Final Results
Real Estate Investors PLC
30 April 2008
("REI" or "the Company")
Real Estate Investors PLC (AIM:RLE), the West Midlands based property company,
today announces its preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2007.
1. Gross property assets £45.3 million up 90% (2006 £23.9 million)
2. Investment property assets up 158% to £36.7 million (2006 £14.2 million)
3. Rental income up 27% to £1.9 million (2006 £1.5 million)
4. Net assets up 3.6% to £35.3 million (2006 £34 million) after net
property valuation gains of £807,000
5. Profit before tax £1.8 million (2006 loss £0.4 million)
6. Profit before tax excluding net property valuation gains £970,000
(2006 £282,000 loss)
7. Net asset value 10.4p per share (2006 10.0p)
8. £20 million facility raised with Bank of Scotland in January - total
available funding for investment from cash and existing facilities is £100
9. Total acquisitions of property in the year £23.1 million
10.Strong funding and extensive network position REI well for 2008 and for
further opportunistic but prudent expansion.
For further information please contact:
Real Estate Investors plc +44 (0)121 524 1174
Paul Bassi
Smith & Williamson Corporate Finance Limited +44 (0)20 7131 4000
Azhic Basirov / Siobhan Sergeant
Notes to Editors
1. REI is an AIM listed property investment and development company
specialising in commercial property throughout the Midlands and Central
2. REI is focused on delivering shareholder value through returns generated from
strong yields and capital enhancements. This is achieved by targeting
investments in orphaned, distressed, part-let and underperforming commercial
property assets
3. REI's Board is led by respected property investor Paul Bassi, who has over
23 years of property experience. Mr Bassi is also co-founder and chairman of
Bond Wolfe Auctioneers and deputy chairman of Bigwood Chartered Surveyors -
the combined businesses place them in the UK's top 50 property auction houses
and estate agents
4. REI was admitted to trading on AIM in June 2004. In December 2006, REI
successfully raised £25 million to aggressively grow its property portfolio,
at that time, estimated to be worth approximately £28 million. Paul Bassi is
the largest shareholder in the Company
5. Further information on REI can be found at www.
For the year ended 31 December 2007
I am pleased to report on a year of considerable progress and growth in Real
Estate Investor's activities, especially so when set against the background of
the continuing turmoil in the credit markets and the adverse effects on the
commercial property sector.
The results for the year show a profit before tax of £1,777,000 (2006: loss of
£424,000) including net property valuation gains of £807,000 (2006: deficits of
£142,000), with basic earnings per share of 0.36p (2006: loss per share of
0.41p). As at 31 December 2007 the net assets per share was 10.4p (2006: 10.0p).
The present financial market turbulence is having a significant impact on the
property market yet, despite this, in January 2008 we arranged a £20 million
facility with Bank of Scotland against some of our unencumbered property,
notwithstanding the general reluctance of many banks and institutions to lend.
Together with our existing cash and bank facilities, we have £100 million at our
disposal to make strategic acquisitions, and greatly expand the size and
profitability of the Company, by capitalizing on existing market opportunities.
I can assure shareholders, however, that we will be prudent and patient in our
approach to further investment purchases as demonstrated by the lack of deals
done in the last quarter of 2007, to reflect the current challenging business
climate. Whilst waiting for the appropriate opportunities, and as a result of
the credit crunch, we are also able to secure premium interest rates on our
Our decision to focus on the West Midlands region, where the management fully
understands the economy and has an extensive network, has proved beneficial and
employment and occupier demand remains positive in the West Midlands region, as
evidenced by the lettings we have secured in the first quarter of 2008.
This is the first year in which the financial statements have been prepared
under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The main changes in
the presentation of the accounts are:
a) Goodwill is no longer amortised and is instead reviewed annually for
b) Gains on revaluation of investment property are taken to the income
statement and deferred tax is recognized in respect of valuations.
c) Under UK GAAP negative goodwill is carried in the Balance Sheet. Under
IFRS the excess of assets over the fair value of consideration is recognized
in the income statement at the date of acquisition.
During the year we disposed of two properties, Portsmouth and Southend, both at
prices in excess of the book value recorded in the 2006 financial statements.
Whilst we have taken a prudent and realistic view of our portfolio valuations,
to reflect the current market turbulence, I believe that our other assets could
readily find purchasers at or above their book values, as evidenced by the
current results being achieved in the London auction houses.
Following a valuation by DTZ, only a nominal allowance for capital growth has
been made for properties acquired in 2007, due to the infancy of the asset
management opportunities. However, we believe that these purchases will provide
a very positive contribution to the 2008 results.
Our gross property assets increased over the twelve month period by 90% from
£23.9 million to £45.3 million. Rental income for 2007 was £1.9 million compared
to £1.4 million for 2006 and net assets increased from £34 million to £35.3
million again after allowing for the value of our assets as outlined above.
As stated earlier, our cash resources provide us with substantial firepower to
acquire new assets. We anticipate that the current disorder in the property
market could continue through the year, which could present acquisition
opportunities - however, we will only be prepared to use our cash resources to
make further acquisitions where valuations better reflect prevailing market
conditions and vendors sell at revised and more realistic values. We will only
make acquisitions that will provide considerable capital growth potential and
attractive yields. We further believe that asset management opportunities will
become more attractive to buy and more readily available to cash buyers like
ourselves, as they will find bank funding difficult to secure. Via our
association with Bond Wolfe, Bigwood and our extensive network, we continue to
access investment and asset management opportunities.
The Board's strategic decision not to acquire yield driven investment property,
in anticipation of further yield compression, has proved to be a sensible one.
Our policy of concentrating on assets where we can add value, create an
investment opportunity and benefit from capital growth is serving us well and
creates some protection against falls in commercial property values.
A progressive dividend policy is a major element in our stated strategy and
demonstrates the Company's progress and financial strength. If the Company
achieves its financial targets for the current year and with a view to the
prevailing market conditions, then the board intends to consider payment of an
inaugural dividend.
Review of 2007
Whilst our press announcements and interactive website have covered our
acquisitions in 2007, I provide below an update of activity since our year end.
Colmore Row
The comprehensive refurbishment programme is almost complete and new lettings
have been achieved at target rents, or better. There is a strong demand for the
remaining space, at similarly strong rental levels, and a further letting to
Vantis PLC at a rental of £45,000 per annum is in solicitors' hands.
We are negotiating with an adjoining owner for a substantial capital payment to
be made to REI, in respect of 'loss of light', and I will be reporting to you
shortly on the successful conclusion of these negotiations.
Avon House
Only 2,400 sq ft from 24,000 sq ft remains unlet, following the letting of one
floor to United Business Centres, one floor to Androit Contruction Plc and the
remainder to West Mercia Housing (presently in legals). We anticipate a very
positive capital enhancement as a result of these lettings. All rents achieved
are at our target levels.
Guardian House
We acquired this investment property, as it was significantly under rented.
Negotiations with the present occupier have reached an advanced stage and we are
confident of finalising these shortly, leading to an increase in capital value.
Waterloo Street
Caffe Nero has now agreed a 15 year lease of the entire ground floor of this
important city centre property at a commencing rent of £68,000 per annum, for a
term of 15 years with 5 year reviews (presently in solicitors' hands). There is
good tenant demand for the upper floor offices and a comprehensive refurbishment
has begun which is aimed at private banking, corporate finance houses and
similar professionals. Again we expect a very positive investment value during
Hagley Court
This is a prime Edgbaston office building with substantial car parking. This has
now been refurbished and we have 5,919 sq ft already let to Jigsaw Insurance.
This project, close to the Birmingham Hippodrome, was acquired from George
Wimpey in September 2007 and comprises 198 residential flats being built by
Wimpey and an open planning consent for the ground floor retail content, which
we have acquired. Whilst the scheme is still some 15 months from completion, we
are in discussions with several prospective tenants.
Bridge Street Walsall
In March this year we made our most recent acquisition, in Walsall town centre.
The property, which comprises an unbroken retail parade with 12 units was
purchased at an attractive yield as we were able to acquire this for cash within
the vendor's financial year end deadline.
Outlook and prospects
REI remains firmly on course to achieve our stated objective of creating a £150
million property portfolio. Nevertheless, in light of the current unsettled
market conditions and our resolve to be careful and selective buyers in 2008, we
expect to fulfil this objective over a slightly longer time frame.
The management's confidence in REI's future is demonstrated by our Chief
Executive increasing his shareholding through the purchase of shares in the
market, many at a significant premium to the current share price. Paul Bassi's
stake is now 20.77%.
We have experienced a very busy and exciting 2007, and 2008 has started well.
Market conditions are turbulent, with the inevitable knock on effect to
commercial property. Nevertheless, our strong funding position and extensive
network position us well for 2008. Indeed, the property market is 'tailored' for
our opportunistic ability and resources, when coupled with our association with
Bond Wolfe and Bigwood Chartered Surveyors.
Finally, I wish to mention our small but highly dedicated staff. Our move to the
West Midlands, and the establishment of new management systems, has placed
special demands upon them and they have responded energetically; my thanks to
them all.
Peter Lewin
30 April 2008
For the year ended 31 December 2007
Note 2007 2006
£000 £000
Revenue 3,160 1,425
Cost of Sales (1,113) -
------- ------
Gross profit 2,047 1,425
Administrative expenses (967) (869)
Surplus on disposal of investment property 171 45
Share of profit of joint venture 5 9
Net valuation gains/(deficits) 807 (142)
------- ------
Profit from operations 2,063 468
Finance income 768 78
Finance costs (1,054) (970)
------- ------
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation 1,777 (424)
Income tax (expense)/credit (548) 90
------- ------
Net profit/(loss) for the year 1,229 (334)
------- ------
Total and continuing earnings/(loss) per ordinary share
Basic 3 0.36p (0.41p)
Diluted 3 0.34p (0.41p)
------- ------
The results of the Group for the period related entirely to continuing
For the year ended 31 December 2007
Share Share Capital Other Retained Total
Capital premium redemption reserves earnings
account reserve
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
At 1 January 2006 523 4,586 45 - 1,346 6,500
Net loss for the year
and total recognised
income and expense for
the year - - - - (334) (334)
Share issue 2,884 25,957 - - - 28,841
Costs of share issue - (1,071) - - - (1,071)
Cost of share warrants - - - 121 - 121
------ ------- -------- ------ ------- ------
At 31 December 2006 3,407 29,472 45 121 1,012 34,057
Net profit for the year
and total recognised
income and expense for
the year - - - - 1,229 1,229
------ ------- -------- ------ ------- ------
At 31 December 2007 3,407 29,472 45 121 2,241 35,286
====== ======= ======== ====== ======= ======
As at 31 December 2007
Note 2007 2006
£000 £000
Assets -
Non current
Intangible Assets 171 171
Investment properties 36,661 14,187
Property, plant and equipment 39 61
------------- -------------
36,871 14,419
Investment in joint venture 328 324
------------- -------------
37,199 14,743
============= =============
Inventories 8,603 9,703
Trade and other receivables 1,177 488
Held to maturity investments 489 435
Cash and equivalents 4,866 26,889
------------- -------------
15,135 37,515
------------- -------------
Total assets 52,334 52,258
============= =============
Bank loans (437) (370)
Provision for current taxation (319) (22)
Trade and other payables (1,295) (770)
------------- -------------
(2,051) (1,162)
------------- -------------
Non current liabilities
Bank loans (14,327) (16,545)
Convertible debt (325) (325)
Deferred tax liabilities (345) (169)
------------- -------------
(14,997) (17,039)
------------- -------------
Total liabilities (17,048) (18,201)
============= =============
Net assets 35,286 34,057
============= =============
Share capital 3,407 3,407
Share premium account 29,472 29,472
Capital redemption reserve 45 45
Other reserves 121 121
Retained earnings 2,241 1,012
------------- -------------
Total Equity 35,286 34,057
============= =============
Net assets per share 3 10.4p 10.0p
============= =============
For the year ended 31 December 2007
Year ended Year ended
31 December 31 December
2007 2006
£000 £000
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit/(loss) after taxation 1,229 (334)
Adjustments for:
Depreciation 26 25
Net valuation (gains)/deficits (807) 142
Surplus on sale of investment
property (171) (45)
Share of profit of joint venture (5) (9)
Finance income (768) (78)
Finance costs 1,054 970
Taxation expense/(credit) recognised
in profit and loss 548 (90)
Share warrants expense - 121
Decrease in inventories 1,100 -
Increase in trade and other
receivables (756) (69)
Increase/(decrease) in trade and
other payables 526 (105)
(Increase)/decrease in held to
maturity investments (54) 847
---------- ----------
1,922 1,375
Interest paid (1,054) (1,030)
Income taxes paid (11) -
---------- ----------
Net cash from operating activities 857 345
---------- ----------
Cash flows from investing activities
Acquisition of subsidiaries net of
cash acquired - (566)
Purchase of investment properties (23,067) (2,011)
Purchase of property, plant and
equipment (4) -
Proceeds from sale of investment
property 1,571 456
Investment in joint venture 1 (224)
Interest received 771 90
---------- ----------
(20,728) (2,255)
---------- ----------
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from issue of share capital - 26,769
Proceeds from bank loans - 1,752
Payment of bank loans (2,151) (784)
Payment of finance lease liability (1) (3)
---------- ----------
(2,152) 27,734
---------- ----------
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and
cash equivalents (22,023) 25,824
---------- ----------
Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of period 26,889 1,065
---------- ----------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of
period 4,866 26,889
========== ==========
Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash in hand and balances with banks only.
For the year ended 31 December 2007
1. Basis of preparation
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical
cost convention, except for the revaluation of properties, and in accordance
with International Financial Reporting Standards adopted by the European Union.
It should be noted that accounting estimates and assumptions are used in
preparation of the financial statements. Although these estimates are based on
management's best knowledge and judgement of current events and actions, actual
results may differ from those estimates. The areas involving a higher degree of
judgement or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates are
significant to the financial statements, are set out in the Group's annual
report and financial statements.
The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of
the Company and its subsidiaries made up to 31 December each year. Material
intra-group balances and transactions, and any unrealised gains arising from
intra-group transactions, are eliminated on consolidation. Unrealised losses are
also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an impairment of the
asset transferred.
The principal accounting policies are detailed in the Group's annual report and
financial statements.
2. Segmented information
Primary reporting- business segment
The only material business that the Group has is that of investment in and
trading of commercial properties. Turnover relates entirely to rental income
from investment properties and sale of trading properties within the UK.
Secondary reporting format - geographical segment
The only material segment that the Group operates in is the UK.
3. Earnings/(loss) per share and net assets per share
The calculation of earnings/(loss) per share is based on the result for the year
and on the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. The
calculation of diluted earnings/(loss) per share is based on the basic earnings/
(loss) per share adjusted for the issue of shares on the assumed conversion of
the convertible loan notes and the conversion of the warrants.
Reconciliations of the earnings / (loss) and the weighted average numbers of
shares used in the calculations are set out below.
2007 2006
Average Earnings Average Loss per
Earnings number per Loss number of share
£'000 of shares share £'000 shares amount
per share 1,229 340,714,327 0.36p (334) 82,085,571 (0.41)p
======= =========== ======= ====== ========== =======
Dilutive effect of
conversion of
convertible loan
notes and share
warrants 28,979,545
Diluted earnings
per share 1,229 393,693,872 0.34p
======= ============ =======
The net assets per share is based on the net assets at 31 December 2007 of
£35,286,000 (2006 : £34,057,000) divided by the shares in issue at 31 December
2007 and 2006 of 340,714,327.
4. Publication
The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement does not
constitute statutory accounts.
The consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2007 and the consolidated income
statement, consolidated statement of changes in equity, consolidated cash flow
statement and enclosed notes for the year then ended have been extracted from
the Group's 2007 statutory financial statements upon which the auditors opinion
is unqualified.
5. Copies of this announcement
Copies of this announcement are available for collection from the Company's
offices at West Plaza, 8th Floor, 144 High Street, West Bromwich, B70 6JJ.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange