Rathbone Brothers Plc
Notice of Interim Results
Rathbone Brothers Plc (Rathbones) will announce its Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2018 on Wednesday 25 July 2018.
An analyst presentation will be held at Rathbones London offices, 8 Finsbury Circus, EC2M 7AZ at 9:30am. Analysts wishing to attend are asked to register by e-mailing shelly.patel@rathbones.com.
A copy of the presentation will be made available from 7.00 a.m. on 25 July 2018 for download at https://www.rathbones.com/investor-relations.
Rathbone Brothers Plc
Rathbone Brothers Plc (Rathbones), through its subsidiaries, is a leading provider of high-quality, personalised investment and wealth management services for private clients, charities and trustees. Our services include discretionary investment management, unit trusts, banking and loan services, financial planning, unitised portfolio services, and UK trust, legal, estate and tax advice.
Rathbones has over 1,100 staff in 16 UK locations and Jersey; its headquarters is 8 Finsbury Circus, London.