1QOR 2005

Rio Tinto PLC 20 April 2005 First quarter 2005 operations review • Production of most principal commodities was significantly above the comparative period of 2004. • Operations performed well in the first quarter, generally operating at, or near, capacity in order to take advantage of strong markets. • Record first quarter iron ore production at Hamersley Iron was 18 per cent above the weather affected first quarter of 2004. Production of both copper and gold from Grasberg was also significantly higher than the comparative period of 2004 when resources were focused on recovery from the 2003 material slippage. • New projects contributed to volume growth. Production of coking coal from Hail Creek was higher than the first and fourth quarters of 2004. Production from the new Comalco Alumina Refinery continued to grow following start up in the fourth quarter of 2004. • Strong markets continued to provide opportunities for disposal of non core assets. The sale of Rio Tinto's interest in the Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Income Fund realised $130 million. The transaction has no effect on Rio Tinto's 59 per cent interest in IOC. • Strong demand led to increased vessel queues at Australian ports, and some higher input costs. All currency figures in this report are US dollars unless otherwise stated IRON ORE Rio Tinto share of production (000 tonnes) Q1 05 vs Q1 04 vs Q4 04 Hamersley 18,655 +18% -8% Robe River 6,572 +21% +4% IOC 2,014 +2% -2% The continuing strength of the global iron ore market was reflected in a benchmark price increase of 71.5 per cent, effective for the 2005 contract year. Hamersley Iron Midway through a significant expansion of its port and other production infrastructure, Hamersley reported record first quarter production and shipments. These totals were significantly above the corresponding quarter of 2004, when operations were adversely affected by tropical cyclone Monty. Due to scheduled maintenance at Tom Price, Brockman and Paraburdoo this quarter, production was below the fourth quarter of 2004. Shipments were marginally lower. Robe River Production from West Angelas was above the fourth quarter of 2004 and production from Pannawonica was below the fourth quarter of 2004 reflecting the timing of scheduled maintenance. Production and shipments from both were above the weather affected first quarter of last year. Cape Lambert shipped a record 5.3 million tonnes in March, including Yandi tonnages. Iron Ore Company of Canada Record first quarter pellet plant performance (plus eight per cent) lifted total production two per cent above the corresponding quarter of last year. This increase in production was reflected in a better overall sales mix, with a higher proportion of pellets relative to concentrate. ENERGY US thermal coal Rio Tinto share of production (000 tonnes) Q1 05 vs Q1 04 vs Q4 04 Kennecott Energy 29,240 +7% -6% Production was seven per cent above the first quarter of 2004 due to the continuing growth in production at Jacobs Ranch and stronger demand for the higher energy coals of Spring Creek. Production from Antelope was 13 per cent above the first quarter of 2004, reflecting the introduction of new equipment. The fall in production relative to the last quarter of 2004 was primarily a result of the rail network, reflecting lower train set presentation by customers. Australian coal Rio Tinto share of production (000 tonnes) Q1 05 vs Q1 04 vs Q4 04 Rio Tinto Coal Australia Hard coking coal 1,902 +58% +37% Other coal 7,993 +10% -3% Total production was above the previous quarter and the comparative quarter of 2004, while total sales also reflected the strong demand for both thermal and coking coal. Shipments from Hail Creek and Blair Athol were affected by port congestion at Dalrymple Bay (DBCT), with the ship queue peaking in March at 54 vessels and a consequent impact on demurrage. At the end of March, the ship queue at Newcastle was 17 vessels reflecting the continued success of the capacity allocation system. Production at Kestrel was significantly above both the first and last quarters of 2004, which were both affected by longwall changeovers. Production from New South Wales operations was above the weather affected first quarter of 2004. The Rio Tinto board approved an enhanced Hail Creek expansion project. The expanded capacity of the project will remain at eight million tonnes per annum, but the enhancement will allow further expansions in line with market demand and port and rail capacity. The revised capital expenditure for the increase in annual capacity from six million tonnes to eight million tonnes, which also reflects an increase due to cyclical material and labour cost pressures, is $223 million. INDUSTRIAL MINERALS Rio Tinto share of production (000 tonnes) Q1 05 vs Q1 04 vs Q4 04 Borates 122 -9% -11% Titanium dioxide feedstock 321 +12% +1% Demand in end use markets continued to be robust. Titanium dioxide feedstock production increased at QIT and RBM in line with market demand. QIT's Upgraded Slag (UGS) expansion from 250,000 tonnes per year to 325,000 tonnes started up in March slightly ahead of schedule. Production of borates was affected by unusually prolonged wet weather at the boron mine in California. ALUMINIUM Rio Tinto share of production (000 tonnes) Q1 05 vs Q1 04 vs Q4 04 Rio Tinto Aluminium Bauxite 3,443 +14% +3% Alumina 710 +38% +6% Aluminium 208.3 -1% -0% Bauxite production increased following the commissioning of the NeWeipa project in the fourth quarter of 2004 to meet the requirements of the new Comalco Alumina Refinery (CAR). First quarter production from CAR was 196,000 tonnes as the plant continued to ramp up. Production at QAL was above the fourth quarter of 2004, which was affected by a power interruption. Production at Eurallumina was slightly below the record levels achieved in the second half of 2004. All aluminium smelters continued to produce at, or close to, capacity. COPPER Rio Tinto share of production (000 tonnes) Q1 05 vs Q1 04 vs Q4 04 Kennecott Utah Copper Mined copper (000 tonnes) 62.1 -1% -16% Refined copper (000 tonnes) 57.2 -5% -7% Molybdenum (000 tonnes) 3.9 +141% +37% Mined gold (000 ozs) 119 +57% +5% Refined gold (000 ozs) 90 +11% +32% Escondida Mined copper (000 tonnes) 84.9 +1% -8% Grasberg JV Mined copper (000 tonnes) 25.7 +364% +7% Mined gold (000 ozs) 159 +2472% +354% Kennecott Utah Copper Gold, molybdenum and silver grades were all higher than 2004 as previously foreshadowed, resulting in higher production. Production of copper in copper concentrate was lower than 2004 because of lower copper grades. Second quarter refined production will be adversely affected by a planned maintenance shutdown of the smelter, which may last up to three weeks. Escondida Mined copper production was below the fourth quarter of 2004 due to lower grades in line with mine sequencing. Mill throughput was affected by a maintenance shutdown and poor quality grinding media in February. Grasberg Following the recovery from the 2003 material slippage, production of copper and gold from the Grasberg mine was significantly above the first quarter of 2004. First quarter gold grades were well above the preceding quarters but copper grades were marginally below the fourth quarter of 2004. Rio Tinto's share of production has been calculated using the adjusted joint venture allocation, known as the metal strip, which was described in the fourth quarter 2004 operations review. Other copper operations Mined production at Palabora was adversely affected by a scheduled two week shutdown of one of the mine winders. At Northparkes, higher copper grades and lower gold grades reflected the increased proportion of ore being mined from the new Lift 2 mine where production continues to ramp up. DIAMONDS Rio Tinto share of production (000 carats) Q1 05 vs Q1 04 vs Q4 04 Argyle 8,633 +139% -4% Diavik 1,049 +14% +16% Argyle Production at Argyle continued at normal levels in the first quarter of 2005, substantially above the comparable quarter of 2004, when lower grade ore was processed as a result of tight mining conditions. Diavik Production at Diavik was above the fourth quarter of 2004, which was largely affected by reduced grade due to a focus on A154N production. Ore processed in the quarter was sourced evenly from the A154S and the lower grade A154N ore bodies. EXPLORATION AND EVALUATION Pre-tax expenditure on exploration and evaluation charged to the profit and loss account in the first quarter was $30 million compared with $34 million in the first quarter of 2004. Exploration drilling continued on copper targets in Peru, Turkey and Argentina. Diamond exploration continued in Canada, Botswana, India and Brazil. Iron ore exploration continued in the Hamersley Basin (Western Australia) and in west Africa. Exploration on coking coal opportunities continued in southern Africa, Australia and Canada. Evaluation work continued at Eagle (nickel/copper, US), Sari Gunay (gold, Iran), Resolution (copper/gold, US), Potasio Rio Colorado (potash, Argentina) and Simandou (iron ore, Guinea). ASSET DISPOSALS The sale of Rio Tinto's holding in the Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Income Fund (LIORIF) for cash consideration of $130 million was completed in the first quarter of 2005. LIORIF has an equity interest of 15.1 per cent in, and receives royalties from, the Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC). The transaction has no effect on Rio Tinto's 59 per cent interest in IOC. For further information, please contact: LONDON AUSTRALIA Media Relations Media Relations Lisa Cullimore Ian Head Office: +44 (0) 20 7753 2305 Office: +61 (0) 3 9283 3620 Mobile: +44 (0) 7730 418 385 Mobile: +61 (0) 408 360 101 Investor Relations Investor Relations Nigel Jones Dave Skinner Office: +44 (0) 20 7753 2401 Office: +61 (0) 3 9283 3628 Mobile: +44 (0) 7917 227 365 Mobile: +61 (0) 408 335 309 Richard Brimelow Susie Creswell Office: +44 (0) 20 7753 2326 Office: +61 (0) 3 9283 3639 Mobile: +44 (0) 7753 783 825 Mobile: +61 (0) 418 933 792 Website: www.riotinto.com RIO TINTO PRODUCTION SUMMARY RIO TINTO SHARE OF PRODUCTION QUARTER FULL YEAR % CHANGE 2004 2004 2005 2004 Q1 05 Q1 05 Q1 Q4 Q1 vs vs Principal Commodities Q4 04 Q1 04 Alumina ('000 t) 514 671 710 2,231 6% 38% Aluminium ('000 t) 210.1 209.1 208.3 836.5 0% -1% Borates ('000 t) 134 137 122 565 -11% -9% Coal - hard coking coal ('000 t) 1,200 1,389 1,902 6,760 37% 58% Coal - other Australian ('000 t) 7,287 8,255 7,993 32,943 -3% 10% Coal - US ('000 t) 27,403 31,072 29,240 117,734 -6% 7% Copper - mined ('000 t) 180.0 204.9 188.2 753.1 -8% 5% Copper - refined ('000 t) 87.4 81.1 77.8 332.6 -4% -11% Diamonds ('000 cts) 4,534 9,946 9,734 25,202 -2% 115% Gold - mined ('000 ozs) 381 428 462 1,552 8% 21% Gold - refined ('000 ozs) 81 68 90 300 32% 11% Iron ore ('000 t) 23,499 28,903 27,618 107,757 -4% 18% Titanium dioxide feedstock ('000 t) 287 319 321 1,192 1% 12% Other Metals & Minerals Bauxite ('000 t) 3,008 3,333 3,443 12,828 3% 14% Lead - mined ('000 t) 10.3 3.4 3.4 25.1 0% -67% Molybdenum ('000 t) 1.6 2.8 3.9 6.8 37% 141% Salt ('000 t) 1,133 1,131 1,383 4,792 22% 22% Silver - mined ('000 ozs) 3,766 4,031 4,020 14,830 0% 7% Silver - refined ('000 ozs) 778 944 755 3,344 -20% -3% Talc ('000 t) 356 354 357 1,443 1% 0% Uranium (tonnes) 1,431 1,575 1,593 5,974 1% 11% Zinc - mined ('000 t) 29.9 11.7 10.0 73.8 -14% -67% Throughout this report, figures in italics indicate adjustments made since the figure was previously quoted on the equivalent page. Production figures are sometimes more precise than the rounded numbers shown, hence small differences may result between the total of the quarter figures and the full year figures. RIO TINTO SHARE OF PRODUCTION FULL Rio Tinto 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR interest 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2004 ALUMINA Production ('000 tonnes) Comalco Alumina Refinery (a) 100% - - - 175 196 175 Eurallumina 56% 145 144 155 154 148 597 Queensland Alumina 39% 368 373 375 342 366 1,459 Rio Tinto total alumina production 514 517 530 671 710 2,231 ALUMINIUM Refined production ('000 tonnes) Anglesey 51% 18.3 18.2 18.9 18.4 18.2 73.8 Bell Bay 100% 41.8 40.8 38.2 41.2 42.8 162.0 Boyne Island 59% 80.5 79.7 82.0 79.1 79.5 321.2 Tiwai Point 79% 69.5 68.3 71.2 70.4 67.8 279.5 Rio Tinto total aluminium production 210.1 207.0 210.4 209.1 208.3 836.5 BAUXITE Production ('000 tonnes) Boke (b) 0% 121 58 - - - 179 Weipa 100% 2,887 3,273 3,157 3,333 3,443 12,649 Rio Tinto total bauxite production 3,008 3,331 3,157 3,333 3,443 12,828 BORATES Borates ('000 tonnes B2O3 content) Rio Tinto total borate production 100% 134 141 153 137 122 565 COAL - HARD COKING Rio Tinto Coal Australia (c) ('000 tonnes) Hail Creek Coal (d) 82% 831 1,325 1,376 1,100 1,136 4,633 Kestrel Coal 80% 369 776 693 289 766 2,127 Rio Tinto total hard coking coal 1,200 2,101 2,070 1,389 1,902 6,760 production COAL - OTHER * Rio Tinto Coal Australia (c) ('000 tonnes) Bengalla 30% 325 462 526 295 433 1,609 Blair Athol Coal 71% 2,180 2,206 2,169 2,157 1,892 8,712 Hunter Valley Operations 76% 1,988 2,625 2,671 2,762 2,525 10,046 Kestrel Coal 80% 98 167 173 61 160 499 Mount Thorley Operations 61% 407 576 593 573 597 2,149 Tarong Coal 100% 1,678 1,787 1,888 1,651 1,784 7,004 Warkworth 42% 612 774 783 757 602 2,926 Total Australian other coal 7,287 8,597 8,803 8,255 7,993 32,943 Kennecott Energy ('000 tonnes) Antelope 100% 5,919 6,628 7,152 7,229 6,687 26,928 Colowyo (e) 1,467 1,415 1,494 1,412 1,315 5,788 Cordero Rojo 100% 8,589 8,263 9,023 9,358 9,170 35,233 Decker 50% 514 1,062 1,104 1,235 540 3,916 Jacobs Ranch 100% 8,649 8,705 8,833 8,792 9,032 34,979 Spring Creek 100% 2,265 2,789 2,791 3,046 2,497 10,892 Total US coal 27,403 28,861 30,398 31,072 29,240 117,734 Rio Tinto total other coal production 34,690 37,459 39,201 39,327 37,233 150,677 COPPER Mine production ('000 tonnes) Bingham Canyon 100% 62.5 64.0 63.3 73.9 62.1 263.7 Escondida 30% 83.8 99.1 87.5 91.8 84.9 362.1 Grasberg - FCX (f) 0% 5.5 - - - - 5.5 Grasberg - Joint Venture (f) 40% 5.5 9.3 9.2 24.0 25.7 48.0 Neves Corvo (g) 0% 11.6 11.4 - - - 23.0 Northparkes 80% 5.8 4.7 6.0 7.4 8.6 24.0 Palabora 49% 5.2 4.9 8.7 7.9 6.9 26.8 Rio Tinto total mine production 180.0 193.4 174.7 204.9 188.2 753.1 Refined production ('000 tonnes) Atlantic Copper (f) 0% 7.0 - - - - 7.0 Escondida 30% 11.3 11.4 11.4 11.6 11.4 45.6 Kennecott Utah Copper 100% 60.3 61.7 63.1 61.6 57.2 246.7 Palabora 49% 8.8 8.5 8.0 8.0 9.2 33.2 Rio Tinto total refined production 87.4 81.6 82.5 81.1 77.8 332.6 Mine production figures for metals refer to the total quantity of metal produced in concentrates or dore bullion irrespective of whether these products are then refined on-site. * Coal - other includes thermal coal and semi-soft coking coal. See footnotes on page 10. RIO TINTO SHARE OF PRODUCTION (continued) FULL Rio Tinto 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR interest 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2004 DIAMONDS Production ('000 carats) Argyle 100% 3,612 2,669 5,328 9,011 8,633 20,620 Diavik 60% 922 1,364 1,358 901 1,049 4,545 Murowa (h) 78% - - 2 34 52 36 Rio Tinto total diamond production 4,534 4,033 6,688 9,946 9,734 25,202 GOLD Mine production ('000 ounces) Barneys Canyon 100% 7 4 5 5 4 22 Bingham Canyon 100% 69 59 72 109 115 308 Cortez/Pipeline 40% 113 115 105 87 88 421 Escondida 30% 18 16 16 15 16 65 Grasberg - FCX (f) 0% 14 - - - - 14 Grasberg - Joint Venture (f) 40% 6 19 22 35 159 83 Greens Creek 70% 16 16 15 14 15 61 Kelian 90% 69 73 64 90 31 295 Lihir (i) 14% 16 24 22 24 E 16 87 Morro do Ouro (j) 0% 25 23 24 23 0 96 Northparkes 80% 17 15 14 18 10 63 Rawhide 51% 7 7 6 6 6 25 Rio Tinto Zimbabwe (k) 0% 3 3 - - - 6 Others - 2 2 1 1 2 7 Rio Tinto total mine production 381 376 367 428 462 1,552 Refined production ('000 ounces) Kennecott Utah Copper 100% 81 77 74 68 90 300 IRON ORE Production ('000 tonnes) Channar 60% 1,404 1,516 1,623 1,312 1,524 5,855 Corumba 100% 268 306 352 375 377 1,301 Eastern Range (l) 3 645 1,050 1,272 1,295 2,970 Hamersley 100% 14,407 16,273 17,140 17,587 15,836 65,407 Iron Ore Company of Canada (m) 59% 1,969 2,199 315 2,058 2,014 6,541 Robe River 53% 5,447 7,110 6,828 6,299 6,572 25,684 Rio Tinto total mine production 23,499 28,048 27,307 28,903 27,618 107,757 LEAD Mine production ('000 tonnes) Greens Creek 70% 3.3 3.9 3.4 3.4 3.4 13.9 Zinkgruvan (n) 0% 7.0 4.2 - - - 11.2 Rio Tinto total mine production 10.3 8.1 3.4 3.4 3.4 25.1 MOLYBDENUM Mine production ('000 tonnes) Bingham Canyon 100% 1.6 0.9 1.5 2.8 3.9 6.8 NICKEL Toll refined metal production (tonnes) Rio Tinto Zimbabwe - Empress (k) 0% 971 648 - - - 1,619 SALT Production ('000 tonnes) Dampier Salt 65% 1,133 1,257 1,271 1,131 1,383 4,792 SILVER Mine production ('000 ounces) Bingham Canyon 100% 730 785 947 1,121 1,140 3,584 Escondida 30% 411 482 404 427 434 1,724 Grasberg - FCX (f) 0% 79 - - - - 79 Grasberg - Joint Venture (f) 40% 13 53 135 583 118 784 Greens Creek 70% 1,761 1,584 1,813 1,664 2,120 6,821 Zinkgruvan (n) 0% 426 225 - - - 651 Others - 346 336 270 235 209 1,187 Rio Tinto total mine production 3,766 3,465 3,569 4,031 4,020 14,830 Refined production ('000 ounces) Kennecott Utah Copper 100% 778 768 854 944 755 3,344 Mine production figures for metals refer to the total quantity of metal produced in concentrates or dore bullion irrespective of whether these products are then refined on-site, except for the data for iron ore which represent production of saleable quantities of ore plus pellets. See footnotes on page 10. E = Estimated number. RIO TINTO SHARE OF PRODUCTION (continued) FULL Rio Tinto 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR interest 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2004 TALC Production ('000 tonnes) Luzenac Group 99.9% 356 361 371 354 357 1,443 TIN Mine production (tonnes) Neves Corvo (g) 0% 21 38 - - - 59 TITANIUM DIOXIDE FEEDSTOCK Production ('000 tonnes) Rio Tinto Iron & Titanium 100% 287 291 296 319 321 1,192 URANIUM Production (tonnes U3O8) Energy Resources of Australia 68% 809 751 931 1,026 1,001 3,517 Rossing 69% 622 607 679 549 592 2,457 Rio Tinto total uranium production 1,431 1,357 1,610 1,575 1,593 5,974 ZINC Mine production ('000 tonnes) Greens Creek 70% 10.7 11.0 10.7 11.7 10.0 44.1 Zinkgruvan (n) 0% 19.2 10.5 - - - 29.7 Rio Tinto total mine production 29.9 21.5 10.7 11.7 10.0 73.8 Mine production figures for metals refer to the total quantity of metal produced in concentrates or dore bullion irrespective of whether these products are then refined on-site. See footnotes below. Production data notes (a) Comalco Alumina Refinery started production in the fourth quarter of 2004. (b) Rio Tinto completed the sale of its 4.0% interest in the Boke mine on 25 June 2004. Production data are shown up to the date of sale. (c) Rio Tinto Coal Australia manages all the operations below; including the mines which were previously reported separately under the Coal & Allied name. (d) Rio Tinto reduced its shareholding in Hail Creek from 92.0% to 82.0% on 15 November 2004. (e) Kennecott Energy has a partnership interest in the Colowyo mine but, as it is responsible under a management agreement for the operation of the mine, all of Colowyo's output is included in Rio Tinto's share of production. (f) From mid 1995 until 30 March 2004, Rio Tinto held 23.93 million shares of Freeport-McMoRan-Copper & Gold (FCX) common stock from which it derived a share of production. This interest was sold to FCX on 30 March 2004. Also, through a joint venture agreement with FCX, Rio Tinto is entitled, as shown separately in the above tables, to 40% of additional material mined as a consequence of expansions and developments of the Grasberg facilities since 1998. (g) Rio Tinto completed the sale of its 49% interest in Somincor on 18 June 2004. Production data are shown up to the date of sale. (h) Ore mining and processing at Murowa commenced during the third quarter of 2004. (i) Rio Tinto's share of gold production includes an estimate of the production from the Lihir gold mine for the first quarter of 2005. The actual first quarter production, which may be different from the figure in this report, will be announced by Lihir Gold on 26 April 2005. The estimate in this report is based on the indicative first quarter production as previously disclosed in the Lihir Gold Limited Fourth Quarter Mining and Exploration Report (published 27 January 2005). (j) Rio Tinto sold its interest in Morro do Ouro on the 31 December 2004. Production data are shown up to the date of sale. (k) As a result of the corporate restructuring completed on 8 July 2004, Rio Tinto has ceased to be an ordinary shareholder in the renamed RioZim but will retain a reduced cash participation in its gold and nickel assets for a period of ten years. (l) Rio Tinto's share of production includes 100% of the production from the Eastern Range mine, which commenced production in March 2004. Under the terms of the joint venture agreement, Hamersley Iron manages the operation and is obliged to purchase all mine production from the joint venture. (m) Rio Tinto sold its 19% of the Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Income Fund on 23 March 2005. The Fund has a shareholding in Iron Ore Company of Canada but this was not included in the calculation of tonnage attributable to Rio Tinto. (n) Rio Tinto completed the sale of its 100% interest in the Zinkgruvan mine on 2 June 2004. Production data are shown up to the date of sale. Where Rio Tinto's beneficial interest in an operation has changed, as indicated above, the share of production has been calculated using the weighted average interest over the relevant periods. Rio Tinto percentage interest shown above is at 31 March 2005. RIO TINTO OPERATIONAL DATA Rio FULL Tinto 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR interest 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2004 ALUMINIUM Rio Tinto Aluminium Weipa mine 100.0% Queensland, Australia Beneficiated bauxite production ('000 2,887 3,273 3,157 3,333 3,443 12,649 tonnes) Metal grade bauxite shipments ('000 tonnes) 2,981 2,861 3,213 3,242 3,466 12,298 Calcined bauxite production ('000 tonnes) 44 36 45 44 32 168 Boke mine (a) 0.0% Guinea Bauxite production ('000 tonnes) 2,812 2,961 - - - 5,773 Comalco Alumina Refinery (b) 100.0% Queensland, Australia Alumina production ('000 tonnes) - - - 175 196 175 Eurallumina refinery 56.2% Sardinia, Italy Alumina production ('000 tonnes) 258 256 275 274 264 1,064 Queensland Alumina refinery 38.6% Queensland, Australia Alumina production ('000 tonnes) 954 966 971 887 948 3,778 Anglesey Aluminium smelter 51.0% United Kingdom Primary aluminium production ('000 tonnes) 35.9 35.6 37.2 36.1 35.6 144.8 Bell Bay smelter 100.0% Tasmania, Australia Primary aluminium production ('000 tonnes) 41.8 40.8 38.2 41.2 42.8 162.0 Boyne Island smelter 59.4% Queensland, Australia Primary aluminium production ('000 tonnes) 134.7 134.3 135.8 135.8 132.5 540.5 Tiwai Point smelter 79.4% New Zealand Primary aluminium production ('000 tonnes) 87.1 86.0 88.7 88.6 85.4 350.3 Rio Tinto Aluminium share Share of primary aluminium sales ('000 tonnes) 203.5 218.5 208.5 210.2 196.7 840.7 (a) Rio Tinto completed the sale of its 4.0% interest in the Boke mine on 25 June 2004. Production data are shown up to the date of sale. (b) Comalco Alumina Refinery started production in the fourth quarter of 2004 BORATES Rio Tinto Borax 100.0% California, US and Argentina Borates ('000 tonnes) (a) 134 141 153 137 122 565 (a) Production is expressed as B2O3 content. Rio Tinto percentage interest shown above is at 31 March 2005. The data represent full production and sales on a 100% basis unless otherwise stated. RIO TINTO OPERATIONAL DATA FULL Rio Tinto 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR interest 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2004 COAL Kennecott Energy and Coal Company Antelope mine 100.0% Wyoming, US Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 5,919 6,628 7,152 7,229 6,687 26,928 Colowyo mine (a) Colorado, US Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 1,467 1,415 1,494 1,412 1,315 5,788 Cordero Rojo mine 100.0% Wyoming, US Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 8,589 8,263 9,023 9,358 9,170 35,233 Decker mine 50.0% Montana, US Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 1,028 2,123 2,209 2,471 1,080 7,831 Jacobs Ranch mine 100.0% Wyoming, US Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 8,649 8,705 8,833 8,792 9,032 34,979 Spring Creek mine 100.0% Montana, US Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 2,265 2,789 2,791 3,046 2,497 10,892 Total coal production ('000 tonnes) 27,917 29,923 31,503 32,307 29,780 121,649 Total coal sales ('000 tonnes) 27,917 29,923 31,503 32,307 29,780 121,649 (a) Kennecott Energy has a partnership interest in the Colowyo mine but, as it is responsible under a management agreement for the operation of the mine, all of Colowyo's output is included in Rio Tinto's share of production. Rio Tinto percentage interest shown above is at 31 March 2005. The data represent full production and sales on a 100% basis unless otherwise stated. RIO TINTO OPERATIONAL DATA FULL Rio Tinto 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR interest 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2004 COAL (continued) Rio Tinto Coal Australia (a) Bengalla mine 30.3% New South Wales, Australia Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 1,075 1,525 1,737 975 1,430 5,312 Blair Athol Coal mine 71.2% Queensland, Australia Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 3,060 3,097 3,045 3,027 2,655 12,229 Hail Creek Coal mine (b) 82.0% Queensland, Australia Hard coking coal production ('000 tonnes) 903 1,441 1,496 1,264 1,386 5,104 Hunter Valley Operations 75.7% New South Wales, Australia Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 2,255 2,738 2,838 3,340 2,765 11,172 Semi-soft coking coal production ('000 371 729 689 308 570 2,097 tonnes) Kestrel Coal mine 80.0% Queensland, Australia Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 122 209 216 76 200 623 Hard coking coal production ('000 tonnes) 462 970 867 361 957 2,659 Mount Thorley Operations 60.6% New South Wales, Australia Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 514 710 722 817 718 2,762 Semi-soft coking coal production ('000 158 240 258 129 268 785 tonnes) Tarong Coal mine 100.0% Queensland, Australia Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 1,678 1,787 1,888 1,651 1,784 7,004 Warkworth mine 42.1% New South Wales, Australia Thermal coal production ('000 tonnes) 1,217 1,394 1,381 1,560 1,380 5,552 Semi-soft coking coal production ('000 237 447 479 239 50 1,403 tonnes) Total hard coking coal production ('000 1,365 2,410 2,363 1,625 2,343 7,763 tonnes) Total hard coking coal sales ('000 tonnes) 1,299 1,605 2,226 1,734 1,973 6,864 Total other coal production ('000 tonnes) 10,686 12,877 13,254 12,122 11,821 48,939 (c) Total other coal sales ('000 tonnes) (d) (e) 11,260 12,744 13,249 11,526 12,409 48,780 Total coal production ('000 tonnes) 12,051 15,287 15,616 13,748 14,164 56,702 Total coal sales ('000 tonnes) 12,560 14,349 15,475 13,260 14,382 55,644 Rio Tinto Coal Australia share Share of hard coking coal sales ('000 1,146 1,412 1,948 1,481 1,608 5,987 tonnes) Share of other coal sales ('000 tonnes) (d) 7,582 8,572 8,882 7,767 8,306 32,804 (e) (a) Rio Tinto Coal Australia manages all the operations below; the mines in New South Wales were previously reported separately under the Coal & Allied name. (b) Rio Tinto reduced its shareholding in Hail Creek from 92.0% to 82.0% on 15 November 2004. (c) Other coal production includes thermal coal and semi-soft coking coal. (d) Other coal sales includes thermal coal, semi-soft coking coal and semi-hard coking coal (a mixture of thermal coal and coking coal). (e) Sales relate only to coal mined by the operations and exclude traded coal. Rio Tinto percentage interest shown above is at 31 March 2005. The data represent full production and sales on a 100% basis unless otherwise stated. RIO TINTO OPERATIONAL DATA FULL Rio Tinto 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR interest 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2004 COPPER & GOLD Escondida 30.0% Chile Sulphide ore treated ('000 tonnes) 19,619 21,197 20,637 20,925 19,913 82,378 Average copper grade (%) 1.48 1.61 1.47 1.47 1.41 1.51 Mill production (metals in concentrates): Contained copper ('000 tonnes) 239.6 284.2 256.8 265.1 241.1 1,045.6 Contained gold ('000 ounces) 58 55 53 51 55 217 Contained silver ('000 ounces) 1,370 1,606 1,347 1,424 1,446 5,747 Oxide ore treated ('000 tonnes) 3,179 4,186 3,996 4,282 4,236 15,643 Average copper grade (%) 1.25 1.10 0.87 0.96 0.99 1.03 Contained copper in leachate/mined material ('000 40 46 35 41 42 162 tonnes) Refined production: Oxide plant production ('000 tonnes) 37.7 37.9 38.0 38.5 37.9 152.1 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold (a) Grasberg mine 0% (40.0% of the expansion) Papua, Indonesia Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 13,817 14,946 17,845 21,142 17,946 67,750 Average mill head grades: Copper (%) 0.50 0.82 0.83 1.17 1.14 0.87 Gold (g/t) 0.41 0.95 0.79 1.20 1.62 0.88 Silver (g/t) 3.09 4.01 3.74 4.32 5.26 3.85 Production of metals in concentrates: Copper in concentrates ('000 tonnes) 55.9 107.7 129.7 223.1 183.5 516.4 Gold in concentrates ('000 ounces) 135 395 370 684 788 1,584 Silver in concentrates ('000 ounces) 740 1,143 1,199 1,956 1,805 5,037 Sales of payable metals in concentrates: (b) Copper in concentrates ('000 tonnes) 53.0 101.7 127.9 213.1 173.0 495.6 Gold in concentrates ('000 ounces) 130 370 372 652 743 1,524 Silver in concentrates ('000 ounces) 563 862 943 1,490 1,358 3,857 (a) See note (f) on page 10 concerning Rio Tinto's previous direct interest in Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold and its continuing 40% interest in the expansion of Grasberg. (b) Net of smelter deductions. Atlantic Copper smelter 0.0% Spain Concentrates and scrap smelted ('000 tonnes) 187.1 - - - - 187.1 Copper anodes produced ('000 tonnes) (c) 57.5 - - - - 57.5 Copper cathodes produced ('000 tonnes) 58.4 - - - - 58.4 Copper cathode sales ('000 tonnes) (d) 50.8 - - - - 50.8 (c) New metal excluding recycled material. (d) Refers to copper cathode and wire rod sales. Kelian Equatorial Mining 90.0% East Kalimantan, Indonesia Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 2,119 2,134 2,057 2,141 826 8,451 Average ore grades: Gold (g/t) 1.57 1.84 1.56 2.15 1.68 1.78 Silver (g/t) 3.94 4.12 3.90 4.61 2.29 4.15 Production: Gold ('000 ounces) 76 81 71 100 34 328 Silver ('000 ounces) 64 52 93 86 27 295 Sales: Gold ('000 ounces) 113 70 76 19 90 278 Silver ('000 ounces) 148 - - - - 148 Rio Tinto percentage interest shown above is at 31 March 2005. The data represent full production and sales on a 100% basis unless otherwise stated. RIO TINTO OPERATIONAL DATA FULL Rio Tinto 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR interest 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2004 COPPER & GOLD (continued) Kennecott Minerals Company Cortez/Pipeline mine 40.0% Nevada, US Ore treated Milled ('000 tonnes) 781 760 794 759 823 3,093 Leached ('000 tonnes) 9,246 7,110 9,673 8,619 8,021 34,649 Sold for roasting ('000 tonnes) 96 111 107 109 42 423 Average ore grade: gold Milled (g/t) 6.14 6.43 5.31 3.82 4.78 5.43 Leached (g/t) 0.77 0.73 0.70 0.66 0.67 0.71 Sold for roasting (g/t) 5.90 6.21 6.90 7.95 7.26 6.76 Gold produced ('000 ounces) 283 288 264 217 220 1,051 Greens Creek mine 70.3% Alaska, US Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 182 177 182 189 168 731 Average ore grades: Gold (g/t) 5.86 6.21 5.43 4.95 5.46 5.60 Silver (g/t) 572 560 619 533 735 571 Zinc (%) 10.7 11.9 11.1 10.9 10.8 11.1 Lead (%) 3.9 4.6 3.9 3.9 4.3 4.1 Metals produced in concentrates: Gold ('000 ounces) 23 23 21 20 21 86 Silver ('000 ounces) 2,506 2,254 2,580 2,368 3,016 9,707 Zinc ('000 tonnes) 15.3 15.6 15.3 16.6 14.2 62.7 Lead ('000 tonnes) 4.6 5.6 4.8 4.8 4.8 19.8 Rawhide mine (a) 51.0% Nevada, US Metals produced in dore: Gold ('000 ounces) 13 13 11 12 11 50 Silver ('000 ounces) 108 122 111 121 103 462 (a) Mining operations were completed in October 2002 and processing of stockpiled ores was completed in May 2003. Residual gold and silver production continues from the leach pads. Rio Tinto percentage interest shown above is at 31 March 2005. The data represent full production and sales on a 100% basis unless otherwise stated. RIO TINTO OPERATIONAL DATA FULL Rio Tinto 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR interest 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2004 COPPER & GOLD (continued) Kennecott Utah Copper Barneys Canyon mine (a) 100.0% Utah, US Gold produced ('000 ounces) 7 4 5 5 4 22 (a) Mining operations ceased in the first quarter of 2002. Gold continues to be recovered from leach pads. Bingham Canyon mine 100.0% Utah, US Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 10,497 11,054 11,943 12,219 11,664 45,712 Average ore grade: Copper (%) 0.64 0.62 0.58 0.67 0.60 0.63 Gold (g/t) 0.28 0.23 0.26 0.38 0.42 0.29 Silver (g/t) 2.74 2.81 2.95 3.60 3.75 3.04 Molybdenum (%) 0.027 0.019 0.028 0.055 0.063 0.033 Copper concentrates produced ('000 tonnes) 262 277 276 291 243 1,106 Average concentrate grade (% Cu) 23.9 23.1 22.8 25.3 25.5 23.8 Production of metals in copper concentrates: Copper ('000 tonnes) (b) 62.5 64.0 63.3 73.9 62.1 263.7 Gold ('000 ounces) 69 59 72 109 115 308 Silver ('000 ounces) 730 785 947 1,121 1,140 3,584 Molybdenum concentrates produced ('000 tonnes): 3.0 1.8 2.8 5.3 7.1 12.9 Molybdenum in concentrates ('000 tonnes) 1.6 0.9 1.5 2.8 3.9 6.8 Kennecott smelter & refinery 100.0% Copper concentrates smelted ('000 tonnes) 279 301 288 229 217 1,098 Copper anodes produced ('000 tonnes) (c) 54.4 64.3 66.1 54.8 50.4 239.6 Production of refined metal: Copper ('000 tonnes) 60.3 61.7 63.1 61.6 57.2 246.7 Gold ('000 ounces) (d) 81 77 74 68 90 300 Silver ('000 ounces) (d) 778 768 854 944 755 3,344 (b) Includes a small amount of copper in precipitates. (c) New metal excluding recycled material. (d) Includes gold and silver in intermediate products. Northparkes Joint Venture 80.0% New South Wales, Australia Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 1,275 1,157 1,270 1,306 1,300 5,008 Average ore grades: Copper (%) 0.78 0.71 0.75 0.93 1.06 0.79 Gold (g/t) 0.73 0.68 0.66 0.59 0.46 0.66 Copper concentrates produced ('000 tonnes) 19.3 16.6 21.7 25.5 30.2 83.0 Contained copper in concentrates: Saleable production ('000 tonnes) 7.3 5.9 7.5 9.3 10.7 30.0 Sales ('000 tonnes) (a) 2.8 7.2 3.1 6.9 9.4 20.0 Contained gold in concentrates: Saleable production ('000 ounces) 21.0 18.7 17.2 22.5 12.5 79.4 Sales ('000 ounces) (a) 8.7 21.7 11.4 18.1 15.5 59.9 (a) Rio Tinto's 80% share of material from the Joint Venture. Rio Tinto percentage interest shown above is at 31 March 2005. The data represent full production and sales on a 100% basis unless otherwise stated. RIO TINTO OPERATIONAL DATA FULL Rio Tinto 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR interest 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2004 COPPER & GOLD (continued) Palabora 49.2% Palabora mine South Africa Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 2,101 1,897 2,345 2,314 2,156 8,657 Average ore grade: copper (%) 0.76 0.74 0.75 0.73 0.72 0.74 Copper concentrates produced ('000 tonnes) 35.9 35.4 64.2 52.2 48.0 187.7 Average concentrate grade: copper (%) 29.7 28.3 27.7 30.6 29.3 29.0 Copper in concentrates ('000 tonnes) 10.7 10.0 17.8 16.0 14.1 54.4 Palabora smelter/refinery New concentrate smelted on site ('000 59.4 68.0 59.0 67.0 75.2 253.4 tonnes) New copper anodes produced ('000 tonnes) 15.8 19.7 14.4 17.3 20.0 67.2 Refined new copper produced ('000 tonnes) 17.9 17.2 16.2 16.2 18.7 67.5 By-products: Magnetite concentrate ('000 tonnes) 105 160 144 165 201 574 Refined nickel sulphate (tonnes) 53 37 36 41 34 167 Vermiculite plant Vermiculite produced ('000 tonnes) 38.4 51.5 52.7 50.8 48.1 193.4 Rio Tinto Brasil Limitada Morro do Ouro mine (a) 0.0% Minas Gerais, Brazil Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 4,499 4,271 4,409 4,163 - 17,342 Average ore grade: gold (g/t) 0.45 0.46 0.44 0.46 - 0.45 Refined gold produced ('000 ounces) 50 45 48 46 - 188 (a) Rio Tinto sold its interest in Morro do Ouro on 31 December 2004. Production data are shown up to the date of sale. Rio Tinto Zimbabwe (a) Renco mine 0.0% Zimbabwe Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 61 85 - - - 146 Average ore grade: gold (g/t) 3.13 3.43 - - - 3.30 Total gold produced ('000 ounces) 5 6 - - - 11 (a) As a result of the corporate restructuring completed on 8 July 2004, Rio Tinto has ceased to be an ordinary shareholder in the renamed RioZim but will retain a reduced cash participation in its gold and nickel assets for a period of ten years. Somincor (a) Neves Corvo mine 0.0% Portugal Total ore treated ('000 tonnes) (b) 448 430 - - - 878 of which, treated to extract tin ('000 5 8 - - - 13 tonnes) Average ore grades: Copper (%) 6.02 6.07 - - - 6.04 Tin (%) 2.15 1.80 - - - 1.93 Copper production: Copper concentrates produced ('000 100.1 98.3 - - - 198.3 tonnes) Copper concentrate grade: copper (%) 23.7 23.6 - - - 23.7 Copper in concentrates produced ('000 tonnes) 23.7 23.2 - - - 46.9 Tin production: Tin concentrates produced ('000 tonnes) 0.1 0.1 - - - 0.2 Tin concentrate grade: tin (%) 63.9 67.1 - - - 65.9 Tin in concentrates produced ('000 0.0 0.1 - - - 0.1 tonnes) (a) Rio Tinto completed the sale of its 49% interest in Somincor on 18 June 2004. Production data are shown up to the date of sale. (b) Total ore treated for both copper and tin production. Rio Tinto percentage interest shown above is at 31 March 2005. The data represent full production and sales on a 100% basis unless otherwise stated. RIO TINTO OPERATIONAL DATA FULL Rio Tinto 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR interest 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2004 DIAMONDS Argyle Diamonds 100.0% Western Australia AK1 ore processed ('000 tonnes) 2,066 2,424 2,468 2,618 2,342 9,576 AK1 diamonds produced ('000 carats) 3,612 2,669 5,328 9,011 8,633 20,620 Diavik Diamonds 60.0% Northwest Territories, Canada Ore processed ('000 tonnes) 394 541 560 455 493 1,950 Diamonds recovered ('000 carats) 1,537 2,273 2,263 1,502 1,749 7,575 Murowa Diamonds (a) 77.8% Zimbabwe Ore processed ('000 tonnes) - - 4 27 29 30 Diamonds recovered ('000 carats) - - 3 44 67 47 (a) Ore mining and processing commenced during the third quarter of 2004. IRON ORE Hamersley Iron Western Australia Saleable iron ore production ('000 tonnes): Paraburdoo, Mount Tom Price, Marandoo, Yandicoogina and Brockman 100.0% 14,407 16,273 17,140 17,587 15,836 65,407 Channar 60.0% 2,341 2,526 2,705 2,187 2,540 9,759 Eastern Range (a) 3 645 1,050 1,272 1,295 2,970 Total production ('000 tonnes) 16,751 19,443 20,895 21,046 19,671 78,135 Total sales ('000 tonnes) (b) 17,664 18,112 19,822 20,913 20,024 76,512 (a) Rio Tinto owns 54% of the Eastern Range mine which commenced production in March 2004. Under the terms of the joint venture agreement, Hamersley Iron manages the operation and is obliged to purchase all mine production from the joint venture and therefore all of the production is included in Rio Tinto's share of production. (b) Sales represent iron ore exported from Western Australian ports. Iron Ore Company of Canada Newfoundland & Labrador and Quebec in Canada Carol Lake operations 58.7% Saleable iron ore production: Concentrates ('000 tonnes) 462 608 0 155 307 1,225 Pellets ('000 tonnes) 2,892 3,137 536 3,349 3,122 9,914 Sales: Concentrate ('000 tonnes) 431 537 238 432 204 1,638 Pellets ('000 tonnes) 2,072 3,408 1,844 2,517 2,344 9,841 Rio Tinto Brasil Corumba mine 100.0% Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil Saleable iron ore production ('000 tonnes) 268 306 352 375 377 1,301 (a) (a) Production includes by-product fines. Robe River Iron Associates Pannawonica mine 53.0% Western Australia Saleable iron ore production ('000 tonnes) 6,281 8,437 7,643 7,610 7,333 29,970 Sales ('000 tonnes) 7,325 7,014 7,602 9,260 7,939 31,202 West Angelas mine 53.0% Western Australia Saleable iron ore production ('000 tonnes) 3,997 4,978 5,240 4,276 5,067 18,490 Sales ('000 tonnes) 4,742 3,937 5,784 4,764 4,932 19,226 Rio Tinto percentage interest shown above is at 31 March 2005. The data represent full production and sales on a 100% basis unless otherwise stated. RIO TINTO OPERATIONAL DATA FULL Rio 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q YEAR Tinto interest 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2004 NICKEL Rio Tinto Zimbabwe (a) Empress Nickel refinery 0.0% Zimbabwe Production (tonnes) 1,733 1,156 - - - 2,889 (a) As a result of the corporate restructuring completed on 8 July 2004, Rio Tinto has ceased to be an ordinary shareholder in the renamed RioZim but will retain a reduced cash participation in its gold and nickel assets for a period of ten years. SALT Dampier Salt 64.9% Western Australia Salt production ('000 tonnes) 1,745 1,936 1,957 1,742 2,130 7,380 TALC The Luzenac Group 99.9% Australia, Europe, and North America Talc production ('000 tonnes) 356 361 371 355 357 1,444 TITANIUM DIOXIDE FEEDSTOCK Rio Tinto Iron & Titanium 100.0% Canada and South Africa (Rio Tinto share) Titanium dioxide feedstock production ('000 tonnes) 287 291 296 319 321 1,192 URANIUM Energy Resources of Australia Ltd Ranger mine 68.4% Northern Territory, Australia Production (tonnes U3O8) 1,183 1,098 1,362 1,500 1,464 5,143 Rossing Uranium Ltd 68.6% Namibia Production (tonnes U3O8) 907 885 990 801 863 3,582 ZINC Zinkgruvan Mining AB 0.0% Sweden Ore treated ('000 tonnes) 196 139 - - - 335 Average ore grades: Zinc (%) 10.6 8.1 - - - 9.6 Lead (%) 4.2 3.6 - - - 3.9 Silver (g/t) 95 77 - - - 86 Production of zinc concentrate ('000 34.8 18.7 - - - 53.5 tonnes) Production of lead concentrate ('000 9.9 5.9 - - - 15.8 tonnes) Production of metal in concentrates: Zinc ('000 tonnes) 19.2 10.5 - - - 29.7 Lead ('000 tonnes) 7.0 4.2 - - - 11.2 Silver ('000 ounces) 426 225 - - - 651 (a) Rio Tinto completed the sale of its 100% interest in the Zinkgruvan mine on 2 June 2004. Production data are shown up to the date of sale. Rio Tinto percentage interest shown above is at 31 March 2005. The data represent full production and sales on a 100% basis unless otherwise stated. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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