Interim Results
9 September 1999
Profits recovery at Walker Greenbank
Interim report for the six months ended 31 July 1999
* The new management team has led the business to a profits
recovery in the first six months of the year.
* In difficult market conditions, Zoffany has taken market
share and Harlequin has recovered well with a series of
strong new collections.
* The US operations continue to perform strongly with sales
growth of 14%.
* Management is taking action to stem European losses.
* The balance sheet remains strong with net assets per
share well above the current share price.
Aidan Connolly, Chief Executive, Walker Greenbank plc said:
'This is a transitional year for the group as
the measures we have taken begin to take
effect and we can demonstrate real progress in
the UK and USA. We are confident that our
improved performance will continue as we
maintain our tight grip on margins and costs
and focus on profit opportunities as they
For further information contact:
Aidan Connolly, Chief Executive
Walker Greenbank plc
0171 638 9571 (today only)
01442 234 666 (thereafter)
John Rudofsky
Citigate Dewe Rogerson
0171 638 9571
Chairman's Statement
I am pleased to present my first set of results as Chairman
for the half year ended 31 July 1999. This is a transitional
year for the Group and we are making steady progress
transforming our prospects for future growth. In difficult
market conditions, sales have fallen almost 5% against the
same period last year, but our underlying profit, excluding
exceptionals, has improved from £362,000 to £908,000.
Our earnings per share for the period was 0.13p, against 0.39p
for last year, but last year's number was inflated by the
profits earned in businesses now sold and would have been
negative on a strict like for like basis. As last year, we
will not be paying an interim dividend and will consider the
final dividend in the light of the results for the full year.
Business Review
At the top end, Zoffany has continued to gain market share.
This has been partly offset by a further fall in sales of
Warner Fabrics. In the mid-market, Harlequin has seen a
significant return to profitability following operational
improvements. Our Contract Fabrics business has seen a
substantial increase in profitability, due to its focus on
servicing profitable accounts with a rationalised product
Our wholly owned operations continue to cause us concern. As
foreshadowed, our review of these operations has led to an
exceptional cost in the period. We have closed part of these
operations which have produced persistent losses in recent
years. The exceptional costs of £1,084,000 include a goodwill
write back of £570,000 relating to this closure.
Sales in our US operations increased 14% over the same period
last year and the business has produced excellent profits. The
effects of increases in US interest rates have not yet begun
to feed through and may affect consumer confidence in this
important market.
Re-organisation of Capital
We have now completed the re-organisation of capital which
began last summer. After our AGM, the company purchased for 1p
the entire deferred share capital of the company which had
been created as a result of the 'B' Share Scheme in August
Corporate Governance
In keeping with best corporate practice, I have decided to
ensure that the key committees of the board have separate
leadership from the group board. Accordingly, I have asked Sir
Malcolm Field to chair the two principal sub-committees of the
board - the audit and remuneration committees.
Approaches to the Company
As we have already announced we were approached with
proposals, which may or may not have led to an offer being
made for the shares of the company, from the same party in
July and again in August. In the view of the Board the
initial and the revised terms indicated were wholly inadequate
and were accordingly rejected.
We anticipate that the improvement in performance shown in
this first half will continue in the second half. Our margins
and costs remain under control and the expected improvement in
the economic climate offers us opportunities for increasing
Unaudited Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
For the six months ended 31 July 1999
6 mths 6 mths Year to
31 31 31
Jul '99 Jul '98 Jan '99
(note 7)
note £000 £000 £000
Operations 25,265 26,532 52,450
operations - 20,464 21,910
----- ----- -----
1 25,265 46,996 74,360
operations 3 908 (1,947) (2,046)
operations - 2,901 2,212
----- ----- -----
908 954 166
Share of
operating loss 4 (65) - (19)
----- ----- -----
profit 843 954 147
Closure of
overseas operations
£570,000 of
goodwill) 2 (1,084) - -
Profit on sale
of discontinued
operations - - 32,896
Amounts written
off investments - - (317)
----- ----- -----
on ordinary
before interest (241) 954 32,726
Net interest
(payable) 398 (200) 396
----- ----- -----
Profit on
before taxation 157 754 33,122
Taxation on
profit on
activities 5 (81) (267) (556)
----- ----- -----
Profit after
taxation 76 487 32,566
non-equity) - (32) (1,140)
----- ----- -----
for the
period 76 455 31,426
----- ----- -----
Earnings per
Basic and
diluted 7 0.13p 0.39p 36.92p
Dividend per
ordinary share 6 - - 2.00p
Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at 31 July 1999
As at As at As at
31 Jul 31 Jul 31 Jan
'99 '98 '99
note £000 £000 £000
Goodwill 8 198 - -
Tangible assets 12,547 25,655 12,073
Greenbank PLC
shares 2,023 3,070 2,023
Investment in
undertaking 4 - - 169
----- ----- -----
14,768 28,725 14,265
Current assets
Stocks 13,307 19,889 12,212
Debtors 12,198 26,611 12,793
Cash at bank
and in hand 10 15,958 2,610 19,140
----- ----- -----
41,463 49,110 44,145
amounts falling
due within
one year (11,608) (28,162) (14,209)
----- ----- -----
Net current
assets 29,855 20,948 29,936
----- ----- -----
Total assets
liabilities 44,623 49,673 44,201
amounts falling
due after
more than
one year (1,033) (1,446) (1,153)
Provisions for
and charges (243) (357) (261)
----- ----- -----
Net assets 43,347 47,870 42,787
----- ----- -----
Capital and
Share capital 590 18,207 1,593
Share premium
account 457 24,652 457
Profit and
loss account 948 5,534 388
Other reserves 41,352 (523) 40,349
----- ----- -----
funds 9 43,347 47,870 42,787
----- ----- -----
Unaudited Group Cash Flow Statement
For the six months ended 31 July 1999
6 6 Year
mths to mths to to
31 Jul 31 Jul 31 Jan
1999 1998 1999
note £000 £000 £000
Net cash
inflow from
activities 235 784 3,845
Returns on
investment and
of finance
Net interest
received/(paid) 302 (120) 400
Interest element
of finance
lease payments (35) - (19)
paid on
shares - (64) (64)
(Employee Share
Option Plan) - - 107
----- ----- -----
267 (184) 424
Taxation (96) (99)(1,979)
expenditure and
Purchase of
tangible fixed
assets (1,803) (2,547) (3,725)
Purchase of
Walker Greenbank
PLC shares - - (520)
Proceeds from
share repurchase
(Employee Share
Option Plan) - - 1,250
Proceeds from
disposal of
fixed assets 56 52 54
----- ----- -----
(1,747) (2,495)(2,941)
and disposals
Proceeds from
sale of
less exceptional
disposal costs - - 63,547
Purchase of
associated undertaking - - (201)
----- ----- -----
- - 63,346
dividends paid (1,180) (2,874)(2,909)
Cash (outflow)
/inflow before
use of liquid
resources and
financing (2,521) (4,868) 59,786
Management of
liquid resources
Bills of
exchange receivable 47 49 19
of ordinary
share capital - - (40,885)
Issue of
ordinary share
capital - - 77
Proceeds from
finance leases - - 1,200
repayments of
lease obligations (105) - (50)
of borrowings (262) (264) (815)
----- ----- -----
(367) (264)(40,473)
----- ----- -----
increase in
cash and
cash equivalents 10 (2,841) (5,083) 19,332
----- ----- -----
----- ----- -----
Notes to the Accounts
1 Segmental Analysis
Turnover Cont Dis- Turnover
Grp ops ops Grp
6 mths 6 mths 6 mths 6 mths
to to to to
31.7.99 31.7.98 31.7.98 31.7.98
of Business £000 £000 £000 £000
and other
businesses 25,265 26,532 20,464 46,996
===== ===== ===== =====
UK 14,467 15,148 15,425 30,573
Europe 6,547 7,478 3,101 10,579
N America 3,429 2,996 235 3,231
of the World 822 910 1,703 2,613
----- ----- ----- -----
25,265 26,532 20,464 46,996
===== ===== ===== =====
2 Closure Of Overseas Operations
During the period a cost of £1,084,000 was incurred
representing the estimated cost of closure of part of the
group's overseas operations. This amount includes £570,000 of
goodwill previously written off direct to reserves.
This exceptional cost has had the effect of reducing the
group's tax charge by £278,000 in the period.
3 Exceptional Operating Items (Prior Year)
In the six months to 31 July 1998, exceptional costs
totalling £2,309,000 were incurred by the continuing
operations. An exceptional re-organisation cost of £400,000
was incurred when Cole & Son and Warner Fabrics were brought
under the management of Zoffany. A further £1,348,000 cost
was incurred as a result of a permanent diminution in the
carrying value of the consumer division's visualiser project,
and a provision of £561,000 was also made against the
carrying value of stock held by the commercial fabrics
4 Associated Undertaking
At 1 February 1999 169
Goodwill transferred (note 8) (220)
Share of loss for period (19)
Exchange (2)
Share of net liabilities (72)
Net liabilities written
back to profit
and loss account on liquidation (72)
At 31 July 1999 -
During the period the associated undertaking went into
liquidation. A charge of £65,000 has been recognised in the
profit and loss account comprising £19,000 for the share of
the loss in the associate for the period to liquidation,
£118,000 paid under a guarantee to the associate's bank less
the release of the group's provision of £72,000 for the share
of the net liabilities.
5 Taxation
The tax charge for the six months ended 31 July 1999 has been
based on the estimated tax rate before exceptional items for
the full year of 29% (1998: 35%).
6 Dividends
6 mths to 6 mths to
31 Jul 99 31 Jul 98
£000 £000
Non-equity -
preference shares - paid - (32)
==== ====
7 Earnings Per Share
Earnings is based on profit after taxation and preference
dividends, amounting to £76,000 (1998: £455,000) and
56,457,016 ordinary shares (1998: 116,163,458 - as restated),
being the weighted average number of the shares in issue
during the period. The prior year weighted average number of
shares has been restated for the changes in Financial
Reporting Standard No. 14. Diluted earnings per share has
also been reported for both years as required by this
accounting standard.
The earnings per share for the year ended 31 January 1999 was
based on earnings amounting to £32,499,000 and the weighted
average of 88,033,303 ordinary shares in issue during the
8 Goodwill
At 1 February 1999 -
Transferred from associated
undertaking (note 4) 220
At 31 July 1999 220
At 1 February 1999 -
Amortisation for the period 22
At 31 July 1999 22
Net book amount at 31 July 1999 198
Net book amount at 1 February 1999 -
Goodwill transferred from the associate continues to be
recognised due to the value of the ongoing business continued
by the group.
9 Shareholders' Funds
On 27 May 1999, 1,003,312,400 deferred shares of 0.1 pence
each were repurchased by the company for a total of 1 pence
and cancelled. Consequently the non-equity deferred share
capital of £1,003,000 representing non-equity shareholders'
funds at 31 January 1999 has been transferred to other
reserves within the equity shareholders' funds during the
There was non-equity preference share capital of £247,000 and
share premium account of £605,000 included in the non-equity
shareholders' funds at 31 July 1998. These shares were
converted in full before 31 January 1999.
10 Analysis Of Net Cash
Other Ex-
Non- Change
1.2.99 Cash cash move- 31.7.99
flow changes ment
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Cash at
bank and
in hand 19,140 (3,155) - (27) 15,958
Overdrafts (315) 314 - 1 -
---- ---- ---- ---- ----
18,825 (2,841) - (26) 15,958
Debt due
within 1 year (1,497) 262 (12) (16) (1,263)
Debt due
after 1 year (86) - 12 1 (73)
leases (1,150) 105 - - (1,045)
---- ---- ---- ---- ----
(2,733) 367 - (15) (2,381)
investments 343 (47) - - 296
---- ---- ---- ---- ----
16,435 (2,521) - (41) 13,873
11 Preparation Of Interim Financial Information
The interim financial statements have been prepared on a
basis consistent with the accounting policies disclosed in
the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 January
The consolidated results for the year ended 31 January 1999
have been extracted from the financial statements for that
year and do not constitute full statutory accounts for the
group. The group accounts for the year ended 31 January 1999
received an unqualified audit report and did not include a
statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act
1985 and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.
12 Year 2000
All areas of the business are deemed to be directly or
indirectly exposed to Year 2000 related problems and detailed
risk assessments and risk mitigation strategies have been
formalised. The directors believe that sufficient steps have
now been taken to counter these problems but can not
guarantee that the group will be unaffected by internal or
external factors which are currently unforeseen.
The costs incurred are not deemed to be significant and have
been written off to the profit and loss account as incurred.
13 Interim Financial Statements
Further copies of this interim statement are available from
the registered office of Walker Greenbank PLC at 4 Brunel
Court, Cornerhall, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP3 9XX.