Results to 31/03/2000

NewMedia SPARK PLC 26 May 2000 NEWMEDIA SPARK PLC ('SPARK') Preliminary Results For the period to 31 March 2000 £33.5m Acquisition of plc NewMedia SPARK plc ('SPARK') is pleased to announce its Preliminary Results for the period to 31 March 2000 and the acquisition of plc. HIGHLIGHTS: Results - Maiden results show profit before taxation of £2.85m - Aggregate valuation uplift of 400% from £4.29m to £22.35m in first six investments to achieve external valuation events - Invested approximately £130m in 39 investee companies - 27% core technology, 12% wireless companies, 23% interactive digital TV, 20% in B2B, 7% content companies and 11% in B2C companies - Asset value currently 66p per share, cash balance in excess of £20m - Proposed bonus issue of new Spark warrants to all existing shareholders - Cell ICD Swedish acquisition smoothly integrated £4m Acquisition of plc - Indian technology and internet specialist investment company - Assets include over £23 million in cash and several investments - X new SPARK shares and 1 new SPARK warrant for every 10 shares - Values at 24p per share - Combined funds invested total over £145m and cash resources of over £45m Commenting on these events Michael Whitaker, CEO of SPARK, said: 'SPARK is now the largest quoted Internet and early stage technology investment company in Europe and we are extremely pleased with our progress to date. We have put in place significant infrastructure to enable us to manage our extensive and expanding portfolio. 'The acquisition of gives us an additional edge in a competitive market place, not only by strengthening our balance sheet but also by giving us access to investment and business co-operation opportunities in the strategically important Indian market. 'We will continue to make investments where we perceive the potential returns to be exceptionally high while devoting a great deal of resource to managing and in due course releasing, value from our now substantial portfolio. In a consolidating market we intend to maintain our leading position and look forward to the future with every confidence'. For further information, please contact: NewMedia SPARK 020 7851 7777 Michael Whitaker, Chief Executive Buchanan Communications Tim Anderson / Isabel Petre 020 7466 5000 SPARK is pleased to announce unaudited pre-tax profits of £2.85m for the period to 31st March 2000, together with a substantial increase in asset value. Pre-tax profits arose from realised profits and interest received during the period, and in addition unrealised gains totaling approximately £18m have been transferred to reserves. The latter constitutes the re-valuation of less than 5% of our portfolio. We have also today announced an agreed all-share offer to acquire plc, and are also proposing a free bonus issue to our shareholders of new quoted warrants. Our accounting policies are prudent. We carry investments at cost unless an increase in the value of any particular investment has been evidenced by flotation or external funding, in which case the investment is carried at that value. Conversely, our investments are written down below cost when the directors consider there to be evidence of impairment in value. On this conservative valuation basis, SPARK's asset value is currently 66p per share and was 60p per share at the end of March. SPARK currently holds cash balances in excess of £20m. The result of our conservative valuation policy is that our accounts reflect gains in only the small minority of our investments where there have been external valuation events or sales. The aggregate valuation uplift on the £4.29m of assets (representing six investments) which were revalued in accordance with this policy as at 31st March was approximately 400%, to £22.35m. The Board regards this as an encouraging indication of our ability to achieve significant increases in value within our portfolio. Overall, SPARK has made substantial progress since being launched on the AIM market in October 1999. We have invested approximately £130m in a carefully diversified portfolio of 39 investee companies (of which six are held indirectly through our holding in Olympic Services). These investments include the acquisition of Cell ICD and its portfolio in March of this year. We believe that our investment portfolio is now the largest and highest quality of any direct competitor, with substantial potential for further appreciation. SPARK is now the largest quoted Internet and early stage technology Investment Company in Europe, with offices in London and Stockholm, and a team of over 40 people working on our investments. The Board of SPARK believes that our underlying asset value may now be significantly in excess of 66p per share. Under our conservative accounting policies £129.4m of our investments are held in our books at cost, even though external funding discussions are currently taking place in relation to a number of these investments which, if successfully completed, will result in an increase in their stated value in our accounts. Furthermore, good progress is being made by a number of our other investee companies, which will not be reflected in our accounts until external valuation events occur. Partially offsetting this, it is inevitable that over time we will have a number of declines within our portfolio. It is also possible that if conditions were to deteriorate further in public equity markets then valuations in the private equity markets might be affected more markedly than they have been to date. However, to date the major valuation reductions in private equity markets have been in the Internet B2C arena. In this respect we are fortunate that the bulk of our investments are in core technology, infrastructure, wireless, interactive television, financial B2B and content businesses rather than in Internet B2C businesses. This places us in a strong position. We are of course fully aware of present investor concerns over the funding requirements of Internet businesses. A number of our investee companies will indeed require further funding during the next few months to expand their operations. However, we are a professional early stage venture capital organization, and arranging such further funding rounds is a routine part of our business. Our large investment team has considerable experience of syndicating investments to the wider venture capital community, and we are held in sufficient regard for them to take co-investment proposals from us seriously. To date we have consistently proved able to arrange further funding rounds for our investee companies where appropriate, and we anticipate that provided our investment proposals remain of sufficient quality we will continue to be able to do so. Fund raising for technology orientated venture capital funds has in fact been at record levels throughout Europe during the last six months, and a very substantial proportion of these funds have yet to be invested. The majority of our portfolio consists of early stage investments in core technology, infrastructure, wireless, financial B2B and content businesses. These are precisely the areas that are now of particular investment interest to the wider venture capital community. Thankfully, the investment environment is much more rational than earlier in the year, and in order to attract funding businesses must now demonstrate strong management teams and realistic business models. We welcome this, because these are precisely the sort of businesses we have invested in. When choosing our investments, we have tried to use common sense and have avoided far-fetched business models that have little hope of making a profit on any conventional criteria. Overall, we have invested in less than 1% of the business proposals put to us. We are not complacent, but our investors should be aware that we monitor and control the cash 'burn' of our investee companies closely. In point of fact, not all our investee companies are burning cash - some are profitable. We do not give bank guarantees to investee companies. We are prepared to allow investee companies to fail if they do not meet their objectives, rather than compound mistakes by investing further funds. Indeed we regard some such failures as highly likely in the normal course of our business - an inevitable part of early stage, high-risk technology investment. The fact that we have not yet experienced failures we ascribe partly to luck, partly to good judgment, and partly because it is still relatively early in our investment cycle for failures to have become apparent. Turning the detail of our investment strategy, we have concentrated our investment policy to date on establishing a diversified portfolio of substantial equity stakes in young companies that we believe have the potential to emerge as profitable leaders in a wide range of the Internet and technology markets. Our current portfolio by value comprises 27% in core technology and infrastructure companies, 12% in wireless companies, 23% in interactive digital TV, 20% in B2B companies, 7% in content companies and 11% in B2C companies. In terms of specific sectors: - We have made substantial investments in core technology and infrastructure companies that we believe will benefit from the growth in and technology change of the Web over the next 2-3 years. - We have also worked hard to establish a portfolio of wireless investments that we believe to be of exceptionally high quality. Such investments are hard to find due to the shortage of real wireless expertise and the differing characteristics of this market from the conventional Internet. - In the B2B arena, we have largely avoided investing in so-called vertical business portals, as we believe that in many areas of the B2B market the control by major corporations of their supply chain will result in those corporations themselves capturing the cost benefits of the transfer of many purchasing functions to Internet platforms, rather than allowing the growth of independent platforms. Hence in B2B we have concentrated mainly on businesses operating in the Finance industry, where we believe that due to the intangible nature of financial products such as funds and insurance, and the fragmented nature of purchasers, the role of independent Internet platform providers is a real and potentially highly profitable one. - We have invested in several leading Internet content companies because we believe that authoritative, cutting edge, specialist content will become of increasing importance as the Web develops across a range of different delivery platforms. - In the B2C area, we feel (along with many other commentators) that business models are often deeply flawed, because many consumer products cannot economically be sold solely via the Web. The investments we have made in this area have been in product areas that are particularly suited to Web distribution. We have invested in this area only where we have been able to invest on attractive valuations in businesses with proven delivery, stocking and purchasing infrastructures. Looking to the future, we will continue to make further investments where we perceive the potential returns to be exceptionally high, but we are also devoting a great deal of resource to managing and in due course releasing value from our now substantial investment portfolio. Our personnel are closely involved on a day-to-day basis in helping investee companies to continually strengthen their management teams, control costs, move rapidly to revenues and profits and leverage synergy across our other portfolio companies and industry contacts. We believe that several of these companies have the potential to achieve very significant valuations. We are also assisting in the development of EO, an on-line e- distribution platform for both private equity and IPOs, where we hold a direct 5% stake and an option over a further 10%. We believe that EO could sigificantly improve our ability to syndicate and in due course realize investments. In sum, we remain optimistic over the future potential for our business, notwithstanding difficult public equity market conditions at present. We regard volatile investor sentiment as an inevitable part of the growing pains of an emerging industry. Over time we believe that investors will increasingly come to terms with the high failure rates but high potential returns of the Internet and technology industries, and that capital will increasingly gravitate towards companies pursuing rational, consistent and sensible business models. We believe that the profit opportunities for an active, well-informed early stage technology investment organisation such as ours remain substantial. Simultaneous with this announcement we are today announcing an agreed all-share offer for plc, another AIM listed Internet Investment Company. The merger of Softtechnet with SPARK will further strengthen the enlarged Group's balance sheet, give us access to investment and business co-operation opportunities in the strategically important Indian market, and will also consolidate our position as the leading quoted technology and Internet investment Group in the UK. We feel that a number of recently quoted Internet investment companies are seen by investors as lacking the organizational resources, scale and experience necessary for successful operation in this area. We therefore foresee further consolidation in our industry, and intend to maintain our leadership position. Finally, we are proposing a free bonus issue to our shareholders of warrants to subscribe for SPARK shares at an exercise price of 75p per share, on the basis of one warrant for every ten ordinary shares held. The warrants will have a three-year life and we will seek an AIM quotation for them. Michael Whitaker Chief Executive CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES UNAUDITED Period from 26 July 1999 to 31 March 2000 Period from 26 July 1999 to 31 March 2000 £'000 Profit for the financial 1,971 period Unrealised gain on 18,064 financial fixed assets Total recognised gains and losses relating to the 20,035 period CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT UNAUDITED Period from 26 July 1999 to 31 March 2000 Period from 26 July 1999 to 31 March 2000 £'000 Administrative expenses (1,072) Other operating income 126 OPERATING LOSS (946) Exceptional profit on the 3,173 disposal of financial fixed assets Interest receivable and 624 similar income Interest payable and (3) similar charges PROFIT ON ORDINARY 2,848 ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION Tax on profit on ordinary (898) activities PROFIT ON ORDINARY 1,950 ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION Equity minority interests 21 Retained profit for the 1,971 financial period CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET UNAUDITED 31 March 2000 2000 £'000 FIXED ASSETS Tangible assets 469 Investments 151,787 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 2,581 Cash at bank and in hand 33,531 CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year Deferred Shares re. Cell (38,592) ICD: Deferred Cash re. Cell ICD (2,000) Other Amounts: (3,239) NET CURRENT LIABILITIES (7,719) TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 144,537 CREDITORS: amounts falling due after more than one (24) year EQUITY MINORITY INTEREST (9,693) NET ASSETS 134,820 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 5,630 Share premium 109,155 Profit and loss account 1,971 Revaluation reserve 18,064 EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 134,820
UK 100

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