Q1 Production Report-Part 1

Rio Tinto PLC 24 April 2001 PART 1 Rio Tinto Quarterly Production Report For the Quarter Ending 31 March 2001 Production of all principal commodities was higher in the first quarter of 2001 compared with the same quarter in 2000 following Rio Tinto's various acquisitions over the past twelve months. * Iron ore production in the quarter was 44 per cent higher than the comparable quarter in 2000 but 11 per cent lower than the high last quarter of 2000. Hamersley Iron in Australia achieved record first quarter production and shipments but winter conditions impacted production at IOC in Canada. * Coal production was 15 per cent higher than the first quarter of 2000 and one per cent higher than the last quarter of 2000. The 15 per cent increase includes a 40 per cent increase in coal production in Australia, following the recent acquisitions, and a seven per cent increase in US coal production. * Mined copper production was 16 per cent higher than the comparable quarter in 2000 but down 10 per cent on the last quarter of 2000 primarily due to lower recoveries at Escondida, Chile and lower ore grades at Grasberg, Indonesia. * Mined gold production was 40 per cent higher than the comparable quarter of 2000 and seven per cent higher than the last quarter of 2000 mainly due to higher grades at Bingham Canyon, US and at Grasberg. * Primary aluminium metal production was 32 per cent higher than the first quarter of 2000 helped by the acquisition of the Comalco minorities but down slightly on the last quarter of 2000. * Diamond production was 28 per cent higher than the comparable quarter of 2000 and eight per cent higher than the last quarter of 2000 following the acquisition of Ashton Mining. * Borates and titanium dioxide feedstock production were both up marginally on the first quarter of 2000. Compared with the last quarter of 2000, borate production was unchanged but titanium dioxide feedstock was down marginally by three per cent. For further information, please contact: LONDON AUSTRALIA Media Relations Media Relations Lisa Cullimore Ian Head + 44 (0) 20 7753 2305 +61 (0) 3 9283 3620 Investor Relations Investor Relations Peter Jarvis Dave Skinner + 44 (0) 20 7753 2401 +61 (0) 3 9283 3628 Jonathan Murrin Daphne Morros + 44 (0) 20 7753 2326 +61 (0) 3 9283 3639 Website: www.riotinto.com RIO TINTO PRODUCTION SUMMARY RIO TINTO share of production % Change Quarter Full Year Q1 01 Q1 01 2000 2000 2001 2000 vs vs Q1 Q4 Q1 Q4 00 Q1 00 Principal Commodities Aluminium ('000 t) 142.7 194.7 188.0 692.3 -3% 32% Borates ('000 t) 145 149 148 590 0% 2% Coal ('000 t) 31,243 35,390 35,774 131,706 1% 15% Copper - mined ('000 t) 204.5 264.0 238.1 895.6 -10% 16% Copper - refined ('000 t) 98.3 106.3 100.5 392.0 -5% -2% Diamonds ('000 cts) 3,983 4,694 5,086 17,205 8% 28% Gold - mined ('000 ozs) 640 836 896 2,730 7% 40% Gold - refined ('000 ozs) 80 121 102 413 -15% 28% Iron ore ('000 t) 14,321 23,159 20,674 72,453 -11% 44% Titanium dioxide feedstock ('000 t) 349 368 356 1,368 -3% 2% Other Metals & Minerals Alumina ('000 t) 301 436 394 1,530 -10% 31% Bauxite ('000 t) 2,137 3,111 3,032 11,005 -3% 42% Lead - mined ('000 t) 3.5 10.0 9.3 24.7 -7% 165% Molybdenum ('000 t) 2.3 2.3 2.8 10.1 25% 22% Nickel in matte (tonnes) 2,561 2,674 2,710 8,738 1% 6% Nickel - refined (tonnes) 973 927 910 3,887 -2% -7% Salt ('000 t) 665 711 899 2,987 26% 35% Silver - mined ('000 ozs) 3,443 3,994 4,532 14,428 13% 32% Silver - refined ('000 ozs) 776 821 657 3,218 -20% -15% Talc ('000 t) 321 302 322 1,260 7% 0% Tin (tonnes) 109 39 115 611 192% 5% Uranium (tonnes) 567 1,418 1,405 3,446 -1% 148% Zinc - mined ('000 t) 9.9 28.8 25.3 74.2 -12% 156% Zinc - refined ('000 t) 17.8 17.3 18.2 69.2 5% 2% NB Throughout this report, figures in italics indicate adjustments made since the figure was previously quoted on the equivalent page. The figures shown for production are sometimes more precise than the rounded numbers shown, hence small differences may result between the total of the quarter figures and the full year figures. PRINCIPAL COMMODITIES Rio Tinto Share of Production Full 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q Year Interest 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2000 ALUMINA Production ('000 tonnes) Eurallumina (a) 56% 103 117 146 146 137 512 Queensland Alumina (a) 30% 198 246 284 290 257 1,017 Rio Tinto total Alumina production 301 362 430 436 394 1,530 ALUMINIUM Refined production ('000 tonnes) Anglesey 51% 17.8 18.0 18.0 19.5 18.0 73.3 Bell Bay (a) 100% 26.9 32.4 40.6 40.9 39.3 140.8 Boyne Island (a) 54% 50.5 57.0 68.9 68.9 66.2 245.4 Tiwai Point (a) 79% 47.4 54.2 65.8 65.4 64.4 232.8 Rio Tinto total Aluminium production 142.7 161.6 193.3 194.7 188.0 692.3 BAUXITE Production ('000 tonnes) Boke (a) 4% 125 144 111 119 119 499 Weipa (a)100% 2,011 2,513 2,990 2,992 2,913 10,507 Rio Tinto total Bauxite production 2,137 2,657 3,101 3,111 3,032 11,005 BORATES Borates ('000 tonnes B2O3 content) Rio Tinto total borate production 100% 145 135 161 149 148 590 Coal COAL Type Australian coal operations ('000 tonnes) Coal & Allied Industries(b): Bengalla (c) 29% S - - - - 269 - Hunter Valley Operations (d) 73% S 869 1,101 1,019 1,095 1,067 4,084 73% M 546 637 424 394 888 2,001 Mount Thorley 58% S 246 239 368 371 283 1,224 58% M 348 273 306 333 226 1,259 Moura (c) 40% S - - - - 145 - 40% M - - - - 261 - Narama (c) 36% S - - - - 142 - Ravensworth East (c) 73% S - - - - 126 - Warkworth (c) 32% S - - - - 305 - 32% M - - - - 54 - Pacific Coal: Blair Athol Coal 71% S 1,733 1,848 1,877 2,406 2,160 7,864 Kestrel Coal 80% S 176 246 256 226 179 904 80% M 348 472 532 381 327 1,733 Tarong Coal 100% S 1,256 1,049 1,268 1,470 1,316 5,043 Total Australian coal 5,522 5,865 6,049 6,676 7,747 24,113 Indonesian coal operations ('000 tonnes) Kaltim Prima Coal (e) 50% S 1,146 1,660 1,514 2,249 1,619 6,568 US coal operations ('000 tonnes) Kennecott Energy: Antelope 100% S 5,076 5,035 5,486 5,240 5,426 20,837 Colowyo (f) 100% S 1,168 1,225 1,268 1,030 1,276 4,691 Cordero Rojo 100% S 8,899 7,204 9,018 9,917 9,702 35,038 Decker 50% S 1,056 1,148 1,220 1,105 1,155 4,529 Jacobs Ranch 100% S 5,726 5,965 7,352 6,635 7,003 25,678 Spring Creek 100% S 2,650 2,668 2,397 2,538 1,845 10,253 Total US coal 24,575 23,245 26,741 26,465 26,407 101,026 Rio Tinto total coal production 31,243 30,769 34,303 35,390 35,774 131,706 Mine production figures for metals refer to the total quantity of metal produced in concentrates or dore bullion irrespective of whether these products are then refined on-site, except for the data for iron ore which represent production of saleable quantities of ore plus pellets. Key to coal type: S = Steaming/thermal coal, M = Metallurgical/coking coal. See footnotes on page 6. COPPER Mine production ('000 tonnes) Alumbrera (g) 25% - - 5.0 10.3 11.2 15.3 Bingham Canyon 100% 69.7 74.1 70.5 81.4 80.0 295.7 Escondida 30% 67.0 63.7 70.9 71.9 64.1 273.5 Grasberg - FCX (h) 14% 18.5 17.5 23.3 27.7 25.3 87.0 Grasberg - Joint Venture (h) 40% 24.5 23.1 24.8 44.3 27.1 116.8 Neves Corvo 49% 11.9 11.7 8.1 5.7 11.2 37.4 Northparkes (g) 80% - - 5.2 10.0 10.9 15.2 Palabora (i) 49% 13.0 13.9 15.1 12.7 8.2 54.7 Rio Tinto total mine production 204.5 204.1 223.0 264.0 238.1 895.6 Refined production ('000 tonnes) Atlantic Copper (h) 17% 9.7 9.9 10.6 9.8 10.1 40.1 Escondida 30% 10.5 10.5 10.4 10.7 10.9 42.1 Kennecott Utah Copper 100% 69.9 61.1 65.8 71.9 67.0 268.7 Palabora 49% 8.3 6.7 12.2 14.0 12.4 41.1 Rio Tinto total refined production 98.3 88.2 99.1 106.3 100.5 392.0 At the end of the periods, the Group had provisionally priced sales of copper in concentrates and intermediate product as follows: Million lbs of payable copper: Alumbrera (g) 25% - - - 13 20 13 Escondida 30% 115 100 99 110 126 110 Grasberg (h) 14% 58 45 54 65 50 65 Kennecott 100% - 11 11 37 20 37 Neves Corvo 49% 11 9 9 8 13 8 Northparkes (g) 80% - - 6 15 13 15 Rio Tinto total 184 165 179 248 241 248 Priced at US c/lb average 78 81 89 83 77 83 DIAMONDS Production ('000 carats) Argyle (j) 99.8% 3,983 4,494 4,034 4,657 5,072 17,168 Other (j) - - - - 37 15 37 Rio Tinto total diamond production 3,983 4,494 4,034 4,694 5,086 17,205 GOLD Mine production ('000 ounces) Alumbrera (g) 25% - - 19 33 34 52 Barneys Canyon 100% 33 35 37 48 37 153 Bingham Canyon 100% 111 143 154 121 151 529 Cortez/Pipeline 40% 125 86 76 118 118 404 Escondida 30% 10 8 11 9 7 39 Grasberg - FCX (h) 14% 59 48 54 100 108 261 Grasberg - Joint Venture (h) 40% 113 87 88 190 222 478 Greens Creek 70% 15 15 13 15 16 58 Kelian 90% 68 55 93 88 94 304 Lihir (k) 16% 20 23 25 31 30 99 Morro do Ouro 51% 30 30 28 29 24 117 Northparkes (g) 80% - - 2 4 7 6 Peak 100% 32 35 37 26 20 130 Rawhide 51% 14 14 14 12 13 53 Rio Tinto Zimbabwe 56% 9 10 11 10 11 39 Others: 2 1 2 2 3 7 Rio Tinto total mine production 640 590 664 836 896 2,730 Refined production ('000 ounces) Kennecott Utah Copper 100% 80 110 102 121 102 413 Mine production figures for metals refer to the total quantity of metal produced in concentrates or dore bullion irrespective of whether these products are then refined on-site. See footnotes on page 6. IRON ORE Production ('000 tonnes) Channar 60% 1,556 1,479 1,639 1,687 1,472 6,361 Corumba 100% 147 173 281 178 156 778 Hamersley 100% 12,618 12,978 14,642 14,857 13,579 55,095 Iron Ore Company Of Canada (g) 56% - - 1,221 2,222 1,874 3,442 Robe River (g) 53% - - 2,560 4,216 3,594 6,776 Rio Tinto total mine production 14,321 14,630 20,343 23,159 20,674 72,453 PRINCIPAL COMMODITIES (continued) Rio Tinto Share of Production Full 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q Year Interest 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2000 LEAD Mine production ('000 tonnes) Greens Creek 70% 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.4 3.6 14.2 Zinkgruvan (g) 100% - - 3.9 6.6 5.7 10.5 Rio Tinto Total mine Production 3.5 3.6 7.6 10.0 9.3 24.7 MOLYBDENUM Mine production ('000 tonnes) Bingham Canyon 100% 2.3 3.0 2.5 2.3 2.8 10.1 NICKEL Nickel in matte (tonnes) Fortaleza 100% 2,561 2,170 1,333 2,674 2,710 8,738 Toll refined metal production (tonnes) Rio Tinto Zimbabwe - Empress 56% 973 939 1,047 927 910 3,887 SALT Production ('000 tonnes) Dampier 65% 665 869 742 711 899 2,987 SILVER Mine production ('000 ounces) Bingham Canyon 100% 916 952 1,066 1,005 1,029 3,939 Escondida 30% 231 265 258 231 255 985 Grasberg - FCX (h) 14% 128 122 159 205 213 615 Grasberg - Joint Venture (h) 40% 75 48 47 208 76 378 Greens Creek 70% 1,758 1,779 1,390 1,567 2,285 6,494 Zinkgruvan (g) 100% - - 271 431 347 702 Others - 335 283 350 349 326 1,316 Rio Tinto total mine production 3,443 3,450 3,541 3,994 4,532 14,428 Refined production ('000 ounces) Kennecott Utah Copper 100% 776 709 912 821 657 3,218 TALC Production ('000 tonnes) Luzenac Group 99.9% 321 315 323 302 322 1,260 TIN Mine production (tonnes) Neves Corvo 49% 109 275 187 39 115 611 TITANIUM DIOXIDE FEEDSTOCK Production ('000 tonnes) Rio Tinto Iron & Titanium 100% 349 310 341 368 356 1,368 Mine production figures for metals refer to the total quantity of metal produced in concentrates or dore bullion irrespective of whether these products are then refined on-site. The nickel in matte production reflects the contained tonnage of nickel. See footnotes on page 6. Rio Tinto Share of Production Full 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q Year Interest 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2000 URANIUM Production (tonnes U3O8) Energy Resources of Australia (g) 68% - - 375 832 903 1,207 Palabora 49% 7 9 16 13 6 45 Rossing 69% 561 498 563 573 497 2,195 Rio Tinto total uranium production 567 507 954 1,418 1,405 3,446 ZINC Mine production ('000 tonnes) Greens Creek 70% 9.9 11.2 11.4 10.1 10.0 42.7 Zinkgruvan (g) 100% - - 12.8 18.7 15.3 31.5 Rio Tinto total Mine production 9.9 11.2 24.2 28.8 25.3 74.2 Refined production ('000 tonnes) Norzink (l) 50% 17.8 16.5 17.6 17.3 18.2 69.2 (a) During 2000, Rio Tinto acquired all the outstanding shares in Comalco. Rio Tinto's share of production has been calculated using the weighted average of Rio Tinto's interest over the relevant periods. (b) During March 2001, Rio Tinto increased its stake in Coal & Allied from 70.88% to 72.71%. Rio Tinto's share of production has been calculated using the weighted average of Rio Tinto's interest over the relevant periods. (c) Coal & Allied has purchased the Australian subsidiaries of the Peabody Group. Production data are shown from 30 January 2001,the effective date of acquisition. (d) Production from the Lemington mine, acquired by Coal & Allied with effect from 20 December 2000, is included with Hunter Valley Operations. (e) Rio Tinto has a 50% share in Kaltim Prima and, under the terms of its Coal Agreement, the Indonesian Government is entitled to a 13.5% share of Kaltim Prima's production. Rio Tinto's share of production shown is before deduction of the Government share. (f) Kennecott Energy has a partnership interest in the Colowyo mine, but, as it is responsible under a management agreement for the operation of the mine, all of Colowyo's output is included in Rio Tinto's share of production. (g) Rio Tinto's share of production from the assets owned by North Limited is shown with effect from 11 August 2000, the effective date of the acquisition. (h) Rio Tinto's initial interests in the Grasberg mine and in the Atlantic Copper smelter were acquired in 1995 by virtue of an acquisition of shares in Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold (FCX). As a result of FCX share buy-backs, Rio Tinto's interest in FCX has changed and, as of 31 March 2001, Rio Tinto had, by virtue of its FCX shareholding, a 14.3% share in Grasberg and a 16.6% share in Atlantic Copper. Under the Joint Venture agreement with FCX, Rio Tinto is entitled to 40% of additional material mined as a consequence of the expansion of the Grasberg facilities. The additional entitlement is shown separately in the above tables. (i) Rio Tinto increased its holding in Palabora from 46.5% to 48.6% during November 2000. (j) On 10 November 2000, Rio Tinto acquired control of Ashton Mining and, as of 17 January 2001, owned 100%. As a result of this purchase, with effect from 10 November 2000, Rio Tinto's effective interest in Argyle Diamonds increased from 59.7% to 99.8%. Shown separately is Rio Tinto's share of production from Ashton's diamond interests apart from Argyle. (k) Effective 14 February 2000, Rio Tinto's interest in Lihir decreased from 17.15% to 16.3% following a placement of shares by Lihir Gold. (l) Rio Tinto completed the sale of its interest in Norzink on 17 April 2001. MORE TO FOLLOW


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