Trading Update

Red Rock Resources plc 31 October 2007 RED ROCK RESOURCES PLC Trading Update Dated: 31 October 2007 Red Rock Resources plc ('Red Rock' or the 'Company') the mineral exploration and development company with iron ore and manganese projects, and uranium interests, in Australia and East/Southern Africa, announces an immediate iron ore exploration programme scheduled to start on 6th November on its 205 sq km Mt Alfred tenement in the Eastern Goldfields area of the Yilgarn Craton in Western Australia. The Mt Alfred tenement is on its northern, eastern and southern sides adjacent to the Mt Richardson tenement of Iron Mountain Mining Limited ('IRM'; ASX code: IRM) where IRM is currently completing a RAB (rotary air blast) drilling programme on three prospects designated by them as their Iron Mountain, Brooking, and Mt Alfred prospects. The north-south trending BIF (banded iron formation) structures investigated by IRM are to the North and South of the Company's license, which contains strike continuations of the IRM prospects and other targets. The short programme will follow up the recent successful sampling programme by IRM in adjoining areas of their license by taking rock chip samples along the identified mineralized trends, and in other prospective areas, and will also include mapping. Should results warrant, the objective will be to follow up as soon as possible with a RAB drill programme to confirm the continuation at depth of surface mineralisation. The Yilgarn Craton is the most minerally productive area of Australia and is an emerging iron ore province which is attracting increasing exploration for haematite and magnetite iron ores to meet expanding export demand. Exploration is focussed on two areas, the Mid West, where substantial investment in a rail and port infrastructure on the west coast north of Perth is being planned, and the Goldfields, where ore from Koolyanobbing and nearby deposits has already for several years been exported via the existing rail network through the south coast port of Esperance. The Company's iron ore interests, which it is looking to expand should opportunity arise, are in the Eastern Goldfields area. The Company continues to pursue its uranium strategy primarily through its investment in Retail Star Limited (ASX code: RSL), where it participates in management at board level. The Company recently entered into an exclusivity and confidentiality agreement and is reviewing on behalf of itself and its partners a possible participation in the exploration of over 4,000 sq km of uranium prospective ground in northern Africa, as well as other opportunities. The Company continues actively to pursue its manganese projects according to its long-standing strategy, and its large tenement position near Woodie Woodie in the East Pilbara Manganese province in Western Australia is moving towards grant, upon which exploration will begin. The Company announces that as of 31st December 2006 Simple Investments Ltd became brokers to the Company. Enquiries: Andrew Bell 07766 474849 Red Rock Resources plc Chairman John Simpson 020 7512 0191 ARM Corporate Finance Ltd Nominated Adviser Ron Marshman / John 020 7628 5518 City of London PR Limited Public Relations Greenhalgh Updates on the Company's activities are regularly posted on Red Rock's website, This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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