Results of AGM and EGM

NewMedia SPARK PLC 26 September 2000 NewMedia SPARK plc ('the Company' or 'SPARK') Results of AGM and EGM SPARK announces that at the Annual General Meeting of the Company held earlier today all the proposed resolutions were duly passed. SPARK also announces that at the Extraordinary General Meeting held earlier today the resolution necessary to approve the acquisition of NewMedia Investors Limited was duly passed. Completion of the acquisition is expected to take place later today and application has been made for the 14,684,288 new ordinary shares in SPARK to be issued in consideration for the acquisition to be admitted to trading on the Alternative Investment Market. Admission of these shares is expected to take place on 27 September 2000. At the AGM earlier today Thomas Teichman, Chairman of the Company, made the following comments: 'SPARK has made significant progress since March 2000, the date to which the last accounts were drawn up. * Despite the marked decline in market sentiment towards Internet and technology stocks since the Spring, we believe that SPARK has been able to maintain the overall value of its portfolio. A number of our portfolio companies have recently achieved further financing rounds at significant valuation increases over our original cost - these include EO (400% uplift), Linkguard (300%) and Olympic Worldlink (75% uplift). At our September half-year we expect to write down the value of several of our B2C investments. However these constitute a relatively small portion of our portfolio and we expect that any write downs will be offset by the valuation increases. * Equally importantly, a number of our other portfolio companies have made strong underlying progress and are currently undertaking or planning further financing rounds at a substantial premium to our original investment cost. These include several of our largest investments, such as eTV and DX3 (in both of which we own majority stakes). If successfully completed, these financing rounds will lead to a significant uplift in SPARK's stated asset value, which was last stated at 66p per share. * Overall, the resilient performance of our portfolio is due to the wide spread of our investments, our active management involvement with investee companies, and our relatively heavy exposure to core technology, wireless and interactive TV investments, as opposed to pure '' companies. Where there have been good opportunities we have grasped them, and where problems have emerged in our portfolio, our strong central management resource has often enabled us to take early and effective action. An example is the merger announced last week between Bid2day and We continue to work closely with all our investee companies, and believe that this active management approach distinguishes our business from that of many other, more passive, technology investment companies. As an early stage technology investor, the sole test of our business is whether over the longer term we achieve above average capital appreciation in our investments. Because we typically invest at the seed and first rounds, it can take some time for our investments to mature and for their success or failure to become apparent. However SPARK has now been investing for almost a year, and we expect that several of our early investee companies may be ready for flotation during the first half of 2001. Clearly, the prospects for flotation will depend on market conditions at that time, but we are optimistic that several will prove able to float at substantial increases to the value at which these investments are currently held in our books. For example, Olympic Worldlink has recently announced its intention to float early next year on a valuation of several hundred million pounds. Of course, we will also have our challenges within the portfolio and even failures, but overall we are encouraged by the progress. Turning from our portfolio, we have continued to strengthen our central management team and have recently recruited Bruno Delacave, who has joined the Board as Chief Financial Officer. Bruno was previously CFO of British Interactive Broadcasting Holdings Ltd, which launched Open, the world's leading interactive TV platform on Sky. We have also announced the £10m acquisition of NewMedia Investors, which has considerably strengthened our management and executive team. We plan further recruitment, particularly in the area of central marketing resource to assist the sales development of our investee companies. We are very strongly of the opinion that a strong central SPARK executive team can considerably enhance the value of our investee companies, and that over the longer term, technology investment companies with an experienced and strong central management resource will considerably outperform those with a more passive portfolio investment approach. This is particularly the case where, as with SPARK, we are investing in very young businesses that require active assistance and day-to-day support in order to prosper. We continue to believe that it is important to expand the geographical scope of our business. We are already strong in the UK and in Scandinavia. In addition, we have recently established an office in Germany, and expect shortly to enter into a joint venture agreement in Spain. Following our acquisition of Softtechnet, we are also planning to expand our activities in India, where we believe that there are particularly attractive investment opportunities in core technology and software service businesses. We continue to believe that further consolidation amongst the technology investment company sector is inevitable, and that many players in this sector lack the scale and resources necessary to succeed over the longer term. Hence we continue to talk to a range of both quoted and unquoted organisations in this area. However, we will be highly selective and will only make acquisitions where we believe that they will deliver real and enhanced value to our shareholders - either in terms of additional expertise or substantially increased resources. Our acquisition of Softtechnet met these criteria, many other potential acquisitions would not. Finally, I should like to comment on our policy with regard to Stock Exchange Regulatory News Service ('RNS') announcements. RNS announcements are designed to inform shareholders of specific events as set out in the AIM Rules. They are not intended to be a method of newsflow for anything less than material events which affect the Group as a whole. We now have a portfolio of almost 50 investee companies, all of which are actively developing their businesses with our support and hence frequently report corporate developments and financing events. If we were to announce all these events via RNS as they occur then this would make it difficult for shareholders to differentiate between significant announcements and those of a more routine nature. Therefore in the future we will limit formal RNS announcements to those required by the AIM Rules and hence those that we believe to be significant in the context of SPARK as a whole. We will continue to report all new investments via RNS as we make them, as we believe that these are still material to the Company. In addition, from time to time we intend to announce updates via RNS detailing the overall progress of our portfolio where we deem it necessary to maintain an orderly and informed market in SPARK shares. For those shareholders who are interested in keeping up to date with the detailed progress of all of our portfolio companies, we will continue to encourage them to post their press releases to the SPARK website (' T A Teichman 26 September 2000 For further information, please contact: Mike Whitaker / Joel Plasco NewMedia SPARK 020 7851 7777 Tim Anderson / Isabel Petre Buchanan Communications 020 7466 5000
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