Sampo Group's results for January - September 2010

SAMPO PLC                                              INTERIM REPORT                     3 November 2010 at 9.30 am SAMPO GROUP'S RESULTS FOR JANUARY - SEPTEMBER 2010 Yet another strong quarter Sampo Group's profit before taxes for January-September 2010 rose strongly to EUR 959 million (625). The total comprehensive income for the period, taking changes in the market value of assets into account, was EUR 1,344 million (3,524). -    Earnings per share rose to EUR 1.43 (0.88) and marked-to-market EPS was EUR 2.39 per share (6.05). Return on equity for the Group amounted to 22.3 per cent for the period (75.8). -    Net asset value per share reached an all-time high, despite the dividend of EUR 1 per share paid in April 2010, and amounted to EUR 16.54 (14.63). The increase was due to sound reported profits, appreciation of Nordea's share price and favorable currency movements. Fair value reserve after tax on the Group level increased to EUR 630 million (296). -    Combined ratio in the P&C insurance operations for January-September 2010 was 93.0 per cent (92.0). Profit before taxes increased to EUR 519 million (476) and marked-to-market result was EUR 729 million (932). Return on equity amounted to 39.0 per cent (54.0). -    Profit before taxes for the life insurance operations amounted to EUR 100 million (85) and marked-to-market result was EUR 228 million (404). Return on equity was 35.2 per cent (116.5). -    Nordea is accounted for as an associated company. In the segment reporting share of Nordea's net profit is included in the holding segment. Profit before taxes for the segment amounted to EUR 343 million (41), of which Nordea's share was EUR 371 million. -    Sampo Group's investment assets, excl. holding in Nordea, amounted to EUR 17.8 billion (16.1) on 30 September 2010, of which fixed income covered 79 per cent (82), equity 17 per cent (15) and other assets 3 per cent (3). KEY FIGURES     Change Q3/ Q3/ Change EURm 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 % 2010 2009 % Profit before taxes 959 625 53 338 192 76   P&C insurance 519 476 9 186 167 11   Life insurance 100 85 18 31 32 -3   Associate (Nordea) 371 - - 140 - -   Holding (excl. Nordea in 2010) -28 41 - -19 -12 57 Profit for the period 801 493 62 284 148 92       Change     Change Earnings per share, EUR 1.43 0.88 0.55 0.51 0.27 0.24 EPS (incl. change in FVR) EUR 2.39 6.05 -3.66 1.01 2.72 -1.71 NAV per share, EUR  *) 16.54 14.63 1.91 - - - Average number of staff (FTE) 6,933 7,376 -443 - - - Group solvency ratio, % *) 167.0 158.3 8.7 - - - RoE, % 22.3 75.8 -53.5 - - -  *) comparison figure from 31.12.2009 The figures in this report are not audited. Income statement items are compared on a year-on-year basis whereas comparison figures for balance sheet items are from 31 December 2009 unless otherwise stated. THIRD QUARTER 2010 IN BRIEF Sampo Group's third quarter 2010 profit before taxes amounted to EUR 338 million (192). Earnings per share were EUR 0.51 (0.27). Marked-to-market earnings per share were EUR 1.01 (2.72). Net asset value per share increased in the third quarter of 2010 by EUR 2.04. P&C insurance operation had a good third quarter and combined ratio improved to 90.6 per cent (90.9). Profit before taxes rose to EUR 186 million (167). Profit before taxes for the life insurance operations amounted to EUR 31 million (32). Premiums written increased 23 per cent to EUR 223 million (181). Segment 'Holding' reported a profit before taxes of EUR 121 million (-12) in the third quarter, of which EUR 140 million relates to Sampo's share of Nordea's third quarter 2010 profit. BUSINESS AREAS P&C insurance If P&C is the leading property and casualty insurance company in the Nordic region, with insurance operations that also encompass the Baltic countries and Russia. The P&C insurance group's parent company, If P&C Insurance Holding Ltd, is located in Sweden, and the If subsidiaries provide insurance solutions and services in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Baltic countries and Russia. If's operations are divided into four business areas: Private, Commercial, Industrial and Baltic and Russia. Results     Change Q3/ Q3/ Change EUR m 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 % 2010 2009 % Premiums, net 3,142 2,889 9 784 715 10 Net income from investments 341 284 20 104 93 12 Other operating income 18 17 4 6 6 3 Claims incurred -2,017 -1,847 9 -660 -613 8 Change in insurance liabilities -240 -177 35 197 201 -2 Staff costs -358 -347 3 -123 -127 -3 Other expenses -345 -321 8 -115 -100 14 Finance costs -21 -22 -6 -7 -7 0 Profit (loss) before taxes 519 476 9 186 167 11 Key figures       Change     Change Combined ratio, % 93.0 92.0 1.0 90.6 90.9 -0.3 Risk ratio, % 69.5 68.1 1.4 67.2 66.9 0.3 Cost ratio, % 23.5 23.8 -0.3 23.5 24.0 -0.5 Expense ratio, % 17.0 17.3 -0.3 17.0 17.3 -0.3 Return on equity, % 39.0 54.0 -15.0 - - - Average number of staff (FTE) 6,415 6,863 -448 - - - Profit before taxes for P&C insurance for the first nine months of 2010 increased to EUR 519 million (476). Technical result decreased to EUR 340 million (374) because of lower allocated investment income, as a result of lower interest rate level, and lower underwriting result. Technical result for Private business area amounted to EUR 177 million (186), Commercial EUR 101 million (106), Industrial EUR 45 million (55) and Baltic and Russia EUR 13 million (20). Return on equity (RoE) exceeded clearly the target level of 17.5 per cent and was 39.0 per cent (54.0). RoE was further strengthened by favorable currency movements. Insurance margin (technical result in relation to net premiums earned) amounted to 11.7 per cent (13.8). Fair value reserve at the end of September 2010 rose to EUR 283 million (105). Combined ratio for January-September 2010 amounted to 93.0 per cent (92.0) supported by third quarter's combined ratio of 90.6 per cent (90.9).  EUR 92 million (79) was released from technical reserves related to prior year claims. Risk ratio was 69.5 per cent (68.1). The deterioration of 1.4 percentage points from the same period last year was affected by the difficult first quarter of the year. In Private business area combined ratio rose to 93.2 (92.3). Nominal costs were flat and cost ratio decreased 0.7 percentage points to 23.7 per cent. Risk ratio deteriorated 1.7 percentage points reflecting the effects from extreme winter conditions in the first quarter of the year. Despite the exceptional storms in Finland and cloud bursts in Denmark, the third quarter claims development was stable. In Commercial business area combined ratio was stable at 93.3 per cent (93.1). In Industrial business area combined ratio rose to 92.4 per cent (90.9) due to an increase in large claims costs. Risk ratio deteriorated 1.7 percentage points to 73.9 per cent. In Baltic and Russia business area combined ratio was 92.1 per cent (89.4). Gross written premiums increased 9 per cent to EUR 3,332 million (3,083). Adjusted for currency the premiums increased 0.6 per cent. In business area Private the premiums grew 3.9 per cent with fixed currencies. The largest increase was in Denmark but all countries had positive development. In Commercial business area premiums increased 0.2 per cent with positive growth in Norway and Denmark. Industrial business area still suffered from recessionary effects and premiums decreased 4.4 per cent. In business area Baltic and Russia premiums fell 18.4 per cent. Cost ratio improved in all business areas, except Baltic and Russia, and was 23.5 per cent (23.8). Adjusted for currency the nominal costs decreased 2 per cent. At the end of September 2010 the total investment assets amounted to EUR 11.8 billion (10.7) of which 87 per cent (89) was invested in fixed income instruments and 12 per cent (11) in equities. Net income from investments rose to EUR 341 million (284). Investment return for the first nine months of 2010 was 5.7 per cent (10.1). Duration for interest bearing assets was 1.7 years (2.5). If P&C's solvency ratio as at 30 September 2010 (solvency capital in relation to net premiums written) was 86 per cent (77). Solvency capital amounted to EUR 3,599 million (2,943). Reserve ratios were 174 per cent (172) of net premiums written and 241 per cent (240) of claims paid. Life insurance Mandatum Life Group consists of Mandatum Life, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sampo plc, operating in Finland, and its subsidiary Mandatum Life Insurance Baltic SE, which has the form of a European company and is headquartered in Estonia. It operates in the other Baltic countries through branches. Results     Change Q3/ Q3/ Change EURm 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 % 2010 2009 % Premiums written 827 513 61 223 181 23 Net income from investments 440 495 -11 195 244 -20 Other operating income 0 0 6 0 0 - Claims incurred -630 -466 35 -195 -154 26 Change in liabilities for inv. and ins. contracts -468 -395 19 -172 -217 -21 Staff costs -25 -20 25 -8 -7 24 Other operating expenses -37 -37 1 -10 -13 -23 Finance costs -6 -6 -1 -2 -2 16 Profit before taxes 100 85 18 31 32 -3 Key figures       Change Expense ratio, % 113.6 116.5 -2.9 - - - Return on equity, % 35.2 116.5 -81.3 - - - Average number of staff (FTE) 465 459 6 - - - Mandatum Life Group's strong premium growth continued in the third quarter of 2010 and the result remained good. Premium income grew more than 60 per cent to EUR 827 million (513). Profit before taxes in life insurance for January-September 2010 amounted to EUR 100 million (85). Net investment income, excluding income on unit-linked contracts, amounted to EUR 233 million (205). Meanwhile, net investment income from unit-linked investments was EUR 206 million (290). The fair value reserve increased to EUR 362 million from EUR 210 million at the end of 2009. Return on equity (RoE) in life insurance amounted to 35.2 per cent (116.5). Excluding the assets of EUR 2.9 billion (2.4) covering unit-linked liabilities, investment assets amounted to EUR 5.8 billion (5.4) at market values as at 30 September 2010. Fixed income represented 64 per cent (68), equity 27 per cent (23), private equity 4 per cent (4), real estate 3 per cent (3) and other assets 2 per cent (2) of the total assets. For January - September 2010 the return on investments amounted to 8.0 per cent (14.0). The duration of fixed income assets was 2.4 years (2.6) as at 30 September 2010. Solvency capital continued to grow fast and amounted to EUR 1,210 million and the solvency ratio rose to 23.4 per cent (18.5). Mandatum Life Group's total technical reserves were EUR 7.3 billion (6.8), of which unit-linked reserves accounted for 2.9 billion (2.4). The share of unit-linked reserves of total technical reserves increased to 39 per cent (35). Expense ratio for the life segment improved to 113.6 per cent (116.5). This ratio does not take into account all fees intended to cover the operating expenses. Mandatum Life does not defer acquisition costs, which burdens the first year's result. Mandatum Life Group's premium income on own account grew over 60 per cent and amounted to EUR 827 million (513). Unit-linked premiums amounted to 72 per cent (69) of all premiums written. Premium income from the Baltic countries was EUR 44 million (29). Mandatum Life maintained a high overall market share of 22.9 per cent (23.6) in Finland measured by premium income. The unit-linked market share amounted to 28.0 per cent (26.6). After deleting a duplication recorded in Finnish life insurance statistics, Mandatum Life´s overall market share was 24.9 per cent. The duplication has no effect on unit-linked market share. Market share in the Baltic countries amounted to 21 per cent (15). Holding Sampo plc controls its subsidiaries engaged in P&C and life insurance. In addition Sampo plc held on 30 September 2010 more than 20 per cent of the share capital of Nordea, the largest bank in the Nordic countries. Nordea is an associated company to Sampo plc. Results     Change Q3/ Q3/ Change EURm 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 % 2010 2009 % Net investment income 57 93 -38 9 6 39 Other operating income 12 9 29 4 3 25 Staff costs -10 -8 25 -3 -2 47 Other operating expenses -8 -14 -39 -2 -3 -28 Finance costs -78 -39 99 -26 -16 60 Share of associates' profit 371 - - 140 - - Profit before taxes 343 41 741 121 -12 -       Change Average number of staff (FTE) 53 54 -1 - - - The segment's profit before taxes was EUR 343 million (41), of which EUR 371 million relates to Sampo's share of Nordea's January - September 2010 profit. Segment's profit without Nordea was EUR -19 million in the third quarter. Sampo plc's holding in Nordea Bank was booked in the consolidated balance sheet at EUR 5.5 billion. The market value of the holding was EUR 6.4 billion at 30 September 2010. In addition the assets on Sampo plc's balance sheet included holdings in subsidiaries for EUR 2.4 billion (2.4). At the end of September 2010 Sampo plc´s debt financing amounted to EUR 1,735 million, of which senior bonds and notes accounted for EUR 1,026 million and commercial papers EUR 580 million. Gross debt to Sampo plc's equity was 28 per cent (24). Associated company Nordea Bank On 30 September 2010 Sampo plc held 830,440,497 Nordea shares corresponding to a holding of 20.5 per cent. The average price paid per share amounted to EUR 6.39 and the book value in the Group accounts was EUR 6.65 per share. The closing price as at 30 September 2010 was EUR 7.63. As Sampo's holding exceeds 20 per cent Nordea is accounted as an associated company in Sampo Group's accounts since 31 December 2009. Sampo's share of Nordea's net profit is shown on the face of Sampo Group's profit and loss account on the line Share of associate´s profit/loss. The following text is based on Nordea's January - September 2010 interim report published on 27 October 2010. Nordea's total income reached a record high as it increased 9 per cent from the previous quarter and 4 per cent compared to the third quarter last year. The development in the customer business remained strong. Lending volumes increased by 4 per cent and deposit volumes by 3 per cent from the previous quarter, margins were largely stable in the quarter and market shares increased, mainly within household. The fair value result in the Nordea Group increased from the low level in the second quarter. Total expenses increased 1 per cent compared to the previous quarter and staff costs increased by 3 per cent. In local currencies and excluding costs related to Group initiatives, total expenses were down 2 per cent in the third quarter. Net loan loss provisions amounted to EUR 207 million, of which EUR 50 million relates to the Danish guarantee scheme. The loan loss ratio was down by approx. 6 basis points compared to the previous quarter and was 29 basis points including and 22 basis points excluding the Danish guarantee scheme provisions. Operating profit was up 32 per cent from the previous quarter, mainly due to higher net interest income and net result from items at fair value. Risk- adjusted profit increased 37 per cent compared to the previous quarter. The inflow of new Gold and Private Banking customers remained strong, increasing by more than 15,000 per month. Around 60 per cent of the new Gold and Private Banking customers were new customers to Nordea. Nordea has continued to benefit from a strong funding name and has continued to issue long-term funding throughout the third quarter. Nordea issued its first covered bond in Norway during the third quarter and has announced its covered bond program in Finland with the first issue expected in the fourth quarter 2010. The core tier 1 capital ratio, i.e. excluding hybrid loans, was 10.4 per cent excluding transition rules according to Basel II (10.0 per cent in the second quarter). Including transition rules, the core tier 1 capital ratio was 9.1 per cent (9.0 per cent). The effect from currency fluctuations contributed to an increase in income and expenses of approx. 1 percentage point compared to the previous quarter and of approx. 4-5 percentage points compared to the third quarter last year. DEVELOPMENTS IN JANUARY - SEPTEMBER 2010   Personnel The number of full-time equivalent personnel in Sampo Group on 30 September 2010 was 6,920 compared to 7,087 on 31 December 2009. The average number of employees in January-September amounted to 6,933 (7,454). Approximately 92 per cent of the Sampo Group staff - 6,391 employees - worked in P&C insurance on 30 September 2010. The number of staff is divided into 1,725 employees in Finland, 1,856 employees in Sweden, 1,535 employees in Norway and 1,275 employees in Baltics and other countries. The number of personnel in P&C insurance decreased further. More than 7 per cent of the Sampo Group staff - 476 employees - worked in life insurance. Life insurance operations had 371 employees in Finland and 105 employees in Baltics. The number of staff increased 5 per cent compared with the end of the previous year. Approximately 1 per cent of the Sampo Group staff - 53 employees - worked in the holding company Sampo plc. The number of staff remained at earlier level. Management incentive schemes On 8 June 2010 Sampo's Board approved a Compensation Code which applies to all Group companies. The Boards of these companies have adopted company-level policies based on the Code. The Code lays down the principles for e.g. management incentives and can be viewed at The management incentive schemes of Sampo Group are of two types; long-term management incentive schemes based on share appreciation rights and one share- based incentive scheme. The outcome of the long-term management incentive schemes is determined by Sampo's share price development over a period of approximately three years starting from the issue of the respective program. The programs are subject to thresholds on share price development and company profitability, as well as ceilings for maximum bonuses. Furthermore, the programs are subject to rules requiring part of the paid bonus to be used to acquire Sampo shares, which must in turn be held for a specified period of time. In 2006, Sampo's Annual General Meeting decided on a share-based incentive scheme for the Executive Management belonging to the Group Executive Committee. Under the program, the participants are granted the right to receive up to a pre-determined number of Sampo shares, if Sampo's share price has outperformed a predefined threshold value and insurance margin targets have been exceeded. The bonus will be paid in Sampo shares, in cash or a combination thereof. Furthermore, the programs are subject to lock-up on Sampo shares received. Payments based on the long-term management incentive schemes in January - September 2010 amounted to EUR 10 million (0). No payments were made on the basis of the share-based incentive scheme 2006 (0). The terms of all incentive schemes are available on Sampo's web pages at Shares and share capital On 8 June 2010 the Sampo Board decided to cancel the 90,000 Sampo A shares purchased in late 2009 according to the authorization by the Annual General Meeting. The shares were purchased at an average price of EUR 16.53 per share and the total amount paid for the shares was EUR 1.5 million. The cancellation reduced the number of Sampo A shares with the corresponding amount but had no effect on the share capital. As at 30 September 2010 the number of Sampo plc's A shares totaled 560,082,390. Total number of shares of the company, including 1,200,000 B shares, is 561,282,390 shares. Sampo plc did not hold its own A shares on 30 September 2010. The other Group companies hold no shares in the parent company either.   The Annual General Meeting of 2010 authorised the Board to acquire in one or several lots a maximum of 50,000,000 Sampo A shares. Shares can be repurchased in other proportion than the shareholders' proportional shareholdings (private repurchase). The share price will be no higher than the highest price paid for Sampo shares in public trading at the time of purchase. The authorisation will be valid until the close of the next Annual General Meeting, nevertheless not more than 18 months after AGM's decision. The authorisation has not been used. Internal dividends During the third quarter of 2010 no dividends were paid by the subsidiaries to the parent company Sampo plc. Sampo plc has received a dividend of EUR 103 million (SEK 1,000 million) from If P&C Insurance Holding Ltd on 13 April 2010 and, in addition, the associated company Nordea Bank AB paid on 8 April 2010 a dividend amounting to EUR 204 million. No dividend has been paid from Mandatum Life to Sampo plc in the first three quarters of 2010. Ratings All the main ratings for Sampo Group companies remained unchanged in the third quarter of 2010. +--------------------------------------+--------------+-------------------+ |Rated company | Moody's |Standard and Poor's| +--------------------------------------+------+-------+---------+---------+ |  |Rating|Outlook| Rating |Outlook | +--------------------------------------+------+-------+---------+---------+ |Sampo plc |Baa2 |Stable |Not rated|- | +--------------------------------------+------+-------+---------+---------+ |If P&C Insurance Ltd | | | | | |(Sweden) |A2 |Stable |A |Stable | +--------------------------------------+------+-------+---------+---------+ |If P&C Insurance Company Ltd (Finland)|A2 |Stable |A |Stable | +--------------------------------------+------+-------+---------+---------+ Group solvency Sampo Group, with Nordea Bank AB (publ) as its associated company, is regarded as a financial and insurance conglomerate according to the Act on the Supervision of Financial and Insurance Conglomerates (2004/699). Group solvency has been calculated according to Chapter 3 of the Act on the Supervision of Financial and Insurance Conglomerates (2004/699). The Act is based on Directive 2002/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the supplementary supervision of credit institutions, insurance undertakings and investment. SAMPO GROUP SOLVENCY 30 September 2010 31 December 2009 EURm Group capital 8,422 7,613 Sectoral items 1,717 1,545 Intangibles and other deductibles -2,413 -2,314 Dividends -421 -561 Group's own funds, total 7,305 6,283 Minimum requirements for own funds, total 4,374 3,968 Group solvency 2,930 2,315 Group solvency ratio (Own funds  per cent of minimum requirements) 167.0 158.3 The Group's solvency ratio (own funds in relation to minimum requirements for own funds) was 167.0 per cent (158.3) as at 30 September 2010. Nordea is treated as an associated company in the solvency calculation and the part of Nordea's capital requirement corresponding to Sampo's holding in Nordea is taken into account in the Group's capital requirement. In Sampo Group solvency is assessed internally by comparing the capital required to the capital available. Capital requirement assessment is based on an economic capital framework, in which Group companies quantify the amount of capital required for measurable risks over a one year time horizon at 99.5 per cent´s confidence level. In addition to economic capital companies are assessing their capital need related to non-measurable risks like risks in business environment. Capital available or Adjusted Solvency Capital include regulatory capital and in addition other loss absorbing items like the effect of discounting technical reserves and other reserves excluded from regulatory capital. The economic capital tied up in Group's operations on 30 September 2010 was EUR 4,189 million (3,783) and adjusted solvency capital was EUR 7,279 million (7,077). EVENTS AFTER THE END OF THE REPORTING PERIOD On 13 October 2010, Sampo plc received a disclosure according to which Capital Research and Management Company's holding in Sampo plc had on 11 October 2010 fallen below one twentieth (1/20) of Sampo plc's entire stock and voting rights. According to the notification Capital Research held 4.95 per cent of Sampo's total share capital and 4.91 per cent of related votes. OUTLOOK FOR THE REST OF 2010 Global economic recovery continues broadly as expected. In the Nordic countries economic activity has rebounded faster than anticipated despite sovereign debt problems causing uncertainty. Volatility in the capital markets will persist with quickly changing investor sentiments. Sampo Group is expected to report a good result for 2010 with a continuing good profitability of its insurance operations supported by the share of Nordea's profit. If P&C is expected to reach its long-term combined ratio target of below 95 per cent in 2010 and achieve a combined ratio between 92 and 94 per cent. Profit is expected to remain on a very good level. Mandatum Life's marked-to-market profit is highly dependent on capital markets and is expected to remain good. Reported profit is foreseen to reach year 2009 level. The company seeks further growth in the unit-linked volumes. The profit contribution of the associated company, Nordea Bank AB, is expected to remain significant. SAMPO PLC Board of Directors For more information, please contact: Peter Johansson, Group CFO, tel. +358 10 516 0010 Jarmo Salonen, Head of Investor Relations and Group Communications, tel. +358 10 516 0030 Maria Silander, Press Officer, tel. +358 10 516 0031 An English-language telephone conference for investors and analysts will be arranged at 4 pm Finnish time (2 pm UK time). Please call +44 207 162 0025 (Europe) or +1 334 323 6201 (North America). Please be ready to state the conference ID '877782, the conference title 'Sampo plc 2010/Q3 release' and the password 'SAMPO'. The telephone conference can also be followed from a direct transmission on the Internet at A recorded version will later be available at the same address. In addition, Group CEO and President Kari Stadigh's video interview and Supplementary Financial Information are available at Sampo will publish the full-year 2010 result release on 9 February 2011. Distribution: NASDAQ OMX Helsinki The principal media Financial Supervisory Authority GROUP FINANCIAL REVIEW FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 GROUP Profit before taxes EURm 959 625 Return on equity (at fair value) % 22,3 75,8 Return on assets (at fair value) % 10,0 24,9 Equity/assets ratio % 28,7 28,8 Group solvency ¹) EURm 2 930 6 101 Group solvency ratio % 167,0 810,8 Average number of staff 6 933 7 376 PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE Premiums written before reinsurers' share EURm 3 332 3 083 Premiums earned EURm 2 902 2 712 Profit before taxes EURm 519 476 Return on equity (at current value) % 39,0 54,0 Risk ratio ²) % 69,5 68,1 Cost ratio ²) % 23,5 23,8 Loss ratio ²) % 76,9 75,8 Loss ratio excl. unwinding of discount ³) % 75,9 74,7 Expense ratio ²) % 17,0 17,3 Combined ratio % 94,0 93,1 Combined ratio excl. unwinding of discount % 93,0 92,0 Average number of staff 6 415 6 863 LIFE INSURANCE Premiums written before reinsurers' share EURm 832 519 Profit before taxes EURm 100 85 Return on equity (at current value) % 35,2 116,5 Expense ratio % 113,6 116,5 Average number of staff 465 459 HOLDING Profit before taxes EURm 343 41 Average number of staff 53 54 PER SHARE KEY FIGURES Earnings per share EUR 1,43 0,88 Earnings per share, incl. other comprehensive income EUR 2,39 6,05 Capital and reserves per share EUR 15,00 13,74 Net asset value per share EUR 16,54 13,76 Adjusted share price, high EUR 19,95 17,60 Adjusted share price, low EUR 16,13 8,63 Market capitalisation EURm 11 119 9 661 ¹)  The Group solvency is calculated according to the consolidation method defined in Chapter 3 of the Act on the Supervision of Financial and Insurance Conglomerates (2004/699). In the comparison year the solvency was calculated based on adjusted solvency calculations for insurance groups according to the Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (1106/2000), determined on the basis of the Group financial statements. Nordea Bank has been consolidated as an associate as of 31 Dec. 2009, so the capital demand required by this investment did not burden the Group's solvency on 30 Sep. 2009. ²) The key figures for P&C Insurance are based on activity based costs and cannot, therefore, be calculated directly from the consolidated income statement. The result analysis of P&C insurance is presented in note 13. In calculating the per share key figures, the number of shares used at the balance sheet date and as the average number of shares was 561,282,390. The valuation differences on investment property have been taken into account in calculating the return on assets, return on equity, equity/assets ratio and net asset value per share. The tax component includes the tax corresponding to the result for the period, and the deferred tax liability related to valuation differences on investment property. The total comprehensive income has been used in the calculation of the return on assets and return on equity. The key figures for the insurance business have been calculated in accordance with the decree issued by the Ministry of Finance and the specifying regulations and instructions of the Finance Supervisory Authority (former Insurance Supervisory Authority). CALCULATION OF KEY FIGURES Return on equity (fair values), % + total comprehensive income + change in valuation differences on investments - tax (incl. change in deferred tax relating to valuation differences on investments)   x 100 % + total equity + valuation differences on investments after deduction of deferred tax (average of values 1 Jan. and the end of reporting period) Return on assets (at fair values), % + operating profit + other comprehensive income before taxes + interest and other financial charges + calculated interest on technical provisions + change in valuation differences on investments x 100 % ----------------------------------------------------------------- + balance sheet total -  technical provisions relating to unit-linked insurance + valuation differences on investments (average of values on 1 Jan. and the end of the reporting period) Equity/assets ratio (at fair values), % + total equity + valuation differences on investments after deduction of deferred tax x 100 % ----------------------------------------------------------------- + balance sheet total + valuation differences on investments Risk ratio for P&C Insurance, % + claims incurred - claims settlement expenses x 100 % ----------------------------------------------------------------- insurance premiums earned Cost ratio for P&C Insurance, % + operating expenses + claims settlement expenses x 100 % ----------------------------------------------------------------- insurance premiums earned Loss ratio for P&C Insurance, % claims incurred x 100 % ----------------------------------------------------------------- insurance premiums earned Expense ratio for P&C Insurance, % operating expenses x 100 % ----------------------------------------------------------------- insurance premiums earned Combined ratio for P&C Insurance, % Loss ratio + expense ratio Expense ratio for life insurance, % + operating expenses before change in deferred acquisition costs + claims settlement expenses x 100 % ----------------------------------------------------------------- expense charges Per share key figures Earnings per share profit for the financial period attributable to the parent company's equity holders ----------------------------------------------------------------- adjusted average number of shares Equity per share equity attributable to the parent company's equity holders ----------------------------------------------------------------- adjusted number of shares at the balance sheet date Net asset value per share + equity attributable to the parent company's equity holders + valuation differences on listed associates in the Group + valuation differences after the deduction of deferred taxes ----------------------------------------------------------------- adjusted number of shares at balance sheet date Market capitalisation number of shares at the balance sheet date x closing share price at the balance sheet date GROUP QUARTERLY INCOME STATEMENT EURm 7-9/2010 4-6/2010 1-3/2010 10-12/2009 7-9/2009 Insurance premiums written 1 007 1 198 1 764 1 077 896 Net income from investments 310 163 363 259 348 Other operating income 6 6 3 6 6 Claims incurred -855 -874 -918 -792 -767 Change in liabilities for insurance and investment contracts 25 26 -759 -61 -17 Staff costs -135 -124 -135 -134 -136 Other operating expenses -125 -139 -121 -130 -115 Finance costs -35 -29 -35 -25 -23 Share of associates' profit/loss 140 106 124 0 0 Profit for the period before taxes 338 334 287 199 192 Taxes -55 -62 -41 -51 -44 Profit for the period 284 273 245 148 148 Other comprehensive income for the period Exchange differences on translating foreign operations 58 30 83 -8 102 Available-for-sale financial assets 311 -179 328 -189 1 549 Cash flow hedges -2 -4 -2 -3 1 Share of other comprehensive income of associates 1 9 27 - - Income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income -81 48 -85 -50 -175 Other comprehensive income for the period, net of tax 288 -96 351 -250 1 477 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD, NET OF TAX 571 177 596 -102 1 624 Profit attributable to   Owners of the parent 284 273 245 148 148   Non-controlling interests 0 0 0 0 0 Total comprehensive income attributable to   Owners of the parent 571 177 596 -101 1 625   Non-controlling interests 0 0 0 0 0 CONSOLIDATED COMPREHENSIVE INCOME STATEMENT EURm Note 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 Insurance premiums written 1 3 969 3 403 Net income from investments 2 837 897 Other operating income 16 14 Claims incurred 3 -2 647 -2 314 Change in liabilities for insurance and investment contracts -708 -572 Staff costs 4 -393 -375 Other operating expenses -385 -365 Finance costs -99 -62 Share of associates' profit/loss 370 0 Profit before taxes 959 625 Taxes -158 -133 Profit for the period 801 493 Other comprehensive income for the period Exchange differences 171 130 Available-for-sale financial assets 460 3 178 Cash flow hedges -8 0 Share of other comprehensive income of associates 38 - Income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income -118 -276 Other comprehensive income for the period, net of tax 543 3 032 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD 1 344 3 524 Profit attributable to   Owners of the parent 801 493   Non-controlling interests 0 0 Total comprehensive income attributable to   Owners of the parent 1 344 3 524   Non-controlling interests 0 0 Basic earnings per share (eur) 1,43 0,88 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET EURm Note 09/2010 12/2009 Assets Property, plant and equipment 30 34 Investment property 123 124 Intangible assets 5 732 688 Investments in associates 5 535 5 172 Financial assets 6, 7 17 060 15 479 Investments related to unit-linked insurance contracts 8 2 887 2 366 Tax assets 64 81 Reinsurers' share of insurance liabilities 541 481 Other assets 1 684 1 439 Cash and cash equivalents 746 771 Total assets 29 401 26 635 Liabilities Liabilities for insurance and investment contracts 9 13 884 13 014 Liabilities for unit-linked insurance and investment contracts 10 2 889 2 359 Financial liabilities 11 2 286 2 098 Tax liabilities 615 500 Provisions 30 35 Employee benefits 105 104 Other liabilities 1 170 912 Total liabilities 20 979 19 022 Equity Share capital 98 98 Reserves 1 530 1 530 Retained earnings 6 159 5 889 Other components of equity 635 96 Equity attributable to owners of the parent 8 422 7 613 Non-controlling interests 0 0 Total equity 8 422 7 613 Total equity and liabilities 29 401 26 635 STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY, IFRS Avai- In- Trans- lable- Sha- vest- lation for- re ed un- Re- of sale pre- Le- re- tain- foreign  finan- Cash Sha- mium gal strict- ed ope- cial flow re ac- re- ed earn- rations  assets hedges EURm capital count serve equity ings *) **) ***) Total Equity at 1 Jan. 2009 98 1 161 370 0 5 614 -249 -2 375 11 4 631 Changes in equity Transfers between equity -1 161 -366 1 527 -1 Share-based payments -2 -2 Recognition of undrawn dividends 11 11 Dividends -449 -449 Total comprehensive income for the period 493 130 2 902 0 3 524 Equity at 30 Sep. 2009 98 0 4 1 527 5 667 -119 527 11 7 715 Equity at 1 Jan. 2010 98 0 4 1 527 5 889 -200 287 9 7 613 Changes in equity Share-based payments -1 -1 Recognition of undrawn dividends 10 10 Dividends -561 -561 Share of associate's other changes in equity 17 17 Total comprehensive income for the period 801 209 340 -6 1 344 Equity at 30 Sep. 2010 98 0 4 1 527 6 155 9 626 3 8 422 *) The total comprehensive income includes also the share of the associate Nordea's other comprehensive income, in accordance with the Group's share holding. As Nordea's other comprehensive income comprise mainly the currency hedging of net investments and exchange differences, the Group's share of Nordea's other comprehensive income EURm 38 is also included in the Group's exchange differences in the statement of changes in equity. **) The amount recognised in equity from available-for-sale financial assets for the period totalled EURm 453 (2,851).  The amount transferred to p/l amounted to EURm -113 (50). ***) The amount recognised in equity from cash flow hedges for the period totalled EURm -6 (0) . The amount included in the translation, available-for-sale and cash flow hedge reserves represent other comprehensive income for each component, net of tax. STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 Cash and cash equivalent at the beginning of the period 761 499 Cash flow from/used in operating activities 350 1 257 Cash flow from/used in investing activities 31 -1 700 Cash flow from/used in financing activities -423 531    Dividends paid -554 -443    Increase of liabilities 1 468 1 497    Decrease of liabilities -1 337 -522 Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the period 718 588 The cash flow statement reports cash flows during the period classified by operating, investing and financing activities. Cash flows are reported by using the indirect method. Cash flows from operating activities derive primarily from the principal revenue-producing activities. Cash flows from investments in subsidiaries and associated undertakings and those from investments in intangible assets and property, plant and equipment are presented in investing activities. Financing activities include cash flows resulting from changes in equity and borrowings in order to conduct the business. Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash at bank and in hand and short-term deposits (under 3 months). NOTES ACCOUNTING POLICIES Sampo Group's consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adopted by the EU. The interim financial statements are presented in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting. In preparing the interim financial statements, the same accounting policies and methods of computation are applied as in the financial statements for 2009. Sampo adopted various new or revised standards and interpretations at the beginning of the year 2010. These standards and interpretations are explained in Sampos accounting policies for the financial year 2009. The financial statements are available on Sampo's website at The most significant of the adopted standards is the revised IFRS 3 Business combinations. The standard includes various significant changes regarding the accounting treatment of business combinations by allowing the company to measure the non-controlling interest at fair value instead of the proportionate interest in the acquiree's net assets. The choice affects the amounts of recognised goodwill and non-controlling interest. CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT BY SEGMENT FOR NINE MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2010 EURm P&C insurance Life insurance Holding Elimination Group Insurance premius written 3 142 827 - - 3 969 Net income from investments 341 440 57 -1 837 Other operating income 18 0 12 -14 16 Claims incurred -2 017 -630 - - -2 647 Change in liabilities for insurance and investment contracts -240 -468 - - -708 Staff costs -358 -25 -10 - -393 Other operating expenses -345 -37 -8 5 -385 Finance costs -21 -6 -78 7 -99 Share of associates' profit/loss 0 0 371 - 370 Profit before taxes 519 100 343 -3 959 Taxes -139 -24 5 0 -158 Profit for the period 380 76 348 -2 801 Other comprehensive income for the period Exchange differences 171 0 - - 171 Available-for-sale financial assets 242 213 4 1 460 Cash flow hedges - -8 - - -8 Share of other comprehensive income of associates - - 38 - 38 Income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income -64 -53 -1 0 -118 Other comprehensive income for the period, net of tax 349 152 41 1 543 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD 729 228 389 -2 1 344 Profit attributable to   Owners of the parent 801   Non-controlling interests 0 Total comprehensive income attributable to   Owners of the parent 1 344   Non-controlling interests 0 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT BY SEGMENT FOR NINE MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 EURm P&C insurance Life insurance Holding Elimination Group Insurance premius written 2 889 513 - - 3 403 Net income from investments 284 495 93 25 897 Other operating income 17 0 9 -12 14 Claims incurred -1 847 -466 - - -2 314 Change in liabilities for insurance and investment contracts -177 -395 - - -572 Staff costs -347 -20 -8 - -375 Other operating expenses -321 -37 -14 6 -365 Finance costs -22 -6 -39 6 -62 Share of associates' profit/loss 0 0 - - 0 Profit before taxes 476 85 41 24 625 Taxes -116 -18 8 -6 -133 Profit for the period 360 66 48 18 493 Other comprehensive income for the period Exchange differences 130 0 - - 130 Available-for-sale financial assets 605 456 2 140 -23 3 178 Cash flow hedges - 0 - - 0 Income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income -164 -118 0 6 -276 Other comprehensive income for the period, net of tax 572 337 2 140 -17 3 032 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD 932 404 2 188 0 3 524 Profit attributable to   Owners of the parent 493   Non-controlling interests 0 Total comprehensive income attributable to   Owners of the parent 3 524   Non-controlling interests 0 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET BY SEGMENT AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2010 EURm P&C insurance Life insurance Holding Elimina-tion Group Assets Property, plant and equipment 19 5 5 - 30 Investment property 26 97 4 -4 123 Intangible assets 566 165 0 - 732 Investments in associates 11 0 5 524 - 5 535 Financial assets 11 417 5 549 2 656 -2 563 17 060 Investments related to unit-linked insurance contracts - 2 887 - - 2 887 Tax assets 49 - 15 0 64 Reinsurers' share of insurance liabilities 538 4 - - 541 Other assets 1 530 122 50 -17 1 684 Cash and cash equivalents 523 140 82 - 746 Total assets 14 679 8 969 8 336 -2 584 29 401 Liabilities Liabilities for insurance and investment contracts 9 425 4 459 - - 13 884 Liabilities for unit- linked insurance and investment contracts - 2 889 - - 2 889 Financial liabilities 624 105 1 747 -190 2 286 Tax liabilities 450 165 - - 615 Provisions 30 - - - 30 Employee benefits 105 - - - 105 Other liabilities 859 230 100 -19 1 170 Total liabilities 11 493 7 848 1 847 -210 20 979 Equity Share capital 98 Reserves 1 530 Retained earnings 6 159 Other components of equity 635 Equity attributable to owners of the parent 8 422 Non-controlling interests 0 Total equity 8 422 Total equity and liabilities 29 401 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET BY SEGMENT AT 31 DECEMBER 2009 EURm P&C insurance Life insurance Holding Elimina-tion Group Assets Property, plant and equipment 23 5 5 - 34 Investment property 28 87 10 - 124 Intangible assets 521 167 0 - 688 Investments in associates 3 0 5 168 - 5 172 Financial assets 10 248 5 216 2 554 -2 538 15 479 Investments related to unit-linked insurance contracts - 2 366 - - 2 366 Tax assets 71 - 11 0 81 Reinsurers' share of insurance liabilities 477 4 - - 481 Other assets 1 265 133 76 -36 1 439 Cash and cash equivalents 292 68 412 - 771 Total assets 12 927 8 047 8 235 -2 574 26 635 Liabilities Liabilities for insurance and investment contracts 8 583 4 431 - - 13 014 Liabilities for unit- linked insurance and investment contracts - 2 359 - - 2 359 Financial liabilities 524 132 1 609 -166 2 098 Tax liabilities 403 97 - - 500 Provisions 35 - - - 35 Employee benefits 104 - - - 104 Other liabilities 719 134 95 -36 912 Total liabilities 10 367 7 153 1 703 -202 19 022 Equity Share capital 98 Reserves 1 530 Retained earnings 5 889 Other components of equity 96 Equity attributable to owners of the parent 7 613 Non-controlling interests   0 Total equity 7 613 Total equity and liabilities 26 635 OTHER NOTES 1 INSURANCE PREMIUMS P&C insurance 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 Premiums from insurance contracts Premiums written, direct insurance 3 260 3 002 Premiums written, assumed reinsurance 72 81 Premiums written, gross 3 332 3 083 Ceded reinsurance premiums written -190 -194 P&C Insurance, total 3 142 2 889 Change in unearned premium provision -276 -211 Reinsurers' share 36 34 Premiums earned for P&C Insurance, total 2 902 2 712 Life insurance 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 Premiums from insurance contracts Premiums from contracts with discretionary participation feature 229 157 Premiums from unit-linked contracts 251 173 Premiums from other contracts 3 3 Insurance contracts, total 483 333 Assumed reinsurance 2 2 Premiums from investment contracts Premiums from contracts with discretionary participation feature 0 3 Premiums from unit-linked contracts 347 182 Investment contracts, total 347 185 Reinsurers' shares -6 -6 Life insurance, total 827 513 Single and regular premiums from direct insurance Regular premiums, insurance contracts 276 256 Single premiums, insurance contracts 207 77 Single premiums, investment contracts 347 185 Total 830 518 Group, total 3 969 3 403 2 NET INCOME FROM INVESTMENTS P&C Insurance 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 Financial assets Derivative financial instruments 14 34 Financial assets designated as at fair value through p/l     Debt securities 8 25     Equity securities 3 10 Total 11 34 Loans and receivables 9 11 Financial asset available-for-sale     Debt securities 348 275     Equity securities 24 -20 Total 372 255 Total financial assets 406 335 Income from other assets -1 0 Fee and commission expense -6 -4 Expense on other than financial liabilities -14 -2 Effect of discounting annuities -44 -45 P&C insurance, total 341 284 Life insurance 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 Financial assets Derivative financial instruments -7 52 Financial assets designated as at fair value through p/l     Debt securities 4 4     Equity securities 1 0 Total 5 4 Investments related to unit-linked contracts     Debt securities 48 33     Equity securities 159 254     Loans and receivables -1 -     Other financial assets 0 2 Total 206 290 Loans and receivables 4 4 Financial asset available-for-sale     Debt securities 150 141     Equity securities 72 -19 Total 222 122 Total income from financial assets 429 473 Other assets 4 20 Fee and commission income, net 6 3 Life insurance, total 440 495 Holding 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 Financial assets Derivative financial instruments 27 9 Loans and other receivables 21 1 Financial assets available-for-sale     Debt securities 7 13     Equity securities 1 61 Total 7 74 Other assets 2 9 Fee income, net 1 0 Holding, total 57 93 Elimination items between segments -1 25 Group, total 837 897 3  CLAIMS INCURRED P&C insurance 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 Claims paid -1 990 -1 773 Reinsurers' share 101 87 Claims paid, net -1 889 -1 687 Change in provision for claims outstanding -120 -133 Reinsurers' share -9 -28 P&C Insurance total -2 017 -1 847 Life insurance 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 Claims paid -544 -413 Reinsurers' share 4 4 Claims paid, net -539 -409 Change in provision for claims outstanding -90 -57 Reinsurers' share 0 0 Life insurance, total -630 -466 Group, total -2 647 -2 314 4 STAFF COSTS P&C insurance 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 Wages and salaries -250 -242 Granted cash-settled share options -7 -3 Pension costs -50 -56 Other social security costs -50 -46 P&C insurance, total -358 -347 Life insurance 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 Wages and salaries -18 -16 Granted cash-settled share options -1 -1 Pension costs -3 -3 Other social security costs -2 -1 Life insurance, total -25 -20 Holding 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 Wages and salaries -6 -6 Granted cash-settled share options -3 -1 Pension costs -1 -2 Other social security costs -1 0 Holding, total -10 -8 Group, total -393 -375 5 INTANGIBLE ASSETS P&C insurance 09/2010 12/2009 Goodwill 553 506 Customer relations 1 6 Other intangible assets 12 8 P&C Insurance, total 566 521 Life insurance 09/2010 12/2009 Goodwill 153 153 Other intangible assets 12 14 Life insurance, total 165 167 Holding 09/2010 12/2009 Other intangible assets 0 0 Group, total 732 688 6 FINANCIAL ASSETS P&C insurance 09/2010 12/2009 Derivative financial instruments (Note 7) 191 84 Financial assets designated as at fair value through p/l    Debt securities 127 136    Equity securities 2 27 Total 129 163 Loans and receivables    Loans 57 2    Deposits with ceding undertakings 1 1 Total 59 3 Financial assets available-for-sale    Debt securities 9 471 8 797    Equity securities 1 567 1 201 Total 11 038 9 998 P&C insurance, total 11 417 10 248 Life insurance 09/2010 12/2009 Derivative financial instruments (Note 7) 122 66 Financial assets designated as at fair value through p/l    Debt securities 52 46    Equity securities 12 4 Total 64 50 Loans and receivables    Loans 28 24    Deposits with ceding undertakings 1 2 Total 29 26 Financial assets available-for-sale    Debt securities 3 212 3 289    Equity securities *) 2 123 1 785 Total 5 334 5 074 Life insurance, total 5 549 5 216 *) of which investments in interest funds 59 157 Holding 09/2010 12/2009 Derivative financial instruments (Note 7) 37 12 Loans and receivables    Deposits 1 1 Financial assets available-for-sale    Debt securities 213 135    Equity securities 36 36 Total 250 172 Investments in subsidiaries 2 370 2 370 Holding, total 2 656 2 554 Elimination items between segments -2 563 -2 538 Group, total 17 060 15 479 7 DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS P&C insurance 09/2010 12/2009 Fair Fair value Fair value value Fair value Contract/ Contract/ notional notional amount Assets Liabilities amount Assets Liabilities Derivatives held for trading Interest rate derivatives 1 419 8 1 849 22 0 Foreign exchange derivatives 3 637 182 187 3 365 62 88 Equity derivatives 2 0 - 1 - 0 Total 5 057 191 187 4 215 84 88 Derivatives held for hedging Fair value hedges 176 0 - 217 0 0 P&C Insurance, total 5 233 191 187 4 432 84 89 Life insurance 09/2010 12/2009 Fair Fair value Fair value value Fair value Contract/ Contract/ notional notional amount Assets Liabilities amount Assets Liabilities Derivatives held for trading Interest rate derivatives 5 677 34 1 1 406 51 3 Foreign exchange derivatives 1 208 42 5 852 4 29 Equity derivatives 0 0 0 - - - Commodity derivatives - - - 14 - 0 Total 6 885 76 5 2 272 54 32 Derivatives held for hedging Cash flow hedges 105 4 - 365 12 - Fair value hedges 477 42 - 227 - - Total 582 46 - 591 12 - Life insurance, total 7 467 122 5 2 863 66 32 Holding 09/2010 12/2009 Fair Fair value Fair value value Fair value Contract/ Contract/ notional notional amount Assets Liabilities amount Assets Liabilities Derivatives held for trading Interest rate derivatives 975 27 - 975 7 - Exchange derivatives 12 0 - 48 1 0 Equity derivatives 60 9 12 42 4 7 Total 1 047 37 12 1 065 12 7 8 INVESTMENTS RELATED TO UNIT-LINKED INSURANCE Life insurance 09/2010 12/2009 Financial assets as at fair value through p/l Debt securities 545 365 Equity securities 2 231 1 923 Loans and receivables 95 70 Derivatives 16 8 Life insurance, total 2 887 2 366 9 LIABILITIES FOR INSURANCE AND INVESTMENT CONTRACTS P&C insurance 09/2010 12/2009 Insurance contracts Provision for unearned premiums 2 011 1 668 Provision for claims outstanding 7 414 6 915 P&C Insurance, total 9 425 8 583 Reinsurers' share Provision for unearned premiums 88 49 Provision for claims outstanding 450 428 P&C Insurance, total 538 477 Life insurance 09/2010 12/2009 Insurance contracts Liabilities for contracts with DPF    Provision for unearned premiums 2 489 2 513    Provision for claims outstanding 1 930 1 844 Total 4 419 4 358 Liabilities for contracts without DPF    Provision for unearned premiums 13 13    Provision for claims outstanding 0 0 Total 14 13 Total 4 433 4 371 Assumed reinsurance    Provision for unearned premiums 1 1    Provision for claims outstanding 2 2 Total 3 3 Insurance contracts, total Provision for unearned premiums 2 503 2 528 Provision for claims outstanding 1 932 1 846 Total 4 435 4 374 Investment contracts Liabilities for contracts with DPF    Provision for unearned premiums 23 57 Liabilities for insurance and investment contracts, total Provision for unearned premiums 2 527 2 585 Provision for claims outstanding 1 932 1 846 Life insurance, total 4 459 4 431 Recoverable from reinsurers Provision for unearned premiums 0 0 Provision for claims outstanding 4 4 Life insurance, total 4 4 Investment contracts do not include a provision for claims outstanding. Liability adequacy test does not give rise to supplementary claims. Exemption allowed in IFRS 4 Insurance contracts has been applied to investment contracts with DPF or contracts with a right to trade-off for an investment contract with DPF. These investment contracts have been valued like insurance contracts. Group, total 13 884 13 014 10 LIABILITIES FROM UNIT-LINKED INSURANCE AND INVESTMENT CONTRACTS Life insurance 09/2010 12/2009 Unit-linked insurance contracts 2 197 1 961 Unit-linked investment contracts 693 398 Life insurance, total 2 889 2 359 11 FINANCIAL LIABILITIES P&C insurance 09/2010 12/2009 Derivative financial instruments (Note 7) 187 89 Subordinated debt securities Subordinated loans 437 435 P&C insurance, total 624 524 Life insurance 09/2010 12/2009 Derivative financial instruments (Note 7) 5 32 Subordinated debt securities Subordinated loans 100 100 Life insurance, total 105 132 Holding 09/2010 12/2009 Derivative financial instruments (Note 7) 12 7 Debt securities in issue Commercial papers 580 466 Bonds 1 026 962 Total 1 605 1 429 Subordinated debt securities Debentures - 37 Other Pension loan 130 130 Other - 6 Total 130 136 Holding, total 1 747 1 609 Elimination items between segments -190 -166 Group, total 2 286 2 098 12 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND COMMITMENTS P&C insurance 09/2010 12/2009 Off-balance sheet items Guarantees 63 19 Other irrevocable commitments 46 69 Total 109 88 Assets pledged as collateral for liabilities or contingent liabilities 09/2010 09/2010 12/2009 12/2009 Assets pledged as Assets Liabilities/ Assets Liabilities/ collateral pledged commit- ments pledged commit- ments Cash at balances at central banks 9 7 9 7 Investments - Investment securities 132 108 124 101 Total 142 116 133 108 Non-cancellable operating leases 09/2010 12/2009 Minimum lease payments not later than one year 33 32 later than one year and not later than five years 80 82 later than five years 104 106 Total 216 220 Life insurance 09/2010 12/2009 Off-balance sheet items Fund commitments 361 357 09/2010 12/2009 Other commitments Acquisition of IT-software 1 0 Non-cancellable operating leases 09/2010 12/2009 Minimum lease payments not later than one year 1 2 later than one year and not later than five years 3 7 later than five years 1 1 Total 6 10 Holding 09/2010 12/2009 Off-balance sheet items Fund commitments 1 3 Assets pledged as collateral for liabilities or contingent liabilities 09/2010 09/2010 12/2009 12/2009 Assets pledged as Assets Liabilities/ Assets Liabilities/ collateral pledged commit- ments pledged commit- ments Investments - Mortgaged collateral notes - - 15 6 Non-cancellable operating leases 09/2010 12/2009 Minimum lease payments not later than one year 1 1 later than one year and not later than five years 3 3 later than five years 1 2 Total 6 7 13 RESULT ANALYSIS OF P&C INSURANCE BUSINESS 1-9/2010 1-9/2009 Premiums earned 2 902 2 712 Claims incurred -2 203 -2 025 Operating expenses -495 -468 Other technical income and expenses 0 1 Allocated investment return transferred from the non-technical account 136 156 Technical result 340 374 Investment result 363 306 Allocated investment return transferred to the technical account -180 -200 Other income and expenses -5 -5 Operating result 519 476 14 SAMPO PLC'S INCOME STATEMENT AND BALANCE SHEET (FAS) INCOME STATEMENT   1-9/2010 1-9/2009 Other operating income 12 10 Staff expenses -11 -9 Depreciation and impairment 0 0 Other operating expenses -9 -14 Operating profit -7 -13 Finance income and expenses 285 157 Profit before appropriations and income taxes 277 144 Income taxes 5 8 Profit for the financial period 283 152 BALANCE SHEET 09/2010 12/2009 ASSETS Non-current assets Intangible assets 1 1 Property, plant and equipment 4 4 Investments   Shares in Group companies 2 370 2 370   Receivables from Group companies 145 122   Shares in participating undertakings 5 304 5 168   Receivables from participating undertakings 20 -   Other shares and participations 41 41   Other receivables 48 14 Receivables 99 98 Cash and cash equivalents 82 412 TOTAL ASSETS 8 114 8 229 LIABILITIES Equity Share capital 98 98 Fair value reserve 0 -3 Invested unrestricted equity 1 527 1 527 Other reserves 273 273 Retained earnings 4 088 4 108 Profit for the year 283 531 Total equity 6 268 6 534 Liabilities Long-term 1 156 1 129 Short-term 690 567 Total liabilities 1 846 1 696 TOTAL LIABILITIES 8 114 8 229 [HUG#1458371] Interim report January-September 2010 (pdf): This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: (i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and other applicable laws; and (ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. Source: Sampo Oyj via Thomson Reuters ONE


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