Final Results

S & U PLC 25 March 2004 S&U PLC Providers of Consumer Credit & Motor Finance RESULTS FOR THE YEAR TO 31ST JANUARY 2004 PRE-TAX PROFITS £9.0M (£7.8M) UP 15% ON BUSINESS TRANSACTED £89.3M (£88.8M). OPERATING PROFIT £9.7M (£8.8M) UP 10.2% TOTAL DIVIDEND 29p (28p) UP 3.6%. EARNINGS PER SHARE 52.6p (46.0p) UP 14.3% HOME COLLECTED CREDIT BAD DEBT 'SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED'. TRADITIONAL BUSINESS 'RE-INVIGORATED' AND DEMONSTRATING GROWTH POTENTIAL. PLAN TO CONTINUE SUCCESSFUL EXPANSION MOTOR CAR FINANCE GROWTH PATTERN 'VERY ENCOURAGING'. PRE-TAX PROFITS £1.6M (£1.3M). 'OPPORTUNITY FOR EXPANSION AND INCREASING PROFITABILITY IN FUTURE YEARS' Enquiries: Derek Coombs, Executive Chairman, S&U PLC or Anthony Coombs, Managing Director, S&U PLC Telephone: 0207 353 8906 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Results The operating profit for the year has increased to £9.7m compared to £8.8m for the previous year. Profit on ordinary activities before taxation for the year is £9.0m against £7.8m for 2003. Business transacted for the year is £89.3m compared to £88.8m. Earnings per share rose from 46p to 52.6p providing good cover to the proposed dividend. The Board is recommending a final dividend of 21p per ordinary share making 29p per share for the year as a whole compared to 28p per share last year an increase for the year of 3.6%. The dividend will be paid on 2 July 2004 to ordinary shareholders on the register at 4 June 2004. The shares will be dealt ex dividend from 2 June 2004. On this basis on the average market price for February 2004 of 572.5p the yield would be 5% with a cover of 1.8 times. Home Collected Credit The South London problem has been resolved. We have made crucial personnel changes and these have resulted in establishing a confident platform for growth within this division. Bad debt has been significantly reduced as a percentage of business transacted. Our two major subsidiaries in this field are performing well, particularly SD Taylor Limited.. It is heartening to see that S&U's traditional business has been re-invigorated and is demonstrating its growth potential. Advantage Finance Limited - Motor Car Finance Advantage's continuing growth pattern is very encouraging. Pre-tax profits rose from £1.3m to nearly £1.6m with little additional capital employed and with a deferred revenue profit of £8.9m. The management structure is first class. We have a very efficient head office team in Grimsby and our marketing activities cover the country, with particular emphasis on the South, the Midlands and the North. Advantage has set itself a budget profit target of £1.9m for the current year and considering how close they came to their target of £1.6m last year that does seem to be a sustainable expectation. Their trading pattern in recent months validates their ambition. Staff I would like to pay a special tribute to our company secretary David Maiden who is retiring at the end of May after 29 years' exemplary service. I also welcome our new finance director and company secretary Christopher Redford. Chris is a chartered accountant and has been the finance director of Advantage Finance Limited since its inception and has well earned his promotion to the main board. Fortunately he has a first class deputy to succeed him at Advantage. A great tribute for these results must go to management and staff at all levels for their continued loyalty and commitment throughout the year. Their enthusiastic contribution is a key factor behind our success. Outlook The group's financial position continues to go from strength to strength and the profits grow. The business has defensive qualities at a time when the global economic scene is uncertain. It also has sound finances, clear and proven strategy, good management and committed staff. We plan to continue the successful expansion in the market for home collected credit. The provision of motor car direct debit finance by Advantage through carefully targeted underwriting demonstrates its success and provides an additional opportunity for expansion and increasing profitability in future years. Derek M Coombs Chairman MANAGING DIRECTOR'S REPORT After the pause in our profits growth of last year, it gives me great satisfaction to confirm 'the strong recovery in Group profitability' I forecast in my 2002/2003 report. Profits before tax at £9.0m comfortably exceeds both £7.8m last year and our broker's forecast. Operating profit is up 10.2% on a year ago, and, at 10.9% of business transacted, is at near record levels. Earnings per share increased by nearly 15% whilst the Group's financial position has become even stronger with gearing falling from 68.3% to 62.8% - the latter despite an additional £2m investment in Advantage, our motor finance subsidiary, and several acquisitions for our home credit business. Significantly these results have been achieved through a steady rather than spectacular increase in business transacted, which bodes well for future debt quality. Thus business transacted was just above last year at £89.26m, as strong rises at S D Taylor, our North West home credit subsidiary, and at Advantage Finance were predictably off-set by a fall in turnover at the S & U home credit subsidiary as it continues its recovery from the over trading of 2 years ago. This pattern of steady sales growth, especially in our home credit business, was accompanied by higher quality business and tight expense control. In contrast to some of our larger volume driven competitors, S & U has always been focused on quality, higher productivity customers, on responsible margins and lower risks of bad debt. At 5.5% of business transacted our bad debt levels are amongst the lowest in the industry. Further, Group expenses have actually fallen in the last year. We run a tight ship and will continue to do so. Improved security procedures, credit control and underwriting and our continued emphasis upon productivity per Representative gives us a very sound platform to take advantage of the improved economic environment I envisage this year. Operating Results Year Ended Year Ended 31 January 2004 31 January 2003 £m £m Business Transacted 89.3 88.8 Gross Profit 30.9 31.9 Operating Expenses (16.3) (16.3) Doubtful Debt (4.9) (6.8) Operating Profit 9.7 8.8 Interest payable (1.0) (1.2) Profit on the sale of fixed 0.3 0.2 assets Profit before Taxation 9.0 7.8 Home Credit Our home credit division produced encouraging results and present indications point to further progress this year. Overall pre-tax profit rose to £7.6m and operating profit against business transacted improved to nearly 11%. Average productivity per Representative continues to rise whilst our customer satisfaction surveys continue to show how much our clients value the personalised service we provide. Indeed these findings were replicated recently by the independent Joseph Rowntree Foundation in a study of the home credit industry as a whole. We broadened and improved our finance and HP ranges as well as making improvements in customer marketing. Business contracted per customer continues to steadily grow - an important indicator of the quality of our customer relationships. Throughout the year we made several acquisitions, particularly in the North West, Scotland and the South West and will continue to do so - provided the customers thus acquired meet our quality and income criteria. Our most improved subsidiary was S & U, particularly in the light of its quality problems of a year ago. Profit before deferred revenue rose by nearly £900,000, despite the predicted fall in turnover as more disciplined collecting and underwriting was introduced. Current trends are very positive. S D Taylor and Wilson Tupholme, our Northern based subsidiaries, continued to maintain very high returns against assets employed of around 20%, the former again posting record profits. Gradual withdrawal from home credit by some of our major competitors and further consolidation within the industry in anticipation of the reform of the Consumer Credit Act and European Consumer Credit Directive, does give S & U major opportunities for growth through acquisition in home credit. Although discussions on detail continue, the recent Consumer Credit White Paper provides a broad framework for regulation which is entirely consistent with S & U's long standing strategy of responsible, non-distress lending to customers who value the convenience, flexibility and cash management which home credit provides. Indeed I was encouraged to hear the Consumer Affairs Minister recognise these attributes in a House of Commons debate on consumer credit at the end of last year. Advantage Finance Yet again I am delighted to report another year of excellent progress at Advantage, our motor finance subsidiary. Strong leadership, state of the art IT and a highly motivated team have combined to produce profits before taxation of £1.56m, 21% better than last year. Gross book debts have grown to £32.8m as both the geographical reach and the level of business conducted with Advantage's key motor dealers increases. 2003 saw the third consecutive year of record new car registrations and a buoyant and more profitable used car market. This bodes well for Advantage particularly as it increasingly focuses upon higher value vehicles from loyal and established dealers. Thus last year new agreements rose by 14%, gross margins improved and collection rates consistently met challenging targets. Senior management has been refocused in particular to upgrade our sales and marketing for a growing business; results are already evident in a sales increase of 13% and a very encouraging start to the current year. The infrastructure of the business is now in place for higher volumes, which with a more mature debt, should see further increases in return on capital employed. This has risen steadily over the past 2 years despite continuing investment - last year £1.85m - in book debt. This is a pattern which will be repeated over the next three years as we continue to exploit nationally the growing demand for Advantage's products. Group Profit, Dividend and Earnings Per Share Year Year 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months ended ended ended ended ended ended 31.1.2004 31.1.2003 31.1.2004 31.1.2003 31.7.2003 31.7.2002 £m £m £m £m £m £m Profit before tax 9.0 7.8 4.8 3.3 4.2 4.5 Profit after tax 6.3 5.6 3.5 2.4 2.9 3.1 Earnings per share 52.6p 46.0p 28.1 20.0 24.5 26 Dividends per share 29.0p 28.0p 21.0 20 8 8 As predicted at half year, the second half of 2003/2004 showed a strong recovery in profit and turnover. Current indications in all our businesses are that these benign trends continue. Following no change of dividend for the half-year, it is therefore right to increase the final dividend this year to 21p per Ordinary Share making a total for the year of 29p (2003 - 28p). Cover at this level will improve to just over 1.8 (calculated as profit on ordinary activities after taxation, divided by dividends paid and proposed). Capital Structure, Liquidity and Treasury S & U has always kept tight control of its gearing. This is especially prudent now as longer term interest rates rise and when headroom is required for the finance, through debt, of our organic expansion and of acquisitions in home credit and our motor finance businesses. This year gearing has fallen slightly to 62.8% from 68.3% a year ago. Broadly, our additional investment in Advantage has been counterbalanced by the strong cash generation of our more mature home credit business. We will take advantage of this strong base by restructuring our existing bank facilities on a medium term 5 year basis, which will both strengthen our balance sheet and reflect the core borrowing required for our Advantage Motor Finance business. Although we unwound our swap facilities at a profit this year, I anticipate making further such arrangements when an appropriate opportunity arises. Conclusion Both the general industry environment and the specific health of S & U gives me more confidence in the future that at any time over the past 5 years. Internally we have a strong management team - made even more so by the very welcome promotion of Chris Redford ACA from Advantage to be our Group Finance Director. The Group has a clear marketing and product strategy, tighter security and underwriting procedures and historically good cost control. The legal and regulatory climate is both clearer and more positive now than for over a decade and I pay tribute to the excellent work of the Consumer Credit Association in promoting the industry's interests to Government. High employment levels and generally low levels of overindebtedness amongst our sub-prime customers offer significant opportunities for responsible lenders. We aim to take advantage of these trends by organic growth, further advances in efficiency and by acquisition of good quality businesses as they become available. Progress is only possible through the efforts of good quality people. Throughout the Group we pride ourselves on the loyalty and long service of large numbers of our staff. A prime example is the long service of nearly 30 years given to us by David Maiden, our Company Secretary, who retires this year. Such loyalty is essential if we are to provide high levels of service to our much valued customers. I therefore pay tribute to our staff and thank your Board of Directors for their invaluable support over the past year. I look forward to still further progress in the year ahead. Anthony M V Coombs Managing Director SUMMARY CONSOLIDATED PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT Year ended 31 January 2004 2004 2003 £000 £000 BUSINESS TRANSACTED 89,260 88,828 ====== ====== TURNOVER 33,929 34,996 Cost of sales (3,063) (3,131) ------ ------ Gross profit 30,866 31,865 Other expenses (16,240) (16,310) Provision for doubtful debt (includes exceptional item of £nil (2003: £1.9m)) (4,933) (6,762) ------ ------ Total administrative expenses (21,173) (23,072) OPERATING PROFIT 9,693 8,793 Profit on sale of fixed assets 312 214 Net interest payable (968) (1,161) ------ ------ PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 9,037 7,846 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (2,711) (2,293) ------ ------ PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION BEING PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 6,326 5,553 Dividends paid and proposed - including amounts in respect of non equity shares (3,558) (3,440) ------ ------ RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2,768 2,113 ====== ====== Basic Earnings per Ordinary share 52.6p 46.0p ====== ====== Dividends per Ordinary share 29.0p 28.0p ====== ====== There have been no recognised gains or losses other than the profit for the current and preceding years. All activities derive from continuing operations. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 31 January 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 £000 £000 £000 £000 FIXED ASSETS Tangible assets 2,474 2,646 ------ ------ CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 105 214 Debtors: - Amounts receivable from customers (including £14,520,000 falling due after one year (2003: 12,776,000)) 64,526 60,949 - Other debtors 948 946 ------ ------ 65,474 61,895 Cash at bank and in hand 10 106 ------ ------ 65,589 62,215 CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year (29,832) (14,398) ------ ------ NET CURRENT ASSETS 35,757 47,817 ------ ------ TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 38,231 50,463 CREDITORS: amounts falling due after more than one year - (15,000) ------ ------ NET ASSETS 38,231 35,463 ====== ====== CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 2,117 2,117 Share premium account 2,136 2,136 Revaluation reserve 501 600 Profit and loss account 33,477 30,610 ------ ------ TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 38,231 35,463 ====== ====== 31-Jan-04 31-Jan-03 Operating Profit/Business Transacted 10.9% 9.9% Operating Profit/Turnover 28.6% 25.1% Profit Before Taxation/Net Assets 23.6% 22.1% Net Borrowing / Equity Shareholders Funds 62.8% 68.3% CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Year ended 31 January 2004 2004 2003 £000 £000 £000 £000 Cash flow from operating activities 7,115 7,366 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 2 5 Interest paid (992) (1,159) Preference dividends paid (154) (78) ------ ------ Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (1,144) (1,232) Taxation (2,516) (3,035) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (760) (707) Proceeds of sale of fixed assets 676 459 ------ ------ Net cash outflow for capital expenditure and financial investment (84) (248) Equity dividends paid (3,289) (3,357) ------ ------ Increase (Decrease) in cash in the year 82 (506) ====== ====== NOTES TO THE PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT Year ended 31 January 2004 1. The financial information has been prepared using the same accounting policies as were used in preparing the statutory accounts of the Group for the year to 31 January 2003 2. This summary of results are not statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985, but are derived from those accounts. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 January 2004 on which the auditors have given an unqualified report and did not contain an adverse statement under section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies after the Annual General Meeting. 3. The financial information within this report has been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards. 4. The number of shares used in the calculation of earnings per share is the average number of shares in issue during the year of 11,737,228 (2003: 11,737,228). There are no dilutive shares. 5. If approved at the Annual General Meeting a final dividend of 21.0p per Ordinary Share is proposed, payable on 2 July 2004, with a record date of 4 June 2004. 6. The Annual General Meeting will be held on 4 June 2004. 7. The figures shown for the year ended 31 January 2003 are not statutory accounts, but are derived from those accounts. A copy of the statutory accounts has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, contained an unqualified audit report and did not contain an adverse statement under section 237 (2) or 237 (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 8. The 2004 Annual Report and Financial Statements will be posted to shareholders in due course. Copies of this announcement are available from the Company Secretary, S&U plc, Royal House, Prince's Gate, Homer Road, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 3QQ. 9. This announcement was approved by the directors on 24 March 2004. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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