Interim Results

Renishaw PLC 24 January 2007 Renishaw plc and subsidiary undertakings 24th January 2007 Interim results 2007 Interim results for the half year ended 31st December 2006 Consolidated income statement 6 months to 6 months to December 2006 December 2005 £'000 £'000 Revenue 87,120 81,625 Cost of sales (48,128) (43,341) ----------- ----------- Gross profit 38,992 38,284 ----------- ----------- Distribution costs (16,407) (14,785) Administrative expenses (10,572) (9,617) ----------- ----------- Operating profit 12,013 13,882 Financial income 3,978 3,330 Financial expenses (2,478) (1,872) ----------- ----------- Profit before tax 13,513 15,340 Income tax expense (2,703) (3,068) ----------- ----------- Profit for the period 10,810 12,272 ----------- ----------- Earnings per share (basic and diluted) 14.9p 16.9p Proposed dividend per share 7.05p 6.71p Consolidated statement of recognised income and expense 6 months to 6 months to December 2006 December 2005 £'000 £'000 Foreign exchange translation differences (394) 326 Actuarial loss in the pension schemes (13,693) (2,660) Changes in fair value of cash flow hedges 511 (83) Deferred tax on items recognised on income and expense 4,014 825 ----------- ----------- Loss recognised in equity (9,562) (1,592) Profit for the period 10,810 12,272 ----------- ----------- Total recognised income and expense for the period 1,248 10,680 ----------- ----------- Opening adjustment on adoption of IAS 32 and IAS 39 2,234 ----------- 12,914 ----------- Consolidated balance sheet At December At December 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 Assets Property, plant and equipment 69,779 67,615 Intangible assets 13,654 7,530 Investments in associates 908 928 Deferred tax assets 14,633 10,940 ----------- ----------- Total non-current assets 98,974 87,013 ----------- ----------- Inventories 30,995 28,195 Trade receivables 32,814 33,134 Current tax 298 360 Other receivables 7,656 6,109 Cash and cash equivalents 26,549 25,708 ----------- ----------- Total current assets 98,312 93,506 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Total assets 197,286 180,519 ----------- ----------- Equity Issued capital 14,558 14,558 Share premium 42 42 Currency translation reserve (129) 981 Cash flow hedging reserve 2,365 2,176 Retained earnings 116,179 110,642 ----------- ----------- Total equity 133,015 128,399 ----------- ----------- Liabilities Employee benefits 32,058 22,200 Deferred tax liabilities 11,756 10,481 ----------- ----------- Total non-current liabilities 43,814 32,681 ----------- ----------- Trade payables 10,926 9,444 Current tax 2,177 2,064 Provisions 891 642 Other payables 6,463 7,289 ----------- ----------- Total current liabilities 20,457 19,439 ----------- ----------- Total liabilities 64,271 52,120 ----------- ----------- Total equity and liabilities 197,286 180,519 ----------- ----------- Consolidated statement of cash flow 6 months to 6 months to December 2006 December 2005 £'000 £'000 Cash flows from operating activities Profit for the period 10,810 12,272 ----------- ----------- Adjustments for: Amortisation of development costs 1,052 724 Amortisation of other intangibles 493 302 Depreciation 3,765 3,743 Profit on sale of fixed assets (8) (14) Financial income (3,978) (3,330) Financial expenses 2,478 1,872 Tax expense 2,703 3,068 ----------- ----------- 6,505 6,365 ----------- ----------- Increase in inventories (2,636) (799) Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables 2,471 1,830 (Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables (2,951) (1,169) Difference between pension charge and contributions 259 (720) Increase in provisions 98 10 ----------- ----------- (2,759) (848) ----------- ----------- Income taxes paid (2,018) (3,637) ----------- ----------- Cash flows from operating activities 12,538 14,152 ----------- ----------- Investing activities Purchase of tangible fixed assets (5,902) (7,082) Development costs capitalised (2,240) (1,177) Purchase of other intangibles (416) (187) Investment in associates - (928) Sale of tangible fixed assets 93 313 Interest received 785 1,040 ----------- ----------- Cash flows from investing activities (7,680) (8,021) ----------- ----------- Financing activities Interest paid (20) (12) Dividends paid (10,969) (9,972) ----------- ----------- Cash flows from financing activities (10,989) (9,984) ----------- ----------- Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (6,131) (3,853) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 30,728 30,072 Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held 1,952 (511) ----------- ----------- Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 26,549 25,708 ----------- ----------- Revenue analysis 6 months to 6 months to First half December 2006 December 2005 revenue at previous year exchange rates £'000 £'000 £'000 Continental Europe 31,672 26,884 31,897 Far East, including Japan & Australia 25,766 25,029 28,303 North & South America 22,025 22,095 23,703 Other overseas regions 2,425 2,593 2,544 UK and Ireland 5,232 5,024 5,232 ----------- ----------- ----------- Revenue 87,120 81,625 91,579 ----------- ----------- ----------- ************************* NOTES: 1. The Interim report was approved by the directors on 24th January 2007. This interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies adopted in the most recent annual financial statements, these being for the year ended 30th June 2006, as revised for the implementation of specified new amended endorsed standards or interpretations. The interim financial information for the six months to 31st December 2006 and the comparative figures for the six months to 31st December 2005 are unaudited. The comparative figures for the financial year ended 30th June 2006 are an abridged version of the statutory accounts for that financial year. Those accounts have been reported on by the Company's auditors and delivered to the registrar of companies. The report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 2. The interim dividend of 7.05p net per share for the year ended 30th June 2007 will be paid on 9th April 2007 to shareholders on the register on 9th March 2007. ************************** Chairman's statement I report the Company's results for the first six months of the current financial year ended 31st December 2006. Revenue in this period increased 7% to £87.1m (2005: £81.6m), representing growth of 12% at constant exchange rates and demonstrating good progress in all our major geographic markets. There was above average growth in dental, styli, machine tool and encoder products which offset a softening in the market for co-ordinate measuring machine (CMM) products. Operating profit for the period was £12.0m (2005: £13.9m).The adverse impact of the strong pound on the profit for the period, which was highlighted at the AGM in October, is estimated to be £3.1m. Profit before tax amounted to £13.5m (2005: £15.3m). Profit after tax was £10.8m resulting in earnings per share of 14.9p (2005: 16.9p). Net cash balances at 31st December 2006 were £26.5m (2005: £25.7m). We remain committed to a high level of research and development which, including associated engineering costs, amounted to £14.8m (2005: £13.8m), an increase of 7%. New products introduced include the UCClite controller from our CMM product line, an optical toolsetter (OTS) and optical interface (OMI-2T) from our machine tool product line and the REXM high accuracy angle encoder. Capital expenditure during the six months amounted to £5.5m (2005: £7.2m). The refurbishment at Woodchester is complete and equipment for the new automated stores is being commissioned. The laser and calibration product line has been successfully relocated to Woodchester. At New Mills, the former machine shop has been refurbished and now provides pre-production machining and assembly facilities with further investment being made in the Group's rapid prototyping facility. In India, we have expanded our sales and procurement activities and the production facility at Pune is now operational and the software development team has been established. The Company has continued to strengthen its worldwide marketing representation, in particular a new subsidiary has been established in Singapore and two additional regional offices in Brazil. The Company announced on 19th January 2007 that agreement had been reached with the Trustees of the Company's defined benefit pension scheme to cease future accrual for current members of the scheme and future employees. The pension fund liability as at 31st December 2006, measured under the rules for IAS19 accounting purposes, has increased to £32.1m (30th June 2006: £18.8m) reflecting the latest triennial valuation undertaken by the scheme actuary on 29th September 2006. This valuation resulted in a £41m funding deficit on an ongoing basis which reduces to £24m after the proposed changes. This change should reduce the reported deficit at the end of our financial year and reduce the Group's exposure to future volatility. The Company and Trustees are now in the process of consultation with members to establish a new defined contribution scheme (with a Company contribution of 11%) within the existing pension scheme trust to take effect from 6th April 2007. Although we remain very confident for the longer term, at this stage it appears likely that the adverse effects of currency exchange rates, together with the softening of demand for our products in the CMM market (with some development delays in delivering certain of our new and in-demand products, in particular the REVO(TM) and GYRO(TM)), will result in profits for the full year being below those for last year. An interim dividend of 7.05p per share (2006: 6.71p per share) will be paid on 9th April 2007 to shareholders on the register on 9th March 2007. Sir David R McMurtry, CBE, RDI, CEng, FIMechE, FREng Chairman & Chief Executive 24th January 2007 Enquiries: B R Taylor 01453 524445 A C G Roberts 01453 524445 Registered number: 1106260 Registered office: New Mills, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire. GL12 8JR Telephone: 01453 524524 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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