23 March 2017
SEGRO plc (the Company)
Trustee Market Purchase of SEGRO Shares
On 22 March 2017, the Trustees of the SEGRO plc Employees' Benefit Trust (the Trust) elected to take up 183,687 New Ordinary Shares of 345 pence each in the share capital of the Company, provisionally allotted (nil paid) with ISIN GB00BDZT4M24.
Following the commencement of dealings in fully paid New Ordinary Shares on 28 March 2017, 1,102,126 shares will be held by the Trust.
Note: The Executive Directors of the Company, other persons within the Company discharging managerial responsibility and other employees are within the class of potential beneficiaries under the Trust. None of these persons has acquired a beneficial interest in the Shares held by the Trust.
Stephanie Murton
Legal Counsel
020 7451 9083