Preliminary Statement
Ruffer Investment Company Limited
27 February 2008
Ruffer Investment Company Limited
27 February 2008
Date: 27 February 2008
From: Ruffer Investment Company Limited
Ruffer Investment Company Limited is pleased to announce the half-yearly report
in respect of the period ended 31 December 2007:
Investment Manager's Report
For the period ended 31 December 2007
During the six months up to 31st December 2007 the asset value of the Company
rose in capital terms from 116.7p to 124.2p(*) which, together with a dividend
of 1.25p paid on 28 September 2007, represents a total half-year return of 7.5%
or 15% on an annualised basis. Since inception, the portfolio has grown at
around 8% compound indicating that without our 'lost' year between May 2006 and
June 2007 when we made precious little, we would have achieved our hoped-for
double-digit return.
Over the period under review, the day to day performance of the portfolio has
been stable whilst markets have been extremely volatile. Whether markets have
been sharply down or sharply up on any given day, the NAV has remained very
little changed, with bias to the upside on a month by month view. This is
consistent with the philosophy behind the strategy - which is to be agnostic
about the market direction.
During the third quarter of 2007, the portfolio's exposure to cyclical stocks
was decreased, by selling Asahi, some more of the Invensys holdings, RM and
Nissan Motor. The portfolio increased its holding in gold and gold equities by
purchasing Newmont, which was trading on a much lower rating than the rest of
the large cap gold companies and has since performed well. The portfolio also
re-adjusted the duration on the UK gilts by selling the 2009 gilts which had
been held for over a year, and purchasing the 4.25% Treasury Stock 2011 and 5%
Treasury Stock 2012.
In October and November we took the necessary steps to raise the £21 million
required to satisfy those shareholders who chose to use the redemption facility.
We used this opportunity to reduce the long Swiss bond position, and to sell
down some of our mistakes, such as United Microelectronics, Mears Group and one
or two other smaller positions.
The portfolio has been re-balanced towards the US market following the logic
that the one area of credit strength is the corporate market - that is those
companies who do not need to borrow money are the only ones able to borrow as
much as they like. This argues for a 'nifty-fifty' re-rating of American
corporations which fall into this category, such as Coca Cola and Kraft.
On the bigger picture, it is pleasing to see that the philosophy of the Company
is working out well in practice. The investments in fear have all proved their
worth. The Yen and the Swiss Franc (also the Norwegian Krone) have benefited by
more than others against the general weakness of Sterling. Gold bullion has been
a happy place to be, as have short-dated gilts. The generality of equities has
been really quite poor, with the second line equities both in the UK and Finland
being weak. The Japanese stocks on balance made money, but this was entirely due
to the strength of the currency. It is too early to be sure that the portfolio
is back on track, but it certainly feels that way.
Looking into 2008, despite the sharp falls in stock markets we remain extremely
cautious. There are further skeletons hiding in the dark cupboards of financial
institutions and as yet there has been only cursory recognition of the damage
this financial crisis will do to activity in the real world. But most
importantly the process of de-leveraging has yet to begin in earnest. We remain
acutely aware that in a bear market patience is truly a virtue.
Enquiries to:
The Company Secretary
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited
Trafalgar Court
Les Banques
St Peter Port
Guernsey GY1 3QL
Tel: 01481 745001
Fax: 01481 745051
Ruffer LLP
27 February 2008
Company Performance
Price Change in
at 31.12.07 Buying Price
Buying Selling From From
Price Price Launch 30.06.07
£ £ % %
Shares 1.245 1.205 + 24.50 +10.37
Prices are published in the Financial Times in the 'Investment Companies'
section, and in the Daily Telegraph's 'Share Prices & Market Capitalisations'
section under 'Investment Trusts'.
Fund Size
Net Asset Net Asset Number of Shares
Value Value per In Issue
£ £
31.12.07 110,441,239 1.239* 89,129,703
30.06.07 123,690,774 1.166 106,117,074
30.06.06 126,375,613 1.191 106,117,074
30.06.05 55,935,077 1.119 50,000,000
* Value reported to the London Stock Exchange was 1.242 using mid market values.
Bid prices are presented as fair value in the Financial Statements.
Share Price Range
Highest Lowest
Accounting Buying Price Selling Price
Period to: £ £
31.12.07 1.245 1.085
30.06.07 1.260 1.110
30.06.06 1.300 1.120
30.06.05 1.140 1.000
Net Asset Value Range
Highest Lowest
Accounting NAV NAV
Period to: £ £
31.12.07 1.242 1.176
30.06.07 1.211 1.166
30.06.06 1.234 1.122
30.06.05 1.122 0.976
Past performance is not a guide to the future. The value of the shares and the
income from them can go down as well as go up and one may not get back the
amount originally invested.
Top Ten Holdings
Market % of
Holding at Value Total Net
Stock name Currency 31.12.07 £ Assets
Treasury 4.25% 07/03/2011 GBP 11,400,000 11,329,320 10.26
Austria 3% 21/08/2009 CHF 24,750,000 11,091,968 10.04
Norway 6% 16/05/2011 NOK 70,000,000 6,735,340 6.10
Treasury 5% 07/03/2012 GBP 6,000,000 6,126,600 5.55
Treasury 4 3/4% 07/06/2010 GBP 6,000,000 6,051,600 5.48
Switzerland 4% 08/04/2028 CHF 12,240,000 5,974,288 5.41
Switzerland 1 3/4% 05/11/2009 CHF 13,100,000 5,766,270 5.22
Gold Bullion GBP 100,000 4,136,944 3.75
Index-Linked Gilt 1.25% 22/11/2017 GBP 3,500,000 3,732,746 3.38
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp JPY 1,300 3,256,140 2.95
Responsibility statement of the directors in respect of the half-yearly
financial report
We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:
- the condensed set of half-yearly financial statements has been prepared in
accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting;
- this half-yearly management report includes information detailed in the
Managers' Report and Notes to the Condensed Half-yearly Financial Statements
which provides a fair review of the information required by:
(a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of
important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial
year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; and a
description of principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of
the year; and
(b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party
transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current
financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or
performance of the entity during that period; and any changes in the related
party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so.
On behalf of the Board
Director Director
Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2007
31.12.07 30.06.07
£ £
Cash and cash equivalents 560,426 346,711
Receivables 1,023,420 824,796
Financial assets at fair value through profit 109,145,031 119,449,349
or loss
Total Assets 110,728,877 124,245,813
Capital and reserves attributable
to the
Company's shareholders
Management share capital 2 2
Net assets attributable to holders of
participating preference shares 110,441,239 123,690,774
Total Equity 110,441,241 123,690,776
Payables 287,636 555,037
Total Liabilities 287,636 555,037
Total Equity and Liabilities 110,728,877 124,245,813
Net assets attributable to holders of
participating preference shares 1.239 1.166
(per share)
Statement of Operations for the six months to 31 December 2007
01.07.07 to 01.07.06 to
31.12.07 31.12.06
Revenue Capital Total Total
£ £ £ £
Bank interest income 126,936 - 126,936 10,524
Fixed interest income 1,186,514 - 1,186,514 1,538,105
Dividend income 322,325 - 322,325 186,912
Net (losses)/gains on financial
at fair value through profit or - 7,956,538 7,956,538 472,446
Other (losses)/gains - 216,747 216,747 (464,760)
Total investment income/ 1,635,775 8,173,285 9,809,060 1,743,227
Management fees (156,235) (468,706) (624,941) (636,181)
Expenses (201,329) (104,277) (305,606) (288,407)
Total operating expenses (357,564) (572,983) (930,547) (924,588)
Operating profit/(loss) before 1,278,211 7,600,302 8,878,513 818,639
Withholding tax (73,595) - (73,595) (25,120)
Operating profit/(loss) after taxation and
increase/(decrease) in net assets
attributable to holders of
participating preference shares 1,204,616 7,600,302 8,804,918 793,519
Basic and diluted earnings per 1.17p 7,37p 8,54p 0.75p
share *
* Basic and diluted earnings per share are calculated by dividing the operating
profit after taxation and increase in net assets attributable to holders of
redeemable participating preference shares by the weighted average number of
redeemable participating preference shares. The weighted average number of
shares for the period is 103,070,425.
Statement of Changes in Equity for the six months to 31 December 2007
01.07.07 to 01.07.06 to
31.12.07 31.12.06
£ £
Net assets attributable to holders of
participating preference shares at the start of 123,690,774 126,375,613
the period
Movement due to issues and redemptions of shares:
Redemptions of redeemable participating
preference shares (20,727,990) -
Net decrease from share transactions (20,727,990) -
Increase in net assets attributable to holders of
redeemable participating preference shares from 8,804,918 793,519
Distributions to holders of redeemable
participating preference shares (1,326,463) (530,585)
Increase in net assets attributable to holders of
redeemable participating preference shares from
operations (after distributions) 7,478,455 262,934
Net assets attributable to holders of
participating preference shares at the end of the 110,441,239 126,638,547
Cash Flow Statement for the six months to 31 December 2007
01.07.07 to 01.07.06 to
31.12.07 31.12.06
£ £
Cash flows from operating activities
Purchase of financial assets and settlement of (46,926,073) (20,530,102)
financial liabilities
Proceeds from sale of investments (including 64,811,885 15,371,477
realised gains)
Redemptions of shares (20,727,990) -
Amount paid to brokers (104,277) (81,792)
Bank interest received 131,542 36,076
Fixed interest income received 1,003,264 1,170,276
Dividends received 302,345 183,245
Withholding tax (73,595) (25,120)
Operating expenses paid (1,093,670) (1,126,388)
Net cash generated from/(utilised in) 1,323,431 (5,002,328)
operating activities
Cash flows from financing activities
Dividends paid (1,326,463) (530,585)
Net cash flow from financing activities (1,326,463) (530,585)
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (3,032) (5,532,913)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of 346,711 6,190,457
the period
Exchange gains/(losses) on cash and cash 216,747 (464,760)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the 560,426 192,784
Notes to the half-yearly financial statements for the six months to 31 December
1. Significant accounting policies
Basis of accounting
The condensed financial statements have been prepared using accounting policies
consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards and in accordance
with International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34 Interim Financial Reporting.
They have been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by the
revaluation of financial assets and financial liabilities held at fair value
through profit or loss, and in accordance with the Principal Documents and
applicable Guernsey Law.
This half-yearly financial report, covering the period from 1 July 2007 to 31
December 2007, is not audited.
Change in accounting policies
In the current financial year, the Company has adopted International Financial
Reporting Standard 7 'Financial instruments: Disclosures' (IFRS 7) for the first
time. As IFRS 7 is a disclosure standard, there is no impact of that change in
accounting policy on the half-yearly financial report. Full details of the
change will be disclosed in our annual report for the year ended 30th June 2008.
Basis of preparation
In order to better reflect the activities of an investment company and in
accordance with guidance issued by the Association of Investment Companies,
supplementary information which analyses the income statement between items of a
revenue and capital nature has been presented alongside the Income Statement.
The same accounting policies and methods of computation have been applied to the
condensed interim financial statements as in the annual financial statements at
30 June 2007. The presentation of the interim financial statements is consistent
with the annual financial statements.
The preparation of the interim financial statements requires management to make
estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues,
expenses, assets, liabilities at the date of the interim financial statements.
If in the future such estimates and assumptions, which are based on management's
best judgement at the date of the interim financial statements, deviate from the
actual circumstances, the original estimates and assumptions will be modified as
appropriate in the period in which the circumstances change.
The Company operates in an industry where significant seasonal or cyclical
variations in total income are not experienced during the financial year.
2. Distribution to shareholders
Any dividend will be declared semi-annually in September and March each year. An
interim dividend of 1.25p per share (£1,326,464) was declared on 18 September
2007 and paid on 12 October 2007 in respect of the year from 1 July 2006 to 30
June 2007. An interim dividend of 1.25p per share in respect of the year ended
30 June 2008 was declared on 27 February 2008. The dividend is payable on 28
March 2008 to shareholders of record on 7 March 2008.
3. Share capital and share premium
31.12.07 30.06.07
Authorised Share Capital £ £
100 Management Shares of 100 100
£1.00 each
200,000,000 Unclassified Shares of 0.01p each 20,000 20,000
75,000,000 C Shares of 0.1p 75,000 75,000
95,100 95,100
Number of shares Share Capital
31.12.07 30.06.07 31.12.07 30.06.07
Issued Share Capital £ £
Management Shares
Management Shares of £1.00 2 2 2 2
Equity Shares
Redeemable Participating
Shares of 0.01p each:
Balance at start of period/ 106,117,074 106,117,074 10,612 10,612
Redeemed during the period (16,987,371) - (1,699) -
Balance as at end of period/ 89,129,703 106,117,074 8,913 10,612
31.12.07 30.06.07
£ £
Share Premium Account
Opening balance 66,430,850 66,430,850
Redeemed during the period (20,726,291) -
Balance at period/year end 45,704,559 66,430,850
Purchase of Own Shares by the Company
In order to address any imbalance in the supply and demand for the shares and to
assist in maintaining a narrow discount to the Net Asset Value per share at
which the shares may be trading, the Company will at the sole discretion of the
(i) purchase shares when deemed appropriate; (ii) allow an annual redemption of
up to 25 per cent of the issued shares at the prevailing Net Asset Value per
Share commencing in November 2007.
A redemption of 16,987,371 shares (16.01 per cent of issued shares at that time)
was made pursuant to (ii) above on 29th November 2007.
A special resolution was passed at the Annual General Meeting held on 8 November
2007, to authorise the Company to make market purchases of its own shares, up to
a maximum number of shares representing 14.99 per cent of the number of shares
of the Company in issue at the time of the purchase. This authority is due to
expire on the earlier of 8 November 2008 or the conclusion of the next Annual
General Meeting of the Company.
As at the date of issue of this interim report and financial statements, no
purchases of shares have been made by the Company.
4. Related party transactions
Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the
other party or exercise significant influence over the other party in making
financial or operational decisions.
The Directors are responsible for the determination of the investment policy of
the Company and have overall responsibility for the Company's activities.
The Company is managed by Ruffer LLP, an independent business incorporated in
the United Kingdom as a limited liability partnership. The Company and the
Investment Manager have entered into a Management Agreement under which the
Investment Manager has been given responsibility for the day-to-day
discretionary management of the Company's assets (including uninvested cash) in
accordance with the Company's investment objective and policy, subject to the
overall supervision of the Directors and in accordance with the investment
restrictions in the Management Agreement and the Articles of Association. The
Manager receives an annual fee.
The Company has five non-executive directors, all independent of the Investment
The Directors of the Company are remunerated for their services at such a rate
as the Directors determine provided that the aggregate amount of such fees does
not exceed £150,000 per annum.
Total Directors' fees for the period, including the outstanding Directors' fees
due to Directors at the end of the period, are detailed below.
31.12.07 31.12.06
£ £
Directors' fees for the period 47,890 50,000
Accrued at end of the period 23,831 2,546
Shares held by related parties
As at 31 December 2007, Directors of the Company held the following numbers of
shares beneficially:-
Directors Shares
Wayne Bulpitt 20,000
Jan Etherden 36,627
Christopher Spencer 14,157
5. Segment reporting
As required by IAS 14, the total fair value of the financial instruments held by
the Company by each major geographical segment, and the equivalent percentages
of the total value of the Company, are reported in the Portfolio Statement.
Revenue earned is reported separately on the face of the Statement of Operations
as dividend income received from equities, and interest income received from
fixed interest securities and bank deposits.
6. Principal risks and uncertainties
In general terms these may be highlighted as including unexpected and sharp
appreciation of Sterling against the Swiss Franc, Japanese Yen, Norwegian Krone
and other currencies held in the portfolio. A reversal of the current moves to
reduce interest rates across developed economies could also have an adverse
impact on the portfolio. Other potential risks include a sharp fall in the price
of gold and unexpected stock specific declines in the share prices of the
portfolio's equity investments. Equities currently constitute no more than 34.6%
of the portfolio, with no single exposure greater than 3.0% (NT&T). The above
risks could specifically affect, among other things, the Company's 61.5% in non-
Sterling assets, 56% in government bonds and 11.5% in gold and gold equities.
7. Subsequent events
By way of a special resolution passed on 8 November 2007, it was resolved that
the entire amount of the share premium account arising on the issue of 'C'
shares will be cancelled in order to provide the company with increased
flexibility to effect future purchases of its own shares. This resolution was
approved by the Royal Court of Guernsey on 8 February 2008.
(*) Based on mid values
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange