
NewMedia SPARK PLC 27 September 2000 NEWMEDIA SPARK PLC ('SPARK') ACQUISITION OF NEWMEDIA INVESTORS LIMITED ('NMI') SPARK announces that the acquisition of NMI has been completed. Following admission to trading on the Alternative Investment Market of the 14,684,288 new ordinary shares in SPARK issued in consideration of the acquisition, the Company has been notified of changes in the interests of T Teichman, SPARK's Chairman, as follows: No. of No. of ordinary ordinary shares shares issued in % held in % consideration of total acquisition following acquisition Held as beneficiary - 2,880,000 0.89 of the direct holding of the Teichman Guernsey Settlement Held by Glasshouse 14,684,288 4.57 14,684,288 4.57 Associates Limited Transferred to - 6,766,666 2.11 Glasshouse Associates Limited by NMI under terms of the Acquisition Total interests 14,684,288 4.57 24,330,954 7.57 Notes: 1. T Teichman is interested in the shareholdings of Glasshouse Associates Limited by reason of his settlement, the Teichman Guernsey Settlement, being the majority shareholder in Glasshouse Associates. 2. T Teichman is also interested in warrants over 2.64 per cent. of the issued share capital of SPARK (assuming full exercise of warrants by all warrantholders), 1.88 per cent. of which are held by Glasshouse Associates.
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