Final Results

NewMedia SPARK PLC 17 June 2004 NewMedia SPARK plc Preliminary Announcement of Annual Results for the year ended 31 March 2004 NewMedia SPARK plc today announces preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2004. Chief Executive Officer's report SPARK's stated net asset value at the 31st March 2004 financial year-end was 11.4p per share, broadly unchanged from the position at the interim stage. Following a decline in asset value during the first half of the financial year, in the second half our operating expenses were partially offset by a modest uplift in the carrying value of our investment portfolio. Highlights • €29.3m gross cash returned from Spuetz (including €15.7m received after the balance sheet date), SPARK's former German subsidiary, improving liquidity despite reduction in reported group cash reserves. • Bulk of Group cash now under SPARK control in London whereas it had been previously under Spuetz control. • Good underlying prospects in portfolio, including the remaining 37% stake in Spuetz. • Several smaller investments sold at above book value during second half and two of our more substantial portfolio companies currently at a fairly advanced stage of negotiation for trade sales, also above book value. • Office lease costs substantially mitigated by subletting of property. • Group structure simplified - including executive directors, we currently employ just seven staff. • Net Assets stable at 11.4p per share on prudent valuations, suggesting that buy backs with cash returned from Germany would be beneficial to shareholders at current market price of 9.5p. • Balance sheet reconstruction to be proposed to permit share buy backs. During 2003/4 we have made considerable progress in resolving the two major structural issues that had been negatively impacting on SPARK, namely the fact that the bulk of our liquidity was blocked within Spuetz, and the on-going cost of our ten year property lease at Glasshouse Street. With regard to Spuetz, we have been successful in returning substantial funds from Spuetz to the UK on terms that reflect the underlying asset and cash value attributable to SPARK with respect to its Spuetz shareholding. We now retain a 37% shareholding in the quoted Spuetz business which we believe has good potential for capital appreciation following Spuetz's decision to invest in the Twister Group. The Twister Group is a substantial, profitable and fast growing business which is a European leader in the provision of mass response services for television programming. The partial sale of our Spuetz shareholding and dividend distribution from Spuetz will free up our management time and financial resources, and importantly will also simplify the presentation of our balance sheet and profit and loss account in future periods. During the last two years the requirement to consolidate Spuetz's accounts into SPARK's own accounts has considerably complicated the presentation of both our balance sheet and our profit and loss account. Our consolidated accounts as at 31st March 2004 reflect the fact that we no longer consolidate Spuetz AG. This is due to the reduction in our holding in Spuetz from 68% to 37% in March 2004 immediately prior to the financial year end. It should be noted that our stated net cash position of £10.9m as at 31st March 2004 substantially understates our true underlying cash and liquid asset position due to the timing of receipts over the financial year end. Subsequently, we have received a gross dividend from Spuetz of €15.7m, and we retain a 37% shareholding in Spuetz which ex-dividend has a present quoted market value of approximately €10m. Our liquidity position therefore remains strong, and importantly we now have substantial cash balances available for use in the UK rather than tied up in a German subsidiary. Following the part-disposal of Spuetz, SPARK is now a much leaner, simpler organisation. Including executive directors, we currently employ just seven staff (two of whom are part time). Excluding property and one-off legal costs, we expect our annual operating expenses to be around £1.1m p.a. With regard to property, during the year we entered into a joint venture with Corpnex to convert our surplus office space at Glasshouse Street into serviced offices. We are pleased to report that this venture is progressing well, with occupancy rates now over 75% and above budget. We therefore expect our net property costs, which had been running at approximately £1.3m p.a., to reduce substantially during the current year. Taken together, the above developments have now freed us to devote more time and resource to maximising the value of our investment portfolio. Although not yet reflected to any substantial extent in the book valuation of our portfolio, underlying progress has been very encouraging in recent months. As we commented in our interim statement, our portfolio is now maturing and a significant number of our portfolio companies have now either reached profitability or have achieved leading positions within their market segments. As shareholders will be aware, our valuation policies have historically been such that we do not re-value our holdings above cost unless there is a specific third party valuation event - in practice usually either a third party investment into the portfolio company at a higher level or a disposal of shares in that company. It is in the nature of some of our most successful investments that they are now self-financing and hence under such policies revaluation may not be triggered until either a flotation or trade sale of the business. We may review our accounting policies in future periods if we believe that the new BVCA guidelines (which allow upwards revaluation of investments on an earnings multiple basis) would present a fairer view of our asset values. Meanwhile, under our existing accounting policies there were in fact a small number of revaluation events during the second six months of the financial year, and this delivered a portfolio valuation uplift that partly covered our costs of operation during that period (approximately £1.1m, or 5%). We believe that there remains potential for substantial appreciation in the future. During the year, several of our smaller investments (including ADVFN, Digital Animations and QSA) were disposed of for amounts above book value. More significantly, two of our more substantial portfolio companies are currently at a fairly advanced stage of negotiation for trade sale at valuations in excess of book value. There can be no guarantee that either sale will be concluded, but these negotiations support our view that the carrying value of our portfolio is conservative. In terms of flotations, we have continued to monitor the state of the new issue market closely, but to date have been wary of floating investee companies prematurely. At the time of writing the IPO market is showing signs of becoming more difficult, but nevertheless we will continue to monitor flotation opportunities closely. In general, we have made only limited further investments into our investee companies during the past year. This has reflected our wish to conserve cash levels until we can demonstrate proven success in realising profit from existing portfolio companies, and also reflects the reduced cash requirements of the portfolio as it has matured. The major exception to this rule has been Aspex, where we have continued to fund the business to a significant extent (£5.0m during the year). Our total cash investment in Aspex is now over £10.8m, making it our largest single unquoted investment, and on conversion of loan stock holdings our effective economic interest in Aspex would be 68%. We believe that our investment in Aspex has the most substantial upside potential of all our portfolio companies. Other investee companies, such as Pricerunner, Footfall, Mergermarket, and Firebox are at a more mature, profitable stage and have continued to make good progress. Overall, excluding our continuing investment in Spuetz (£13.2m) and own shares held in the Employee Benefit Trust (£0.6m), the book value of our investment portfolio as at 31st March 2004 was £28.5m. We remain confident that the portfolio is conservatively valued and has the potential for significant uplifts in the future. Having returned liquidity from Germany to the UK, we are now in a position to make further investments should suitable opportunities emerge and are monitoring such opportunities carefully - though we would prefer to demonstrate profitable exits from existing portfolio companies before committing too much money to new investments. Meanwhile, given our view of the potential worth of our portfolio, it seems to us that one of the best uses of surplus funds would be to re-purchase our own shares at the right price. For this reason with our forthcoming notice of AGM we hope to send shareholders documentation to approve a reconstruction of our balance sheet to eliminate accumulated losses and create distributable reserves. Such reconstructions are complex and require Court approval, but if it proves possible without excessive cost then we view it as desirable as it would give SPARK the ability to utilise surplus funds to implement share buy backs. The timing, extent and price of any such buy backs will depend on market conditions at the time, and also on our view of the potential value of our investment portfolio relative to SPARK's share price. However for guidance our current view would be that the present 9.5p market price of SPARK shares would represent an attractive buying opportunity. Michael Whitaker 17 June 2004 For further information: NewMedia SPARK plc 020 7851 7777 Mike Whitaker, Chief Executive Officer Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses year ended 31 March 2004 Year ended Year ended 31 March 2004 31 March 2003 £'000 £'000 Unaudited Audited Loss for the year (6,066) (9,030) Unrealised gain / (loss) on investments 201 (4,560) Previously unrealised losses on investments now deemed permanent 2,425 7,704 Movements in relation to own shares of subsidiary (601) - Reserve transfer on lapse of warrants 8,391 - Foreign currency translation (907) 2,850 Total recognised gains and losses relating to the year 3,443 (3,036) Reconciliation of Movements in Consolidated Shareholders' Funds year ended 31 March 2004 Year ended Year ended 31 March 2004 31 March 2003 £'000 £'000 Unaudited Audited Loss for the year (6,066) (9,030) Other recognised gains and losses for the year 9,509 5,994 Reduction in capital reserve on lapse of warrants (8,391) - Proceeds of issue of shares 6 - Net reduction to shareholders' funds (4,942) (3,036) Opening shareholders' funds 58,545 61,581 Closing shareholders' funds 53,603 58,545 Consolidated Profit & Loss Account year ended 31 March 2004 Year ended Year ended 31 March 2004 31 March 2003 £'000 £'000 Unaudited Audited Turnover 639 1,295 Administrative expenses: - Salaries and other staff costs 2,155 8,361 - Administrative and operating costs 3,340 8,170 - Amortisation of positive goodwill - 1,338 - Amortisation of negative goodwill - (5,221) - Depreciation 574 915 - Other costs 1,339 2,695 Total administrative expenses 7,408 16,258 Other operating income 634 650 Operating loss (6,135) (14,313) (Loss) / gain on investments (501) 3,943 Loss on disposal of subsidiary (1,177) - Net interest receivable and similar income 1,217 1,284 Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (6,596) (9,086) Tax credit on loss on ordinary activities 139 330 Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (6,457) (8,756) Equity minority interests 391 (274) Retained loss for the year (6,066) (9,030) Basic and diluted loss per ordinary share (1.32p) (1.96p) Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2004 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Unaudited Audited Fixed Assets Tangible assets 1,059 1,372 Investments 42,323 25,408 43,382 26,780 Current Assets Debtors 6,150 3,930 Cash at bank and in hand 10,860 51,989 17,010 55,919 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (6,046) (7,260) Net current assets 10,964 48,659 Total assets less current liabilities 54,346 75,439 Provisions for liabilities and charges (743) (3,660) Equity minority interests - (13,234) Net Assets 53,603 58,545 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 11,799 11,799 Share premium account 183,371 183,365 Revaluation reserve (41,566) (44,192) Capital reserve - 8,391 Profit and loss account (100,001) (100,818) Equity shareholders' funds 53,603 58,545 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement year ended 31 March 2004 Year ended Year ended 31 March 2004 31 March 2003 £'000 £'000 Unaudited Audited Net cash outflow from operating activities (8,533) (12,693) Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 1,218 1,284 Taxation UK Corporation Tax (paid) / recovered (150) 118 Foreign tax paid (332) - Net cash (outflow) / inflow from taxation (482) 118 Capital expenditure and financial investment Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (305) (68) Receipts from disposal of tangible fixed assets 51 264 Payments to acquire investments (4,212) (8,347) Receipts from sales of investments 3,523 28,351 Net cash (outflow) / inflow from investing activities (943) 20,200 Acquisitions and disposals Sale of subsidiary undertakings 9,061 3,517 Purchase of minority interest - (2,645) Net cash sold with subsidiaries (37,301) (2,901) Net cash outflow from acquisitions and disposals (28,240) (2,029) Net cash (outflow) / inflow before financing (36,980) 6,880 Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 6 - Purchase of own shares by subsidiary (2,462) - Net cash outflow from financing (2,456) - Net cash (outflow) / inflow in the year (39,436) 6,880 Net cash (outflow) / inflow in the year (39,436) 6,880 Foreign exchange differences (1,693) 3,327 (Decrease) / increase in cash in the year (41,129) 10,207 Note The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute the company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March 2004 and 2003. The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2003 is derived from the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors reported on those accounts; their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under s237(2) or (3) Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2004, on which the auditors have not yet reported, will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the company's annual general meeting. This announcement is prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as stated in the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2003, without exception. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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