SHIRES INCOME PLC ('the Company')
Board Appointment
The Board of Shires Income is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert Talbut as an independent non-executive Director of the Company with effect from 1 April 2015.
Robert Talbut was formerly the Chief Investment Officer of Royal London Asset Management and has over 30 years of financial services experience. He has represented the asset management industry through the Chairmanship of both the ABI Investment Committee and the Asset Management Committee of the Investment Association. He has also been a member of the Audit & Assurance Council of the FRC and the FCA's Listing Authority Advisory Panel.
Mr Talbut currently has no beneficial interests in the shares of the Company.
There are no disclosures required under Section 9.6.13 (2) to (6) of the Financial Conduct Authority Listing Rules.
For Shires Income PLC
Aberdeen Asset Management PLC, SECRETARY