Final Results

Scottish Mortgage Inv Tst PLC 03 May 2007 SCOTTISH MORTGAGE INVESTMENT TRUST PLC Results for the year to 31 March 2007 Excellent returns have been produced over the 4 years since Scottish Mortgage initiated its integrated global approach: the share price has risen by 131% and net asset value per share by 126% outstripping the 78% increase in the benchmark. Over the current year NAV, the share price and benchmark all rose by 4%, with the share price reaching an all time high of 551p. • Over 4 years the Managers have invested with the courage of their convictions and the number of equity holdings has fallen from 129 to 75. A long term view is taken and an average holding period of 5 years or more is anticipated. • Companies from around the world that represent promising investment opportunities are being identified and optimism is expressed about long term global economic growth prospects. • During the year the number of UK listed holdings was reduced from 33 to 18 and exposure to equities was increased when markets were weak. • The Benchmark has changed to the FTSE All World Index reflecting the global nature of the portfolio. • An 11.8% increase in the total dividend for the year has been recommended making a 25 year record of increases above inflation. • In the second half of the year the NAV rose by 9.5% and the benchmark by 6.4%. • The total expense ratio fell from 0.52% to 0.49%. Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust PLC is a low cost investment trust that aims to maximise total returns from a focused and actively managed portfolio. It invests globally, looking for strong businesses with above-average returns. The trust has total assets of £2,046 million (before deduction of debentures, long and short term borrowings of £276 million). Scottish Mortgage is managed by Baillie Gifford & Co, the Edinburgh based fund management group with around £52 billion under management and advice as at 2 May 2007. Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust PLC - Your low cost choice for global investment. 3 May 2007 - ends - For further information please contact: Robert O'Riordan, 0131 275 3181 Baillie Gifford & Co 07730 412007 Mike Lord, Director, 020 7726 6111 Broadgate Marketing 07831 401311 SCOTTISH MORTGAGE INVESTMENT TRUST PLC Chairman's Statement The share price, net asset value per share and the benchmark (50% FTSE All-Share and 50% FTSE World Ex UK in sterling terms) all rose by 3.9% this year. Four years ago we initiated an integrated global approach and chose to ignore the make-up of the index when selecting investments. Over this period the share price has risen by 131.1% and net asset value per share by 126.5%, both outstripping a 77.9% increase in the benchmark. The Portfolio As well as taking a global not a regional view, over the past four years the Managers, encouraged by the Board, have invested with the courage of their long term convictions and the number of equity holdings has fallen from 129 to 75. As demonstrated by the four year figures, this approach has paid off handsomely and it will be continued into the future. There has been an emphasis on companies with the most convincing long term investment case with, notably, the number of UK listed investments falling from 33 to 18. This process of concentration is largely complete and the total number of equity holdings is likely to settle at the current level of around 75. Scottish Mortgage is now truly global in its span. Exposure to a diverse range of businesses and geographies is achieved though both international and domestic investments. As announced at the interim stage, the composite UK/World benchmark will be replaced, as of 1 April 2007, by the more broadly based FTSE All World Index in sterling terms. This reflects - both the global nature of the portfolio and the fact that the place where a company is listed is not necessarily where it actually earns its profits. The benchmark is a reference point for judging performance and emphatically is not a portfolio construction tool. The portfolio does not set out to reproduce the index, there will be periods when performance is below as well as above the benchmark. That said, I am very conscious that over long periods of time shareholders require returns that surpass the benchmark index. While markets rose overall there were sharp falls, fuelled by concerns about the future rate of global economic growth, in May and June 2006 and also in February 2007. These represented corrections to a broadly rising trend and were recouped. I was impressed that the Managers maintained their positive stance towards equities during these bouts of nervousness, taking the opportunity to increase some holdings and introduce others while share prices were weak. I urge you to read the Manager's very interesting and thought provoking commentary on the investments which appears in the Annual Report. It includes comment on some of the new holdings as well as those which have served us well over the year. As always, there were investments which did not work and were sold. An interview of the Manager can be found on Baillie Gifford's website at under the Scottish Mortgage section. The rate at which holdings were bought and sold (the portfolio turnover rate) has been low, at 34%, despite the sales of the UK listed shares referred to earlier. We expect the turnover to stabilise at around 20%, or lower, which represents an average holding period for investments of five years or more. Patient investment is something which I applaud. The trap of making too many market timing calls is alluring but very dangerous. Dividend and Earnings Earnings per share were 9.8p compared to 8.8p last year, an increase of 11.1%. A final dividend of 5.0p is recommended. If approved, this will bring the total to 9.5p, an 11.8% increase on last year and higher than the inflation rate of 4.8% as measured by the Retail Price Index. Traditionally the UK market has had a higher yield than most overseas markets but we do now expect good levels of dividend growth from our overseas holdings. We have a healthy level of revenue reserves which are available to underpin our intention that dividends will increase above the rate of inflation. I believe that a steadily growing dividend stream which exceeds inflation is something that shareholders expect. Discount, Marketing and Buybacks The Board also views clear and effective communication with shareholders as extremely important. The Managers are making considerable efforts to attract new shareholders. During the year a range of new Scottish Mortgage materials were introduced for the Company's various savings plans. Other marketing and communications initiatives were also carried out with intermediary and institutional shareholders. I was pleased when Baillie Gifford and Co was awarded the coveted Investment Week award in 2006 for the fourth time in five years, a considerable achievement. Nevertheless, it still remains a source of great frustration to the Board that the discount has not narrowed over the period and strenuous efforts to stimulate long term demand will continue. Investment trusts such as Scottish Mortgage, with their low cost base, global reach and first-rate long term track record, are, in your Board's view, ideal vehicles for long term investors whether they be individuals, advisers or institutions. I see the premise as simple: over times of overall global economic growth equity investment is likely to prove more rewarding than lending money to banks, companies or governments. Funds managed by experienced global players, such as Baillie Gifford, are likely to perform better than stockmarket indices. Word of mouth is often the best recommendation and full details of the Manager's various marketing initiatives and savings plans are given in the Annual Report. I must emphasise that this does not constitute advice or a recommendation as each investor has to have regard for his/her particular circumstances. Shares and markets rise and fall. If you need advice you should contact an experienced and reputable stockbroker or adviser. During the year a total of around 6.6m shares were bought back at a cost of about £34m enhancing net asset value per share by 0.3%. The Board is again seeking powers at the AGM to hold any shares which are bought back in treasury. Subsequent re-issue will only be made at a premium, ensuring that the interests of shareholders will not be diluted. Balance Sheet The level of borrowings was increased during the year by a further £50 million. As well as the outstanding debenture stocks (valued at market at £213.0m at the year end) there are also 3 fixed term bank loans which run to various dates up to 2009 totalling £123.7m. These are denominated in Yen (£ equivalent 59.3m), Euros (£ equivalent 49.6m) and Swiss Francs (£ equivalent 14.8m). Borrowing to invest in stockmarkets, while not without risk, is a very useful way of boosting returns. During the year advantage was taken of weak equity markets to deploy additional gearing. Equity gearing at the year end stood at a relatively modest 10% of shareholders' funds while the potential gearing position was 16%. This level of gearing is indicative of the Manager's view that long term investment opportunities can be found under current market conditions. Scottish Mortgage has an Aaa Issuer Rating from Moody's. AGM The AGM will be held on Wednesday 27 June in Edinburgh. I hope you will come, meet the Board and listen to a presentation from the Manager. Outlook Inflation appears to be rising in some economies and rates of growth and levels of profitability overall are, generally, historically high. There is uncertainty about the direction of US interest rates and many expect to see growth rates slow this year. However, the strong growth trends being experienced in China, India, Russia and many other developing countries are likely to be at an early stage. As these countries move towards having market based economies, where the deployment of personal and corporate capital are the primary drivers, they will have even more influence in political as well as economic terms. As ever, there will be unexpected squalls and storms on the way but the Managers continue to identify promising long term opportunities at company level. Sir Donald MacKay Chairman SCOTTISH MORTGAGE INVESTMENT TRUST PLC The following is the unaudited preliminary statement for the year to 31 March 2007 which was approved by the Board on 2 May 2007. The Board of Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust PLC is recommending to the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on 27 June 2007 the payment of a final dividend of 5.00p (4.65p last year) per ordinary share making 9.50p (8.50p last year) for the year ended 31 March 2007. INCOME STATEMENT (unaudited*) For the year ended For the year ended 31 March 2007 31 March 2006 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on investments - 53,001 53,001 - 554,074 554,074 Currency gains/(losses) - 5,083 5,083 - (4,098) (4,098) Income (note 2) 45,522 - 45,522 41,456 - 41,456 Investment management fee (3,462) (3,462) (6,924) (3,062) (3,062) (6,124) Other administrative expenses (1,731) - (1,731) (1,714) - (1,714) Net return before finance costs and taxation 40,329 54,622 94,951 36,680 546,914 583,594 Finance costs of borrowings (8,452) (8,452) (16,904) (7,722) (7,722) (15,444) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 31,877 46,170 78,047 28,958 539,192 568,150 Tax on ordinary activities (4,060) 2,650 (1,410) (3,220) 2,057 (1,163) Return on ordinary activities after taxation 27,817 48,820 76,637 25,738 541,249 566,987 Return per ordinary share 9.80p 17.19p 26.99p 8.82p 185.58p 194.40p (note 3) The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains and losses of the Company have been reflected in the above statement. SCOTTISH MORTGAGE INVESTMENT TRUST PLC BALANCE SHEET (unaudited) At 31 March At 31 March 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 FIXED ASSETS Investments held at fair value 2,031,907 1,956,580 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 25,037 9,922 Cash and short term deposits 19,165 22,650 44,202 32,572 CREDITORS Amounts falling due within one year (note 5) (104,749) (54,918) NET CURRENT LIABILITIES (60,547) (22,346) TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,971,360 1,934,234 CREDITORS Amounts falling due after more than one year (note 5) (201,495) (180,881) 1,769,865 1,753,353 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called-up share capital 70,365 72,019 Capital redemption reserve 19,815 18,161 Capital reserve - realised 1,067,888 892,063 Capital reserve - unrealised 541,179 702,315 Revenue reserve 70,618 68,795 EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 1,769,865 1,753,353 NET ASSET VALUE PER ORDINARY SHARE 607.1p 584.1p (After deducting borrowings at fair value) NET ASSET VALUE PER ORDINARY SHARE 631.0p 610.9p (After deducting borrowings at par) ORDINARY SHARES IN ISSUE (note 6) 281,461,176 288,075,115 SCOTTISH MORTGAGE INVESTMENT TRUST PLC RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS (unaudited) For the year ended 31 March 2007 Capital Capital Capital Revenue Total Share redemption reserve - reserve - reserve shareholders' capital reserve realised unrealised funds £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Shareholders' funds at 1 April 2006 72,019 18,161 892,063 702,315 68,795 1,753,353 Return on ordinary activities after taxation - - 209,956 (161,136) 27,817 76,637 Shares bought back + (1,654) 1,654 (34,131) - - (34,131) Dividends paid during the year# - - - - (25,994) (25,994) Shareholders' funds at 31 March 2007 70,365 19,815 1,067,888 541,179 70,618 1,769,865 For the year ended 31 March 2006 Capital Capital Capital Revenue Total Share redemption reserve - reserve - reserve shareholders' capital reserve realised unrealised funds £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Shareholders' funds at 1 April 2005 73,901 16,279 773,424 309,966 69,051 1,242,621 Return on ordinary activities after taxation - - 148,900 392,349 25,738 566,987 Shares bought back + (1,882) 1,882 (30,261) - - (30,261) Dividends paid during the year# - - - - (25,994) (25,994) Shareholders' funds at 31 March 2006 72,019 18,161 892,063 702,315 68,795 1,753,353 + See note 6 # See note 4 SCOTTISH MORTGAGE INVESTMENT TRUST PLC SUMMARISED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (unaudited) For the year ended For the year ended 31 March 2007 31 March 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating Activities 40,741 32,386 NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM SERVICING OF FINANCE (16,570) (15,654) TAXATION Income tax paid (15) (1) Overseas tax incurred (1,407) (1,149) TOTAL TAX PAID (1,422) (1,150) FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Acquisitions of investments (688,970) (465,922) Disposals of investments 673,837 503,640 Realised currency loss (2,293) (393) Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financial investment (17,426) 37,325 Equity dividends paid (25,994) (25,994) NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW BEFORE USE OF LIQUID RESOURCES AND FINANCING (20,671) 26,913 LIQUID RESOURCES Acquisition of term deposits - (258,518) Disposal of term deposits - 258,877 Net cash inflow from use of liquid resources - 359 FINANCING Shares bought back (34,131) (30,261) Bank loans repaid (99,145) (34,674) Bank loans drawn down 150,462 49,421 NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) FROM FINANCING 17,186 (15,514) (DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH (3,485) 11,758 RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT (Decrease)/increase in cash in the period (3,485) 11,758 Increase in bank loans (51,317) (14,747) Exchange movement on bank loans 7,376 (4,064) Increase in short term deposits - (359) Exchange movement on short term deposits - 359 Other non-cash changes 100 85 MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT IN THE YEAR (47,326) (6,968) NET DEBT AT 1 APRIL (209,159) (202,191) NET DEBT AT 31 MARCH (256,485) (209,159) RECONCILIATION OF NET RETURN BEFORE FINANCE COSTS AND TAXATION TO NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net return on ordinary activities before finance costs and 94,951 583,594 taxation Gains on investments - securities (53,001) (554,074) Currency (gains)/losses (5,083) 4,098 Amortisation of fixed income book cost (26) 48 Changes in debtors and creditors 3,900 (1,280) NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 40,741 32,386 SCOTTISH MORTGAGE INVESTMENT TRUST PLC DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS (unaudited) At 31 March 2007 At 31 March 2006 % % Equities: United Kingdom 24.8 35.0 Continental Europe 16.1 10.5 North America 23.9 24.5 Japan 3.2 3.9 Asia Pacific 11.8 8.8 Emerging Markets 15.7 12.6 Total equities 95.5 95.3 Sterling denominated bonds 0.4 1.7 Euro denominated bonds 0.8 1.0 US$ denominated bonds 0.2 0.6 Brazilian real denominated bonds 2.4 - Net liquid assets 0.7 1.4 Total assets (before deduction of loans and debentures) 100.0 100.0 SCOTTISH MORTGAGE INVESTMENT TRUST PLC THIRTY LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS AND EQUITY PERFORMANCE at 31 March 2007 Fair value 31 March Fair value Performance + 2006 31 March % of £'000 2007 total Name Business £'000 assets Absolute Relative % % Petrobras Oil producer 72,913 3.6 3.2 (3.2) 69,950 eBay Internet trading company 68,697 3.4 (25.0) (29.7) 41,058 Royal Bank of Scotland Banking 68,193 3.3 10.8 4.0 52,444 Gazprom Gas producer 62,715 3.1 2.0 (4.3) 65,338 CVRD Iron ore and nickel mining 58,188 2.8 32.2 24.0 32,085 Atlas Copco Engineering 55,919 2.7 6.0 (0.5) 44,919 Sandvik Engineering 55,596 2.7 35.0 26.7 30,268 British American Tobacco Tobacco 50,419 2.5 18.2 11.0 44,259 Wolseley Builders' merchant 44,305 2.2 (13.6) (18.9) 34,619 Canon Printers, copiers and cameras 44,206 2.1 9.3 2.6 33,876 Samsung Electronics Electronics manufacturer 42,572 2.1 (17.8) (22.8) 52,063 Omnicom Advertising agency 41,721 2.0 9.7 3.0 38,395 Tesco Food retailer 40,911 2.0 38.8* 22.6* - Man Group Hedge fund manager 39,960 2.0 37.9 29.4 36,975 SAP Business software 39,512 1.9 (27.0) (31.5) 48,269 GlazoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals 37,692 1.8 (4.1) (10.0) 40,635 Standard Chartered Banking 37,610 1.8 4.8 (1.7) 26,506 Teva Pharmaceuticals Generic drugs manufacturer 36,073 1.8 (19.1) (24.0) 28,301 Porsche Automobiles 35,543 1.7 41.9 33.2 25,139 Schlumberger Oil services 35,189 1.7 17.7* 6.4* - Reed Elsevier Publisher 34,145 1.7 11.9 5.0 25,975 EOG Resources Oil and gas producer 32,094 1.6 (12.1) (17.5) 36,693 Norilsk Nickel Diversified mining 28,179 1.4 78.4 67.4 14,943 Online retailer 26,466 1.3 (3.8) (9.7) 23,971 The Hershey Company Confectionery 26,335 1.3 (5.9) (11.7) 28,427 Berkshire Hathaway Insurance 25,839 1.3 (3.8)* (7.4)* - Carnival Cruise ship operator 25,164 1.2 (11.0) (16.5) 28,945 Australia and New Zealand Banking Banking 24,977 1.2 17.3 10.1 22,243 Wellpoint Managed care 24,794 1.2 (7.2) (12.9) 18,743 UBS Banking 24,767 1.2 (1.1)* (6.5)* - 1,240,694 60.6 945,039 + Absolute and relative performance has been calculated on a total return basis over the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007. Absolute performance is in sterling terms; relative performance is against the benchmark: 50% FTSE All-Share Index and 50% FTSE World Ex UK Index (in sterling terms). * Figures relate to part-period returns. Source: Baillie Gifford & Co, StatPro Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. SCOTTISH MORTGAGE INVESTMENT TRUST PLC NOTES 1. The financial statements for the year to 31 March 2007 have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Company's Annual Financial Statements at 31 March 2006. 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 2. Income Income from investments and interest receivable 45,472 41,391 Other income 50 65 45,522 41,456 3. Return per ordinary share Revenue return 9.80p 8.82p Capital return 17.19p 185.58p Revenue return per ordinary share is based on the net revenue on ordinary activities after taxation of £27,817,000 (2006 - £25,738,000), and on 283,953,088 (2006 - 291,656,348) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. Capital return per ordinary share is based on the net capital gain for the financial year of £48,820,000 (2006 - net capital gain of £541,249,000), and on 283,953,088 (2006 - 291,656,348) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. There are no dilutive or potentially dilutive shares in issue. 2007 2006 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 4. Ordinary Dividends Amounts recognised as distributions in the period: Previous year's final (paid 5 July 2006) 4.65p 5.05p 13,222 14,876 Interim (paid 24 November 2006) 4.50p 3.85p 12,772 11,118 9.15p 8.90p 25,994 25,994 We also set out below the total dividends paid and proposed in respect of the financial year, which is the basis on which the requirements of section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 are considered. The revenue available for distribution by way of dividend for the year is £27,817,000 (2006 - £25,738,000). 2007 2006 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 Dividends paid and proposed in the period: Interim dividend per ordinary share (paid 24 November 2006) 4.50p 3.85p 12,772 11,118 Proposed final dividend per ordinary share (payable 4 July 2007) 5.00p 4.65p 14,073 13,395 Adjustment to provision for 2006 final dividend re shares bought back (173) (52) 9.50p 8.50p 26,672 24,461 If approved the final dividend will be paid on 4 July 2007 to all shareholders on the register at the close of business on 8 June 2007. The ex-dividend date is 6 June 2007. SCOTTISH MORTGAGE INVESTMENT TRUST PLC NOTES (Ctd) 5. Loans and debentures include Y5,900 million drawn down under an existing three year multi-currency loan facility which now expires within one year, Y7,840 million and CHF 35.5 million drawn down under a short term facility and €73 million drawn down under a new three year facility. (2006 - Y5,900 million and €73 million, drawn down under the three year and the short term facilities, respectively). Net asset value per share (after deducting borrowings at fair value) was 607.1p (2006 - 584.1p). The fair value of borrowings at 31 March 2007 was £336,735,000 (2006 - £302,489,000). 6. On 11 February 1999 authority was first granted to the Company to buy back its ordinary shares (equivalent to 14.99% of its issued share capital at that date). The authority has been renewed at each subsequent AGM and was last renewed at the AGM on 28 June 2006 in respect of 42,623,491 ordinary shares (equivalent to 14.99% of its issued share capital at that date). The Company's authority now permits it to hold shares bought back ' in treasury'. Such treasury shares may subsequently be either sold for cash (at, or at a premium to, net asset value per ordinary share) or cancelled. At 31 March 2007 the Company held 2,885,000 shares in treasury. In the year to 31 March 2007 a total of 6,613,939 (2006 - 7,530,000) ordinary shares with a nominal value of £1,654,000 (2006 - £1,882,000) were bought back at a total cost of £34,131,000 (2006 - £30,261,000). At 31 March 2007 the Company had authority to buy back a further 39,738,491 ordinary shares. 7. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007. The financial information for 2006 is derived from the statutory accounts for 2006 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors have reported on the 2006 accounts, their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for 2007 are unaudited, however it is expected that the Auditors will issue an unqualified opinion. The statutory accounts for 2007 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting. 8. The Report and Accounts will be available on the Managers' website on or around 25 May 2007. 9. None of the views expressed in this document should be construed as advice to buy or sell a particular investment. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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