Additional Application

NewMedia SPARK PLC 22 September 2000 NewMedia SPARK plc ('SPARK') Application for additional new ordinary shares in SPARK ('new SPARK Shares') and new warrants to subscribe ordinary shares in SPARK ('new SPARK Warrants') to be admitted to the Alternative Investment Market in respect of consideration for the recommended offer (the 'Offer') for plc ('Softtechnet') The Board of SPARK announces that, following the sending of statutory compulsory acquisition notices to non-accepting shareholders in Softtechnet on 2 August 2000 and the expiry on 13 September 2000 of the statutory period during which such shareholders could apply to the Court to object to such compulsory acquisition, application has been made to admit a further 1,896,912 new SPARK Shares and a further 474,228 new SPARK Warrants to trading on AIM in respect of the compulsory acquisition of the shares in Softtchnet for which acceptances of the Offer were not received by 13 September 2000. Admission is expected to take place on 27 September 2000.
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