Annual Report and Accounts
T2 Income Fund Limited
17 April 2007
T2 Income Fund Limited
Consolidated and Company Annual Report and
Audited Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2006
T2 Income Fund Limited (the 'Company') is pleased to announce its audited
preliminary results for the one year period ending 31 December 2006. Copies of
these financial statements will be sent to shareholders and will also be
available, free of charge, from the offices of (Butterfield Fund Services
(Guernsey) Limited, P.O. Box 211, Regency Court, Glategny Esplanade, St. Peter
Port Guernsey GY1 3NQ.)
Patrick Conroy
T2 Income Fund Limited
Phone: +1 203 983-5282
Mr. Philip Secrett
Grant Thornton Corporate Finance
Phone: +44 (0) 870 991 2578
As you are aware, the Company was launched in August 2005 when it raised net
proceeds of £36.7 million of equity. As of 31 December 2006, the Company had
invested assets of approximately £54 million. I am pleased to report that as of
31 March 2007, the Company has invested assets of approximately £83.6 million.
This means that the Company is fully invested and has begun to leverage its
assets to make new investments.
As of 31 December 2006, the investments in the portfolio, on a weighted average
basis, bear an interest rate of 10.4%, which is more than 500 basis points over
In February 2007 the Directors of the Company increased the dividend to 2.0p per
share for the fourth quarter ending 31 December 2006. This dividend was paid in
February 2007. On 27 March 2007 the Directors declared a dividend of 2.5p per
share in relation to the first quarter of 2007. This brings the total dividends
paid and declared from the period of inception in August 2005 through 31 March
2007 to 7.0p per share.
The Company's dividend history is:
Month paid Dividend per share For period ended
July 2006 1.0p 30 June 2006
Oct. 2006 1.5p 30 September 2006
Feb. 2007 2.0p 31 December 2006
May 2007 2.5p 31 March 2007
Total 7.0p
On 25 October 2006 the Company established a credit facility of up to US$200
million with Merrill Lynch Capital Corporation. Through a newly formed special
purpose entity, Merrill Lynch has made this credit facility available for the
purpose of making new investments. The credit facility bears interest at LIBOR
plus 50 basis points. As of 31 December 2006, the Company had drawn £22.4
million under the facility and as of 31 March 2007, the Company had drawn £56.3
million under the facility.
With the establishment of this credit facility, the Company has been able to
accelerate its rate of deploying capital. During the fourth quarter of 2006 the
Company made approximately £22.4 million of new investments. During the first
quarter of 2007 the Company deployed approximately £40.2 million of additional
capital for new investments.
T2 Advisers, the Company's Investment Manager, believes that the current
environment for providing investment capital affords it a positive outlook going
The Directors are pleased with the progress that the Investment Manager has made
on behalf of the Company and share the Investment Manager's enthusiasm with
regard to the Company's prospects.
With the Company now fully invested, generating a strong yield on its portfolio
and having the capability to leverage its investments and its returns, we are
looking forward to achieving greater operating scale and continuing to enhance
Shareholder returns.
William Harley Tozier
The Directors present their report and the audited financial statements for the
year ended 31 December 2006.
Principal activities
T2 Income Fund Limited (the 'Company') is a closed-ended investment company
which was incorporated with limited liability in Guernsey on 9 June 2005 in
accordance with The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 1994. The Company was admitted to
the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange (AIM) on 5 August
A new Cayman Islands registered subsidiary company, T2 Income Fund CLO I Ltd,
was created on 11 October 2006. Through its ownership of 100% of the preferred
shares of T2 Income Fund CLO I Ltd the Directors consider the CLO to be a wholly
owned subsidiary and the operating results are consolidated in these financial
The Company and its subsidiary (together 'the Group') will primarily invest in
the debt and equity securities of small to medium sized companies to maximize
its portfolio's return.
The Group will seek to achieve a high level of current income by investing in
debt securities, consisting primarily of senior debt across multiple industries.
The Group intends to invest primarily in companies located in the United States,
Europe and the United Kingdom. The Group will target companies with attractive
fundamental characteristics including experienced management, a significant
financial or strategic sponsor or partner, a strong competitive position and
positive cash flow.
Results and dividends
The Group results for the year are set out on page 7. Dividends of £950,000
were paid during the year (2005: nil).
On 31 January 2007 a dividend of £760,000 (2p per share), relating to the year
ended 31 December 2006, was approved. This dividend was paid to shareholders on
23 February 2007, with an ex dividend date of 7 February 2007. On 27 March 2007
a dividend of £950,000 (2.5p per share), relating to the period 1 January 2007
to 31 March 2007, was announced with a payment date of 10 May 2007.
Statement of directors' responsibilities
The Directors are responsible for preparing the financial statements in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the
European Union, for each financial period which give a true and fair view of the
state of affairs of the Company and the Group as at the end of the financial
period and of the profit or loss for that period in accordance with The
Companies (Guernsey) Law, 1994. In preparing these financial statements, the
Directors are required to:
• select suitable accounting policies and apply them consistently;
• make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;
• state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject
to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial
statements; and
• prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is
inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business.
The Directors confirm that they have complied with the above requirements in
preparing the financial statements.
The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the
Company and the Group and enable them to ensure that the financial statements
have been properly prepared in accordance with The Companies (Guernsey) Law,
1994. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and
the Group and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection
of fraud and other irregularities.
In so far as the Directors are aware:
* there is no relevant audit information of which the Company's auditors are
unaware; and
* the Directors have taken all steps that they ought to have taken to make
themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that
the auditors are aware of that information.
A resolution for the appointment of Grant Thornton UK LLP will be proposed at
the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.
Approved on behalf of the board of directors on 16 April 2007.
Saul Barak Rosenthal Patrick Francis Conroy
Director Director
Group Company Group and
Year to Year to Period to
31 December 31 December 31 December
2006 2006 2005
Notes £ £ £
Interest income 2 2,950,030 2,676,375 648,866
Other income 2 36,814 36,814 46,978
Investment Income
(Loss)/gain on financial assets and 5
liabilities at fair value through
profit or loss
- Realised (248,633) (248,633) -
- Unrealised (1,835,169) (1,630,983) 33,384
Gain on foreign currency transactions
- Realised 295,151 295,151 -
- Unrealised 129,740 129,740 -
Total Income 1,327,933 1,258,464 729,228
Management fees 4 298,751 298,751 300,967
Administration and secretarial fees 4 40,000 40, 000 16,329
Custodian fees 4 15,000 15,000 6,123
Legal and professional fees 25,455 25,455 9,167
Directors' remuneration 4 65,000 65,000 36,418
Directors' and officers' insurance 43,485 43,485 17,054
Audit fees 39,001 39,001 15,000
Share issue expenses 2(g) - - 68,801
Finance costs 4 104,215 - -
Other expenses 200,502 199,827 57,413
Total Expenses 831,409 726,519 527,272
Profit for the year/period 496,524 531,945 201,956
Basic earnings per share 14 0.0131 0.0140 0.0053
Diluted earnings per share 14 0.0118 0.0126 0.0048
The notes at the end of this release form an integral part of these financial
31 December 2006 31 December 2005
Notes £ £
Non-current assets
Financial assets at fair value through the 5 53,978,368 5,887,644
profit and loss account
Note receivable 7 500,000 -
54,478,368 5,887,644
Current assets
Trade and other receivables 7 610,946 40,440
Cash and cash equivalents 8 4,929,513 35,694,293
5,540,459 35,734,733
Total assets 60,018,827 41,622,377
Capital and reserves attributable to the Company's equity
Share premium 10 36,694,149 36,694,149
Other reserve 14,167 4,167
Foreign exchange reserve 35,421 -
Retained earnings (251,520) 201,956
Total equity 36,492,217 36,900,272
Non-current liabilities
Warehouse facility 9 22,374,308 -
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 9 1,152,302 4,722,105
Total liabilities 23,526,610 4,722,105
Total equity and liabilities 60,018,827 41,622,377
Net Asset Value per Share £0.96 £0.97
The notes at the end of this release form an integral part of these financial
31 December 2006 31 December 2005
Notes £ £
Non-current assets
Financial assets at fair value through the 5 26,401,578 5,887,644
profit or loss account
Investment in subsidiary 6 6,322,726 -
Note receivable 7 500,000 -
33,224,304 5,887,644
Current assets
Trade and other receivables 7 478,540 40,440
Cash and cash equivalents 8 3,854,472 35,694,293
4,333,012 35,734,733
Total assets 37,557,316 41,622,377
Capital and reserves attributable to the Company's equity
Share premium 10 36,694,149 36,694,149
Other reserve 14,167 4,167
Retained earnings (216,099) 201,956
Total equity 36,492,217 36,900,272
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 9 1,065,099 4,722,105
Total liabilities 1,065,099 4,722,105
Total equity and liabilities 37,557,316 41,622,377
Net Asset Value per Share £0.96 £0.97
The notes at the end of this release form an integral part of these financial
Share Share Other Foreign Retained Total
Capital Premium Reserve exchange Earnings Equity
Group Note £ £ £ £ £ £
Proceeds from preferred 10 - 38,000,000 - - - 38,000,000
ordinary shares issued
Set-up fees in relation - (1,305,851) - - - (1,305,851)
to issue of shares
Profit for the period - - - - 201,956 201,956
Amortisation of fair - - 4,167 - - 4,167
value of options
Balance at 31 December - 36,694,149 4,167 - 201,956 36,900,272
Profit for the year - - - - 496,524 496,524
Foreign exchange on - - - 35,421 - 35,421
Total income & expense - - - 35,421 496,524 531,945
for the year
Amortisation of fair - - 10,000 - - 10,000
value of options
Dividends paid - - - - (950,000) (950,000)
Balance at 31 December - 36,694,149 14,167 35,421 (251,520) 36,492,217
Share Share Other Foreign Retained Total
Capital Premium Reserve exchange Earnings Equity
Company Note £ £ £ £ £ £
Proceeds from preferred 10 - 38,000,000 - - - 38,000,000
ordinary shares issued
Set-up fees in relation - (1,305,851) - - - (1,305,851)
to issue of shares
Profit for the period - - - - 201,956 201,956
Amortisation of fair - - 4,167 - - 4,167
value of options
Balance at 31 December - 36,694,149 4,167 - 201,956 36,900,272
Profit for the year - - - - 531,945 531,945
Total income & expense - - - - 531,945 531,945
for the year
Amortisation of fair - - 10,000 - - 10,000
value of options
Dividends paid - - - - (950,000) (950,000)
Balance at 31 December - 36,694,149 14,167 - (216,099) 36,492,217
During the year the Company made two dividend payments. On 17 July 2006 the
Company paid a dividend of 1p per ordinary share (£380,000) for the period to 30
June 2006. On 23 October 2006 the Company paid a dividend of 1.5p per ordinary
share (£570,000) for the period to 30 September 2006.
The notes at the end of this release form an integral part of these financial
Group Company Company
31 December 31 December 31 December
2006 2006 2005
Notes £ £ £
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations 11 (2,014,562) (2,173,545) 156,573
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating (2,014,562) (2,173,545) 156,573
Cashflows from investing activities
Purchase of investments (59,465,371) (41,570,229) (1,156,429)
Sale of investments 8,307,610 8,307,610 -
Payment to subsidiary - (3,081,460) -
Receipt from subsidiary - 6,921,988 -
Principal received 983,235 705,815 -
Net cash outflow from investing (50,174,526) (28,716,276) (1,156,429)
Cashflows from financing activities
Proceeds from issue of shares - - 38,000,000
Set-up fees paid - - (1,305,851)
Warehouse facility 22,374,308 - -
Dividends paid (950,000) (950,000) -
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing 21,424,308 (950,000) 36,694,149
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash (30,764,780) (31,839,821) 35,694,293
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of 35,694,293 35,694,293 -
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year/ 4,929,513 3,854,472 35,694,293
The notes at the end of this release form an integral part of these financial
For the year ended 31 December 2006
T2 Income Fund Limited (the 'Company') was incorporated and domiciled in
Guernsey, Channel Islands, as a company limited by shares on 9 June 2005. The
address of the registered office is Regency Court, Glategny Esplanade, St Peter
Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands, GY1 3NQ.
A new Cayman Islands registered subsidiary company, T2 Income Fund CLO I Ltd.,
was created on 11 October 2006. Through its ownership of 100% of the preferred
shares of T2 Income Fund CLO I Ltd the Directors consider the CLO to be a wholly
owned subsidiary and the operating results are consolidated in these financial
(a) Basis of preparation
The consolidated financial statements of the Group have been prepared in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') as adopted
by the European Union and all applicable requirements of Guernsey Company Law.
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention
as modified by the revaluation of investments at fair value through the Income
(b) Basis of consolidation
The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of T2
Income Fund Limited and its subsidiary T2 Income Fund CLO I Ltd. Intercompany
transactions, balances and unrealised gains on transactions between group
companies are eliminated.
(c) Foreign currency translation
(i) Functional and presentation currency
The Financial Statements of the Company are presented in the currency of the
primary economic environment in which the entity operates (its functional
currency). The Directors have considered the primary economic currency of the
Company and considered the currency in which the original finance was raised,
distributions made, and ultimately what currency would be returned on a break up
basis. The Directors have also considered the currency to which the underlying
investments are exposed. On balance, the Directors believe Sterling best
represents the functional currency of the Company and Dollars the functional
currency of the subsidiary. Therefore the books and records are maintained in
Sterling and Dollars respectively and for the purpose of the financial
statements the results and financial position of the Group are presented in
Sterling, which is the presentation currency of the Group.
(ii) Transactions and balances
Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using
the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange
gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the
translation at period-end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities
denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the income statement.
Translation differences on non-monetary items are reported as part of the fair
value gain or loss reported in the Income Statement.
(iii) Subsidiary company
The results and financial position of the subsidiary entity that has a
functional currency different to the presentation currency is translated into
the presentation currency as follows:
1. assets and liabilities of the balance sheet presented are translated at the
closing rate at the date of the balance sheet;
2. income and expenses for the income statement are translated at average
exchange rates for the period (unless this average is not a reasonable
approximation of the cumulative effect of the rates prevailing on the
transaction dates, in which case income and expenses are translated at the
dates of the transactions); and
3. all resulting exchange differences are recognised as a separate component of
shareholders' equity.
(d) Revenue recognition
Revenue is recognised as follows:
Interest income - recognised on an accruals basis as this relates to bank
interest income and coupon interest.
Other income - relates to closing fees which are recognised when they fall due.
(e) Expenditure
All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. The management fees,
administration fees, finance costs and all other expenses (excluding set up
expenses which were offset against share premium) are charged through the income
(f) Taxation
The Company is exempt from Guernsey taxation under the Income Tax (Exempt
Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 1989. A fixed annual fee of £600 is payable to the
States of Guernsey in respect of this exemption.
(g) Share issue expenses
Share issue expenses of an equity transaction are accounted for as a deduction
from equity (net of any income tax benefit) to the extent they are incremental
costs directly attributable to the equity transaction that otherwise would have
been avoided.
(h) Dividends
Dividend distributions to the Group's shareholders are recognised in the Group's
financial statements in the period in which the dividends are paid.
(i) Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents includes cash in hand, deposits held at call with
banks, other short term highly liquid investments and bank overdrafts.
(j) Trade and other receivables
Receivables are recognised initially at fair value plus transaction costs that
are directly attributable to their acquisition or origination. They are
subsequently measured at amortised cost.
(k) Trade and other payables
Payables are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently stated at
amortised cost.
(l) Investments
(i) Financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
Purchases and sales of all investments are recognised on trade date - the date
on which the Group acquires or disposes of the economic benefits of the asset.
All investments are initially recognised at fair value, and transaction costs
for all financial assets and financial liabilities carried at fair value through
profit or loss are expensed as incurred. Investments are derecognised when the
rights to receive cash flows from the investments have expired or the Group has
transferred substantially all risks and rewards of ownership.
The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets is based on
quoted market prices at the balance sheet date. The quoted market price used
for financial assets held by the Group is the current bid price. The fair value
of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market is determined
by using valuation techniques. Valuation techniques used include the use of
comparable recent arm's length transactions.
For broadly syndicated loans T2 receives market quotes from agent banks on a
quarterly basis. This information is reviewed by T2 management and used to
price the portfolio companies.
For bi-lateral loans, Houlihan Lokey, an independent third party, performs
portfolio company evaluations. As part of Houlihan Lokey's due diligence they
review the following:
- Audited and/or unaudited historical financial information including the most
recent fiscal year.
- Financial information for the most current period available.
- Financial forecast prepared by the Portfolio Company.
- Most current capitalisation table.
- T2 investment Committee Memorandum prepared prior to the date of investment.
- Documents relating to business operations, financial performance and corporate
- Public filings by the Portfolio Companies.
In assessing the fair value of each investment, Houlihan Lockey reviews the
- Recent financial performance including cash flow and profitability on an
actual basis compared to plan.
- Funding history of the company, the implied valuation from the most recent
funding and anticipated future funding transactions.
- Company's capital structure.
- Recent business events disclosed by the Company.
- Potential requirement for additional funding.
Gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of the financial assets
at fair value through profit or loss are included in the income statement in the
period in which they arise.
(ii) Subsidiary
Investment in subsidiary is initially recorded at cost. After initial
recognition, the investment in subsidiary is measured at fair value, with
movements in the unrealised gains and losses recognised in the Company Income
Statement. Through its ownership of 100% of the preferred shares of T2 Income
Fund CLO I Ltd the Directors consider the CLO to be a wholly owned subsidiary
and the operating results are consolidated in these financial statements.
(m) Critical accounting estimates and judgements in applying accounting policies
The Company makes estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of
assets and liabilities within the next financial year. Estimates are
continually evaluated and based on historical experience and other factors,
including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under
the circumstances. The Company also makes assumptions on the classification of
financial assets.
Unlisted Debt Securities
The Group can invest in financial instruments which are not quoted in active
markets. Fair values are determined by using valuation techniques. Where
valuation techniques, such as the Market Capitalization Approach, are used to
determine fair values they are carried out by an independant valuation firm
specifically engaged by the Group to carry out the valuations. Changes in
assumptions could affect the reported fair value of financial instruments.
(n) New standards
New standards and interpretations have been published that are mandatory for the
Group's accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2007 or later periods
and which the Group has not early adopted:
The Group has not early adopted the new standard IFRS 7 (Financial Instruments:
Disclosure), therefore no additional disclosures have been made.
The Group has not early adopted the new standard IFRS 8 (Operating Segments),
therefore no additional disclosures have been made.
(o) Share based payments
Share options are valued in accordance with IFRS2 on an estimate of the fair
value of the services received.
(1) Financial risk factors
The Group is exposed to interest rate risk, credit risk, liquidity risk and
currency risk arising from the financial instruments it holds. The risk
management policies employed by the Group to manage these risks are discussed
below. The primary objectives of the financial risk management function are to
establish risk limits, and then ensure that exposure to risks stays within these
limits. The operational and legal risk management functions are intended to
ensure proper functioning of internal policies and procedures to minimise
operational and legal risks.
(a) Interest rate risk
Interest rate risk is the risk that the value of financial instruments will
fluctuate due to changes in market interest rates. The Group will have exposure
to interest rate risk if the Board determines that the Group should borrow to
fund future investments. The exposure arises on the difference between the rate
of interest the Group is required to pay on borrowed funds and the rate of
interest which it receives on the debt securities in which it invests.
The Group is exposed to risks associated with the effects of fluctuations in the
prevailing levels of market interest rates on its financial position and cash
flows. The Company's cash balances, warehouse facility and debt instruments are
open to interest rate risk.
The Group may, but is not required to, hedge against interest rate fluctuations
by using standard hedging instruments such as futures, options and forward
(b) Credit risk
Credit risk arises when a failure by counterparties to discharge their
obligations could reduce the amount of future cash inflows from financial assets
on hand at the balance sheet date. The Group invests primarily in senior debt,
senior subordinated debt and junior subordinated debt. The maximum investment
size, at the time of the investment, will generally be limited to 15% of the
Group's Gross Assets. However, the Group may make larger investments and it may
seek to syndicate or sell down a portion of any such investment, after it has
been acquired.
The Group has established a credit rating system. The purpose of the rating
system is to monitor the credit quality of T2's investment portfolio on both an
individual and portfolio basis and the future on-going monitoring required.
(c) Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that arises when the maturity of assets and
liabilities does not match. As the Group's investments will not generally be in
publicly traded securities, they are likely to be subject to legal and other
restrictions on resale or otherwise be less liquid than publicly traded
securities. The illiquidity of the Group's investments may make it difficult for
them to be sold quickly if the need arises. Since the Group intends to invest in
debt securities with a term of up to seven years, and hold investments in debt
securities and related equity securities until maturity of the debt, the Group
does not expect realisation events to occur in the near term.
(d) Currency risk
Currency risk is the risk that the value of financial instruments will fluctuate
due to changes in foreign exchange rates. The Group may make investments in
currencies other than Sterling. To the extent that it does, the Group will be
exposed to a potentially adverse currency risk. Changes in the rate of exchange
may affect the value of the Group's investments, and the level of income that it
receives from those investments. The Group has entered into currency hedging
transactions to minimise this risk (see note 15).
31 December 2006
Assets USD EUR £ Total
Financial assets at fair value through p&l 49,060,856 4,917,512 - 53,978,368
Cash and cash equivalents 2,826,963 130,412 1,972,138 4,929,513
Trade and other receivables 574,186 35,675 501,085 1,110,946
Total assets 52,462,005 5,083,599 2,473,223 60,018,827
Trade and other payables 23,270,769 - 255,841 23,526,610
31 December 2005
Assets USD EUR £ Total
Financial assets at fair value through p&l 5,887,644 - - 5,887,644
Cash and cash equivalents - - 35,694,293 35,694,293
Trade and other receivables 31,688 - 8,752 40,440
Total assets 5,919,332 - 35,703,045 41,622,377
Trade and other payables 4,653,822 - 68,283 4,722,105
(e) Market risk
The Group's exposure to market risk is comprised mainly of movements in the
Group's investments. The investment portfolio is managed within parameters
disclosed in the Group's offering memorandum.
(2) Fair value estimation
The fair values of the Group's short-term trade receivables and payables
approximate to their carrying amounts at the balance sheet date.
Management fee
The Investment Manager, T2 Advisers, LLC, is entitled to receive an annual fee
payable quarterly in advance. For the period from the Company's admission to
trading on AIM until the quarter end next following six months from the date of
admission, the management fee was calculated based on 2% of the initial value of
the Company's gross assets upon admission. Thereafter, the management fee is
calculated based on 2% of the average value of the Group's gross assets at the
end of the two most recently completed quarters.
Total fees charged for the year ended 31 December 2006 amounted to £298,751,
including the effect of a note receivable from the Investment Manager for
£500,000 of fees otherwise payable, (2005:£300,967). The total amount due and
payable at the year end amounted to £57,207 (2005:£2,150).
Administration and secretarial fees
The Administrator and Secretary, Butterfield Fund Services (Guernsey) Limited,
is entitled to an annual fee for its services as administrator and secretary, of
0.075% of the Net Asset Value of the Group, calculated on the last business day
of each quarter and payable quarterly in arrears. The fee is subject to a
minimum of £40,000 per annum. They are also due a fixed accounting fee of
£10,000 per annum plus a fixed fee of £5,000 for their registrar services.
Total Administration and secretarial fees (excluding accounting and registrar
fees) charged for the year ended 31 December 2006 amounted to £40,000 (2005:
£16,329). The total amount due and payable at the year end amounted to £20,000
Custodian fees
The Custodian, Butterfield Bank (Guernsey) Limited is entitled to custody fees
of 0.02% of the Net Asset Value of the Group subject to a minimum of £15,000 per
annum. The fee is payable quarterly in arrears.
Total fees charged for the year ended 31 December 2006 amounted to £15,000
(2005:£6,123). The total amount due and payable at the year end amounted to
£3,780 (2005:£3,781).
Directors fees
The current level of fees for the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the
Group is £25,000 per annum, and £20,000 each for non-executive directors.
Total fees charged to the Group for the year ended 31 December 2006 amounted to
£65,000 (£36,418). The total amount due and payable at the year end amounted to
£16,250 (£16,250).
Finance costs
Total finance costs for 2006 was £ 104,215. These finance costs are for
interest paid to Merrill Lynch for the Warehouse facility. The liability of the
warehouse facility as of 31 December 2006 was £ 22,374,308.
Group Group and
Company Company
2006 2006 2005
£ £ £
Listed debt securities 8,127,281 6,085,423 1,186,814
Unlisted debt securities 45,851,087 20,316,155 4,700,830
53,978,368 26,401,578 5,887,644
(Loss)/Gains recognised in relation to financial
assets at fair value through profit or loss
- realised (248,633) (248,633) -
- unrealised (1,835,169) (1,630,983) 33,384
(2,083,802) (1,879,616) 33,384
Group Group and
Company Company
2006 2006 2005
Opening value of financial assets 5,854,260 5,854,260 -
Purchases 59,465,371 41,570,229 5,854,260
Sales (8,307,610) (8,307,610) -
Realised loss on sale of investments (248,633) (248,633) -
Transfer to subsidiary - (10,775,207) -
Capital repayments (983,235) (705,815) -
Cost of investments at year/period end 55,780,153 27,387,224 5,854,260
Unrealised (loss)/gain at year/period end (1,801,785) (985,646) 33,384
Closing value at year/period end 53,978,368 26,401,578 5,887,644
Company Company
2006 2005
£ £
Additions at cost 6,934,680 -
Unrealised loss on net assets transferred to (611,954) -
Closing fair value of Investment in subsidiary 6,322,726 -
The cost of the investment is represented by the net assets transferred to the
The Company from time to time makes asset transfers between the Company, T2
Income Fund Limited, and the subsidiary, T2 Income Fund CLO I Ltd. The
unrealised loss on net assets transferred to subsidiary of £611,954 primarily
relates to the change in the foreign exchange rates.
Group Group and
Company Company
2006 2006 2005
£ £ £
Accrued bank interest 6,138 6,138 7,541
Loan interest receivable 444,417 312,011 6,683
Prepaid expenses 28,106 28,106 26,216
Unrealised gain on forward exchange contracts 132,285 132,285 -
610,946 478,540 40,440
Non current assets
Note receivable 500,000 500,000 -
The £500,000 note receivable relates to a promissory note due for payment in
2009 from T2 Advisers, LLC, the Company's Investment Manager. This note, which
is subject to certain conditions, was signed on 5 December 2006 and is subject
to interest of 8% per annum, compounded annually. The promissory note is
recognised in the financial statements as the Directors, having reviewed the
conditions pertaining to the promissory note, deem that receipt of payment is
virtually certain.
Group Group and
Company Company
2006 2006 2005
£ £ £
Call account 4,929,513 3,854,472 5,110,197
Fixed deposit - - 30,584,096
4,929,513 3,854,472 35,694,293
For the purposes of the Cash Flow Statement, the above items represent the year
end cash and cash equivalents.
Included within call account balances is an amount held as Collateral by RBC
Capital Markets for £1,413,332 (US$2,768,717) in relation to the forward
exchange contracts.
Group Group and
Company Company
2006 2006 2005
£ £ £
Current liabilities
Payable for investments - - 4,650,853
Due to RBC 896,461 896,461 -
Management fees 57,207 57,207 2,150
Administrator's fees 20,000 20,000 10,082
Custodian's fees 3,780 3,780 3,781
Audit fees 28,500 28,500 15,000
Directors' fees 16,250 16,250 16,250
Finance cost 86,788 - -
Other accruals 43,316 42,901 23,989
1,152,302 1,065,099 4,722,105
Non current liabilities
Warehouse facility 22,374,308 - -
On 21 November 2006 T2 Income Fund CLO I Ltd entered into a credit and warehouse
agreement (the 'Agreement') by and among Merrill Lynch Capital Corp., T2 Income
Fund CLO I Ltd (as the Issuer), T2 Advisers, LLC (as the Collateral Manager) and
T2 Income Fund Limited. The facility amount is US$200,000,000.
Merrill Lynch provides funding of 80% of the par value of loans assigned to T2
Income Fund CLO I Ltd. Interest due to Merrill Lynch is calculated daily on the
total funded amount at 1 month LIBOR plus 50 basis points.
Under the terms of the Agreement, the issuer pledged to Merrill Lynch, as
security for obligations of the Issuer and the Collateral Manager to Merrill
Lynch, and grants to Merrill Lynch a first priority continuing security interest
in, lien on and right of sell-off against all of the Issuer's assets including
the issuer's right, title and interest in the loans assigned. Such grants were
made to Merrill Lynch to secure the payment of all amounts due to Merrill Lynch
and compliance by the Issuer with the provision of the Agreement.
The Company has the power to issue an unlimited number of ordinary shares of no
par value.
On incorporation two Ordinary Shares were issued at 100p each to the subscribers
to the Memorandum of Association of the Company. On Admission to the AIM on 5
August 2005 the Company repurchased these Ordinary Shares.
On Admission to the AIM on 5 August 2005 the Company allotted 38,000,000 fully
paid Ordinary Shares.
Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Incremental costs directly
attributable to the issue of new shares are shown in equity as a deduction from
the proceeds, net of tax.
The Investment manager, T2 Advisers LLC, has been granted options to purchase
4,222,222 Ordinary Shares at the Placing Price, as reduced by dividends paid per
share, subject to the Company achieving certain performance criteria as follows:
The Investment manager options will vest and become exercisable in respect of 50
per cent immediately on conclusion of the first three month period during which
the Company pays dividends on the Shares in an aggregate amount during that
three month period equal to or exceeding 8 per cent of the Initial Offer Price
on an annualised basis (the hurdle rate). The remaining 50 per cent will vest
and become exercisable immediately on conclusion of the twelve month period
following the date specified above.
On 23 February 2007 the hurdle rate was met. Accordingly on 31 March 2007 the
options on 2,111,111 of these Ordinary shares became vested. The remaining
options for 2,111,111 Ordinary shares are scheduled to vest on 31 March 2008.
In accordance with IFRS2, the value of the options was based upon an estimate of
the fair value of the services received. The Company believes that the fair
value can be determined by a comparison to a performance-based incentive fee
program, which arrangements are common practice in the industry, because the
option program was similarly intended to compensate the Investment manager for
achieving superior returns. The fair value estimate was based, in good faith,
upon the present value of a hypothetical performance-based incentive fee,
assuming a fee of 20% of the excess return above an 8% hurdle rate over a
ten-year period; the fair value of the options was determined to be £100,000.
For the year ending 31 December 2006 the Company charged £10,000 (2005: £4,167)
to expenses representing the amortisation of the fair value of the options.
The calculation of fair value is sensitive to a number of assumptions, including
the average interest rate on investments, the pace of investment activity, the
amount and cost of leverage, if any, and expenses. It should be noted that the
actual value of the options may ultimately be substantially greater or less than
the fair value calculated. If actual financial performance is significantly
better than the assumptions used in the calculation of fair value, the options
could be worth several million pounds; to the extent that the performance
criteria is not achieved, the options would expire worthless.
Share Capital
Shares in £
Ordinary shares
Shares in issue as at 31 December 2006 and 31 December 38,000,000 -
38,000,000 -
Share Premium 31 December 31 December 2005
£ £
Balance at start year/period 36,694,149 -
Issued during year/period - 38,000,000
Set-up fees - (1,305,851)
Balance at end year/period 36,694,149 36,694,149
Group Group and
Company Company
2006 2006 2005
£ £ £
Profit for the year/period 496,524 531,945 201,956
Adjustments for:
Realised/Unrealised loss/(gain) arising on 2,083,802 1,879,616 (33,384)
adjustment to fair value of investments
Amortisation of fair value of options 10,000 10,000 4,167
Foreign exchange on consolidation 35,421 - -
Changes in working capital:
Trade and other receivables (1,070,506) (938,100) (87,418)
Trade and other payables (3,569,803) (3,657,006) 71,252
Cash (outflow)/inflow from operations (2,014,562) (2,173,545) 156,573
Through its 100% ownership of preferred shares in T2 Income Fund CLO I Ltd, the
Directors consider the following entity as a wholly owned subsidiary of the
Company and its results and financial position are included within the
consolidated results of the Company.
Date of Country of Nature of Percentage
incorporation incorporation holding holding
T2 Income Fund CLO I Ltd 11 October 2006 Cayman Islands Direct 100%
Saul Rosenthal is a member of BDC Partners which owns T2 Advisers LLC.
Saul Rosenthal and Patrick Conroy are officers of T2 Advisers LLC.
Patrick Firth is a director of the Administrator Butterfield Fund Services
(Guernsey) Limited.
The following transactions were carried out with Group Group and
related parties: Company Company
2006 2006 2005
Amounts incurred during the year to related £ £ £
Fees due to P Conroy as Chief Financial Officer 50,000 50,000 50,000
to the Company
Fees due from the Investment Manager T2 Advisers, 798,751 798,751 300,967
Fees due to the Investment Manager T2 Advisers, (500,000) (500,000) -
Fees due to BDC Partners, LLC 28,912 28,912 -
Amounts due to related parties
Fees due to P Conroy as Chief Financial Officer 4,167 4,167 4,167
to the Company
Fees due to the Investment Manager T2 Advisers, 57,207 57,207 2,150
Amounts due from related parties
Fees due from the Investment Manager T2 Advisers, 500,000 500,000 -
The Investment manager has been granted options giving it the right to acquire
4,222,222 Ordinary Shares at the Placing Price (£1.00), subject to the Company
achieving certain performance criteria. As at 31 December 2006 the criteria had
not been met. As of 23 February 2007 the criteria has been met, refer note 10.
Directors shareholdings in Company
Saul Rosenthal has a beneficial interest in 1,055,556 (2005: 1,055,556) ordinary
shares in the Company as at 31 December 2006 related to the share option plan
(ref note 10). This is equal to a beneficial interest of 2.5% based on the Share
Capital as at that date when diluted by the number of Ordinary Shares subject to
the option.
Earnings per share has been calculated by dividing the profit attributable to
ordinary share holders £496,524 Group, £531,945 Company (2005:£201,956 Group and
Company) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during
the year 38,000,000 (2005:38,000,000). Fully diluted profit per share has been
calculated by dividing the profit attributable to ordinary share holders of
£496,524 Group, £531,945 Company (2005: £201,956 Group and Company), by the
weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year adjusted
for the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary shares 42,222,222 (2005:
At the balance sheet date the following commitments in respect of forward
foreign exchange contracts existed:
Contract amount - £ Buy Sell (loss)/profit
7,562,250 EUR £ (17,080)
186,918 EUR £ 1,645
186,918 EUR £ 1,645
186,918 EUR £ 1,645
186,918 EUR £ 1,645
25,175,975 USD £ 163,213
709,543 USD £ (5,107)
709,543 USD £ (5,107)
709,543 USD £ (5,107)
709,543 USD £ (5,107)
On 31 January 2007 a dividend of £760,000 (2p per share), relating to the year
ended 31 December 2006, was approved. This dividend was paid to shareholders on
23 February 2007, with an ex dividend date of 7 February 2007. On 27 March 2007
a dividend of £950,000 (2.5p per share), relating to the period 1 January 2007
to 31 March 2007, was announced with a payment date of 10 May 2007.
Since the year end the Group has made a number of new investment purchases,
these are detailed below:
05/01/07 - US$7,000,000 - CBA Group
05/01/07 - US$2,000,000 - INFONXX
22/01/07 - US$2,500,000 - Graceway
26/01/07 - US$5,990,000 - Nestaway
09/02/07 - US$1,800,000 - Sirsi Corp
09/02/07 - US$2,017,333 - National Processing Company
23/02/07 - US$5,940,000 - Investools Inc
07/03/07 - US$3,003,438 - Investools Inc
08/03/07 - US$500,000 - Krispy Kreme
08/03/07 - US$8,000,000 - Express Energy Services
13/03/07 - US$3,000,000 - Peacock Engineering Co LLC
14/03/07 - US$6,100,000 - Nuvox
15/03/07 - US$11,984,950 - CavTel Holdings
23/03/07 - US$5,079,792 - Paetec Holding Corp
23/03/07 - US$5,000,000 - Data Transmission Network DTN
26/03/07 - US$9,055,667 - Proquest
29/03/07 - US$1,005,000 - Express Energy Services
30/03/07 - US$5,025,083 - Ford
Portfolio Statement
As at 31 December 2006
Portfolio Statement of the Group % of net
As at 31 December 2006 Fair assets
Audatex North America Inc 2,236,113 6.13%
Cavalier Telephone Inc 2,551,002 6.99%
Cavalier Telephone 2 Inc 3,573,252 9.79%
Corel Primary Corp 6,085,423 16.68%
INFONXX Inc 1,533,308 4.20%
Infor Global Solutions Inc 3,077,159 8.43%
Merrill Communications LLC 4,582,695 12.56%
Metrologic instruments Inc 1,540,965 4.22%
Nova 2,694,847 7.38%
NPC Inc 3,065,339 8.40%
One communications Corp 2,185,745 5.99%
Peer 1 Enterprises Inc 3,497,613 9.58%
Prodigy Health Group Inc 4,088,821 11.20%
Stratus Technologies Inc 3,430,322 9.40%
Travelport 3,081,930 8.45%
Versatel Holdings GmbH 2,681,399 7.35%
Workflow Management Inc 2,030,577 5.56%
X-rite Inc 2,041,858 5.61%
Total financial assets at fair value through profit or 53,978,368 147.92%
Cash balances 4,929,513 13.51%
Other net liabilities (22,415,664) -61.43%
Net Assets 36,492,217 100.00%
Statement of significant investment purchases and sales of the Group
For the year ended 31 December 2006
Purchases(at cost) 2006
Corel Primary Corp 6,338,651
Merrill Communications LLC 4,594,181
Stratus Technologies Inc 3,872,335
Cavalier Telephone 2 Inc 3,575,255
Infor Enterprise Inc 3,198,374
Travelport 3,190,301
Workflow Management Inc 3,068,697
Prodigy Health Group Inc 3,062,787
Infor Global Solutions Inc 2,733,862
Cavalier Telephone Inc 2,700,853
Nova 2,683,700
Versatel Holdings GmbH 2,681,579
One Communications Corp 2,281,698
Audatex North America Inc 2,257,098
X-Rite Inc 2,184,244
NPC Inc 2,045,857
Infor Global Solutions Inc 2,027,335
Metrologic instruments Inc 1,531,394
INFONXX Inc 1,531,394
Infor Global Solutions Inc 1,060,337
NPC Inc 1,020,929
Prodigy Health Group Inc 1,020,929
FCI International 803,581
Sales (proceeds) 2006
Infor Enterprise Inc 3,081,460
Infor Global Solutions Inc 2,730,446
Corel Primary Corp 1,092,243
FCI International 778,197
Workflow Management Inc 618,573
Cavalier 6,691
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange