Full Year Results - Part 2
Rio Tinto PLC
5 February 2001
Part 2
Years ended 31 December
2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999
A$m A$m £m £m US$m US$m
Gross turnover
(including share of
joint ventures and
16,440 14,421 6,287 5,747 Continuing operations 9,525 9,310
772 - 295 - Acquisitions 447 -
17,212 14,421 6,582 5,747 9,972 9,310
Share of
joint ventures'
(2,570)(2,336) (983) (931) turnover (1,489)(1,508)
Share of associates'
(1,049) (937) (401) (373) turnover (608) (605)
13,593 11,148 5,198 4,443 turnover 7,875 7,197
(9,816)(8,622)(3,753)(3,436) Net operating costs (5,687)(5,566)
Group operating
3,691 2,526 1,412 1,007 Continuing operations 2,138 1,631
86 - 33 - Acquisitions 50 -
3,777 2,526 1,445 1,007 2,188 1,631
Share of operating
profit of joint
885 787 339 314 ventures 513 508
Share of operating
364 294 139 117 profit of associates 211 190
Profit on ordinary
activities before
5,026 3,607 1,923 1,438 interest 2,912 2,329
Net interest
(587) (376) (224) (150) payable (340) (243)
Amortisation of discount
(109) (85) (42) (34) related to provisions (63) (55)
Profit on ordinary
activities before
4,330 3,146 1,657 1,254 taxation 2,509 2,031
(1,414) (849) (541) (338) Taxation (819) (548)
Profit on ordinary
activities after
2,916 2,297 1,116 916 taxation 1,690 1,483
Attributable to
(316) (311) (121) (124) shareholders (equity) (183) (201)
Profit for the
financial year
2,600 1,986 995 792 (net earnings) 1,507 1,282
Dividends to
(1,364)(1,168) (521) (465) shareholders (790) (754)
Retained profit
for the financial
1,236 818 474 327 year 717 528
Earnings per
189.4c 145.0c 72.5p 57.8p share 109.8c 93.6c
Adjusted earnings
189.4c 145.0c 72.5p 57.8p per ordinary share(c) 109.8c 93.6c
Dividends per share
38.87p 34.23p - Rio Tinto plc 57.5c 55.0c
102.44c 87.11c - Rio Tinto Limited 57.5c 55.0c
(a) Diluted earnings per share figures are US 0.12 cents (1999: US
0.07 cents) lower than the earnings per share figures above.
(b) For the purpose of calculating earnings and adjusted earnings
per share, the weighted average number of Rio Tinto plc and Rio
Tinto Limited shares outstanding during the period was 1372.7
million, being the average number of Rio Tinto plc shares
outstanding (1062.6 million) plus the average number of Rio Tinto
Limited shares outstanding not held by Rio Tinto plc (310.1
(c) Adjusted earnings and adjusted earnings per share exclude
exceptional items of such magnitude that their exclusion is
necessary in order that adjusted earnings reflect the underlying
performance of the Group. There were no such items in 1999 or 2000.
(d) Associates acquired in 2000 contributed US$30 million to gross
turnover and US$8 million to operating profit.
Years ended 31 December
2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999
A$m A$m £m £m US$m US$m
Cash flow
from operating
5,133 3,750 1,962 1,494 activities(see below) 2,973 2,421
Dividends from
joint ventures
806 920 308 367 and associates 467 594
5,939 4,670 2,270 1,861 3,440 3,015
124 178 48 71 Interest received 72 115
(521) (455) (199) (181) Interest paid (302) (294)
Dividends paid to
(264) (173) (101) (69) outside shareholders (153) (112)
Returns on investment
(661) (450) (252) (179) and servicing of finance (383) (291)
(797) (601) (305) (240) Taxation (462) (388)
Purchase of
property, plant
(1,412)(1,202) (540) (479) and equipment (818) (776)
Funding of Group
share of joint ventures'
and associates'
(38) (82) (15) (33) capital expenditure (22) (53)
Other funding of joint
ventures and associates
69 618 26 246 repaid 40 399
Exploration and
(257) (231) (98) (92) expenditure (149) (149)
Sale of property,
plant and
equipment and other
74 93 28 37 investments 43 60
Capital expenditure
and financial
(1,564) (804) (599) (321) investment (906) (519)
Purchase of subsidiaries,
joint ventures
(5,751) (505)(2,199) (201) and associates (3,332) (326)
Sale of subsidiaries,
joint ventures and
243 73 93 29 associates 141 47
Acquisitions and
(5,508) (432)(2,106) (172) disposals (3,191) (279)
Equity dividends paid -
(1,362)(1,104) (521) (440) Rio Tinto shareholders (789) (713)
Cash flow before
management of liquid
resources and
(3,953) 1,279 (1,513) 509 financing (2,291) 825
Net cash flow from
management of
173 632 66 252 liquid resources 100 408
Ordinary shares
5 12 2 5 issued 3 8
(57) (28) (22) (11) Shares repurchased (33) (18)
Loans received
3,758 (2,152) 1,437 (857) less repaid 2,177 (1,389)
Management of liquid
resources and
3,879 (1,536) 1,483 (611) financing 2,247 (991)
(74) (257) (30) (102) (Decrease) in cash (44) (166)
Cash flow from
Group operating profit
from continuing
3,777 2,526 1,445 1,007 activities 2,188 1,631
Depreciation and
1,465 1,250 560 498 amortisation 849 807
Exploration and
evaluation charged
234 211 90 84 against profit 136 136
159 135 61 54 Provisions 92 87
Utilisation of
(205) (160) (79) (64) provisions (119) (103)
Change in
54 64 20 25 inventories 31 41
Change in accounts
receivable and
(418) (53) (160) (21) prepayments (242) (34)
Change in accounts
payable and
283 (74) 108 (30) accruals 164 (48)
(216) (149) (83) (59) Other items (126) (96)
Cash flow from
5,133 3,750 1,962 1,494 operating activities 2,973 2,421
(a) Acquisitions impacted on the cash flow statement as follows:
cash inflow from operating activities US$164 million, tax paid US$52
million, capital expenditure US$109 million.
(b) Net debt at 31 December 2000 of US$5,050 million compares with
US$2,429 million at 31 December 1999. The increase of US$2,621
million comprises the cash outflow before management of liquid
resources and financing of US$2,291 million, net debt of acquired
companies of US$321 million and other items of US$9 million.
At 31 December
2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999
A$m A$m £m £m US$m US$m
Intangible fixed assets
1,802 335 670 137 Goodwill 1,001 221
Tangible fixed assets
Property, plant
21,886 14,526 8,134 5,955 and equipment 12,159 9,588
Exploration and
302 209 112 86 properties 168 138
Share of gross assets
4,189 3,589 1,557 1,471 of joint ventures 2,327 2,369
Share of gross
(1,895)(1,630) (704) (668) of joint ventures (1,053) (1,076)
2,294 1,959 853 803 1,274 1,293
Investments in
932 814 347 334 other investments 518 537
3,226 2,773 1,200 1,137 Total investments 1,792 1,830
27,216 17,843 10,116 7,315 Total fixed assets 15,120 11,777
Current assets
2,581 1,933 959 793 Inventories 1,434 1,276
Accounts receivable
and prepayments
Falling due within
2,801 1,778 1,041 729 one year 1,556 1,174
Falling due after
1,055 899 392 369 more than one year 586 593
3,856 2,677 1,433 1,098 2,142 1,767
27 233 10 96 Investments 15 154
Cash at bank
1,318 962 490 394 and in hand 732 635
7,782 5,805 2,892 2,381 4,323 3,832
Creditors due within
one year
Short term
(7,670)(2,665)(2,851)(1,093) borrowings (4,261) (1,759)
Accounts payable
(3,953)(2,651)(1,469)(1,087) and accruals (2,196) (1,750)
(11,623)(5,316)(4,320)(2,180) (6,457) (3,509)
Net current(liabilities)
(3,841) 489 (1,428) 201 /assets (2,134) 323
Total assets less
23,375 18,332 8,688 7,516 liabilities 12,986 12,100
Creditors due after
one year
Medium and long term
(2,765)(2,210)(1,028) (906) borrowings (1,536) (1,459)
Provisions for
liabilities and
(5,836)(4,287)(2,169)(1,758) charges (3,242) (2,830)
Outside shareholders'
(1,555)(1,085) (578) (445) interests (equity) (864) (715)
13,219 10,750 4,913 4,407 7,344 7,096
Capital and reserves
Share capital
277 259 103 106 - Rio Tinto plc 154 171
- Rio Tinto Limited
(excluding Rio Tinto
1,429 1,367 531 560 plc interest) 794 902
Share premium
2,857 2,592 1,062 1,061 account 1,587 1,711
536 195 199 80 Other reserves 298 129
Profit and loss
8,120 6,337 3,018 2,600 account 4,511 4,183
Equity shareholders'
13,219 10,750 4,913 4,407 funds 7,344 7,096
(a) At 31 December 2000, Rio Tinto plc had 1,063.5 million ordinary
shares in issue and Rio Tinto Limited had 310.9 million shares in
issue, excluding those held by Rio Tinto plc.
At 31 December
2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999
A$m A$m £m £m US$m US$m
Net earnings
2,600 1,986 995 792 under UK GAAP 1,507 1,282
net of tax in
respect of:
Abnormal increase
- (454) - (181) in provisions - (293)
(250) (235) (96) (94) amortisation (145) (152)
3 (5) 1 (2) Taxation 2 (3)
Higher cost of sales
resulting from
(43) - (17) - acquisition accounting (25) -
17 17 7 7 Other 9 11
Net earnings under
2,327 1,309 890 522 Australian GAAP 1,348 845
Earnings per ordinary
share under
169.5c 95.5c 64.8p 38.1p Australian GAAP 98.2c 61.7c
Australian GAAP earnings
before abnormal items
2,327 1,625 890 648 Net earnings 1,348 1,049
Earnings per
169.5c 118.6c 64.8p 47.3p ordinary share 98.2c 76.6c
Shareholders' funds
13,219 10,750 4,913 4,407 under UK GAAP 7,344 7,096
Increase/(decrease) net
of tax in respect of:
2,520 2,407 937 987 Goodwill 1,400 1,589
(88) (77) (33) (32) Taxation (49) (51)
(34) 3 (13) 1 Other (19) 2
Shareholders' funds under
15,617 13,083 5,804 5,363 Australian GAAP 8,676 8,636
Diluted earnings per share under Australian GAAP are US 0.11 cents
(1999: US 0.04 cents) less than the above earnings per share
The Group's financial statements have been prepared in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles in the United Kingdom
(UK GAAP), which differ in certain respects from generally accepted
accounting principles in Australia (Australian GAAP). These
differences relate principally to the following items, and the
approximate effect of each of the adjustments to net earnings and
shareholders' funds which would be required under Australian GAAP is
set out above.
Abnormal items
Abnormal items of US$204 million arose in 1999 under Australian GAAP
reporting, comprising a charge of US$293 million relating to
Financial Reporting Standard 12 (FRS 12) and a credit of US$89
million resulting from changes in Australian and South African tax
rates. The US$89 million benefit to earnings arose from the
restatement of deferred tax balances as a result of reductions in
tax rates. The introduction of FRS 12 in 1999 led to changes in the
Group's accounting policy for closedown and restoration costs under
UK GAAP. To minimise differences between accounting policies under
UK and Australian GAAPs, the Group applied the new accounting policy
under Australian GAAP also. Under UK GAAP, the effect of the change
was recorded as a prior year adjustment, which reduced shareholders'
funds by US$293 million. Under Australian GAAP, the impact of this
change in policy was charged against earnings as an abnormal item.
For 1997 and prior years, UK GAAP permitted the write off of
purchased goodwill on acquisition directly against reserves. Under
Australian GAAP, goodwill is capitalised and amortised by charges
against income over the period during which it is expected to be of
benefit, subject to a maximum of 20 years. Goodwill previously
written off directly to reserves in the UK GAAP accounts has been
reinstated and amortised for the purpose of the reconciliation
statements. For acquisitions in 1998 and subsequent years, goodwill
is capitalised under UK GAAP, in accordance with FRS 10.
Under UK GAAP, provision is made for deferred tax under the
liability method to the extent that, in the opinion of the
directors, it is probable that a tax liability will become payable
within the foreseeable future. Under Australian GAAP deferred tax
is provided for in full.
Higher cost of sales resulting from acquisition accounting
Under UK GAAP, the inventories of acquired companies are valued at
the lower of replacement cost and net realisable value. Under
Australian GAAP, such inventories are recognised at the time of
acquisition on the basis of expected net sales proceeds. Earnings
for the year are lower under Australian GAAP as a result of the
higher cost of sales relating to inventories that were held at the
date of acquisition.
2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999
A$m A$m £m £m US$m US$m
Profit for the
2,600 1,986 995 792 financial year 1,507 1,282
(1,364)(1,168) (521) (465) Dividends (790) (754)
1,236 818 474 327 717 528
Adjustment on
1,074 (515) (29) 228 currency translation (561) 159
Share capital issued
102 (16) 39 (6) less repurchased 59 (10)
Goodwill relating to
57 - 22 - disposals written back 33 -
2,469 287 506 549 248 677
Opening shareholders'
10,750 10,463 4,407 3,858 funds 7,096 6,419
Closing shareholders'
13,219 10,750 4,913 4,407 funds 7,344 7,096
2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999
A$m A$m £m £m US$m US$m
Profit on ordinary
activities before
4,330 3,146 1,657 1,254 taxation 2,509 2,031
Actual taxation charge
(1,414) (849) (541) (338) for the year (819) (548)
Prima facie tax
payable at UK
rate of 30%
1,300 951 497 379 (1999-30.25%) 753 614
Higher rate of taxation
102 88 39 35 on Australian earnings 59 57
(12) 190 (5) 76 variation (7) 123
The above variation is
explained as follows:
Other tax rates
applicable outside the
(123) (124) (47) (49) UK and Australia (71) (80)
Research, development
and other investment
14 12 5 5 allowances 8 8
Resource depletion
and other depreciation
91 73 35 29 allowances 53 47
Advance Corporation Tax
- 11 - 4 - net recovery - 7
Impact of tax rate
changes on deferred
- 166 - 66 tax balances - 107
6 52 2 21 Other 3 34
Total (adverse)/favourable
variation in taxation
(12) 190 (5) 76 charge (7) 123
2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999
A$m A$m £m £m US$m US$m
At cost less amounts
written off
1,197 1,270 491 468 At 1 January 790 779
Adjustment on
100 (15) (10) 46 currency translation (72) 49
81 - 31 - Subsidiaries acquired 47 -
257 231 98 92 Expenditure in year 149 149
Charged against
(86) (60) (33) (24) profit for the year (50) (39)
Disposals, transfers
(136) (229) (52) (91) and other movements (79) (148)
1,413 1,197 525 491 At 31 December 785 790
(988)(1,084) (405) (399) At 1 January (652) (665)
Adjustment on
(111) 18 (3) (37) currency translation 42 (38)
Charged against profit
(148) (151) (57) (60) for the year (86) (97)
Disposals, transfers and
136 229 52 91 other movements 79 148
(1,111) (988) (413) (405) At 31 December (617) (652)
Net balance sheet
302 209 112 86 amount 168 138
Net Gross Operating Capital
Rio Tinto earnings turnover assets expenditure
Interest 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999
% US$m US$m US$m US$m US$m US$m US$m US$m
Iron Ore
(incl HISmelt)100 344 259 1,100 969 1,220 1,454 76 105
Minerals 392 411 2,130 2,233 3,210 2,641 299 315
Kennecott Utah
Copper 100 100 74 804 720 3,121 3,180 84 112
Escondida 30 97 84 388 357 489 460 68 56
Freeport 16.6 2 9 307 267 95 156 42 43
Freeport Joint
Venture 40 71 82 273 272 429 385 18 21
Palabora 48.6 15 27 252 259 380 358 76 79
Somincor 49 5 (7) 50 52 76 78 5 5
290 269 2,074 1,927 4,590 4,617 293 316
Aluminium -
Comalco (f) 338 157 1,589 1,412 2,188 1,686 52 77
Energy 100 81 76 817 831 640 681 33 29
Pacific Coal 100 93 80 341 309 358 479 11 9
Kaltim Prima
Coal 50 18 26 150 175 39 21 6 13
Coal &
Allied 71 49 28 340 346 373 246 14 14
Rossing 69 19 19 124 134 112 129 7 12
Other energy - (9) 1 12 - 27 - -
260 220 1,773 1,807 1,522 1,583 71 77
Gold and
other minerals
Minerals 100 43 60 185 249 196 220 22 19
Kelian 90 (9) (3) 90 126 157 183 2 5
Peak Gold 100 6 3 38 38 27 34 12 6
Rio Tinto
Zimbabwe 56 2 4 38 36 11 7 3 4
Brazil 45 37 148 123 156 156 16 16
Rio Tinto
Aluminium 20 13 227 231 64 49 3 2
Other gold
and minerals 14 9 131 156 137 138 15 16
121 123 857 959 748 787 73 68
North 19 446 2,737 109
Other items (11) (33) 3 3 (60) 15 1 (18)
Exploration and
evaluation (108) (107)
Net interest (138) (83)
Less joint ventures
and associates (176) (169)
Total 1,507 1,282 9,972 9,310 16,155 12,783 798 771
Add back outside interests 864 715
Unallocated net
current financial items (4,033)(1,398)
Total assets less
current liabilities 12,986 12,100
(a) Net earnings represent after tax earnings attributable to the
Rio Tinto Group. Earnings of subsidiaries are stated before
interest charges but after the amortisation of the discount applied
in establishing the book value of provisions. Earnings attributable
to joint ventures and associates include interest charges.
(b) Gross turnover includes 100 per cent of subsidiaries' turnover
and the Group's share of the turnover of joint ventures and associates.
(c) Operating assets of subsidiaries comprise total assets less
cash and current asset investments less current non-financial
liabilities and are net of outside interests but include goodwill.
For joint ventures and associates, Rio Tinto's net investment is
shown. For joint ventures and associates shown above, Rio Tinto's
shares of operating assets, defined as for subsidiaries are as
follows: Escondida US$810 million (1999 - US$776 million), Freeport
joint venture US$515 million (1999 - US$453 million), Freeport
associate US$638 million (1999 - US$555 million), Somincor US$131
million (1999 - US$157 million), Kaltim Prima US$238 million (1999 -
US$271 million).
(d) Capital expenditure comprises purchases less disposals of
property, plant and equipment. The details provided include 100 per
cent of subsidiaries' capital expenditure and now include Rio
Tinto's share of the capital expenditure of joint ventures and
associates. 1999 amounts have been presented on a consistent basis.
Amounts relating to joint ventures and associates are deducted
before arriving at the total of the capital expenditure column,
except for amounts specifically funded by Rio Tinto.
(e) Business units have been classified above according to the
Group's management structure. Generally, this structure has regard
to the primary product of each business unit but there are
exceptions. For example, the Copper group includes the gold
revenues of Kennecott Utah Copper and Freeport (Rio Tinto share);
the earnings of Rio Tinto Aluminium are included in Gold & Other
Minerals. This summary differs, therefore, from the Product
Analysis in which the contributions of individual business units are
attributed to several products as appropriate.
(f) Rio Tinto's weighted average interest in Comalco for the period
was 89 per cent compared with 72 per cent in 1999. Rio Tinto now
owns 100 per cent of the share capital of Comalco Limited.
2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999
A$m A$m £m £m % % US$m US$m
Gross Turnover
2,637 2,051 1,008 817 15.3 14.2 Copper 1,528 1,324
1,348 1,312 515 523 7.8 9.1 Gold 781 847
(all sources)
2,391 1,526 914 608 13.9 10.6 Iron ore 1,385 985
2,844 2,590 1,088 1,032 16.5 18.0 Coal 1,648 1,672
3,136 2,547 1,199 1,015 18.2 17.7 Aluminium 1,817 1,644
3,804 3,563 1,455 1,420 22.1 24.7 diamonds) 2,204 2,300
1,052 832 403 332 6.2 5.7 Other products 609 538
17,212 14,421 6,582 5,747 100.0 100.0 Total 9,972 9,310
Net earnings
Copper, gold and
576 499 220 199 18.9 22.4 by-products 334 322
633 404 242 161 20.8 18.1 Iron ore 367 261
418 311 160 124 13.7 14.0 Coal 242 201
620 266 237 106 20.4 12.0 Aluminium 359 172
696 655 266 261 22.8 29.4 diamonds) 403 423
100 94 39 38 3.4 4.1 Other products 59 60
3,043 2,229 1,164 889 100.0 100.0 1,764 1,439
Exploration and
(186) (166) (71) (66) evaluation (108) (107)
(257) (77) (98) (31) Other items(b) (149) (50)
2,600 1,986 995 792 Total 1,507 1,282
2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999
A$m A$m £m £m % % US$m US$m
Turnover by
country of
5,351 4,549 2,046 1,813 31.1 31.5 North America 3,100 2,937
Australia and
6,731 5,302 2,574 2,113 39.1 36.8 New Zealand 3,900 3,423
1,025 860 392 343 6.0 6.0 South America 594 555
1,562 1,461 597 582 9.1 10.1 Africa 905 943
1,415 1,301 541 519 8.2 9.0 Indonesia 820 840
Europe and
1,128 948 432 377 6.5 6.6 other countries 653 612
17,212 14,421 6,582 5,747 100.0 100.0 Total 9,972 9,310
Net earnings
by origin
685 587 262 234 24.1 27.8 North America 397 379
Australia and
1,412 942 540 375 49.7 44.5 New Zealand 818 608
300 108 115 43 10.6 5.1 South America 174 70
198 215 76 86 7.0 10.2 Africa 115 139
126 160 48 64 4.4 7.5 Indonesia 73 103
Europe and
117 103 45 41 4.2 4.9 countries 68 66
2,838 2,115 1,086 843 100.0 100.0 1,645 1,365
(238) (129) (91) (51) Net interest (b)(138) (83)
2,600 1,986 995 792 Total 1,507 1,282
Turnover by
5,028 4,559 1,923 1,817 29.2 31.6 North America 2,913 2,943
4,065 3,464 1,554 1,380 23.6 24.0 Europe 2,355 2,236
3,184 2,207 1,218 880 18.5 15.3 Japan 1,845 1,425
3,400 2,635 1,300 1,050 19.8 18.3 Other Asia 1,970 1,701
Australia and
832 940 318 375 4.8 6.5 New Zealand 482 607
703 616 269 245 4.1 4.3 Other 407 398
17,212 14,421 6,582 5,747 100.0 100.0 Total 9,972 9,310
(a) The above analyses include the Rio Tinto share of the results of
joint ventures and associates including interest.
(b) The amortisation of discount related to provisions is included
in the applicable product category and geographical area. All other
financing costs of subsidiaries are included in 'other items' within
the product analysis and in 'net interest' within the geographical
At 31 December
2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999
A$m A$m £m £m US$m US$m
Net earnings under
2,600 1,986 995 792 UK GAAP 1,507 1,282
Increase/(decrease) net
of tax in respect of:
(180) (173) (69) (69) amortisation (104) (112)
(5) (90) (2) (36) Asset write-downs (3) (58)
Provision against
- (76) - (30) receivable - (49)
3 (5) 1 (2) Taxation 2 (3)
(159) (69) (61) (28) Other (92) (45)
Income before exchange
differences taken to
2,259 1,573 864 627 US GAAP earnings 1,310 1,015
Exchange differences
taken to earnings under
(212) - (81) - US GAAP (123) -
Income before cumulative
effect of change in
2,047 1,573 783 627 accounting principle 1,187 1,015
Cumulative effect of
change in accounting
principle for start-up
- (88) - (35) costs - (57)
Net income under
2,047 1,485 783 592 US GAAP 1,187 958
Basic earnings per
ordinary share
under US GAAP
Before exchange differences
taken to earnings under
164.6c 114.8c 62.9p 45.8p US GAAP 95.4c 74.1c
Before cumulative effect
of change in
149.1c 114.8c 57.0p 45.8p accounting principle 86.5c 74.1c
After cumulative effect
of change in accounting
149.1c 108.4c 57.0p 43.2p principle 86.5c 69.9c
Shareholders' funds
13,219 10,750 4,913 4,407 under UK GAAP 7,344 7,096
net of tax in
respect of:
3,469 3,186 1,289 1,306 Goodwill 1,927 2,103
(88) (77) (33) (32) Taxation (49) (51)
952 800 354 328 Proposed dividends 529 528
171 148 64 61 Asset write-downs 95 98
Reversal of additional
provisions under
423 376 157 154 FRS 12 235 248
(115) (98) (43) (40) Start-up costs (64) (65)
Mark to market of
certain derivative
(121) - (45) - contracts (67) -
(225) (44) (84) (18) Other (125) (29)
Shareholders' funds
17,685 15,041 6,572 6,166 under US GAAP 9,825 9,928
Diluted earnings per share under US GAAP are US 0.09 cents (1999: US
0.05 cents) less than the above earnings per share figures.
The Group's financial statements have been prepared in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles in the United Kingdom
(UK GAAP), which differ in certain respects from those in the United
States (US GAAP). The approximate effect of adjusting net earnings
and shareholders' funds for the following differences in treatment
under US GAAP is set out above.
Financial Reporting Standard 12 (FRS 12): In 1999, changes in
accounting policy on introduction of FRS 12 led to a prior year
adjustment under UK GAAP. This reduced shareholders' funds by
US$293 million. There was no corresponding change in US accounting
standards. The prior year adjustment is therefore reversed in the
calculation of shareholders' funds under US GAAP. Under US GAAP,
receivables whose recovery is considered probable are recognised in
the balance sheet. Under UK accounting standard FRS 12, certain
receivables may only be recognised when their recovery is virtually
certain. This can result in timing differences in the recognition
of de-recognition of such receivables.
Goodwill: For 1997 and prior years, UK GAAP permitted the write off
of purchased goodwill on acquisition, directly against reserves.
Under US GAAP, goodwill is capitalised and amortised by charges
against income over the period during which it is expected to be of
benefit, subject to maximum of 40 years. Goodwill previously
written off directly to reserves in the UK GAAP accounts has been
reinstated and amortised for the purpose of the reconciliation
statements. For acquisitions in 1998 and subsequent years, goodwill
is capitalised under UK GAAP in accordance with FRS 10.
Start-up costs: The US pronouncement Statement of Position 98-5,
Reporting on the Costs of Start-up Activities (SOP 98-5), requires
that the costs of start-up activities are expensed as incurred. The
cumulative effect of the change in accounting principle on adopting
SOP 98-5 was recorded in 1999. Under UK GAAP, some of these start-
up costs qualify for capitalisation and are amortised over the
economic lives of the relevant assets.
Asset write-downs: Following the implementation of FRS 11 in 1998,
impairment of fixed assets under UK GAAP is recognised and measured
by reference to the discounted cash flows expected to be generated
by the asset. Under US GAAP, impairment is recognised only when the
anticipated undiscounted cash flows are insufficient to recover the
carrying value of the asset. Where an asset is found to be impaired
under US GAAP, the amount of such impairment is generally similar
under US GAAP to that computed under UK GAAP.
Exchange differences under US GAAP:
Derivatives: The Group is party to derivative contracts in respect
of some of its future transactions in order to hedge its exposure to
fluctuations between the US dollar and other currencies. Under UK
GAAP, these contracts are accounted for as hedges: gains and losses
are deferred and subsequently recognised when the hedged transaction
occurs. Under US GAAP, some of these transactions do not qualify
for hedge accounting under FAS 52, principally because they are not
yet contractual commitments. Unrealised gains and losses on
derivatives relating to such transactions have therefore been
recognised in US GAAP earnings.
Debt: The Group finances its operations primarily in US dollars and
a significant proportion of the Group's US dollar debt is located in
its Australian operations. Under UK GAAP, this debt is dealt with
in the context of the currency status of the Group as a whole and
exchange differences reported by the Australian operations are
adjusted through reserves. US GAAP permits such exchange gains and
losses to be taken to reserves only to the extent that the US dollar
debt hedges US dollar assets in the Australian Group. Exchange
gains and losses on US dollar debt that does not qualify for hedge
accounting under US GAAP have therefore been recorded in earnings.
Years ended 31 December
Year Year
Metal prices 2000 1999 Change
Average market prices for the year were:
Copper - US cents/lb 82c 72c +14%
Aluminium - US cents/lb 70c 62c +13%
Gold - US$/troy oz US$279 US$279 -
Exchange Rates in US$
Annual Average Year end
2000 1999 Change 2000 1999 Change
Sterling 1.52 1.62 (6%) 1.49 1.61 (7%)
Australia 0.58 0.65 (11%) 0.56 0.66 (15%)
Canada 0.67 0.67 - 0.67 0.69 (3%)
South Africa 0.14 0.16 (13%) 0.13 0.16 (19%)
The financial information included in this report has been prepared
in accordance with United Kingdom Accounting Standards and an Order
under section 340 of the Australian Corporations Law issued by the
Australian Securities and Investments Commission on 12 January 1998.
Except as noted below, the financial information is drawn up on the
basis of accounting policies consistent with those applied in the
accounts for the year to 31 December 1999.
FRS 15 - Tangible Fixed Assets and FRS 16 - Current Tax have been
implemented in the period, but did not have a material effect on the
financial position, results of operations or cash flows of the Group
for either 1999 or 2000. Accordingly, comparative figures have not
been restated.
This preliminary announcement contains financial information which
has been extracted from the latest financial statements. This
announcement does not constitute the full financial statements,
which will be approved by the Board and reported on by the auditors
on 23 February 2001 and subsequently filed with the Registrar of
Companies and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
The accounts of Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited for 1999 were
the subject of an unqualified audit report and have been delivered
to the Registrar of Companies in the UK and the Australian
Securities and Investments Commission respectively.