Final Results
Schroder Oriental Income Fund Ltd
27 October 2006
The Directors of Schroder Oriental Income Fund Limited (the 'Company') announce
the unaudited preliminary results for the period from 17 June 2005 to 31 August
For the period from 17 June 2005
to 31 August 2006
Income Statement Note Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000
Losses on investments - (1,826) (1,826)
Foreign exchange gains - 1,677 1,677
Income 4 12,539 - 12,539
Investment management fees (378) (883) (1,261)
Administrative expenses (376) (53) (429)
Net return before finance costs and taxation 11,785 (1,085) 10,700
Interest payable (434) (984) (1,418)
Net return on ordinary activities before taxation 11,351 (2,069) 9,282
Tax on ordinary activities 5 (1,222) - (1,222)
Return on ordinary activities after tax for the period 10,129 (2,069) 8,060
attributable to equity shareholders
Return per ordinary share 6.50p (1.33)p 5.17p
The total column represents the profit and loss account of the Company. All
revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing
The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than those disclosed in the
Income Statement and Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds.
Accordingly, no Statement of Total Gains or Losses is presented.
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds (Unaudited)
For the period from 17 June 2005 to 31 August 2006
Share Share Premium Capital Revenue
Capital Account Reserve Reserve Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Issue of ordinary shares 1,571 155,711 - - 157,282
Share issue expenses - (1,824) - - (1,824)
Net realised losses during the period - - (2,069) - (2,069)
Net revenue return on ordinary - - - 10,129 10,129
Dividend paid -first interim - - - (3,887) (3,887)
Balance at 31 August 2006 1,571 153,887 (2,069) 6,242 159,631
Balance Sheet (Unaudited)
At 31 August 2006
Investments at fair value 180,296
Debtors and prepayments 1,137
Cash at bank and short term deposits 2,102
CREDITORS: amount falling due within one year
Multi-currency loans 23,490
Accruals 414
NET ASSETS 159,631
Called up share capital 1,571
Share premium account 153,887
Capital reserves (2,069)
Revenue reserves 6,242
Net asset value per share - pence per share 101.64p
Cash Flow Statement (unaudited)
For the period from
17 June 2005 to 31
August 2006
Operating activities
Income from investments 10,912
Interest received 429
Administrative expenses (326)
Investment management fee (971)
Net cash flows from operating activities 10,044
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Bank loan and overdraft interest paid (1,400)
Net cash flows from returns on investments and servicing of finance (1,400)
Tax paid (1,222)
Dividend paid - first interim (3,887)
Capital expenditure and financial investments
Purchase of investments (301,348)
Sales proceeds 119,290
Net cash flows from capital expenditure and financial investments (182,058)
Net cash outflow before financing (178,523)
Bank loan drawn 25,063
Proceeds from issue of shares 155,458
Net cash inflow from financing 180,521
Effects of exchange gains on cash and cash equivalents 104
Increase in cash and cash equivalents during the period 2,102
1. General Information
The Company was incorporated in Guernsey on 17 June 2005 and commenced trading
on 28 July 2005. The results reported here are for the period from 28 July 2005
to 31 August 2006. This is the first period of accounts, hence no comparatives
figures are available.
Following the Placing and Offer for Subscription 150,000,000 shares were issued.
A further three issues of shares were made during the period and as a result the
total number of shares in issue at 31 August 2006 was 157,050,000.
Accounting Policies
The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis,
modified to include the revaluation of fixed asset investments and in accordance
with applicable accounting standards in the United kingdom and on the basis that
all activities are continuing.
2. Revenue return per ordinary share
The Revenue return per ordinary share is based on the revenue attributable to
shareholders of £10,129,000 and on 155,782,500 shares, being the weighted
average number of shares in issue during the period.
3. Net asset value per ordinary share
Net asset value per ordinary share is based on the net assets attributable to
shareholders of £159,631,000 and on 157,505,000 shares in issue at the end of
the period.
4. Income
the period from 17 June 2005 to 31 August 2006
Investment income
Dividend income from listed overseas investments 10,853
Interest from fixed income securities 1,195
Stock dividends 62
Other income
Deposit interest 429
5. Taxation
Irrecoverable overseas tax - 1,222
The Company is exempt from income tax on its non-Guernsey source income. The
above tax represents irrecoverable overseas withholding tax on dividend income
received during the period.
6. The above financial information is unaudited. The statutory accounts for
the period ended 31 August 2006 will be finalised on the basis of the financial
information presented by the Directors in this preliminary announce mount.
This statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 27 October 2006.
Chairman's Statement
During the first half of the 13-month financial period, markets produced good
performance, supported by a favourable global environment. However, the impact
on the region of signs of a slowdown in the US and slowing momentum growth in a
number of Asian countries led to a distinct change in sentiment and a sharp
reduction in net asset value. During the period from launch to 31 August 2006,
the Company's net asset value increased from 98.77p per share (taking into
account launch expenses of 1.22p per share) to 101.64p.
During most of the period under review, the Company's share price traded at a
premium to net asset value, reflecting strong market sentiment towards the
Company and its asset class. However, recently the Company's shares have begun
to trade at a slight discount reflecting more challenging market conditions.
This impacted on the share price which fell over the period from 100p at launch
to 95p at 31 August 2006.
Full details of investment performance, as well as portfolio activity, policy
and outlook, may be found in the Investment Manager's Review.
I am pleased to report that the Directors of the Company have declared the
payment of a second interim dividend of 2.40 pence per share for the 13-month
period ended 31 August 2006, which, together with the payment of a first interim
dividend of 2.475 pence per share represents an annualised rate of 4.5% being at
the top end of the initial target range given in the prospectus. The second
interim dividend will be paid on 27 November 2006 to shareholders on the
Register on 10 November 2006.
In accordance with the indications set out in the prospectus published in July
2005, the Company intends to pay two interim dividends in respect of each
financial year.
The Directors currently expect that they will be able to declare dividends
totalling not less than 4.50 pence per share for the current year in amounts of
at least 2.25 pence per share for each dividend payment.
Premium/discount management
As I indicated in my interim Statement, demand for the Company's shares was
strong during the first half of the period under review, and our shares traded
at a premium to net asset value. The Directors issued an additional 7,050,000
shares during that time at a premium to net asset value to satisfy additional
However, recently the shares have gone to a slight discount in line with peer
group companies. In accordance with the Listing Particulars, it is the
Directors' intention to implement an active discount management policy through
the use of share buybacks to seek to maintain the price at which the ordinary
shares trade relative to their prevailing net asset value at no greater than a 5
per cent. discount. The Company currently has authority to make purchases of
shares for cancellation and a resolution has been included in the Notice of the
Annual General Meeting which, if passed, will renew the authority for a further
Should demand for the Company's shares become strong again, we will issue shares
at a premium to net asset value in circumstances where we believe such issuance
to be in the interests of our shareholders.
Your Board continues to believe that there are a number of attractive
higher-yielding opportunities for the Company. The Investment Managers' report
highlights the possibility of capital gains from these in a macro-economic
environment of slowing growth and easier credit conditions. Similarly, we take
comfort with regards to the Company's future income from the degree to which
dividends in the region are well-covered by current profits, and from the number
of companies that are increasing their dividend over time.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting will be held in Guernsey at 12.00 noon on Monday 11
December 2006 and shareholders are invited to attend.
Robert Sinclair
Investment Manager's Review
From the launch of the Company on 28 July 2005 to the end of the first financial
period on 31 August 2006, the portfolio recorded a return on initial investible
assets of 5.5%, taking into account the payment of the first interim dividend in
May 2006.
Despite a sharp sell-off in May, it has been a period of solid returns for the
Pacific markets. Returns in the first half of the financial period were
supported by a favourable global environment. Global growth indicators remained
strong into the first quarter of 2006, supporting optimism for regional exports.
Although US interest rates continued to rise and there were signs of a more
co-ordinated international shift to higher interest rate policies, global bond
markets gave little indication of inflationary pressures. Meanwhile, corporate
earnings have generally been well up to expectations. Investors focussed on more
cyclical markets and sectors; within the Pacific region this meant Korea, and in
sectoral terms information technology and basic materials.
There was something of a change of sentiment in the second half of the financial
period. Although markets recovered some of their poise post the May correction,
attention has been drawn to the clear signs of a housing-led consumer slowdown
in the US, accompanied as it has been by slowing growth momentum in a number of
Asian economies, notably Korea, Taiwan, and more recently in Japan. A notable
corollary of this change in mood has been the weakness of the US dollar, as is
evident from the divergence in regional returns expressed in US dollars and
sterling in the last four months of the financial period.
In terms of individual country returns, the smaller markets of the Philippines
and Indonesia were amongst the strongest as overseas investors increasingly
recognised the improving macro-economic picture in both countries. Indonesia has
recovered following the initial shock of the removal of fuel subsidies which,
while depressing consumption, has resulted in a sharp improvement in the trade
account and flexibility to reduce currently high interest rates. Similarly, in
the Philippines, fiscal reform is also enabling interest rate reductions. Korea
was also a good performer, thanks to its strong rally in the second half of
2005, partly offset by a correction as global growth expectations have moderated
through this year.
The key disappointments have been Taiwan and Singapore among the major markets,
New Zealand and Malaysia among smaller markets. Although Taiwanese technology
stocks rose over the period, this was more than cancelled out by weakness in
domestic sectors, most notably the banks, as consumer confidence deteriorated
(not helped by political issues) and bad debt provisions increased.
Performance and Portfolio Activity
While the Company's portfolio has generated positive returns over the review
period, these have been significantly short of the +10.3% return generated by
the MSCI All Country Pacific ex Japan index. However, this index does not
reflect the income focus of the Company which has not been a favoured
characteristic over the last year. This has been due to a combination of
generally rising interest rates (both in the United States and in the region)
and a pro-cyclical stance among investors. Consequently, stable income companies
(often offering high current dividend streams) have been neglected, evidenced by
the underperformance by sectors such as utilities and telecommunications over
the review period.
This market environment has contributed to the subdued capital return
performance, with disappointing stock selection in the utilities,
telecommunication and financial (particularly the real estate investment trusts)
sectors. On a more positive note income generation has been strong over the
period, with dividend announcements well up to expectations. However, in
reviewing the overall level of income it should be recalled that it covers a 13
month period, and that we have been able to take advantage of some high yield
opportunities within the fixed income portion of the portfolio which may not be
repeatable in future.
In terms of policy, we moved rapidly to establish a fully invested position. The
major geographic exposures have remained Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and
Taiwan, with smaller but still significant exposures in Indonesia, the
Philippines, Korea and Thailand.
Outlook and Policy
A slowing in the global economy appears increasingly likely over coming
quarters, as leading indicators have turned over and consumers appear less
inclined to shrug off the impact of energy prices and debt servicing costs.
While we may see further interest rate rises in many economies - most notably in
Europe - the spreading evidence of a softening in housing and consumption in the
US suggests that we are nearing the end of the tightening cycle there.
We believe this could provide a supportive backdrop for the Company's portfolio.
Slowing growth of end demand in the US will undoubtedly impact the export
performance of the Asian regional economies. However, we expect a slowdown
rather than a major decline given that employment remains robust and the
corporate sector is in good financial health. Consequently, Asian economies
should continue to expand, but with the added possibility that regional monetary
policy and credit conditions will improve, not least thanks to an end (but
probably not a reversal) in the US Federal Reserve Board's tightening process.
In the closing months of the financial period, there were signs of a shift in
investor mood which, in a relative sense, has been helpful for higher yielding
shares and sectors. Should we get a combination of slowing growth and easier
credit conditions in the region, this may continue. Longer-term, we continue to
believe that the region offers attractive opportunities for the yield investor,
as suggested by an overall gross yield on the reference index of 3.1%. The
corporate sector continues to generate substantial free cash flow, balance
sheets are strong, and shareholder focus continues to improve.
The major geographic exposures remain as they have been through the last year.
In sector terms, the portfolio is heavily weighted in more domestically focussed
sectors such as the financials, real estate and telecommunications, while
exposure in the industrial sector is primarily through transportation-related
companies rather than export-sensitive manufacturers.
Second Interim Dividend
The Directors of the Company have declared the payment of a second interim
dividend of 2.40 pence per share for the 13-month period ended 31 August 2006 on
the Ordinary Shares of the Company.
Ex-Dividend Date: 8 November 2006
Record date: 10 November 2006
Payment Date: 27 November 2006
Dividend per share: 2.4.p
The Report and Accounts will be mailed to registered shareholders in November
2006 and from the date of release copies of the Report and Accounts will be made
available to the public at the Company's Registered Office and at 31 Gresham
Street, London EC2V 7QA.
Schroder Investment Management Limited
John Spedding (020 7658 3206)
27 October 2006
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange