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received 748 1,154
Interest paid (17,800) (21,257)
Issue costs of loans (431) (82)
________ ________
Net cash outflow from return on investments
and servicing of finance (17,483) (20,185)
======= =======
Corporation tax paid (1,193) (3,802)
======= =======
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (90,663) (23,389)
Proceeds from disposal of tangible fixed assets 66,401 112,956
Loans to joint ventures and associates (2,261) (317)
________ ________
Net cash (outflow) inflow from capital
and financial investment (26,523) 89,250
======= =======
Acquisitions and disposals
Proceeds from disposal of subsidiary companies - 18,873
Purchase of subsidiary companies (27,335) -
Net cash acquired with subsidiary companies 956 -
________ ________
Net cash (outflow) inflow from acquisitions and (26,379) 18,873
======= =======
Equity dividends paid (9,599) (8,654)
======= =======
Net cash (outflow) inflow before management
of liquid resources and financing (40,282) 95,885
======= =======
Management of liquid resources 25c 18,953 13,779
======= =======
Issue of ordinary shares for cash 3,079 2,057
Loans drawn down 161,088 71,211
Loan repayments (132,548) (175,673)
Purchase of own shares (6,869) (2,347)
________ ________
Net cash inflow (outflow) from financing 24,750 (104,752)
======= =======
Increase in cash in the year 25b 3,421 4,912
======= ======
Quintain Estates and Development PLC
Notes to the Accounts
for the year ended 31 March 2003
1. Accounting policies
The principal accounting policies, which have been applied consistently
throughout the year and the preceding year except as noted below, are as
a) Basis of accounting
The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention as modified
by the revaluation of investment properties and in accordance with all
applicable accounting standards and the requirements of the Companies Act 1985,
except as explained below.
b) Basis of consolidation
The group accounts consolidate the accounts of the Company and all its
subsidiaries and include the Group's share of the results of its joint ventures
and associates. No profit and loss account is presented for the Company, as
permitted by section 230 of the Companies Act 1985. The results of newly
acquired entities are included in the consolidated accounts from the effective
date of acquisition.
c) Goodwill
Goodwill arising on consolidation is capitalised and amortised through the
profit and loss account over a period of 20 years or less in line with the
Directors' view of its useful economic life.
Negative goodwill, which arises as a result of the fair value of property assets
less liabilities acquired exceeding the related purchase consideration, is
credited to other capital reserves in the balance sheet. This represents a
departure from FRS 10, Goodwill and Intangible Assets, which requires that
negative goodwill be treated as a fixed asset. Given that the negative goodwill
relates principally to the investment properties acquired, which are neither
depreciated nor held for re-sale, the Directors consider that to retain it as a
negative asset on the face of the balance sheet indefinitely would not properly
reflect the substance of such a transaction nor result in the financial
statements giving a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group.
The treatment adopted is not inconsistent with the requirements of the Companies
Act 1985. The effect of this treatment on these financial statements in respect
of the acquisition of Wembley (London) Ltd has been to increase total fixed
assets and total reserves on the consolidated balance sheet by £1,555,000 (2002:
£ nil), representing the amount of the negative goodwill.
d) Foreign currencies
All assets, liabilities and results denominated in foreign currencies are
translated into sterling at rates of exchange ruling at the year end. The rates
ruling at the current year end were as follows:
2003 2002
_______ _______
France £1 = € 1.45 € 1.63
United States £1 = US $ 1.58 US $ 1.42
Differences arising from the translation of the net equity investment in
overseas subsidiaries are dealt with through reserves.
e) Turnover
Turnover is stated net of VAT and comprises rental income proceeds from sales of
trading properties, commissions and fees receivable. Rent increases arising
from rent reviews due during the year are taken into account only to the extent
that such reviews are agreed with tenants at the accounting date. When rent
free periods are granted with new leases, rental income is allocated evenly over
the period from the commencement of the lease to the date of the first rent
review. Where a tenant inducement does not enhance the value of the property,
it is amortised over the period to the earlier of the first rent review, the
first tenant break option or the end of the lease term.
f) Disposal of properties
Sales of properties are recognised in the accounts if an unconditional contract
is exchanged by the balance sheet date and the sale is completed before the
accounts are approved by the Board. Profits or losses arising from the sale of
investment properties are calculated by reference to book value and treated as
exceptional items, while those arising from the sale of trading properties are
included in the profit and loss account as part of the operating profit of the
g) Depreciation
In accordance with SSAP 19, Investment Properties, no depreciation is provided
in respect of the Group's freehold properties and leasehold investment
properties with over 20 years to run. This represents a departure from the
provisions of the Companies Act 1985 which requires all properties to be
depreciated. Such properties are held not for consumption but for investment
and the Directors consider that to depreciate them would not give a true and
fair view. Depreciation is only one of the many factors reflected in the annual
valuation of properties and accordingly the amount of depreciation which might
otherwise have been charged cannot be separately identified or quantified.
Depreciation is provided on other fixed assets on a straight line basis having
regard to their estimated useful lives of between three and eight years.
h) Valuation of properties
Investment properties are independently valued annually by external professional
valuers on an open market basis. Investment properties under development are
stated at estimated market value on completion, supported by an independent
valuation, less estimated costs to complete.
Any surplus or deficit on revaluation is transferred to the revaluation reserve
except that deficits below original cost which are expected to be permanent are
charged to the profit and loss account.
Finance charges incurred on investment properties under development are
capitalised within the historical cost until practical completion.
Trading properties are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value.
i) Investments in joint ventures and associates
In accordance with FRS 9, Associates and Joint Ventures, joint ventures are
included under the gross equity method. As a result, the Group's balance sheet
discloses the Group's share of the gross assets and gross liabilities of the
joint ventures. Associates are shown at the Group's share of their net assets.
In both cases, the Group's share of operating profit, net interest payable and
taxation are included in the Group's profit and loss account.
j) Other investments
Fixed asset investments are stated at cost less any provision for permanent
impairment in value.
k) Financial instruments
The Group uses interest rate swaps for hedging purposes in line with its risk
management policies to alter the risk profile of existing underlying exposure in
respect of floating rate debt. Amounts payable and receivable in respect of
interest rate swaps are recognised as adjustments to interest expense over the
period of the contracts.
l) Deferred taxation
Deferred taxation is recognised, without discounting, in respect of all timing
differences between the treatment of certain items for taxation and accounting
purposes which have arisen but not reversed by the balance sheet date, except as
otherwise required by FRS 19, Deferred Taxation. Deferred tax assets are
recognised to the extent that they are considered recoverable.
m) Pensions
The Group makes pre-defined contributions to employees' personal pension plans.
n) Change in accounting policy: Pre-contract costs
In accordance with the Urgent Issues Taskforce Abstract 34, expenditure incurred
prior to obtaining preferred bidder status from English Partnerships in relation
to the Millennium Dome and the redevelopment of other parts of the Greenwich
Peninsula has been charged in the profit and loss account. In adopting this
Abstract, the results for the year ended 31 March 2002 have been restated as set
out below. There has been no impact upon profits in the current year.
2003 2002
£000 £000
______ ______
Increase in cost of sales - (442)
Decrease in tax on profit on ordinary activities - 133
______ ______
Decrease in profit for the financial year - (309)
Decrease in opening reserves (542) (233)
______ ______
Decrease in shareholders' funds (542) (542)
===== =====
Decrease in debtors (775) (775)
Decrease in creditors: amounts falling due within one year 233 233
______ ______
Decrease in net assets (542) (542)
===== =====
2. Turnover, cost of sales and gross profit
These comprised:
2003 2002
Turnover Cost of Gross Turnover Cost of Gross
sales profit sales profit
Restated Restated
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
______ _______ ______ ______ ______ ______
Rents receivable 37,367 (8,210) 29,157 45,164 (7,162) 38,002
Proceeds from sales of trading properties 12,115 (9,657) 2,458 2,585 (1,889) 696
Income from leisure operations 5,950 (3,163) 2,787 - - -
Other income 2,173 - 2,173 2,681 - 2,681
______ _______ ______ ______ _______ ______
57,605 (21,030) 36,575 50,430 (9,051) 41,379
===== ====== ===== ===== ====== =====
The cost of sales in relation to rents receivable consisted of:
2003 2002
£000 £000
_____ _____
Rents payable 1,437 1,231
Property management fees 923 683
Legal and professional fees 816 1,243
Irrecoverable service charges 1,802 1,327
Property amortisation 871 333
Other property costs 2,361 1,903
_____ _____
8,210 6,720
Prior year adjustment: UITF 34 (note 1n) - 442
_____ _____
8,210 7,162
==== ====
3. Segmental analysis
a) Geographical segmental analysis
The geographical split of the Group's business was as follows:
2003 2002
Turnover Operating Net assets Turnover Operating Net assets
profit profit
Restated Restated
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
United Kingdom 55,023 24,764 667,208 47,326 31,072 580,540
France 1,516 813 7,981 1,267 643 7,020
United States 1,066 621 8,955 1,837 1,116 8,895
______ ______ _______ ______ ______ _______
57,605 26,198 684,144 50,430 32,831 596,455
===== ===== ===== =====
Net investment in joint ventures and 35,046 29,688
associates (note 12)
Net debt (note 25c) (275,874) (231,780)
_______ _______
443,316 394,363
====== ======
Turnover by geographical destination is the same as turnover by origin.
All sales of investment properties in the current year arose in the United
Kingdom. The profit on the sale of investment properties in 2002 was shown
after a loss of £546,000 on a disposal in the United States.
3. Segmental analysis
b) Business segmental analysis
The return from the Group's property assets including its overseas properties,
whether held directly or through its joint ventures and associates, was as
Gross Net Book Revaluation Property Property
rents rents value uplift return return
receivable receivable 2003 2002
£000 £000 £000 £000 % %
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
RPI properties - own 2,759 2,690 37,825 2,195 13.7 10.0
Short leasehold properties 1,143 730 8,313 130 10.4 25.3
High yielding properties 13,957 11,431 142,578 10,071 17.4 8.5
Properties held for their
restructuring potential 1,476 1,442 24,850 (1,428) 0.1 8.1
Properties held for their
reversionary potential 3,969 3,661 62,671 4,443 16.4 13.3
Special projects 9,407 6,536 364,620 33,158 14.0 16.6
Properties held for resale 4,656 2,667 81,688 (351) 2.6 5.4
______ ______ _______ ______
Total - own properties 37,367 29,157 722,545 48,218 12.5 12.6
===== ===== ====== ===== === ===
Joint ventures and associates 14.4 12.9
=== ===
Total 12.6 12.6
=== ===
RPI properties are those whose rents increase in line with the
Retail Price Index
- typically annually.
Short leasehold properties are those leaseholds of 50 years or less.
High yielding properties are those yielding more than the average of the CB
Hillier Parker Rent Index.
Properties held for their lease
restructuring potential are those where it is anticipated additional
income / value can be created through the reorganisation of
their lease structure.
Properties held for their are those where the current market rent exceeds
reversionary potential the existing (or passing) rent.
Special projects are those properties with large capital values and
significant development potential.
Properties held for resale are those whose income / value potential has been
fully realised.
The ungeared return for the year takes account of property income, profits from
disposal and revaluation surpluses and expresses this sum as a percentage of a
capital base consisting of opening book values adjusted for acquisitions and
disposals on a time apportioned basis.
4. Administrative expenses
a) These included:
2003 2002
£000 £000
______ ______
Directors' remuneration 2,066 2,169
Staff costs 4,520 2,433
Legal and other professional fees 1,298 2,404
Office costs 1,851 837
Profit on sale of fixed assets (40) (6)
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets 253 273
Operating lease payments 278 278
General expenses 151 160
______ ______
10,377 8,548
===== =====
Directors' remuneration includes a termination payment made to a director of
£299,000 (note 5a).
Legal and other professional fees in 2003 are shown net of a recovery of
£763,000 (2002: £nil) in respect of costs.
b) Fees paid to the auditors and their associates:
2003 2002
£000 £000
_____ _____
Group 200 170
Parent company only 28 25
Non-audit 502 374
==== ====
Fees paid to other accountancy firms were £340,000 (2002: £263,000).
c) Staff costs
Total payroll costs were as follows:
2003 2002
£000 £000
______ ______
Wages and salaries 5,579 3,583
Social security costs 602 414
Other pension costs 294 240
______ ______
6,475 4,237
===== =====
Staff costs include £316,000 (2002: £ nil) which are charged through rents
payable and other property outgoings.
d) Staff numbers
The average number of persons employed by the Group during the year was 205
(2002: 34) split as follows:
2003 2002
£000 £000
______ ______
Property portfolio management and administration 43 34
Leisure operations 162 -
______ ______
205 34
===== =====
5. Directors' emoluments, share options and interests in ordinary shares
a) Emoluments
Basic Termination Bonus Fees Benefits 2003 2002 2003 2002
salary payment Total Total Pensions Pensions
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
N G Ellis 125 - 31 - 5 161 234 - -
A R Wyatt 395 - 99 - 56 550 747 37 40
M E Riley 75 299 36 - 15 425 254 8 16
31 July 2002)
N S K Shattock 225 - 83 - 28 336 343 21 19
E S Dugdale 88 - 44 - 12 144 324 15 18
7 October 2002)
R J Worthington 100 - 13 - 17 130 61 10 5
J Hamilton 96 - - - 8 104 - 10 -
14 October
J B Evans - - - - - - 38 - -
24 April 2002)
B S Thomas - - - 35 - 35 30 - -
M R Meech - - - 30 - 30 25 - -
D G Pangbourne - - - 30 - 30 15 - -
W J T Plender - - - 20 - 20 - - -
23 July 2002)
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Total 2003 1,104 299 306 115 141 1,965 - 101 -
==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
Total 2002 1,180 - 697 108 86 - 2,071 - 98
==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
The basic salary for 2002 includes a payment of £90,000 made on appointment to M
E Riley.
Bonuses relate to amounts paid in June 2002.
Fees include payments of £30,000 (2002: £25,000) made to BT Consulting and BT
Consulting Inc Limited on behalf of Ms Thomas and £5,000 (2002: £5,000) in
respect of her expenses.
Following his resignation on 7 October 2002, the Group has paid fees amounting
to £35,000 to Edward Dugdale and £65,000 to a consultancy of which he is a
director for advice in relation to its joint venture, Quercus Property
5. Directors' emoluments, share options and interests in ordinary shares
b) Share options
Number Number Number Number Exercise Market Exercise Exercise
of of of of price price period period
options options options options per at date from to
31 March granted exercised / 31 March share of
2002 in year lapsed 2003 exercise
in year
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
A R Wyatt Approved 6,040 - 6,040 151.5p 228.0p 22.02.02 21.02.09
Unapproved 732,673 - (732,673) - 151.5p 228.0p 22.02.02 21.02.06
Unapproved 98,060 - (98,060) - 163.2p 228.0p 28.05.02 27.05.06
Unapproved 128,762 - - 128,762 155.3p 13.06.03 12.06.07
Unapproved 40,101 - - 40,101 199.5p 04.09.04 03.09.08
Approved - 7,693 - 7,693 271.0p 17.06.05 16.06.12
Unapproved - 462,786 - 462,786 271.0p 17.06.05 16.06.09
M E Riley Approved 15,789 - (15,789) - 190.0p note 05.09.04 04.09.11
Unapproved 142,106 (142,106) - 190.0p note 05.09.04 04.09.08
Unapproved - 157,895 (157,895) - 190.0p note 17.06.05 16.06.09
N S K Approved 26,315 - - 26,315 114.0p 18.08.98 17.08.05
Unapproved 173,685 - - 173,685 114.0p 18.08.98 17.08.05
Unapproved 26,548 - - 26,548 113.0p 23.07.99 22.07.03
Unapproved 61,946 - - 61,946 113.0p 23.07.99 22.07.03
Unapproved 82,352 - - 82,352 136.0p 06.08.00 05.08.04
Unapproved 39,604 - - 39,604 151.5p 22.02.02 21.02.06
Unapproved 49,029 - - 49,029 163.2p 28.05.02 27.05.06
Unapproved 38,625 - - 38,625 155.3p 13.06.03 12.06.07
Unapproved 60,150 - - 60,150 199.5p 04.09.04 03.09.08
Unapproved - 252,400 - 252,400 271.0p 17.06.05 16.06.09
E S Dugdale Approved 130,000 - (130,000) - 110.0p 230.0p 26.07.97 25.07.04
Unapproved 70,000 - (70,000) - 114.0p 230.0p 18.08.98 17.08.02
Unapproved 70,000 - (70,000) - 113.0p 230.0p 23.07.99 22.07.03
Unapproved 72,132 - (72,132) - 136.0p 230.0p 06.08.00 05.08.04
Unapproved 66,007 - (66,007) - 151.5p 230.0p 22.02.02 21.02.06
Unapproved 49,029 - (49,029) - 163.2p 230.0p 28.05.02 27.05.06
Unapproved 38,625 - (38,625) - 155.3p note 13.06.03 12.06.07
Unapproved 30,075 - (30,075) - 199.5p note 04.09.04 03.09.08
Unapproved - 200,738 (200,738) - 271.0p note 17.06.05 16.06.09
R J Approved 9,801 - - 9,801 151.5p 22.02.02 21.02.09
Unapproved 17,455 - - 17,455 151.5p 22.02.02 21.02.06
Unapproved 9,194 - - 9,194 163.2p 28.05.02 27.05.06
Unapproved 14,487 - - 14,487 155.3p 13.06.03 12.06.07
Unapproved 30,075 - - 30,075 199.5p 04.09.04 03.09.08
Approved - 5,590 - 5,590 271.0p 17.06.05 16.06.12
Unapproved - 95,886 - 95,886 271.0p 17.06.05 16.06.09
________ ________ _________ ________
2,328,665 1,182,988 (1,873,129) 1,638,524
======= ======= ======== =======
Note: Options allocated to M E Riley and E S Dugdale which had not vested lapsed
on resignation.
In 2002, A R Wyatt exercised 13,761 options with an exercise price of 151.5p and
a market price of 206.0p. Also in the year,
R J Worthington exercised 47,000 options with an exercise price of 151.5p and an
average market price of 208.6p.
The range of closing middle market prices for the ordinary shares of the Company
during the year was 219.5p to 271.5p. The price at the year end was 227.5p.
5. Directors' emoluments, share options and interests in ordinary shares
c) Interests in ordinary shares
The interests of directors holding office at the end of the year in the ordinary
shares of the Company were as follows:
Number of shares Number of shares
2003 2002
_________ _________
N G Ellis 9,000 9,000
A R Wyatt 2,021,936 2,020,520
N S K Shattock 82,546 73,249
R J Worthington 16,475 16,389
J Hamilton Stubber - -
B S Thomas 10,000 10,000
M R Meech 3,668 3,668
D G Pangbourne 4,000 -
W J T Plender 6,000 6,000
_________ _________
2,153,625 2,138,826
======== ========
For directors appointed in the year, the position for 2002 shows their holdings
as at the date of their appointment.
There were no changes in directors' interests in ordinary shares between the
year end and the date these accounts were approved.
6. Net interest payable
2003 2002
£000 £000
______ ______
Interest payable on bank loans and overdrafts 18,015 20,904
Interest payable on other loans 309 764
______ ______
18,324 21,668
Amortisation of financing costs 704 817
______ ______
19,028 22,485
Interest capitalised (2,337) (1,661)
Interest receivable (748) (1,152)
______ ______
Group interest charge 15,943 19,672
Share of joint venture and associate interest payable 1,827 1,380
______ ______
17,770 21,052
===== =====
Of the interest capitalised in the year, the amount capitalised to investment
properties was £2,261,000 (2002: £1,483,000)
and to trading properties £76,000 (2002: £178,000).
7. Tax on profit on ordinary activities
2003 2002
£000 £000
______ ______
UK Corporation tax on revenue profit for the year at 30% (2002: 362 1,631
Overseas taxation 100 266
______ ______
Tax on current year revenue profit 462 1,897
Prior year adjustment: UITF 34 (note 1n) - (133)
Adjustments to prior years' UK Corporation tax (1,080) (2,902)
______ ______
(618) (1,138)
Deferred tax on origination and reversal of timing differences 2,265 1,177
(note 18)
Deferred tax asset realised in the year - 1,994
______ ______
1,647 2,033
===== =====
Reconciliation of the taxation charge:
Profit on revenue profit for the year at 30% (2002: 30%) 4,190 5,215
Capital allowances (2,071) (2,324)
Use of prior year UK tax losses (1,008) (1,236)
Capitalised interest (698) (498)
Use of losses and differing tax rates in respect of overseas (421) (83)
Disallowable expenditure 1,386 700
Profit on sale of investment properties (254) -
Other non-taxable income (223) 123
Capitalised expenses and other timing differences (439) -
Adjustments to prior years' UK Corporation tax (1,080) (3,035)
______ ______
(618) (1,138)
===== =====
The current year Corporation tax charge includes tax payable by the Group on its
share of joint venture profits.
8. Dividends
2003 2002
£000 £000
______ ______
Interim (paid): 2.75p (2002: 2.75p) per share 3,500 3,538
Final (proposed): 5.25p (2002: 4.75p) per share 6,683 6,099
______ ______
Total: 8.00p (2002: 7.50p) per share 10,183 9,637
===== =====
9. Earnings per share and net asset value per share
a) Earnings per share
2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 2002
Basic Based on Based on Basic Based on Based on
underlying underlying underlying underlying
profits profits and profits profits and
change in change in
accounting accounting
policy policy
Restated Restated Restated
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Profit for the financial year 12,033 12,033 12,033 14,679 14,679 14,679
Profit on sale of investment - (841) (841) - (743) (743)
properties after tax
Prior year adjustment: UITF 34 (note - - - - - 309
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
12,033 11,192 11,192 14,679 13,936 14,245
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
Weighted average number of shares 127,660 127,660 127,660 127,808 127,808 127,808
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
Earnings per share on a diluted basis have been calculated on an adjusted profit
of £12,201,000 (2002: £14,847,000 restated) and
the adjusted weighted average number of shares of 131,004,000 (2002:
b) Net asset value per share
Basic net asset value per share has been based on net assets of £443,316,000
(2002: £394,363,000 restated) and 127,301,000
(2002: 128,393,000) shares in issue at the year end. Net asset value per share
on a diluted basis has been calculated on adjusted net assets of £446,316,000
(2002: £397,363,000 restated) and 130,644,000 (2002: 131,674,000) shares.
10. Investment properties
The movements in the year in investment properties were as follows:
Group Freehold Long Short Total
leasehold leasehold
£000 £000 £000 £000
_______ _______ _______ _______
Cost or valuation:
Balance 1 April 2002 436,844 154,992 16,349 608,185
Reclassification (400) (3,550) 3,950 -
Transfers to trading properties (1,432) - - (1,432)
Exchange movement 257 - - 257
Additions 147,162 5,600 - 152,762
Interest capitalised 1,917 344 - 2,261
Disposals (82,470) (4,365) - (86,835)
Short leasehold amortisation - - (796) (796)
Other property amortisation (75) - - (75)
Revaluation 42,394 6,187 (363) 48,218
_______ _______ _______ _______
Balance 31 March 2003 544,197 159,208 19,140 722,545
====== ====== ====== ======
The historical cost of the Group's investment properties as at 31 March 2003 was
£518,422,000 (2002: £447,957,000) and
includes capitalised interest of £5,687,000 (2002: £3,426,000).
With the exception of those noted below, investment properties in the United
Kingdom and the United States were valued
independently as at 31 March 2003 by Jones Lang LaSalle, Chartered Surveyors;
Humberts, Chartered Surveyors, or Matthews & Goodman, Chartered Surveyors, as
external valuers, on the basis of open market value and in accordance with the
Appraisal and Valuation Manual of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
The Group's property interests at Greenwich and the Wembley Complex have been
valued independently by FPD Savills Commercial Limited, Chartered Surveyors, as
external valuers, on the basis of the open market value and in accordance with
the Appraisal and Valuation Manual of the Royal Institution of Chartered
Northdale House, London NW10, an hotel investment property, has been valued
independently by TRI Hospitality Consulting as external valuers, on the basis of
open market value having regard to discounted cash flow.
Chateau Rouge, Lille, France has been valued independently by Insignia Bourdais
Expertises s.a., Chartered Surveyors, as external valuers, in accordance with
the French Valuation Charter adopted by the French Association of Chartered
11. Other fixed assets
Group and Company Short Motor Fixtures, Total
leasehold vehicles fittings &
£000 £000 £000 £000
_______ _______ _______ _______
Balance 1 April 2002 700 75 431 1,206
Additions 75 - 162 237
Disposals - (75) - (75)
_______ _______ _______ _______
Balance 31 March 2003 775 - 593 1,368
====== ====== ====== ======
Balance 1 April 2002 (323) (61) (372) (756)
Charge for the year (178) (10) (65) (253)
Disposals - 71 - 71
_______ _______ _______ _______
Balance 31 March 2003 (501) - (437) (938)
====== ====== ====== ======
Net book value:
31 March 2003 274 - 156 430
====== ====== ====== ======
31 March 2002 377 14 59 450
====== ====== ====== ======
12. Fixed asset investments
a) Investment in joint ventures
Group Shares of Advances Total
net assets
£000 £000 £000
_______ _______ _______
Balance 1 April 2002 8,739 19,800 28,539
Exchange movement (331) - (331)
Repayment of loans (1,381) - (1,381)
Share of profit 2,823 - 2,823
Revaluation surplus 884 - 884
Reallocation (2,700) 2,700 -
_______ _______ _______
Balance 31 March 2003 8,034 22,500 30,534
====== ====== ======
The Group's interest in its principal joint ventures were as follows:
Holding % of share Country of Joint venture
capital held incorporation partner
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
Hanford Mall Partners Limited Partnership 50 United States Canadian
Bank of
Quercus (General Partner) Limited 500 'A' 50 United Aviva
shares of £1 Kingdom (formerly CGNU)
Quercus Property Partnership 19.8 United Norwich Union
Kingdom Life & Pensions
All joint venture undertakings are engaged in property investment.
12. Fixed asset investments (continued)
a) Investment in joint ventures
The Group's share of the results of its principal joint venture operations was
as follows:
Quercus Hanford Mall Other Group
Partners joint share in
Limited ventures joint
Partnership ventures
£000 £000 £000 £000
_______ _______ _______ _______
Summarised profit and loss account
Rents receivable 3,587 1,468 - 5,055
Costs of sale (282) (255) - (537)
_______ _______ _______ _______
Net rental income 3,305 1,213 - 4,518
Administrative expenses - (128) 31 (97)
_______ _______ _______ _______
Group operating profit 3,305 1,085 31 4,421
Interest receivable - - 10 10
Net interest payable (1,279) (329) - (1,608)
_______ _______ _______ _______
Profit before taxation 2,026 756 41 2,823
====== ====== ====== ======
Summarised balance sheet
Investment properties at valuation 46,595 10,886 - 57,481
Other assets 3,013 754 341 4,108
_______ _______ _______ _______
Gross assets 49,608 11,640 341 61,589
Bank loans falling due after more than one (19,868) (7,858) - (27,726)
Other liabilities (1,459) (1,587) (283) (3,329)
_______ _______ _______ _______
Net external assets 28,281 2,195 58 30,534
====== ====== ====== ======
Represented by:
Joint venture capital 5,781 2,195 58 8,034
Joint venture loans 22,500 - - 22,500
_______ _______ _______ _______
Total investment 28,281 2,195 58 30,534
====== ====== ====== ======
The figures for Quercus include both Quercus Property Partnership and Quercus
(General Partner) Limited.
Properties held in joint ventures were valued independently as at 31 March 2003
by Matthews & Goodman, Chartered Surveyors,
and TRI Hospitality Consulting (both Quercus) and Jones Lang LaSalle, Chartered
Surveyors (Hanford Mall) as external valuers on the basis of open market value
and in accordance with the Appraisal and Valuation Manual of the Royal
Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
The Quercus joint ventures have accounting periods ending on 31 December. The
Group's share of their results for the period 1 January 2003 to 31
March 2003 has been based on their management accounts.
b) Investment in associates
Group Company
£000 £000
_______ _______
Share of net assets:
Balance 1 April 2002 1,149 345
Additions in year 3,276 923
Share of net profit (loss) 42 (77)
Revaluation surplus 45 -
_______ _______
Balance 31 March 2003 4,512 1,191
====== ======
12. Fixed asset investments (continued)
b) Investment in associates
Property interests in associated undertakings were valued independently by Jones
Lang LaSalle, Chartered Surveyors (Aqua Trust) and Humberts, Chartered
Surveyors, (Quart Limited Partnership) as external valuers, on the basis of open
market value and in accordance with the Appraisal and Valuation Manual of the
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
The Group's interest in its principal associate undertakings was as follows:
% of equity held Other members
______________ _____________________________
Aqua Trust 50 Norwich Union Annuity Limited
City Executive Centres Limited 40 Nicola and Giles Fuchs
Dome General Partner Limited 24.5 AEG Dome Management Limited and
Lend Lease Europe Limited
Dome Limited Partnership 24.5 AEG London Dome LLC,
Lend Lease Europe Limited and
Dome GP Limited
Meridian Delta Limited 49 Lend Lease Europe Limited
Meridian Delta Dome Limited 49 Lend Lease Europe Limited
Quart General Partner Limited 25 Britel Fund Nominees Limited and
Possfund Nominees Limited
Quart Limited Partnership 12.375 Britel Fund Trustees Limited,
Possfund Custodian Trustee
Uberior Investments PLC and
Quart General Partner Limited
c) Other fixed asset investments
Group Company
£000 £000
______ ______
Own shares:
Balance 1 April 2002 104 104
Distribution of shares (104) (104)
______ ______
Balance 31 March 2003 - -
===== =====
During the year, 47,160 ordinary shares of 25p in Quintain Estates and
Development PLC held in an Employee Share Trust to satisfy accrued bonus
entitlements were distributed to employees in accordance with the rules.
Group Company
£000 £000
______ ______
Balance 1 April 2002 188 51
Disposals - (51)
______ ______
Balance 31 March 2003 188 -
===== =====
12. Fixed asset investments (continued)
c) Other fixed asset investments
Group Company
£000 £000
_______ _______
Balance 1 April 2002 - 293,201
Additions - 10,997
_______ _______
Balance 31 March 2003 - 304,198
====== ======
Total 31 March 2003 188 304,198
====== ======
Total 31 March 2002 292 293,356
====== ======
Principal subsidiaries (whose results are included in the Group financial
Principal activity % of share % of share
capital held capital held
by by
Company Subsidiary
_________________ ____________ ____________
Incorporated in the United Kingdom:
Albion Properties Birmingham Limited Property investment 100%
Albion Properties Colchester Limited Property investment 100%
Albion Properties Norwich Limited Property investment 100%
Cadmus Investments Limited Property investment 100%
Chesterfield Investments (No.1) Limited Property investment 100%
Chesterfield (Neathouse) Limited Property investment 100%
Chesterfield (No.9) Limited Property investment 100%
Chesterfield Properties Limited Property investment 100%
Comchester Properties Limited Property investment 100%
Comgrove Properties Limited Property investment 100%
Corfield Properties Limited Property investment 100%
Croydon Land Limited Property investment 100%
Croydon Land (No.2) Limited Property investment 100%
Croydon Properties Limited Property trading 100%
Croydon Properties (No.2) Limited Property trading 100%
The Crystal Peaks Investment Company Property investment 100%
English & Overseas Investments plc Property investment 100%
English & Overseas Properties plc Property investment 100%
EPIC Commercial Properties Limited Property investment 100%
Estates Property Investment Company Property investment 100%
George Wilson Developments (Dover) Property investment 100%
Keswick Holdings Limited Property investment 100%
Licensed Retail Properties Limited Property investment 100%
Listed Offices Limited Property investment 100%
Permitobtain Limited Property investment 100%
Qhere Limited Property investment 100%
Qoin Limited Property investment 100%
Quaystone Properties Limited Property investment 100%
Quintain Meridian Limited Property investment 100%
Quintain (No.1) Limited Property investment 100%
Quintain (No.9) Limited Property investment 100%
Quintain Services Limited Management 100%
Quivercare Limited Property investment 100%
Quocumque Limited Property investment 100%
Quondam Estates Investment Limited Property investment 100%
Quondam Estates No.2 Limited Property investment 100%
Quo Vadis Estates Limited Property investment 100%
Quo Vadis Properties Limited Property investment 100%
Tenstall Limited Property investment 100%
Wembley (London) Limited Property investment
and provision of
leisure facilities 100%
12. Fixed asset investments (continued)
Principal subsidiaries (whose results are included in the Group financial
statements) (continued)
Principal activity % of share % of share
capital held capital held
by by
Company Subsidiary
_________________ ___________ ___________
Incorporated in France:
Continental Investment Development s.a. Holding company 99%
SCI Bureaux Du Chateau Rouge Property investment 80%
Incorporated in the United States:
Chesterfield Holdings Inc. Holding company 100%
Chesterfield Investments Inc. Property investment 100%
In France, the minority stake in SCI Bureaux Du Chateau Rouge is held by Zamara
Corporation (15%) and Lille Gestion (5%).
The French subsidiaries have accounting periods ending on 31 December. The
Group's share of their results for the period
1 January 2003 to 31 March 2003 has been based on their management accounts.
All companies operate principally in their countries of incorporation. A
complete list of subsidiaries will be annexed to the next annual return
delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
Acquisition of subsidiary undertaking
On 6 August 2002, the Company acquired the whole of the issued share capital of
Wembley (London) Limited for a total consideration of £47,421,000 before costs.
As some of the consideration is deferred, the amounts shown under creditors have
been discounted to reflect its present value. A summary of the assets acquired
together with the fair value adjustments and the consideration for the
transaction is shown below:
Balance Fair value Fair
sheet at adjustment value
acquisition Recognition balance
of sheet
deferred tax
£000 £000 £000
______ ______ ______
Investment properties 48,000 - 48,000
Debtors 7,621 - 7,621
Cash at bank and in hand 956 - 956
Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year (9,156) - (9,156)
Provision for liabilities and - 456 456
______ _____ ______
47,421 456 47,877
===== ====
Negative goodwill (1,555)
Cash 14,290
Deferred consideration 33,131
Total consideration 47,421
Discount (2,647)
Discounted consideration 44,774
Costs 1,548
12. Fixed asset investments (continued)
Impact of acquisition upon the profit and loss account
The results of Wembley (London) Limited have been consolidated since
acquisition. The contribution to the Group's operating profit for the year has
been as follows:
Turnover 7,383
Cost of sales (3,879)
Gross profit 3,504
Administrative expenses (2,346)
Operating profit 1,158
13. Debtors
Group Group Company Company
2003 2002 2003 2002
£000 £000 £000 £000
______ ______ ______ ______
Trade debtors 12,938 6,827 521 33
Amounts due under contracts for sale 21,539 140 - -
Other debtors 11,389 11,613 11,286 5,803
Prepayments and accrued income 2,863 1,544 330 344
______ ______ ______ ______
48,729 20,124 12,137 6,180
===== ===== ===== =====
14. Short term investments
Group Group Company Company
2003 2002 2003 2002
£000 £000 £000 £000
______ ______ ______ ______
Treasury stock 14 18 - -
______ ______ ______ ______
14 18 - -
===== ===== ===== =====
15. Creditors: amounts due within one year
Group Group Company Company
2003 2002 2003 2002
£000 £000 £000 £000
_______ _______ _______ _______
Bank and other loans (secured) 188 76,945 - -
Trade creditors 3,608 4,188 - 197
Other creditors 41,212 4,582 265 701
Amounts due to subsidiary undertakings - - 76,610 86,318
Dividend proposed 6,683 6,099 6,683 6,099
Corporation tax payable 214 5,409 - -
Other taxation and social security 1,301 154 14 268
Accruals and deferred income 9,943 10,519 555 794
_______ _______ _______ _______
63,149 107,896 84,127 94,377
====== ====== ====== ======
The amounts due to other creditors include £14,032,000 secured on property
assets (2002: £ nil).
16. Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year
Group Group Company Company
2003 2002 2003 2002
£000 £000 £000 £000
_______ ______ ______ ______
Bank and other loans (secured) 292,081 186,575 35,000 3,500
Convertible unsecured loan stock 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
10% First Mortgage Debenture Stock 2011 4,870 5,369 - -
_______ ______ ______ ______
299,951 194,944 38,000 6,500
Deferred finance costs (2,132) (2,444) (93) (16)
_______ _______ ______ ______
297,819 192,500 37,907 6,484
Other creditors 16,527 - - -
_______ _______ ______ ______
314,346 192,500 37,907 6,484
====== ====== ===== =====
The loans are secured by fixed and floating charges over assets owned by
subsidiary undertakings. In addition, the Company has guaranteed the bank
loans, undertaking a minimum net worth covenant for the Group of £225,000,000
(2002: £225,000,000).
The unlisted convertible unsecured loan stock is repayable on 1 April 2007 and
interest is charged at 8% per annum. The loan stock is convertible at any time
at the option of the holder into ordinary shares of the Company at a conversion
price of 150p per share.
The 10% First Mortgage Debenture Stock 2011 issued by Estates Property
Investment Company Limited is secured by fixed and floating charges over the
assets of the subsidiary undertaking and has a redemption value of £4,617,000.
The premium over par arising from fair valuing the debenture on acquisition is
amortised over its remaining life.
The amounts due to other creditors are secured on property assets.
17. Borrowings
a) Financial assets
As at 31 March 2003, the Group's financial assets comprising cash balances were
as follows:
2003 2002
£000 £000
______ ______
Sterling 20,451 36,202
Euros 1,310 813
United States dollars 358 632
______ ______
22,119 37,647
===== =====
b) Financial liabilities
The Group is subject to interest rate, liquidity and foreign currency risks.
The Group does not speculate in treasury products but uses these only to limit
potential interest rate fluctuations. It usually borrows at floating rates of
interest and uses hedging mechanisms to achieve an interest rate profile where
the majority of borrowings are fixed or capped. At the year end, 100% (2002:
100%) of the Group's net debt was fixed or protected, and the weighted average
rate of debt was 6.17% (2002: 6.37%).
The Group's policy is to finance its activities with equity and long term debt,
with a gearing target of 100%. At the year end, the weighted average tenure of
the Group's sterling debt was 6 years (2002: 6 years).
The Group borrows in the same currency as the assets being financed to minimise
foreign currency risk. No currency derivatives are used.
17. Borrowings (continued)
b) Financial liabilities
The maturity profile of the Group's debt was as follows:
Bank loans Other Total Total Undrawn Undrawn
and loans debt debt facilities facilities
overdrafts 2003 2002 2003 2002
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Up to one year 188 - 188 76,945 - 205
Between one and two years 211 - 211 3,500 - 41,500
Between two and five years 141,470 3,000 144,470 75,792 16,000 40,220
Over five years 150,400 4,870 155,270 115,652 59,500 100,000
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
292,269 7,870 300,139 271,889 75,500 181,925
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
After taking account of interest rate swap arrangements, the risk profile of the
Group's borrowings as at 31 March 2003 was as follows:
2003 2002
Fixed Capped Total Fixed Capped Total
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Sterling 203,870 85,099 288,969 180,619 79,574 260,193
Euros 4,670 - 4,670 4,412 - 4,412
United States dollars 6,500 - 6,500 7,284 - 7,284
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
215,040 85,099 300,139 192,315 79,574 271,889
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
The interest rate profile of the Group's fixed rate debt was as follows:
Percent 2003 2002
£000 £000
_______ _______
4.0 - 5.0 99,170 39,412
5.0 - 6.0 59,500 95,250
6.0 - 7.0 42,000 42,000
7.0 - 8.0 14,370 15,653
_______ _______
215,040 192,315
====== ======
The weighted average rate and the weighted average period of the Group's fixed
rate debt as at 31 March 2003 were as follows:
2003 2002 2003 2002
% % years years
_____ _____ _____ _____
Sterling 5.4 5.7 6 6
Euros 4.7 4.7 3 4
United States dollars 7.7 7.7 6 7
Group 5.5 5.8 6 6
==== ==== ==== ====
17. Borrowings (continued)
b) Financial liabilities
The fair value of the Group's financial liabilities as at 31 March 2003 was as
Book value Fair Difference Difference
/ notional value 2003 2002
£000 £000 £000 £000
_______ _______ _______ _______
Fixed rate debt 19,040 20,769 (1,729) (235)
Interest rate swaps 196,000 209,160 (13,160) (3,409)
_______ _______ _______ _______
215,040 229,929 (14,889) (3,644)
Forward rate swaps 50,000 52,195 (2,195) 8
_______ _______ _______ _______
265,040 282,124 (17,084) (3,636)
====== ====== ====== ======
The fair values were calculated by J C Rathbone Associates as at 31 March 2003
and reflect the replacement values of the financial instruments used to manage
the Group's exposure as at that date.
The Group has taken advantage of the exemption under FRS 13 to exclude short
term debtors and creditors from these disclosures. Its policies relating to
financial instruments are set out in the Financial Review and in the note on the
Group's accounting policies (note 1).
The maturity profile of the Group's share of floating rate debt held within its
joint ventures as at 31 March 2003 was as follows:
2003 2002
£000 £000
______ ______
Between one and two years 7,858 -
Between two and five years 19,868 28,566
______ ______
27,726 28,566
===== =====
18. Provisions for liabilities and charges
The movement in the year in provisions for liabilities and charges was as
Balance 1 April 2002 6,850
Deferred tax asset recognised on acquisition of Wembley (London) Limited (note 12c) (456)
Charge to profit and loss account (note 7) 2,265
Balance 31 March 2003 8,659
The provisions represent deferred tax comprising:
Group Provided Not Provided Not
provided provided
2003 2003 2002 2002
£000 £000 £000 £000
_____ ______ _____ ______
Timing differences 8,659 - 6,850 -
Revaluation surplus - 42,455 - 29,626
_____ ______ _____ ______
8,659 42,455 6,850 29,626
==== ===== ==== =====
19. Called up share capital
200,000,000 shares of 25p each 50,000
Allotted, called up and fully paid
In issue at 1 April 2002: 128,392,873 ordinary shares of 25p each 32,098
Issue on exercise of options over 1,627,479 shares under Staff Share Option Schemes at between 407
110p and 163.2p
Purchase and cancellation of 2,719,744 own shares at between 218p and 230p (680)
In issue at 31 March 2003: 127,300,608 ordinary shares of 25p each 31,825
As at the year end, the following options granted under the Company's Share
Option Schemes remained outstanding:
Date of grant Number Exercise Exercise Exercise
of price period period
ordinary shares per share from to
_________ _________ _________ _________
18.08.95 26,315 114.0p 18.08.98 17.08.05
06.08.97 11,344 136.0p 06.08.00 05.08.07
22.02.99 15,841 151.5p 22.02.02 21.02.09
13.06.00 73,834 155.3p 13.06.03 12.06.10
04.09.01 19,960 155.3p 04.09.04 03.09.11
04.09.01 70,009 199.5p 04.09.04 03.09.11
17.06.02 22,387 199.5p 17.06.05 16.06.12
17.06.02 34,128 271.0p 17.06.05 16.06.12
20.02.03 12,811 234.2p 20.02.06 19.02.13
18.08.95 173,685 114.0p 18.08.98 17.08.05
23.07.96 88,494 113.0p 23.07.99 22.07.03
06.08.97 82,352 136.5p 06.08.00 05.08.04
22.02.99 100,871 151.5p 22.02.02 21.02.06
28.05.99 67,417 163.2p 28.05.02 27.05.06
13.06.00 298,384 155.3p 13.06.03 12.06.07
04.09.01 115,046 155.3p 04.09.04 03.09.08
04.09.01 308,857 199.5p 04.09.04 03.09.08
17.06.02 135,006 155.3p 17.06.05 16.06.09
17.06.02 60,488 199.5p 17.06.05 16.06.09
17.06.02 925,098 271.0p 17.06.05 16.06.09
20.02.03 31,944 234.2p 20.02.06 19.02.10
Total 2,674,271
On December 1993, Scottish Equitable PLC was granted an option over 1,500,000
ordinary shares exercisable at any time in whole or in part, before 6 December
2003 at an exercise price of 110p per ordinary share. Scottish Equitable PLC
also holds £3,000,000 of the Company's unlisted convertible unsecured loan stock
repayable by 1 April 2007. The loan stock is convertible into ordinary shares
at a conversion price of 150p per ordinary share.
20. Reserves
Group Share Revaluation Other Other Other Profit and
premium reserve capital capital capital loss
reserves reserves reserves account
Capital Merger Capital
redemption reserve reserve
reserve Restated
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Balance 1 April 2002 39,950 155,448 1,283 106,062 2,750 57,314
Prior year adjustment: - - - - -
UITF 34 (note 1n) - - - - - (542)
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
39,950 155,448 1,283 106,062 2,750 56,772
Premium on issue of shares less 2,673 - - - - (703)
Purchase of own shares - - 680 - - (6,166)
Surplus on revaluation of:
Investment properties - 48,218 - - - -
Joint ventures - 884 - - - -
Associates - 45 - - - -
Realisation of property -
revaluation gains of
previous years - (2,325) - - - 2,325
Negative goodwill (note 12c) - - - - 1,555 -
Exchange movement in year - - - - - 190
Short leasehold amortisation - (122) - - - 122
Retained profit for the financial - - - - 1,850
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
Balance 31 March 2003 42,623 202,148 1,963 106,062 4,305 54,390
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
Company Share Other capital Other capital Profit and
premium Reserves reserves loss account
Capital Merger
redemption reserve
reserve Restated
£000 £000 £000 £000
Balance 1 April 2002 39,950 1,283 106,062 27,528
Premium on issue of shares less costs 2,673 - - -
Purchase of own shares - 680 - (6,166)
Retained profit for the financial year - - - 7,558
_______ _______ _______ _______
Balance 31 March 2003 42,623 1,963 106,062 28,920
====== ====== ====== ======
As permitted by section 230 of the Companies Act 1985, the profit and loss of
the Company is not presented as part of these financial statements. The profit
for the year attributable to shareholders dealt with in the financial statements
of the Company was £19,741,000 (2002: £11,503,000).
21. Capital commitments
As at 31 March 2003, the Group had capital commitments of £44,350,000 (2002:
22. Commitments under operating leases
As at 31 March 2003, the Group's annual commitments under non-cancellable
operating leases were as follows:
Land and buildings Land and buildings
2003 2002
£000 £000
______ _____
Operating leases which expire:
Within one year 13 -
In two to five years 265 278
______ _____
278 278
===== =====
23. Contingent liabilities
a) Group
The Group, through Chesterfield Properties Limited, has guaranteed the payment
of current interest on a secured bank loan facility
of US $ 27,800,000 (of which US $ 24,833,000 was drawn down as at 31 March 2003)
in the event of default by Hanford Mall Partners, a limited partnership in which
the Group has a 50% interest, but is not the general partner.
b) Company
As at 31 March 2003, the Company had guaranteed the external borrowings of some
of its subsidiaries amounting to £259,599,000 (2002: £239,966,000).
24. Related party disclosure
During the year, the Group received fees amounting to £580,000 (2002: £ nil)
from Quercus Property Partnership and £87,000 (2002: £ nil) from Quart
Limited Partnership in respect of services provided. These fees are included in
other income as shown in note 2.
25. Notes to the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
a) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
2003 2002
£000 £000
_______ _______
Operating profit 26,198 32,831
Depreciation charge 1,124 606
Profit on sale of fixed assets (40) (6)
Increase in debtors (2,646) (1,950)
Increase (decrease) in creditors 7,438 (6,929)
Decrease (increase) in trading stock 7,379 (4,222)
Write-down of trading stock 61 73
_______ _______
Net cash inflow from operating activities 39,514 20,403
====== ======
b) Reconciliation of net cash flow movement to net debt
2003 2002
£000 £000
_______ ________
Increase in cash in the year 3,421 4,912
Cash (inflow) outflow from debt and lease financing (28,540) 104,462
Cash outflow from increase in liquid resources (18,953) (13,779)
_______ ________
Change in net debt resulting from cash flows (44,072) 95,595
Costs of issue of non-equity finance 431 82
Amortisation of issue costs (743) (817)
Other non-cash movements 290 591
_______ ________
Movement in net debt in the year (44,094) 95,451
Net debt, beginning of the year (231,780) (327,231)
_______ ________
Net debt, end of the year (275,874) (231,780)
======= =======
25. Notes to the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (continued)
c) Analysis of net debt
As at Cash flow Other As at
1 April 31 March
2002 2003
£000 £000 £000 £000
________ ______ _____ ________
Liquid resources 22,324 (18,953) - 3,371
Cash 15,341 3,421 - 18,762
Debt due after more than one year (192,500) (105,297) (22) (297,819)
Debt due within one year (76,945) 76,757 - (188)
________ _______ ______ ________
(231,780) (44,072) (22) (275,874)
======= ====== ===== =======
Liquid resources consist of short term investments and cash which is not
available on demand.
The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the
Group's statutory accounts for the years ended
31 March 2003 or 2002 but is derived from these accounts. Statutory accounts for
31 March 2002 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies whereas those
for 2003 will be delivered following the Group's Annual General Meeting. The
auditors have reported on those accounts. Their reports were unqualified and did
not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
Subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting, the recommended final
dividend of 5.25p per ordinary share will be paid on
5 September 2003 to shareholders on the register on 15 August 2003. This will
bring the total dividend for the year to 8.0p, an increase of 6.7%.
The 2003 Annual General Meeting of Quintain Estates and Development PLC will be
held at 58 Davies Street, London W1K 5JF on 3 September 2003 at 10.30 am.
The Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2003 will be
posted to shareholders shortly. Non-shareholders may request a copy from the
Company Secretary at the registered office, 58 Davies Street, London W1K 5JF.
By order of the Board of Quintain Estates and Development PLC
Charlotte Eastwood
Company Secretary
3 June 2003
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange