Result of EGM

RNS Number : 8625Q
Invista Foundation Property Tst Ltd
10 August 2010

10 August 2010


Invista Foundation Property Trust Limited


Result of Extraordinary General Meeting



At the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 10 August 2010, the following Ordinary Resolution was passed;


Ordinary Resolution


IT WAS RESOLVED THAT the Board be authorised to issue 32,327,062 new Ordinary Shares representing 9.99 per cent of the Ordinary Shares admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange as at the date of this Resolution at a price per Ordinary Share representing a discount to the prevailing Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share.  The authority conferred pursuant to this ordinary resolution shall expire on 31 August 2010.  The Company may, prior to the expiry of such authority, enter into any contract to issue or and/or sell Ordinary Shares at a discount to the prevailing Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share under such authority and may issue and/or sell Ordinary Shares pursuant to any such contract.


Voting Results


Votes For


Votes Against




All Enquiries:


The Company Secretary

Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited

Trafalgar Court

Les Banques

St Peter Port


GY1  3QL


Tel: 01481 745529

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The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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