Interim Results
Reliance Security Group PLC
7 December 2000
* Profit Before Tax of £3.9m (1999 - £3.4m), increase of 13.0%
* Earnings per share up 14.3%
* Operating cashflow £2.2m (1999 - £3.4m)
* Dividend increase to 2.8p per share (1999 - 2.5p), up 12.0%
Commenting on the results, the Chairman, Brian Kingham, said:
* The security, support services and facilities management markets have
continued to enjoy strong growth
* £90m over 30 years PFI Success with the Police Service
Investment in a 37% stake in Command Security Corporation Inc. in the
United States, our first move outside the UK
* We acquired a 16% stake in Chesterton International PLC, a leading
provider of property related services, including facilities management
For further information:
Brian Kingham, Chairman 020 7730 9716
Geoff Haslehurst, Finance Director 01895 205 000
Notes to the Editors: Reliance is an established market leader in the
provision of contract security, electronic surveillance, facilities
management and support services. Reliance employs over 8,000 people
from a network of offices throughout the UK.
Sales for the six months to 27 October 2000 increased by 13% to £83.7m
(1999 - £74.1m) and pre-tax profits rose by 13% to £3.9m (1999 - £3.4m)
with EPS rising to 11.58p (1999 - 10.13p). Net cash generated from
operations was £2.2m (1999 - £3.4m).
The security, support services and facilities management markets have
continued to enjoy strong growth. We have invested heavily to position
ourselves to sustain significant expansion in the longer term, placing
emphasis on the specialist and higher value added areas of our markets.
The first six months have been characterised by mobilisation and building
of management, organisation and structures to support and deliver a broad
range of high quality business services and products.
Our security and electronic surveillance businesses also enjoyed strong
sales growth. In our first move outside the UK, we announced in
September our investment in a 37% stake in Command Security Corporation
Inc. in the United States. This provides an important window on 40% of
the world security market as well as opportunity to benefit from
transatlantic co-operation. Also in September, we invested in Safe
Estates Services Limited, a start up specialist, electronic and physical
security provider to the void property market. In October, our secure
task management partnership with Ballast plc and Charterhouse Project
Equity achieved preferred supplier status to Sussex Police for the
design, construction and operation of a contract for over £90m over 30
years which we believe is the largest yet PFI by the Police Service.
Reliance Integrated Services Limited, our specialist facilities
management operation, in partnership with Carillion and Haden have now
commenced the mobilisation of the £500m, over 5 years, facilities
management contract for the British Telecom 8,500 property estate
announced in May. As announced yesterday, we acquired a 16% stake in
Chesterton International PLC, a leading provider of property related
services, including facilities management. We view this as a strategic
investment in a business area which we know well.
These moves place the group in a strong position to meet the changing and
increased demands of existing and new customers. They are calculated to
place us at the forefront of markets which are in a state of dynamic
The directors have pleasure in declaring an interim divided of 2.8p
(1999 - 2.5p), payable on 26 January 2001 to shareholders on the register
on 12 January 2001.
Our investment in new businesses, in specialist market segments and in
geographic expansion of our core security business provides a powerful
base from which to generate increased business and profits. The mixture
of organic growth, new business start-up, partnerships and strategic
investment provides a balanced capability to meet the needs of our
customers in markets which are in a state of change and convergence. We
remain optimistic about future prospects.
Brian Kingham
Chairman December 2000
Group profit & loss account
for the six months ended 27 October 2000
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Six months to Six months to Year to
27 October 29 October 28 April
2000 1999 2000
Notes £'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover 83,713 74,088 152,888
Cost of sales (67,843) (59,885) (123,498)
Gross profit 15,870 14,203 29,390
Expenses (12,141) (10,976) (21,276)
Operating profit 3,729 3,227 8,114
Net interest
Receivable 124 183 391
Profit on ordinary
activities before
taxation 3,853 3,410 8,505
Tax on profit on
ordinary activities (1,233) (1,125) (2,840)
Profit for the period 2,620 2,285 5,665
Dividends (646) (575) (2,378)
Retained profit for the
Period transferred
to reserves 4 1,974 1,710 3,287
Earnings per share
Basic 3 11.58p 10.13p 25.08p
Diluted 3 11.48p 10.06p 24.81p
Dividend per share 2.80p 2.50p 10.50p
Shares issued and
fully paid 23,059,768 23,005,354 23,055,497
There were no unrecognised gains or losses in the period under review.
Group balance sheet
as at 27 October 2000
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
27 October 29 October 28 April
2000 1999 2000
Notes £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed Assets
Intangible assets - Goodwill 1,312 1,368 1,348
Tangible assets 5,604 6,571 5,920
Investments 1,429 925 925
8,345 8,864 8,193
Current Assets
Stocks and work in
Progress 1,451 1,466 523
Debtors 26,042 17,830 21,597
Cash at bank and in
Hand 5 6,955 8,498 8,172
34,448 27,794 30,292
Creditors: amounts
falling due
within one year (23,746) (21,065) (21,350)
Net current assets 10,702 6,729 8,942
Total assets less
current liabilities 19,047 15,593 17,135
Creditors: amounts
falling due after more
than one year (210) (326) (272)
Net Assets 18,837 15,267 16,863
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 1,153 1,151 1,153
Share premium account 1,844 1,827 1,844
Revaluation reserve 152 152 152
Profit and loss account 15,688 12,137 13,714
Equity shareholders' funds 4 18,837 15,267 16,863
Group cash flow statement
for the six months ended 27 October 2000
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Six months to Six months to Year to
27 October 29 October 28 April
2000 1999 2000
Notes £'000s £'000s £'000s
Net cash inflow
from operating
activities 6 2,165 3,392 5,588
Returns on investment
and servicing of
Interest received 142 222 433
Interest paid 0 (9) (12)
Interest element on
finance lease
repayments (18) (30) (30)
Net cash inflow from
returns on
investment and
servicing of finance 124 183 391
UK corporation tax paid (732) 0 (3,193)
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed
Assets (423) (2,288) (2,700)
Purchase of ESOP shares (95) (398) (398)
Purchase of trade investments (409) 0 0
Sale of tangible fixed assets 61 37 970
Net cash outflow from
capital expenditure
and financial investment (866) (2,649) (2,128)
Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of subsidiary
Undertaking 0 (550) (550)
Equity dividends paid (1,845) (1,563) (2,097)
Net cash outflow before
Financing (1,154) (1,187) (1,989)
Issue of Ordinary
Share Capital 0 76 95
Increase in short term
Borrowings 0 0 417
Capital element on
finance lease
repayments (63) (120) (59)
Net cash outflow from
Financing (63) (44) 453
Decrease in cash in
the period (1,217) (1,231) (1,536)
1 Preparation of unaudited interim financial information
The unaudited interim financial information which does not comprise
full accounts,has been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies set out in the statutory accounts of the group for the year
ended 28 April 2000, from which the results for the year have been
extracted. These statutory accounts received an unqualified audit
opinion and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.
2 Taxation
Corporation tax for the six months to 27 October 2000 has been
calculated at the rate of 30% (1999: 30%).
3 Earnings per share
The basic and diluted earnings per share for the six months to 27
October 2000 have been calculated using the profit after tax and on
the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period less
shares held by the ESOP trust of 22,616,068 and 22,831,268
4 Reconciliation of movement in equity shareholders' funds
27 October 29 October 28 April
2000 1999 2000
£'000s £'000s £'000s
Profit on ordinary activities
after tax 2,620 2,285 5,665
Dividends (646) (575) (2,378)
1,974 1,710 3,287
New share capital subscribed 0 76 95
Net movement in equity
shareholders' funds 1,974 1,786 3,382
Opening equity shareholders'
funds 16,863 13,481 13,481
Closing equity shareholders'
funds 18,837 15,267 16,863
5. Analysis of the balances of cash and cash equivalents as shown in the
balance sheet
27 October 29 October 28 April
2000 1999 2000
£'000s £'000s £'000s
Cash at bank and in hand 6,955 8,498 8,172
Bank Overdrafts 0 (21) 0
6,955 8,477 8,172
6 Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from
operating activities
27 October 29 October 28 April
2000 1999 2000
£'000s £'000s £'000s
Operating profit 3,729 3,227 8,114
Depreciation charges 680 550 1,101
Profit on the sale of fixed
assets (2) (7) (213)
Amortisation of goodwill 36 0 60
Increase in stocks (928) (1,268) (264)
Increase in debtors (4,445) (1,224) (4,422)
Increase in creditors 3,095 2,114 1,212
2,165 3,392 5,588
7 Analysis and reconciliation of net debt
28 April Cash flow 27 October
2000 2000
£'000s £'000 £'000s
Cash at bank and in hand 8,172 (1,217) 6,955
8,172 (1,217) 6,955
Debt due within one year (967) (95) (1,062)
Finance Leases (588) 63 (525)
(1,555) (32) (1,587)
Net funds 6,617 (1,249) 5,368
8 Distribution
A copy of the financial information will be sent to all shareholders.
copies are available to the public from the Company's registered
office at Boundary House, Cricketfield Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8