Final Results

NewMedia SPARK PLC 14 June 2005 NewMedia SPARK plc Preliminary Announcement of Annual Results for the year ended 31 March 2005 NewMedia SPARK plc ('SPARK') today announces preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2005. Chief Executive Officer's report • Strong growth of most significant companies within the portfolio drives 11.4% growth in Net Assets per share to 12.8p (March 2004: 11.5p) • Substantial exits in the year put total cash balances (restricted and unrestricted) up to £21.7m (March 2004: £11.3m) • Buy-back of 9.75 million shares at an average price of 10.7p represents a 16.4% discount to year end net asset value • Sufficient cash reserves to continue backing successful portfolio companies and support a limited number of targeted new investments within our preferred sectors, as well as to continue buy-backs as appropriate • 64% reduction in operating costs reflecting the full effects of the sale of a controlling stake in Spuetz AG ('Spuetz') and successful subletting of excess office space OVERVIEW The value of investments has risen by £6.6m this year (March 2004: £2.1m) as companies within the portfolio performed strongly enough to enable valuations based on earnings rather than previous funding rounds. Of this, £0.3m is shown on the face of the Profit and Loss account as a 'Gain on investments', and £6.3m as an 'Unrealised gain' on investments shown in the Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses. The £0.3m gain is the net result of a £3m gain on the sale of Pricerunner offset by a series of smaller losses or write-offs, the largest of which (£1.2m) was for the sale of 24% of Spuetz. In all, these sales raised £10.9m of cash leaving £21.7m at the year end - after operating costs, investments and share buy-backs. Of this, £2.5m is restricted in accordance with the Court's requirements following the share premium reduction, and £0.4m is a rent deposit. A further £1.1m, currently in debtors, is expected to be transferred to cash once the funds put in escrow to cover potential warranty claims from the sale of Pricerunner ends in August 2005. Just over £1m was returned to shareholders via share buy-backs which started in December. Net operating costs after rental income have fallen by 64%, reflecting a full year's benefit of the rationalisation that took place when our holding in Spuetz was sold down so that it was no longer consolidated into the group. It also reflects the success at letting excess space at our offices in Glasshouse Street, which generated revenues of £1.2m in the year (2004: £0.5m). COMMENTARY Investment Values The increased value of investments of £6.3m that have not yet been realised (i.e. sold or written off) is driven principally by four investments. In accordance with BVCA valuation guidelines, three of these have been revalued on the basis of their earnings and one on the basis of the value at which further investment has been made into the company. Mergermarket The largest uplift is mergermarket, a company that delivers M&A research and intelligence tools for investment banks, hedge funds, solicitors and other advisors. The business has grown its turnover in the first four months of the current year by 82% over the same period last year, has been cash flow positive since the last investment almost two years ago, and now has almost 1,000 customers across Europe and the US. Mergermarket invested heavily into a US launch in 2004, thereby depressing short term profitability. However, it is a substantial, cash generative business, now showing operating profits at group level, it has substantial cash reserves (47% up on prior year) enabling us to increase the value of our 26.8% holding by £5.7m to £8m. FootFall The value of our investment in FootFall has also increased this year. Following four years of 60% compound sales growth and a second year of profits we are now increasing the carrying value of our 17.46% holding in this business by £1.3m to £3.8m. FootFall provides counting solutions for pedestrian traffic ('footfall') in retail environments and is the market leader in Europe and Asia. More than 50% of income is attributable to recurring contracts, usually with blue chip customers, whose renewal rate is close to 100%. It has sold 8 out of the 10 biggest people counting systems outside the US and addresses a market that is less than 5% penetrated in the developed countries, therefore offering significant growth potential. Firebox Firebox has also reported another good year. On the basis of revenues up by 28% on the prior year and a third year of profits (up by 62% on prior year), the valuation of this business has also been adjusted up by £0.8m to £1.5m for our 29.4% holding. IMI The final positive revaluation of substance relates to IMI, a business providing content management systems and data services for mobile operators and major internet portals in India. Whilst this has been an investment in our portfolio since July 2000, it was only in September 2004 that IMI Mobile (a division of IMI) began to generate meaningful revenues from its activities in the mobile arena. The company has relationships with major Indian operators and media owners, and is witnessing a rapid growth in revenues from them as they build their services. Whilst revenues were a modest $2m for the year to March 2005 with operating profit margins of 25%, two months into the new financial year, the revenue run-rate is already twice this level and generating higher operating profit margins. In view of this growth, SPARK has agreed to invest a further £1.4m into IMI to fund its expansion into new territories and services - only a part of which had been invested at the year end. Last year, our 35.7% holding in this business had a legacy value of £0.3m, so the valuation of this stake has been raised by £0.9m to reflect the value being placed on the business in the new round of funding. Written down investments Against these positive valuation movements, our 38% holding in Synaptic has been written down by £1.9m to £1m. Synaptic Systems is a mature, profitable business providing research and product information services for financial planning professionals such as Independent Financial Advisors (IFA). Whilst this is a cash generative company that has in the past paid dividends, a recent slow down in the IFA market has had a corresponding effect on Synaptic Systems. Whilst the company has adapted its business to this new environment and is exploring some promising new markets, we have taken the view that its valuation does not reflect the fact that the business is no longer in a growth market. Apart from this, the only other material write down for the year was of our remaining holding in Spuetz. In line with our 'mark to market' valuation policy for quoted investments the investment was written down by £0.4m. Other large investments The remaining larger investments, such as Aspex Semiconductor, Kobalt Music Group and DX3, are valued at their previous carrying values, adjusted only for the cost of any further investment. Nonetheless, they have all made substantial progress. The largest of these is Aspex Semiconductor into which SPARK invested a further £2m in the year. The company has continued to gain customers both for its embedded chips and, more recently, for its accelerator boards that can be sold on a shorter sales cycle. As Aspex Semiconductor begins to move from selling evaluation kits to fulfilling volume orders, the requirement for further products and working capital increases. In view of this, we are exploring sources of investment for the business to assist us in the proper capitalisation of an increasingly substantial operation. In addition, both Kobalt Music Group and DX3 Technologies have made significant progress in the year with Kobalt Music Services signing up administration contracts for Gwen Stefani and Eminem's co-writers amongst others, and DX3 obtaining some of the first major catalogues of rights-cleared content for distribution to mobile phones. Exits As noted in the interim results, the current year has seen the first substantial cash exit from an investment made as a start-up. After five years and a total investment of $8.7m (from all investors, including SPARK), Pricerunner, our price comparison business, was sold to Valueclick Inc. for between $30m and $36m depending on the outcome of an earn-out. SPARK's 40.6% holding in this business was valued at £3.5m at March 2004, and our current expectation remains that we will have received £6.5m at the end of the escrow period in August 2005. Of this amount, £5.4m has been received during the year, with £1.1m held in debtors. In addition, in November 2004 a 24% stake in Spuetz was sold for £4.3m and withholding taxes of £1.8m were recovered from the German tax authorities. Another £1.2m was raised from sales (Intelligent Apps, Safelogic), loan repayments (Kobalt and Insurancewide) or liquidation (Linkguard) of certain smaller assets. Taken together, these realisations have substantially strengthened SPARK's cash reserves, enabling the initiation of share buy-backs whilst also ensuring sufficient financial strength to promote the value of other assets in the portfolio. Looking forward, the prospects for further exits over the coming year look promising, assuming a stable economic environment. With the passage of time, proportionately more of the assets in our portfolio are gaining the scale and strategic significance to achieve valuations similar or larger to that achieved on the Pricerunner exit. A number of them are receiving approaches from trade buyers, and others, such as FootFall, are evaluating these along with an acquisition strategy funded by an approach to the public capital markets. Combined with our existing cash balances, any proceeds received from exits during the year should support a limited number of new investments in our preferred technology and media sectors. Operations The rationalisation of the Group has been in place sufficiently long now for the benefits to be visible in the Financial Statements. Operating costs have fallen to £3.5m for the year including £1.1m of property costs (net of a £0.5m property provision release). Rental income has risen to £1.2m as the serviced office space within 33 Glasshouse Street has approached full occupancy, reducing the total operating costs for the year, net of property income, to £2.2m. Ninety percent of the difference between this and the £6.1m equivalent for the prior year can be explained by the cost of discontinued operations in Germany, with the remainder reflecting the success at letting out the office space. With this substantial rationalisation of both the property and the issues with Spuetz, the volume and complexity of the tasks outside portfolio management have reduced. Accordingly, we have been able to manage our headcount down to just five full time staff. CONCLUSION SPARK's maturing portfolio of investments is now beginning to deliver more substantial asset sales, increasing cash balances and improvements to net asset values from a modest operating base. With stable markets we are confident that we will be able to continue this process whilst taking advantage of good quality investment opportunities as they arise. We would also look to continue using cash reserves to fund buy-backs on the basis that SPARK's share price at the time of writing (9.5p) is at a significant discount to net assets. Andrew Carruthers 14 June 2005 For further information: NewMedia SPARK plc 020 7851 7777 Andrew Carruthers, Chief Executive Officer Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses Year ended 31 March 2005 Year ended Year ended 31 March 2005 31 March 2004 Restated £'000 £'000 Unaudited Audited Loss for the year (966) (3,446) Unrealised gain on investments 6,280 6 Movements in relation to own shares of subsidiary - (601) Reserve transfer on lapse of warrants - 8,391 Foreign currency translation 460 (907) Total recognised gains and losses for the year 5,774 3,443 Prior period adjustment (630) Total recognised gains and losses since the last Annual Report 5,144 Reconciliation of Movements in Consolidated Shareholders' Funds Year ended 31 March 2005 Year ended Year ended 31 March 2005 31 March 2004 Restated £'000 £'000 Unaudited Audited Loss for the year (966) (3,446) Other recognised gains and losses for the year 6,740 6,889 Reversal of amortisation of own shares 217 286 Reduction in capital reserve on lapse of warrants - (8,391) Own shares purchased (1,043) - Proceeds of issues of shares 75 6 Net addition / (reduction) to shareholders' funds 5,023 (4,656) Opening shareholders' funds - as previously reported 53,603 58,545 Impact of change in accounting policy (630) (916) Opening shareholders' funds - restated 52,973 57,629 Closing shareholders' funds 57,996 52,973 Consolidated Profit & Loss Account Year ended 31 March 2005 Year ended Year ended 31 March 2005 31 March 2004 restated £'000 £'000 Unaudited Audited Turnover - 639 Administrative expenses: - Salaries and other staff costs 1,373 2,155 - Administrative and operating costs 1,531 3,340 - Depreciation 222 574 - Other costs 328 1,339 Total administrative expenses 3,454 7,408 Other operating income 1,258 634 Operating loss (2,196) (6,135) Gain on investments 321 2,119 Loss on disposal of subsidiary - (1,177) Interest receivable and similar income 909 1,217 Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (966) (3,976) Tax on loss on ordinary activities - 139 Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (966) (3,837) Equity minority interests - 391 Retained loss for the year (966) (3,446) Basic and diluted loss per ordinary share (0.21p) (0.75p) Consolidated Balance Sheet 31 March 31 March 2005 2004 restated £'000 £'000 Unaudited Audited Fixed Assets Tangible assets 848 1,059 Investments 35,013 41,693 35,861 42,752 Current Assets Debtors 2,351 5,737 Restricted cash 2,869 413 Cash at bank and in hand 18,815 10,860 24,035 17,010 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (1,711) (6,046) Net current assets 22,324 10,964 Total assets less current liabilities 58,185 53,716 Provisions for liabilities and charges (189) (743) Net Assets 57,996 52,973 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 11,818 11,799 Share premium account 39,693 183,371 Own shares held by EBT (413) (630) Revaluation reserve (24,103) (41,566) Profit and loss account 31,001 (100,001) Equity shareholders' funds 57,996 52,973 Net Asset Value per share 12.8p 11.5p Number '000 Number '000 Ordinary shares in issue 472,736 471,986 Shares held in Treasury (9,750) - Shares held by employee benefit trust (9,569) (10,675) Shares in issue for net asset per share calculation 453,417 461,311 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Year ended Year ended 31 March 2005 31 March 2004 £'000 £'000 Unaudited Audited Net cash outflow from operating activities (1,993) (8,533) Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 909 1,217 Dividend received 5,787 - Net cash inflow from returns on investments and servicing of 6,696 1,217 finance Taxation UK Corporation Tax paid - (150) Overseas tax paid (279) (331) Net cash outflow from taxation (279) (481) Capital expenditure and financial investment Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (16) (308) Receipts from disposal of tangible fixed assets 5 54 Payments to acquire investments (3,990) (4,212) Receipts from sales of investments 10,856 3,523 Net cash inflow / (outflow) from investing activities 6,855 (943) Acquisitions and disposals Sale of subsidiary undertakings - 9,061 Net cash sold with subsidiaries - (37,301) Net cash outflow from acquisitions and disposals - (28,240) Net cash inflow / (outflow) before financing 11,279 (36,980) Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 75 6 Purchase of own shares (1,043) - Transfer into restricted cash in accordance with Court order (2,437) - Purchase of own shares by subsidiary - (2,462) Net cash outflow from financing (3,405) (2,456) Net cash inflow / (outflow) in the year 7,874 (39,436) Analysis of changes in net funds Net cash inflow / (outflow) in the year 7,874 (39,436) Foreign exchange differences 81 (1,693) Increase / (decrease) in cash in the year 7,955 (41,129) Reserves Share Premium Revaluation Profit and Loss Account reserve account £'000 £'000 £'000 Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Reserves at 1 April 2004 183,371 (41,566) (100,001) Unrealised gain on investments - 6,280 - Previously unrealised losses now deemed permanent - 11,183 (11,183) Shares issued during the year 56 - - Cancellation of share premium following court approval (143,734) 143,734 Own shares purchased for treasury in the year - - (1,043) Foreign currency translation - - 460 Loss for the year - - (966) Reserves at 31 March 2005 39,693 (24,103) 31,001 Note The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute the company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March 2005 and 2004. The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2004 is derived from the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors reported on those accounts; their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under s237(2) or (3) Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2005, on which the auditors have not yet reported, will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the company's annual general meeting. This announcement is prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as stated in the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2004, except as stated below: 1) During the year, the group revised its accounting policy for the valuation of investments which have not had a recent funding round and which are considered by the directors to be mature companies. The revised policy allows directors' valuations above cost and is in accordance with the most recent BVCA guidelines. Typically, mature investments will be valued in accordance with earnings or sales multiple principles. The effect of this change for the year ended 31 March 2005 is to increase the Total Recognised Gains and Losses and Net Assets by £5.9m. There is no effect on the accounts for the year ended 31 March 2004 as a result of this change in policy as none of the investments were considered to be mature by the directors at that time. 2) In addition, the group revised its accounting policy for the valuation of investments, so that the profit or loss on disposal of investments is calculated with reference to the proceeds less the net book value of the investment. Any balance in the revaluation reserve is treated as realised and transferred to the profit and loss reserve. The comparative figures for the year ended 31 March 2004 have been restated to reflect this revision of accounting policy. The effect of this restatement on the current period's results are, on the profit and loss account, to increase the total gains from investments and increase the overall profit for the period by £11.2m and to remove the adjustment for the same amount which would previously have been shown in the Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses to add back the losses recorded in prior years which had not been realised in prior periods. It has no effect on the total recognised gains and losses for the period, nor on the balance sheet. 3) The group also revised its accounting policy for the treatment of shares held by the NewMedia SPARK Employee Benefit Trust (EBT) in accordance with Urgent Issue Task Force number 38. These shares are now shown as a reduction to shareholders' funds rather than as an investment in the consolidated Balance Sheet. The effect of this change on the balance sheet previously reported is to reduce the value of investments, net assets and equity shareholders funds by £630,000 for 31 March 2004. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange ND FR USRWRVBRNARR
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