Rio Tinto plc annual general meeting
9 April 2021
The addresses given by the Chairman, the Chief Executive and the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee at the Rio Tinto plc annual general meeting held today at 11.00am at 6 St James's Square, London, SW1Y 4AD are available at
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Media Relations, United Kingdom Illtud Harri M +44 7920 503 600
David Outhwaite T +44 20 7781 1623 M +44 7787 597 493
Media Relations, Americas Matthew Klar T +1 514 608 4429
Media Relations, Asia Grant Donald T +65 6679 9290 M +65 9722 6028
Media Relations, Australia Jonathan Rose T +61 3 9283 3088 M +61 447 028 913
Matt Chambers T +61 3 9283 3087 M +61 433 525 739
Jesse Riseborough T +61 8 6211 6013 M +61 436 653 412 |
Investor Relations, United Kingdom
Menno Sanderse
David Ovington T +44 20 7781 2051
M +44 7920 010 978
Investor Relations, Australia Natalie Worley T +61 3 9283 3063 M +61 409 210 462
Amar Jambaa
T +61 3 9283 3627 |
Group Company Secretary Steve Allen Rio Tinto plc 6 St James's Square London SW1Y 4AD United Kingdom T +44 20 7781 2000 Registered in England No. 719885 |
Joint Company Secretary Tim Paine Rio Tinto Limited Level 7, 360 Collins Street Melbourne 3000 Australia T +61 3 9283 3333 Registered in Australia ABN 96 004 458 404 |
This announcement is authorised for release to the market by Rio Tinto's Group Company Secretary.